Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DKT2510-FSD van de fabrikant Toshiba
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November 2001 TOSHIBA Telecommunica tions Division Digital T elephone User Gu ide (includes Single Line Digi tal Keyphone LCD, Add-on Module, and Direct Station Selection Console) Release 2 Digital Bu.
Publication Informa tion T oshiba Informat ion Systems (UK) Ltd . reserves the right to change any of this info rmation in cl uding, but not limi te d to , product cha ra ct eri stic s and op er ating spec ificatio ns, without pri or not ice.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 i Contents Introduction Organisation .................................................................................................................. .................. x How to Use This Guide ..
ii Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Contents Making an Internal Call ............................................................................................................ 15 Making an Outside Call ..........................
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 iii Contents Page/Internal Call Pickup ..................................................................................................... .... 38 Call Transfer with Camp-on .....................
iv Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Contents All Call Page ............................................................................................................................. 60 Privacy On-Line ..........................
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 v Contents Retrieve and Auto Dial Missed Calls ........................................................................................... .9 2 Messages, Memos, and Name Display ...................
vi Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Contents Emergency Override of Forced Acc ount Code Dialling Requirements ................................. 115 Verified Account Codes ...........................................................
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 vii Contents Setting Call Forward .......................................................................................................... ......... 142 Voice Mail Identification Code ...........
viii Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Contents Appendix C Button Labels Note s to Us ers Index.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 ix Introduction This guid e describ es how to use the 20 00 and 250 0-serie s digital t elephones for Strat a CT sys tems. Models cove red in this user gu ide in clude digi tal tel ephones equ ipped wi th a Liqui d Crystal Display (LCD) and/o r spea kerphone (2 500-seri es).
x Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Organis ation Introductio n Organisation ♦ Chapter 1 – The Digital T elephone Grand T our provides a n overv iew of the equipment, buttons, Light Emitt ing Diodes (LEDs), and LCDs.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 xi Introduct ion How to Use This Guide Conventions Letters in [brac kets] re presen t buttons which have Di rectory Numbers on them. For exa mple: Conventions Descriptio n Not e Elab orat es sp ecific item s or refe renc es oth er info rmat ion.
xii Strata CT Digital T el ep hone User Guide November 2001 Related Docume nts/Media Introduction Action/Response Related Docume nts/Media Note Some documents l is te d her e may a ppea r in dif ferent ver si ons on the CD-ROM or in pri nt .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 xiii Introduct ion Relat ed Docu ments /Media ♦ Strata T echnical Library CD-ROM ena bles you to view , print, navi gate and search publica tions for Str ata DK40 an d Strata CT digit al business telepho ne systems .
xiv Strata CT Digital T el ep hone User Guide November 2001 Related Docume nts/Media Introduction.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 1 The Digital T elephone Grand T our 1 This chapt er famil iarises you with the c ontrols a nd indica tors loca ted on your digital telephon e.
2 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Digita l T elephone Mod els The Digital T elephone Grand T our Digita l T e lepho ne Models Feature o peration s in t his guide use the but ton des ignatio ns for the 2500-s eries model s.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 3 The Digital T elephone Gran d T our Buttons Buttons Figure 1 20-button Digi tal Speakerpho ne with LCD 0539 Dial Pad Handset Red/Green LED Indic.
4 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Buttons The Digita l T elephone Gr and T our Buttons There are two sets o f buttons , fixed and flexi ble. The fi xed butto ns (e.g., Mi c , Msg , Re di a l , Hold , Conf/T r n , Vo l ▲ , and Vo l ▼ ) are standa rd to ever y Strata DK 2500-se ries te lephone (s ee Ta b l e 1 ).
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 5 The Digital T elephone Gran d T our Buttons Hold (conti nued) If the held party hangs up, the call is rel eased and the Exch ange pr ovides a hold-relea se signa l.
6 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Buttons The Digita l T elephone Gr and T our Flexible Buttons All flex ible butt ons must be programme d for your telep hone in sys tem programmin g and vary f or individu al te lephones.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 7 The Digital T elephone Gran d T our Buttons Directory Number [DN] Butt ons The [DN] button s consist of : [PDNs], [SDNs], and [PhDNs]. They are use d to initia te or answer a cal l and are known as you r ext ension or i nterc om number( s).
8 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Buttons The Digita l T elephone Gr and T our Figure 2 Multiple Direc tory Numbe rs Example Feature Buttons Preprogr ammed feat ure b uttons ca n be as signed to your tel ephone a nd var y fo r indi vidua l tel ephones .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 9 The Digital T elephone Gran d T our LCD LCD In its i dle sta te, the 32- chara cter LCD fea ture on you r digita l teleph one give s you an acc urate des k clock and calen dar combinat ion.
10 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 LED Indi cators The Digital T elephone Grand T our LED Indicators Each line and featu re button has a LED n ext to it which indi cates th e status of the line or f eature associa ted with t he button.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 11 The Digital T elephone Gran d T our On-hook/O ff-hook On-hook/Off -hook Some procedu res in th is use r guide i nstruct y ou to perf orm a step whi le “ on-hook ” or “ of f-hook. ” Thes e terms refer t o the p ositio n of the hands et.
12 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 V olu m e Cont rols The Digital T elephone Grand T our T able 5 Using V ol ▲ /V ol ▼ with Other Buttons Feature Phone Status Press Com ments Micropho ne Sensiti vit y On-hook/ Of f-hook Whil e pres sing, hold Mic and Vo l ▲ / / / /V ol ▼ for three seco nds.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 13 Features 2 This chapt er list s all t he digita l tel ephone fea tures in alphab etical o rder begi nning on Pag e 18 . These featur es can be perfor med on 2500-seri es digital te lephon es equipped wit h or without LCDs.
14 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Before Y ou Begin Features Automatic Line Selec tion Y ou have Au tomat i c Li ne Sel ec ti on, if y ou h ear d ial t one a nd the [ DN], Li ne , or Pooled Line Grp LED li ghts ste ady green.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 15 Features Qu ick Re fere nce Quick Reference The foll owing is a quick re fere nce chart for using your tele phone ’ s standar d featur es. Making an Internal Cal l Making an Outside Cal l 1. Lift th e handset o r press Spkr .
16 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Quick Ref erence Features Making an Outside Ca ll to an ISDN T run k press Line ...or P oole d Line Gr p ...or [DN], th en enter an Exchange l ine or line grou p acces s code (see “ Exchang e Line Access Codes ” on Page 155 ).
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 17 Features Qu ick Re fere nce On-Hook Dialli ng Answering Calls When you r eceive an incomin g call, t he LCD display s either the Exchang e line ( 10 ) ... or the station ’ s [PDN] ( 210 ). 1. Press Spkr (if you have Auto matic line sele ction ).
18 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Account Code Calls Features Incoming Call Notifica tion Muted r inging whil e you are o n a cal l indica tes an inc oming ca ll. If an other call comes in duri ng the first call, rel ease, transfe r , or pl ace the call on h old, then a nswer t he second c all.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 19 Features Account Code Calls V oluntary Acc ount Codes (V erifi ed/Non-V erified) V oluntary Acco unt Codes ar e usually optional . They ca n be entere d after access ing an Excha nge line or durin g a call, t o keep tr ack of t he call for clie nt billi ng purpose s.
20 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Alarm Reset Features Alarm Reset Y our Strata CT system ca n be connect ed to a facil ity al arm syste m. All teleph ones produce a st artl ing tone whenev er this a larm is ac tivated . ➤ To r e s e t t h e a l a r m ➤ Press Alarm R eset .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 21 Features Atte ndant Co nsole Call ing Attendant Console Calling Up to four Attendant Consoles ca n be inst alled per system. Ther e can be up to three ways to c all the Attendant Console, de pending upon syste m programmi ng.
22 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Automatic Callback (ACB) Features ➤ T o activate ABR ➤ T o cancel ABR ➤ Press A uto Bu sy Re dial ...or [DN] + #44 . Automatic Callback (ACB ) After re aching a bu sy/DND stati on, you c an set ACB to have the sy stem ca ll you back when the called s tation b ecomes avai lable.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 23 Features Auto matic Call back (ACB) ➤ T o set ACB 1. After re aching either a busy /DND station or Exchang e line, press Auto Callbac k ...or 4 . Y ou hear busy tone, followed by dial t one (two secs.
24 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Automatic Hol d Features ➤ T o cancel ACB (t o busy or DND stat ion) ➤ Press A uto Callb ack o r [DN] + #43 . Automatic Hold Automatic Hold enab les you to automatic ally pla ce a call on hold by p ressing a nother out side Line or a [DN] butt on — there is no need to press Ho ld .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 25 Features BGM Over T elephon e Speakers BGM Over T e lephone Speakers BGM over e xtern al spe a kers is cont rolled by th e S yste m Adm inist rator . If BG M is en a bled, you ca n turn it ON/OFF for your individ ual stat ion speake r .
26 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Forward Features Call Forward Modes Y ou can set you r telephone [ PDNs] or [PhDNs ] for a va riety of Call Forwar d modes: ♦ Call Forward — All Cal ls forwar ds all ca lls im mediately; your tel ephone does not ring when called.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 27 Features Ca ll Forw a rd ♦ Call Forward — External for wards new inc oming ca lls direct ed to yo ur [PDN] to a destinati on outside of the sys tem. [PhDNs] a ssigne d to your t elephone d o not call forward t o externa l destina tions.
28 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Forward Features Receive CF Call When a call is forwar ded to your [DN] ( 210 ), th e callin g [DN] ( 205 ) is displaye d on the left an d the [D N] called is disp layed on t he right [203].
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 29 Features Ca ll Forw a rd Call Forward – Busy ➤ T o cancel a Cal l Forward – Bus y ➤ Press C C C Call F rwd Busy + Spkr ...or [PDN] + #602 + Spkr . Call Forward – No Answer 1. Press Cal l F rw d Busy .
30 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Forward Features ➤ T o cancel a Cal l Forward — No Ans wer ➤ Press Cal l F r wd No Ans wer + Spkr ...or [PDN] + #603 + Spk r . Call Forward – Busy/No Answer 4. Enter the time dela y ( 08 ~60 ) seconds.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 31 Features Ca ll Forw a rd ➤ T o cancel a Cal l Forward – Bus y/No Answer ➤ Press Cal l F r wd Busy/N Ans + Spkr ...or [PDN] + #604 + Spkr . Call Forward – Fixed ➤ Press Call F rwd to: .
32 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Forward Features Call Forward — External ➤ T o cancel a Cal l Forward – Exte rnal ➤ Press Cal l F r wd External ...or [PDN] + #670 + Spk r . 1. Store t he desti nat io n nu mber at Stati on Speed Dia l locati on 139.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 33 Features Ca ll Forw a rd Remote Destination Change If Call Forwar d-E xte rnal mode is set at you r sta ti on, you can change the for war din g dest ination fr om a teleph one outsi de of the s ystem.
34 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Park Orbi ts Features Call Park Orbits The Call Pa rk featur e enables you to hold a cal l temporaril y in an orbit (t he area whe re the ca ll is held). Anyo ne can r etrieve th e call from the o rbit usi ng the same o r a dif feren t stati on.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 35 Features Cal l Park and Pag e ➤ T o r etrieve a parked call Call Park and Page Y ou can use the Park feature i n conjunc tion wit h the Pag e featu re. This oper ation c an be progr ammed on a Spee d Dial button for one- touch activat ion (See “ F eature Acc ess Code s ” on P a ge 6 7 .
36 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Pickup Features Call Pickup Y ou can pick up a call t hat is ri nging anot her stat ion ’ s [PDN] or [PhDN], a c all placed on hold at anoth er stati on and othe r types of calls.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 37 Features Ca ll Pic ku p [DN] Pickup Picks up r inging or held Direc tory Numbers . ➤ Press [DN] + #5#2 + [PDN] or [PhDN] that you wa nt to p ick up. Directed Call Pickup This fea ture enabl es you to p ick up cal ls ringi ng in, or c alls hel d at other statio ns.
38 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call T ransfer with Ca mp -on Features Calls Ringi ng Withi n Y our Group ➤ Press Gro up Pic kup or a [DN] + #5#34 .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 39 Features Call T ransf er with Camp-on ➤ T o transf er a call 1. W hile on a ca ll, pr ess Cnf/T r n . The Li ne or [DN] LED flashe s green (conf erence rate ). Y ou hear interna l dial t one. 2.
40 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Waitin g Features Call W aitin g Y ou can answer a cal l that is tr ansferr ed to your s tation, e ven when your s tation is bu sy . When anothe r call is campe d onto your st atio n, you hear two ca mp-on tone bee ps and the [DN] or Line LED flas hes red (on- hold).
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 41 Features Co nferenc e Calls Conference C alls This fea ture enabl es you to a dd other p arties t o an exist ing call . (If you have an LCD tel ephone, you can use Sof t Keys to ma ke a con ference call .
42 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Date/Tim e/Day Adju stment Features Date/Time/Day Adjustment This feat ure is perf ormed from a designate d stati on.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 43 Features Direct Inw ard Syste m Access (DISA) DISA Calls - External 1. From outsi de the sys tem, call th e DISA Exchange line te lephone numbe r . