Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 6015B-Ni van de fabrikant SUPER MICRO Computer
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Preface About This Manual This manual is written for professional system integrators and PC technicians. It provides information for the installation and use of the SuperServer 6015B-Ni. In- stallation and maintenance should be performed by experienced technicians only .
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual iv Chapter 4: System Safety Y ou should thoroughly familiarize yourself with this chapter for a general overview of safety precautions that should be followed when installing and servicing the SuperServer 6015B-Ni.
v Preface Notes.
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual vi T able of Contents Preface About This Manual ............................................................................... ....................... iii Manual Organization ............................................
HDD .......................................................................................................... 3-3 Power ....................................................................................................... 3-3 Chapter 4: System Safety 4-1 Electrical Safety Precautions .
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual viii Power LED/Speaker ............................................................................... 5-16 A TX PS/2 Keyboard & Mouse Ports ...................................................... 5-16 Overheat LED ..
T able of Contents ix Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7-1 7-2 Running Setup ........................................................................
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual x Notes.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Overview Supermicro's SuperServer 6015B-Ni is an economic, dual processor 1U rackmount server . The SuperServer 6015B-Ni is comprised of two main subsystems: the SC812L-520U 1U rackmount chassis and the X7DBU dual processor serverboard.
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 1-2 1-2 Serverboard Features At the heart of the SuperServer 6015B-Ni lies the X7DBU, a dual processor serverboard based on Intel's 5000P chipset. Below are the main features of the X7DBU (see Figure 1-1 for a block diagram of the chipset).
1-3 Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1-1. Intel 3010 Chipset: System Block Diagram Note: This is a general block diagram. Please see Chapter 5 for details. A TI Graphics Controller The X7DBU features an integrated A TI video controller based on the ES1000 graph- ics chip.
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 1-4 1-3 Server Chassis Features The SC812L-520U is Supermicro's second-generation 1U chassis and features three hard drive bays, two front side USB ports and a revolutionary cooling design that can keep today's most powerful processors running well below their temperature thresholds.
1-5 Chapter 1: Introduction 1-4 Contacting Super Micro Headquarters Address: Super Micro Computer , Inc. 9 8 0 R o c k A v e . San Jose, CA 95131 U.S.A. T el: +1 (408) 503-8000 Fax: +1 (408) 503-8008 Email: (General Information) support@supermicro.
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 1-6 Notes.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-1 Chapter 2 Server Installation 2-1 Overview This chapter provides a quick setup checklist to get your SuperServer 6015B-Ni up and running. Following these steps in the order given should enable you to have the system operational within a minimum amount of time.
2-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual Choosing a Setup Location - Leave enough clearance in front of the rack to enable you to open the front door completely (~25 inches). - Leave approximately 30 inches of clearance in the back of the rack to allow for suffi cient airfl ow and ease in servicing.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-3 Rack Mounting Considerations Ambient Operating T emperature If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly , the ambient operating tempera- ture of the rack environment may be greater than the ambient temperature of the room.
2-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 2-4 Installing the System into a Rack This section provides information on installing the SuperServer 6015B-Ni into a rack. If the 6015B-Ni has already been mounted into a rack, you can skip ahead to Sections 2-5 and 2-6.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-5 Installing the Chassis Rails Position the fi xed chassis rail sections you just removed along the side of the 6015B-Ni making sure the screw holes line up. Note that these two rails are left/right specifi c. Screw the rail securely to the side of the chassis (see Figure 2-2).
2-6 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual Figure 2-3. Installing the Server into a Rack Installing the Server into the Rack Y ou should now have rails attached to both the chassis and the rack unit. The next step is to install the server into the rack. Do this by lining up the rear of the chas- sis rails with the front of the rack rails.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-7 Figure 2-4. Installing the Server into a T elco Rack Installing the Server into a T elco Rack T o install the SuperServer 6015B-Ni into a T elco type rack, use two L-shaped brackets on either side of the chassis (four total).
2-8 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 2-5 Checking the Serverboard Setup After you install the 6015B-Ni in the rack, you will need to open the unit to make sure the serverboard is properly installed and all the connections have been made.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-9 Figure 2-5. Accessing the Inside of the SuperServer 6015B-Ni 2-6 Checking the Drive Bay Setup Next, you should check to make sure the hard drives have been properly installed and all connections have been made.
