Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product AS 1020C-3 van de fabrikant SUPER MICRO Computer
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AS 1020C-3 USER’S MANUAL 1.0.
The information in this User ’s Manual has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate. The vendor assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document, makes no commitment to update or to keep current the information in this manual, or to notify any person or organization of the updates.
Preface About This Manual This manual is written for professional system integrators and PC technicians. It provides information for the installation and use of the A+ Server 1020C-3. Instal- lation and maintainance should be performed by experienced technicians only .
AS 1020C-3 User's Manual iv Chapter 4: System Safety Y ou should thoroughly familiarize yourself with this chapter for a general overview of safety precautions that should be followed when installing and servicing the 1020C-3.
v Preface Notes.
AS 1020C-3 User's Manual vi T able of Contents Preface About This Manual ............................................................................... ....................... iii Manual Organization .............................................
Power ...................................................................................................... 3-3 3-4 SAS Drive Carrier LEDs .................................................................................. 3-3 Chapter 4: System Safety 4-1 Electrical Safety Precautions .
AS 1020C-3 User's Manual viii Fan Headers ............................................................................................ 5-15 Chassis Intrusion .................................................................................... 5-15 Power LED/Speaker .
T able of Contents ix 6-3 System Fans .................................................................................................... 6-3 System Fan Failure ................................................................................... 6-3 Replacing System Cooling Fans .
AS 1020C-3 User's Manual x Notes.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Overview The AS1020C-3 is a high-end, dual processor 1U rackmount server system featur- ing some of the most advanced technology currently available. The 1020C-3 is comprised of two main subsystems: the SC813TQ+-500 1U rackmount chassis and the H8DCR-3 dual processor serverboard.
AS1020C-3 User's Manual 1-2 1- 2 S e r v e r b o a r d Fe a t u r e s At th e hea r t of th e 1020 C - 3 li es th e H8DCR-3 a dual p roc es so r ser ver bo ard d e - sig ned t o prov ide m ax imu m per fo rm anc e. Th e H8DCR-3 is bas ed o n the nVidia nForce Pro 2200 and AMD-8132 chipset.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3 AT I G r a p h i c s C o n t r o l l e r An A TI video controller based on the Rage XL 8 MB graphics chip is int e grated onb oar d the H8DCR-3 .
AS1020C-3 User's Manual 1-4 1 - 3 Ser ver Chas sis Features The SC81 3T Q + - 50 0 is our third- generation 1 U chassis and features four hot- swap SAS drive bays with SES2, a slim C D - RO M dri.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-5 Cooling System The S C 8 13TQ+ - 50 0 cha ssi s' revolut io nar y c o olin g des ign has b een o ptim ized t o prov id e suf fi cient c o oli ng fo r dual p roc es so r c onfi gu rat ion s. Th e chas sis i nc lude s f ou r cou n te r -ro ta ti n g 4-c m f a n s l oc at e d i n th e m i dd le o f th e c ha s si s.
AS1020C-3 User's Manual 1-6 1-4 Contacting Supermicro Headquarters Address: SuperMicro Computer , Inc. 9 8 0 R o c k A v e . San Jose, CA 95131 U.S.A. T el: +1 (408) 503-8000 Fax: +1 (408) 503-8008 Email: (General Information) support@supermicro.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-1 Chapter 2 Server Installation 2-1 Overview This chapter provides a quick setup checklist to get your AS1020C-3 system up and running. Following these steps in the order given should enable you to have the system operational within a minimum amount of time.
2-2 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Choosing a Setup Location - Leave enough clearance in front of the rack to enable you to open the front door completely (~25 inches). - Leave approximately 30 inches of clearance in the back of the rack to allow for suffi cient airfl ow and ease in servicing.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-3 Rack Mounting Considerations Ambient Operating T emperature I f i n s t a l l e d i n a c l o s e d o r m u l t i - u n i t r a c k a s s e m b l y , t h e a m b i e n t o p e r a t i n g temp erat ure of th e rac k enviro nment m ay be gre ater tha n the am bie nt tempe rature of t he roo m.
2-4 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Installing the Rack Rails Begin by joining one set of rack rails c or responding to either the left or the right side of the ra ck.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-5 Installing the Chassis Rails T wo of t he c has sis ra ils ( Chas sis R ail 1 ) s houl d have alr eady b een p reat t ac he d - o ne to each side of th e cha ssis. Attach th e secon d s et o f cha ssis r ails (Chass is Rai l 2) direc t ly to t he cha ssi s wit h th e scr ews pr ovi ded.
2-6 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 2-3. Installing the Server into a Rack Installing the Server into the Rack Y ou s houl d now have r ails at t ach ed to b oth t he ch assi s and t he rac k unit . The n e xt s t ep i s t o in s ta l l t he s erv e r i n t o t he r ac k .
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-7 Figure 2-4. Installing the Server into a T elco Rack Installing the Server into a T elco Rack If you a re ins tal ling t he 1020 C - 3 in to a T e lc o t ype r ac k, fo llow t he dir ect io ns give n on t he prev io us pag es fo r rac k inst al lati on.
2-8 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 2-5 Checking the Serverboard Setup Af ter you i nstall the 1 020 C- 3 in the rack, you will need to open the u nit to make sure th e ser ver bo ard is p rop er ly in sta lle d and a ll the c o nnec ti ons h ave been m ade.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-9 Figure 2-5. Accessing the Inside of the Server 2-6 Checking the Drive Bay Setup Next, you should check to make sure the peripheral drives and the SAS drives have been properly installed and all connections have been made.
2-10 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 4. Check the airfl o w Airfl ow is provided by four sets of counter-rotating 4-cm fans. The system com- ponent layout was carefully designed to direct the airfl ow to the components that generate the most heat.
Chapter 3: System Interface 3-1 Ch ap t e r 3 Sys tem Inter face 3- 1 O v ervi e w Th ere ar e severa l LEDs o n the c o ntro l pane l as well a s othe rs o n the S AS dr ive c ar r i er s t o ke ep y ou c o ns t ant l y in fo r me d o f th e ove ra ll s t at us o f t he sy st em a s we ll as the activit y and health of spec ifi c components.
3-2 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 3 - 3 Control Panel LEDs The c o ntro l pane l loc ate d on t he fr ont of th S C81 3TQ + - 5 0 0 c has sis has fi ve LED s. The se LE Ds prov ide yo u wit h cr it ic al inf or mati on re lated to di f fe rent pa r ts of t he system .
Chapter 3: System Interface 3-3 HDD: Indic ate s ID E cha nnel ac ti vit y . O n th e 1 0 20 C - 3 t his ligh t indic ates S A S a n d/ o r C D-R O M d r i v e a c t i v i ty wh e n fl a s h i n g . Pow er : Indi ca tes powe r is bei ng supp lie d to the sys tem's powe r suppl y u n i t s .
3-4 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Notes.
Chapter 4: System Safety 4-1 Chapter 4 System Safety ! Basic electrical safety precautions should be followed to protect yourself from harm and the 1020C-3 from damage: Be aware of the locations of the power on/off switch on the chassis as well as the room's emergency power-off switch, disconnection switch or electrical outlet.
AS1020C-3 User's Manual 4-2 4-2 General Safety Precautions Follow these rules to ensure general safety: Keep the area around the 1020C-3 clean and free of clutter .
Chapter 4: System Safety 4-3 4-3 ESD Precautions Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is generated by two objects with different electrical charges coming into contact with each other . An electrical discharge is created to neutralize this difference, which can damage electronic com ponents and printed circuit boards.
AS1020C-3 User's Manual 4-4 4-4 Operating Precautions Care must be taken to assure that the chassis cover is in place when the 1020C-3 is operating to ensure proper cooling. Out of warranty damage to the 1020C-3 system can occur if this practice is not strictly followed.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-1 C h a p t e r 5 Adv anc ed Ser verboard Setup Thi s cha pter c overs t he ste ps re quire d to inst all p roc e sso rs a nd heat sin ks to the H 8D CR -3 s er ver boa rd, c onn ec t the da ta an d powe r ca ble s and in sta ll add - o n c ards .
5-2 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 5-3 Processor and Heatsink Installation ! CPU Backplates T wo CPU backplates (BKT -0004) have been preinstalled to the underside of the serverboard. These backplates prevent the CPU area of the serverboard from bending and provide a base for attaching the CPU heatsinks.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-3 Installing the Processor 1. Lift the lever on CPU socket #1 until it points straight up. 2. Use your thumb and your index fi n- ger to hold the CPU. Locate pin 1 on the CPU socket and pin 1 on the CPU. Both are marked with a triangle.
5-4 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Installing the Heatsinks T o install the heatsink (SNK-P0012, optional), do not apply any thermal compound to the heatsink or CPU die - the proper amount has already been applied. Place the heatsink directly on the CPU so that the two mounting holes are aligned with those on the CPU backplate.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-5 5- 4 C o nn e c t i n g C a bl e s Now th at the processors are i nstalled, the ne x t s tep is to connect th e cables to the serverboard. These incl ude th e data ( r ibbon ) cables for the periphera ls and c ontr ol pa nel an d the p ower c abl es.
5-6 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 5-2. Front Control Panel Header Pins (JF1) Con necting the Contr ol P anel JF 1 c ont ains he ader p ins fo r var iou s fro nt c ontr ol pa nel c on nec tor s.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-7 5-5 I/O P o rts Th e I/ O ports are col or co ded in con fo rman ce w ith the PC 99 s peci fi cati on . See F i g u r e 5- 3 b e l o w f o r t h e co l o r s a n d l o ca t io n s o f t h e v a ri o u s I/O po rt s .
5-8 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 5-4. Side and T op Views of DDR Installation T o Install: Insert module vertically and press down until it snaps into place. The release tabs should close - if they do not you should close them yourself. T o Remove: Use your thumbs to gently push each re- lease tab outward to release the DIMM from the slot.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-9 5- 7 A dd in g P C I C ar ds 1. PCI slot s Th e H8 D CR- 3 ha s t wo PC I - E xp res s x8 sl ots, o ne 1 33 M Hz P CI -X sl ot and o ne 100 M Hz P CI -X expa nsio n slot s.
5-10 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 5-8 Serverboard Details Figure 5-5. H8DCR-3 Serverboard Layout (not drawn to scale) Battery JBT1 Mouse SAS 4-7 VGA KB COM1 LAN2 LAN1 USB0/1 BIOS 1UIPMI JWOR JWD Speak.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-1 1 H8DCR-3 Quick Reference Jumpers Description Default Setting J3P 3rd Power Fail Detect En/Dis Closed (Enabled) JBT1 CMOS Clear See Section 2-7 JCF1 Compact F.
5-12 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 5-9 Connector Defi nitions A TX Power Connector The primary A TX power supply con- nector (J1B4) meets the SSI (Super- set A TX) 24-pin specifi cation. Refer to the table on the right for the pin defi ni- tions of the A TX 24-pin power connec- tor .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-13 Overheat/Fan Fail LED Connect an LED to the OH connection on pins 7 and 8 of JF1 to provide ad- vanced warning of chassis overheat- ing. Refer to the table on the right for pin defi nitions and status indicators.
5-14 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Reset Button The Reset Button connection is lo- cated on pins 3 and 4 of JF1. Attach it to the hardware reset switch on the computer case. Refer to the table on the right for pin defi nitions. Power Button The Power Button connection is located on pins 1 and 2 of JF1.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-15 Fan Headers The H8DCR-3/H8DR-i has fi ve fan headers, which are designated F AN1 through F AN5. Fans are Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) and their speed is controlled via Thermal Management with a BIOS setting. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
5-16 AS1020C-3 User's Manual A TX PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Ports The A TX PS/2 keyboard and the PS/2 mouse ports are located on the backplane.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-17 W ake-On-LAN The W ake-On-LAN header is desig- nated JWOL. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions. Y ou must have a LAN card with a W ake-On-LAN connector and cable to use the W ake- On-LAN feature.
5-18 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Power Fail Connector Connect a cable from your power supply to JPWF to provide you with warning of a power supply failure. The warning signal is passed through the PWR_LED pin to indicate a power failure. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-19 5- 1 0 J u m pe r Se tt in gs Exp lana tion of Jump er s T o modify the operation of the ser verboard, jumpers can be used to choose bet ween op tional settings. Jumpers create shorts bet ween t wo pins to cha nge the fu nction of th e c onne cto r .
5-20 AS1020C-3 User's Manual I 2 C t o P CI Enable/ Disable The JI 2 C1 / 2 pair of jumpers allows y ou to connec t the System Management Bus to a ny one of th e PCI ex pansi on slot s. Th e defaul t set ti ng is c los ed (on) for both jumpers to enable the co nnec- t i o n .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-21 W atch Dog Enable/Disable JW D c ont rol s the Watch D og f unc ti on. Watch D og is a sy stem m onito r that can reboot the syst em when a soft ware applicat ion hangs. Jumping pins 1 -2 wi ll c ause W D to r eset t he sys tem if an appli cat ion has f rozen.
5-22 AS1020C-3 User's Manual PCI-X Slot Frequency Select Jumpers JPX1A and JPX2A can be used to change the speed of PCI-X slots 6 and 7, respectively .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-23 5-1 1 Onboard Indicators LAN1/LAN2 LEDs The Ethernet ports (located beside the VGA port) have two LEDs. On each Gb LAN port, the right LED (when facing the port) indicates activity while the left LED may be green, orange or off to indicate the speed of the con- nection.
5-24 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 5-12 Floppy , IDE and SAS Connections Use the following information to connect the fl oppy and hard disk drive cables. The fl oppy disk drive cable has seven twisted wires. A red mark on a wire typically designates the location of pin 1.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-25 IDE Connectors There are no jumpers to confi g- ure the onboard IDE#1 and #2 connectors. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
5-26 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 5-13 Enabling SAS RAID After the hardware is set up, you should install the operating system and the SAS RAID drivers, you may wish to confi gure a RAID array with your SAS drives. This section gives an outline of the Adaptec SAS Utility program and instructions for creating a RAID array on your system.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-27 SAS Controller Utility Y ou are now in the SAS Controller Utility program. In this utility , you can create, confi gure, manage and delete RAID arrays. Navigating through the utility is done by using the arrow keys on your keyboard to move between fi elds.
5-28 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 5-8. Array Confi guration Utility Screen.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-29 4. Once all drives have been selected for the RAID array , you will be prompted to select the RAID properties, including the type of RAID to be used, label, array size and stripe size (see Figure C-5). When the properties have been defi ned, highlight Done and press the <Enter> key .
5-30 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 5-10. Driver/T ool Installation Display Screen Click the icons showing a hand writing on paper to view the readme fi les for each item. Click the computer icons to the right of these items to install each item (from top to the bottom) one at a time.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-1 Chapter 6 Advanced Chassis Setup This chapter covers the steps required to install components and perform mainte- nance on the SC813TQ+-500 chassis. For component installation, follow the steps in the order given to eliminate the most common problems encountered.
6-2 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 6-1. Chassis: Front and Rear Views System Reset 6-2 Control Panel The control panel (located on the front of the chassis) must be connected to the JF1 connector on the serverboard to provide you with system status indications.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-3 6-3 System Fans Four high-performance, counter-rotating 4-cm fans provide all the cooling needed for the 1020C-3.
6-4 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 6-2. System Cooling Fans 6-4 Drive Bay Installation/Removal Removing the Front Bezel If your system has a front bezel (optional) attached to the chassis, you must fi rst remove it to gain access to the drive bays.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-5 Accessing the Drive Bays SAS Drives: Because of their hotswap capability , you do not need to access the inside of the chassis or power down the system to install or replace SAS drives. Proceed to the next step for instructions.
6-6 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Drive Installation 1. Mounting a SAS drive in a drive carrier The SAS drives are mounted in drive carriers to simplify their installation and re- moval from the chassis. These carriers also help promote proper airfl ow for the SAS drive bays.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-7 SAS Power Cables SAS power cables should be routed so that they do not block the airfl ow through the chassis. See the motherboard layout diagram for the location of the cable connections. SAS Backplane The SAS drives plug into a backplane that provides power , drive ID and bus termi- nation.
6-8 AS1020C-3 User's Manual CD-ROM and Floppy Drive Installation The top cover of the chassis must be opened to gain full access to the CD-ROM and fl oppy drive bays. The 1020C-3 accomodates only slim-line CD-ROM drives. Side mounting brackets are needed to mount a slim-line CD-ROM drive in the 1020C-3 server .
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-9 6-5 Power Supply The 1020C-3 has a single 500 watt power supply , which is auto-switching capable. This enables it to automatically sense and operate at a 100v to 240v input voltage. An amber light will be illuminated on the power supply when the power is off.
6-10 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Figure 6-6. Removing/Replacing the Power Supply.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 Chapter 7 BIOS 7-1 Introduction This chapter describes the AMIBIOS™ Setup utility for the H8DCR-3. The AMI ROM BIOS is stored in a fl ash chip and can be easily upgraded using a fl oppy disk-based program.
7-2 AS1020C-3 User's Manual 7-2 Main Menu When you fi rst enter AMI BIOS Setup Utility , you will see the Main Menu screen. Y ou can always return to the Main Menu by selecting the Main tab on the top of the screen with the arrow keys.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-3 Primary/Secondary IDE Master/Slave Highlight one of the items above and press <Enter> to access the submenu for that item. The same settings apply to the Secondary through Sixth IDE sevices. Ty p e Select the type of device connected to the system.
7-4 AS1020C-3 User's Manual DMA Mode Selects the DMA Mode. Options are Auto , SWDMA0, SWDMA1, SWDMA2, MWDMA0. MDWDMA1, MWDMA2, UDMA0. UDMA1, UDMA2, UDMA3, UDMA4 and UDMA5. (SWDMA=Single Word DMA, MWDMA=Multi W ord DMA, UDMA=UltraDMA.) S.M.A.R.T .
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-5 Confi guration nVidia RAID ROM RAID Option ROM This setting is used to Enable or Disable the nVidia ROM. If enabled, the set- ting below will appear . Master SA T A as RAID This setting is used to set the third master as a RAID drive.
7-6 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Allocate IRQ to PCI VGA Set this value to allow or restrict the system from giving the VGA adapter card an interrupt address.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-7 User Confi g Mode Options are Auto and Manual. Bank Interleaving Determines if memory will be interleaved. Options are Auto and Disabled. Burst Length Use this setting to set the memory burst length. 64-bit Dq must use 4 beats. Options are 8 beats, 4 beats and 2 beats.
7-8 AS1020C-3 User's Manual DRAM BG Scrub Corrects memory errors so later reads are correct. Options are Dis- abled and various times in nanoseconds and microseconds. L2 Cache BG Scrub Allows L2 cache RAM to be corrected when idle. Options are Disabled and various times in nanoseconds and microseconds.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-9 PCI Express Spread Spectrum This setting is used to enable spread spectrum for the PCI Express. Options are Disabled and Down Spread. Primary Video This setting is used to switch the PCI bus scanning order while searching for the video card.
7-10 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Parallel Port Address This option specifi es the I/O address used by the parallel port. Select Disabled to prevent the parallel port from accessing any system resources. When the value of this option is set to Disabled, the printer port becomes unavailable.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 1 AMD PowerNow Confi guration This setting is used to Enable or Disable the AMD PowerNow feature. DMI Event Logging View Event Log Highlight this item and press <Enter> to view the contents of the event log.
7-12 AS1020C-3 User's Manual T erminal T ype This item allows you to select the terminal type for console redirection. The options are ANSI , VT100, and VT -UTF8. VT -UTF8 Combo Key Support This item allows you to Enable or Disable VT -UTF8 combo key support.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-13 Set LAN Confi guration IP Address Shows the IP address confi guration. MAC Address Shows the MAC address confi guration. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask confi guration. Set PEF Confi guration Enable or Disable PEF support.
7-14 AS1020C-3 User's Manual USB Confi guration This screen will display the module version and all USB enabled devices. USB Controller Support Enable the controller for your USB ports. Options are Disabled, USB 1.1 only and USB 1.1 + USB 2.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-15 7-4 Boot Menu This feature allows the user to confi gure the following items: Boot Settings Confi guration Quick Boot If Enabled, this option will skip certain tests during POST to reduce the time needed for the system to boot up.
7-16 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Interrupt 19 Capture Enable to allow ROMs to trap Interrupt 19. The options are Enabled and Dis- abled . Boot Device Priority This feature allows the user to prioritize the sequence for the boot device from all available devices.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-17 7-6 Exit Menu Select the Exit tab from AMI BIOS Setup Utility screen to enter the Exit BIOS Setup screen. Save Changes and Exit When you have completed the system confi guration changes, select this option to leave BIOS Setup and reboot the computer , so the new system confi guration parameters can take effect.
7-18 AS1020C-3 User's Manual Notes.
Appendix A BIOS Error Beep Codes During the POST (Power-On Self-T est) routines, which are performed each time the system is powered on, errors may occur . Non-fatal errors are those which, in most cases, allow the system to continue the boot-up process.
A-2 AS1020C-3 User ’s Manual Notes.
B-1 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Appendix B BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes When AMIBIOS performs the Power On Self T est, it writes checkpoint codes to I/O port 0080h. If the computer cannot complete the boot process, diagnostic equipment can be attached to the computer to read I/O port 0080h.
B-2 AS1020C-3 User ’s Manual Checkpoint Code Description E0h The onboard fl oppy controller if available is initialized. Next, beginning the base 512 KB memory test. E1h Initializing the interrupt vector table next. E2h Initializing the DMA and Interrupt controllers next.
B-3 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Checkpoint Code Description 03h The NMI is disabled. Next, checking for a soft reset or a power on condition. 05h The BIOS stack has been built. Next, disabling cache memory . 06h Uncompressing the POST code next.
B-4 AS1020C-3 User ’s Manual Checkpoint Code Description 25h Interrupt vector initialization is done. Clearing the password if the POST DIAG switch is on. 27h Any initialization before setting video mode will be done next. 28h Initialization before setting the video mode is complete.
B-5 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Checkpoint Code Description 4Ch The memory below 1 MB has been cleared via a soft reset. Clearing the memory above 1 MB next. 4Dh The memory above 1 MB has been cleared via a soft reset. Saving the memory size next.
B-6 AS1020C-3 User ’s Manual Checkpoint Code Description 86h The password was checked. Performing any required programming before WIN- BIOS Setup next. 87h The programming before WINBIOS Setup has completed. Uncompressing the WINBIOS Setup code and executing the AMIBIOS Setup or WINBIOS Setup utility next.
B-7 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Checkpoint Code Description A9h Returned from adaptor ROM at E000h control. Performing any initialization required after the E000 option ROM had control next. Aah Initialization after E000 option ROM control has completed.
B-8 AS1020C-3 User ’s Manual Notes.
C-1 Appendix C: System Specifi cations Appendix C Sys t em Specifi catio ns P r o c e s s o r s Dual A MD Op teron ™ 20 0 Series 6 4 -bit processors in t o 9 40 - pin ZIF sockets Chipset nVidia nF.
C-2 AS1020A-T User's Manual Serverboard Model: H8DCR-3 Form Factor: Extended A TX Dimensions: 12 x 13.05 in (305 x 332 mm) Chassis Model: SC813TQ+-500 Form Factor: 1U rackmount Dimensions: (WxHxD) 17.2 x 1.7 x 25.6 in. (437 x 44 x 650 mm) W e i g h t Gross (Bare Bone): 38 lbs.
C-3 Appendix C: System Specifi cations Regulatory Compliance Electromagnetic Emissions: FCC Class B, EN 55022 Class B, EN 61000-3-2/-3-3, CISPR 22 Class B Electromagnetic Immunity: EN 55024/CISPR 24,.
C-4 AS1020A-T User's Manual Notes.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met SUPER MICRO Computer AS 1020C-3 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.