2-10 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual Notes.
Chapter 3: System Interface 3-1 Chapter 3 System Interface 3-1 Overview There are several LEDs on the control panel to keep you constantly informed of the overall status of the system.
3-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 3-3 Control Panel LEDs The control panel located on the front of the SC812L-520U chassis has fi ve LEDs. These LEDs provide you with critical information related to different parts of the system. This section explains what each LED indicates when illuminated and any corrective action you may need to take.
Chapter 3: System Interface 3-3 NIC2: Indicates network activity on LAN2 when fl ashing. NIC1: Indicates network activity on LAN1 when fl ashing. HDD: Indicates IDE channel activity when fl ashing. Power: Indicates power is being supplied to the system's power supply units.
3-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual Notes.
Chapter 4: System Safety 4-1 Chapter 4 System Safety ! Basic electrical safety precautions should be followed to protect yourself from harm and the SuperServer 6015B-Ni from damage: Be aware of th.
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual 4-2 4-2 General Safety Precautions Follow these rules to ensure general safety: Keep the area around the SuperServer 6015B-Ni clean and free of clutter . The SuperServer 6015B-Ni weighs approximately 33 lbs.
Chapter 4: System Safety 4-3 4-3 ESD Precautions Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is generated by two objects with different electrical charges coming into contact with each other . An electrical discharge is created to neutralize this difference, which can damage electronic com ponents and printed circuit boards.
S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual 4-4 4-4 Operating Precautions Care must be taken to assure that the chassis cover is in place when the 6015B-Ni is operating to ensure proper cooling. Out of warranty damage to the 6015B-Ni system can occur if this practice is not strictly followed.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-1 C h a p t e r 5 Adv anced Ser verboard Setup Thi s cha pter c overs t he ste ps re quire d to inst all p roc e sso rs a nd heat sin ks to the X7DBU s er ver boa rd, c onn ect t he dat a an d power c a ble s and ins ta ll add - o n c ards .
5-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual IMPORT ANT! Alw a ys con ne ct t he po we r co rd la st an d r em ov e it fi rst be fo re ad d- i ng , r e m o vi n g or ch a ng i n g a n y h ar d w ar e co m po n e n ts . M ak e su r e t ha t y o u i n st a l l th e pro ce ss or into t he C PU so cket before you in sta ll the h eats ink and f an.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-3 Socket key CPU installed in socket PnP cap released from load plate 3. Use your thumb and your index fi nger to hold the CPU at opposite sides. 4. Align pin1 of the CPU (the cor- ner marked with a triangle) with the notched corner of the CPU socket.
5-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual War n in g ! We do not recommend that the CPU or the heatsink be removed. However , if you do need to uninstall the heatsink, please follow the instructions below to prevent damage to the CPU or the CPU socket.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-5 5-3 C on ne c t i n g C a bl e s Now th at the processors are installed , the next s tep is to conn ect the cables to the serverboard. These incl ude the data ( ribbon) c ables for the peripherals a nd c ontr ol pa nel an d the p ower c abl es.
5-6 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Figure 5-1. Front Control Panel Header Pins (JF1) Connec ting t he Control Pan el JF 1 co nta in s h ead er pi ns fo r v ari ous fr ont con tr ol p an el con nect ors . S ee Fi gur e 5 - 1 for t he pin l oc ati ons of t he var io us fr ont c ont rol p anel b ut tons a nd LED in di - c a t o r s .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-7 5- 4 I/O P o rts Th e I/O po r ts a re colo r co ded i n co nf orma nce wi th th e PC 99 spe cifi cati on . S ee Figu re 5 -2 bel ow fo r the c o lor s and l oc ati ons of t he var io us I / O p or ts. Figure 5-2.
5-8 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual T op V iew of DDR2 FBD Slot Figure 5-3. Installing DIMM into Slot T o Install: Insert module vertically and press down until it snaps into place. Pay attention to the bottom notch. T o Remove: Use your thumbs to gently push each release tab outward to free the DIMM from the slot.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-9 5- 6 A dd i n g P C I C a r ds 1. P CI E xp a nsi on S lo ts T wo riser cards are used to support add-on cards to the system. The SC812L-520U chassis can accommodate two standard size (full height full length) and one low profi le PCI expansion card.
5-10 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Figure 5-4. SUPER X7DBU Layout (not drawn to scale) 5-7 Serverboard Details Notes: Jumpers not noted are for test purposes only .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-1 1 X7 DBU Quick Refe rence Jumper Description Default Setting JBT1 CMOS Clear (See Section 5-9) II 2 C1/II 2 C2 I 2 C Enable/Disable Open (Disabled) JPG1 VGA E.
5-12 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual 5-8 Connector Defi nitions Power LED The Power LED connection is located on pins 15 and 16 of JF1. Refer to the table on the right for pin defi nitions. A TX Power Connector The primary A TX power supply con- nector meets the SSI (Superset A TX) 20-pin specifi cation.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-13 NIC1 LED The NIC1 (Network Interface Control- ler) LED connection is located on pins 1 1 and 12 of JF1. Attach the NIC1 LED cable to display network activity . Refer to the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
5-14 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Reset Button The Reset Button connection is lo- cated on pins 3 and 4 of JF1. Attach it to the hardware reset switch on the computer case. Refer to the table on the right for pin defi nitions. Power Button The Power Button connection is located on pins 1 and 2 of JF1.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-15 Fan Headers The X7DBU has fi ve eight headers, designated Fan1 through Fan8. F AN5 through F AN8 are for 4-pin Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) fans and are to be connected to the CPU heatsink fans. Their speed is controlled via Thermal Management with a BIOS setting.
5-16 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual A TX PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Ports The A TX PS/2 keyboard and the PS/2 mouse ports are located beside the USB ports. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions. Power LED/Speaker On the JD1 header , pins 1-3 are for a power LED, pins 4-7 are for the speaker .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-17 W ake-On-LAN The W ake-On-LAN header is desig- nated JWOL. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions. Y ou must enable the LAN W ake-Up setting in BIOS to use this feature. Y ou must also have a LAN card with a W ake- on-LAN connector and cable.
5-18 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual JLAN1/2 (Ethernet Ports) T wo Ethernet ports (designated JLAN1 and JLAN2) are located beside the VGA port on the I/O backplane. These ports accept RJ45 type cables. SGPIO The two headers labeled SGPIO1 and SGPIO2 are for SGPIO (Se- rial General Purpose Input/Output).
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-19 5-9 J u m p e r S e tt i n g s Exp lana tio n o f Jump er s T o m odif y the op erat ion of t he ser verboard, jumpers can be used to choose bet ween optional settings. Jumpers create shorts bet ween t wo pins to ch ange the function o f the c onne cto r .
5-20 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual LAN Enable/Disable Change the setting of jumper JPL1 or JPL2 to enable or disable the onboard Ethernet (RJ45) ports LAN1 and LAN2, respectively . See the table on the right for jumper settings. The default setting is enabled W atch Dog Enable/Disable JW D c ont rol s the Watch D og f unc ti on.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-21 5-10 Onboard Indicators LAN1/LAN2 LEDs The Ethernet ports (located beside the VGA port) have two LEDs. On each Gigabit LAN port, one LED indicates activity when blinking while the other LED may be green, amber or off to indicate the speed of the connection.
5-22 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual 5-1 1 Floppy , IDE and SA T A Drive Connections Note the following when connecting the fl oppy and hard disk drive cables: • The fl oppy disk drive cable has seven twisted wires. • A red mark on a wire typically designates the location of pin 1.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-23 IDE Connector There are no jumpers to con- fi gure the onboard IDE#1 con- nector . See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
5-24 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Notes.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-1 Chapter 6 Advanced Chassis Setup This chapter covers the steps required to install components and perform mainte- nance on the SC812L-520U chassis. For component installation, follow the steps in the order given to eliminate the most common problems encountered.
6-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual Figure 6-1. Chassis: Front and Rear Views 6-2 Control Panel The control panel (located on the front of the chassis) must be connected to the JF1 connector on the serverboard to provide you with system status indications.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-3 6-3 System Fans T wo 10-cm blower fans provide all the cooling needed for the SuperServer 6015B- Ni. It is very important that the chassis top cover is properly installed and making a good seal in order for the cooling air to circulate properly through the chassis and cool the components.
6-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 6-4 Drive Bay Installation/Removal Accessing the Drive Bays T o install/remove a disk drive in one of the IDE drive bays, you will need to gain access to the inside of the 6015B-Ni by removing the top cover of the chassis (see Figure 6-3).
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-5 Installing Components in the 3.5" Drive Bays 1. Drive bay confi guration The 6015B-Ni has three 3.5" drive bays designed to house hard disk drives.
6-6 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual 6-5 Power Supply The SuperServer 6015B-Ni has a single 520 watt power supply , which is auto- switching capable. This enables it to automatically sense and operate with a 100V to 240V input voltage. A power on/off switch is included on the back of the unit.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-7 Figure 6-5. Removing/Replacing the Power Supply.
6-8 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni Manual Notes.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 7-1 Introduction This chapter describes the Phoenix BIOS™ Setup utility for the X7DBU. The Phoenix ROM BIOS is stored in a fl ash chip and can be easily upgraded using a fl oppy disk-based program.
7-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual 7-2 Running Setup Default settings are in bold text unless otherwise noted . The BIOS setup options described in this section are selected by choosing the ap- propriate text from the main BIOS Setup screen.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-3 Main BIOS Setup Menu Main Setup Features System Time T o set the system date and time, key in the correct information in the appropriate fi elds. Then press the <Enter> key to save the data. System Date Using the arrow keys, highlight the month, day and year fi elds, and enter the correct data.
7-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual IDE Channel 0 Master/Slave and Secondary IDE Master/Slave These settings allow the user to set the parameters of IDE Channel 0 Master/Slave and Secondary IDE Master/Slave slots. Press <Enter> to activate the following submenu screen for detailed options of these items.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-5 Multi-Sector T ransfers This item allows the user to specify the number of sectors per block to be used in multi-sector transfer . The options are Disabled , 4 Sectors, 8 Sectors, and 16 Sectors. LBA Mode Control This item determines whether the Phoenix BIOS will access the IDE Channel 0 Master Device via the LBA mode.
7-6 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Parallel A T A This setting allows the user to enable or disable the function of Parallel A T A. The options are Enabled and Disabled. Serial A T A This setting allows the user to enable or disable the function of Serial A T A.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-7 7-4 Advanced Setup Choose Advanced from the Phoenix BIOS Setup Utility main menu with the arrow keys. Y ou should see the following display . The items with a triangle beside them have submenus that can be accessed by highlighting the item and pressing <Enter>.
7-8 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Power Button Behavior If set to Instant-Off , the system will power off immediately as soon as the user hits the power button. If set to 4-sec., the system will power off when the user presses the power button for 4 seconds or longer .
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-9 Select Write Protect to prevent data from being written into the base memory area of Block 0-512K. Select Write Back to allow CPU to write data back directly from the buffer without writing data to the System Memory for fast CPU data processing and operation.
7-10 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Emulated IRQ Solutions When Enabled, Emulated IRQ Scheme allows PCI devices to run on legacy operating systems that use the MSI mechanism to generate INTX compatible interrupts. The options are Disabled and Enabled.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 1 Enable Master This setting allows you to enable the selected device as the PCI bus master . The options are Enabled and Disabled. Latency Timer This setting allows you to set the clock rate for Bus Master . A high-priority , high- throughout device may benefi t from a greater clock rate.
7-12 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Branch 1 Rank Interleaving & Sparing Select enable to enable the functions of Memory Interleaving and Memory Sparing for Branch 1 Rank. The options for Memory Interleaving are 1:1, 2:1 and 4:1 . The options for Sparing are Enabled and Disabled .
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-13 Enabling Multi-Media Timer Select Y es to activate a set of timers that are alternative to the traditional 8254 timers for the OS use. The options are Y es and No . USB Function Select Enabled to enable the function of USB devices specifi ed.
7-14 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch (A vailable when supported by the CPU.) The CPU fetches the cache line for 64 bytes if this option is set to Disabled. The CPU fetches both cache lines for 128 bytes as comprised if Enabled.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-15 Interrupt This setting allows you to select the IRQ (interrupt request) for serial port A. The options are IRQ3 and IRQ4 . Serial Port B This setting allows you to assign control of serial port B. The options are Enabled (user defi ned), Disabled, Auto (BIOS controlled) and OS Controlled.
7-16 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual DMI Event Logging Access the submenu to make changes to the following settings. Event Log V alidity This is a display to inform you of the event log validity . It is not a setting. Event Log Capacity This is a display to inform you of the event log capacity .
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-17 Console Redirection Access the submenu to make changes to the following settings. COM Port Address This item allows you to specify which COM port to direct the remote console to: Onboard COM A or Onboard COM B. This setting can also be Disabled .
7-18 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Hardware Monitor Logic Note: The Phoenix BIOS will automatically detect the type of CPU(s) and hardware monitoring chip used on the motherboard and will display the Hardware Monitoring Screen accordingly .
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-19 Hardware Monitor Logic (See note on page 7-18.) CPU T emperature Threshold This option allows the user to set a CPU temperature threshold that will activate the alarm system when the CPU temperature reaches this pre-set temperature threshold.
7-20 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual IPMI (A vailable only when an IPMI card is installed in the system.) IPMI Specifi cation V ersion: This item displays the current IPMI V ersion. Firmware V ersion: This item displays the current Firmware V ersion.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-21 OS Boot W atch Dog Set to Enabled to enable OS Boot W atch Dog. The options are Enabled and Disabled . Timer for Loading OS (Minutes) This feature allows the user to set the time value (in minutes) for the previous item: OS Boot W atch Dog by keying-in a desired number in the blank.
7-22 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Realtime Sensor Data This feature display information from motherboard sensors, such as temperatures, fan speeds and voltages of various components.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-23 7-5 Security Choose Security from the Phoenix BIOS Setup Utility main menu with the arrow keys. Y ou should see the following display . Security setting options are displayed by highlighting the setting using the arrow keys and pressing <Enter>.
7-24 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Password on Boot This setting allows you to determine if a password is required for a user to enter the system at system boot. The options are Enabled (password required) and Disabled (password not required).
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-25 7-7 Exit Choose Exit from the Phoenix BIOS Setup Utility main menu with the arrow keys. Y ou should see the following display . All Exit BIOS settings are described in this section. Exit Saving Changes Highlight this item and hit <Enter> to save any changes you've made and to exit the BIOS Setup utility .
7-26 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Notes.
A-1 Appendix A: BIOS POST Messages Appendix A BIOS POST Messages During the Power-On Self-T est (POST), the BIOS will check for problems. If a prob- lem is found, the BIOS will activate an alarm or display a message. The following is a list of such BIOS messages.
A-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual System CMOS checksum bad - Default confi guration used System CMOS has been corrupted or modifi ed incorrectly , perhaps by an application program that changes data stored in CMOS. The BIOS installed Default Setup V alues.
A-3 Appendix A: BIOS POST Messages System cache error - Cache disabled RAM cache failed and BIOS disabled the cache. On older boards, check the cache jumpers. Y ou may have to replace the cache. See your dealer . A disabled cache slows system performance considerably .
A-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Fixed Disk n Fixed disk n (0-3) identifi ed. Invalid System Confi guration Data Problem with NVRAM (CMOS) data. I/O device IRQ confl ict I/O device IRQ confl ict error . PS/2 Mouse Boot Summary Screen: PS/2 Mouse installed.
A-5 Appendix A: BIOS POST Messages Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to Setup, <F3> for previous Displayed after any recoverable error message. Press <F1> to start the boot process or <F2> to enter Setup and change the settings.
A-6 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Notes.
Appendix B: BIOS POST Codes B-1 This section lists the POST (Power On Self T est) codes for the PhoenixBIOS. POST codes are divided into two categories: recoverable and terminal. Recoverable POST Errors When a recoverable type of error occurs during POST , the BIOS will display an POST code that describes the problem.
B-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual POST Code Description 18h 8254 timer initialization 1Ah 8237 DMA controller initialization 1Ch Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller 20h 1-3-1-1 T est .
Appendix B: BIOS POST Codes B-3 POST Code Description 5Ch T est RAM between 512 and 640 kB 60h T est extended memory 62h T est extended memory address lines 64h Jump to UserPatch1 66h Confi gure adva.
B-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual POST Code Description 99h Check for SMAR T Drive (optional) 9Ch Set up Power Management 9Dh Initialize security engine (optional) 9Eh Enable hardware int.
Appendix B: BIOS POST Codes B-5 POST Code Description D2h Unknown interrupt D4h Check Intel Branding string D8h Alert Standard Format initialization D9h Late init for IPMI DEh Log error if micro-code .
B-6 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Notes.
Appendix C: Software Installation C-1 Appendix C Software Installation After all the hardware has been installed, you must fi rst confi gure Intel's ESB2 SA T A RAID before you install the Windows Operating System and other software drivers.
C-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual RAID Confi gurations The following types of RAID confi gurations are supported: RAID 0 (Data Striping): this writes data in parallel, interleaved ("striped") sections of two hard drives. Data transfer rate is doubled over using a single disk.
Appendix C: Software Installation C-3 Using the Intel ESB2 SA T A RAID Utility Program 1. Creating, Deleting and Resetting RAID V olumes a. After the system exits from the BIOS Setup Utility , it will automatically reboot. The following screen appears after the Power-On Self T est.
C-4 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual b. Specify a name for the RAID 0 set and press the <T ab> key or the <Enter> key to go to the next fi eld.
Appendix C: Software Installation C-5 Creating a RAID 1 V olume a. Select "Create RAID V olume" from the main menu and press the <Enter> key . The following screen will appear: b. Specify a name for the RAID 1 set and press the <T ab> key or the <Enter> key to go to the next fi eld.
C-6 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Creating a RAID 10 (RAID 1+ RAID 0) a. Select "Create RAID V olume" from the main menu and press the <Enter> key . The following screen will appear: b. Specify a name for the RAID 10 set and press <Enter>.
Appendix C: Software Installation C-7 Creating a RAID 5 Set (Parity) a. Select "Create RAID V olume" from the main menu and press the <Enter> key . The following screen will appear: b. Specify a name for the RAID 5 set and press <Enter>.
C-8 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Deleting a RAID V olume a. From the main menu, select item2-Delete RAID V olume, and press <Enter>. b. Use the <Up Arrow>, <Down Arrow> keys to select the RAID set you want to delete and press <Del>.
Appendix C: Software Installation C-9 Resetting to Non-RAID and Resetting a RAID HDD a. From the main menu, select item3-Reset Disks to Non- RAID, and press <Enter>. The following screen will appear: b. Use the <Up Arrow>, <Down Arrow> keys to highlight the RAID set drive to reset and press <Space> to select.
C-10 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual C-2 Installing W indows XP/2000/2003 for RAID Systems New Operating System-Windows XP/2000/2003 Installation a. Insert the Microsoft Windows XP/2000/2003 Setup CD in the CD Drive and the system will start booting up from CD.
Appendix C: Software Installation C-1 1 C-3 Installing the Operating System and other Software Programs After the hardware has been installed, you must fi rst install the operating system, and then, other software drivers. The necessary drivers are all included on the Supermicro CDs that came packaged with your motherboard.
C-12 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Supero Doctor III The Supero Doctor III program is a Web base management tool that supports remote management capability . It includes Remote and Local Management tools. The local management is called SD III Client.
Appendix C: Software Installation C-13 Note: SD III Software Revision 1.0 can be downloaded from our Web Site at: ftp:// Y ou can also download SDIII User's Guide at: http://www
C-14 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual Notes.
D-1 Appendix D: System Specifi cations Appendix D Sys tem Sp ecifi cati ons P r o c e s s o r s Single or d ual Intel ® Xe on ™ 53 00/5 1 00/5000 S eq u e nc e pr o ce ss o rs a t a f ro n t side (s ystem) bus speed of 1 3 33 /1 0 6 6 / 6 67 MHz.
D-2 S UPER S ERVER 6015B-Ni User's Manual W e i g h t Gross (Bare Bone): 33 lbs. (15 kg.) System Cooling T wo (2) 10-cm blower fans System Input Requirements AC Input V oltage: 100-240 V AC Rated.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met SUPER MICRO Computer 6015B-Ni . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.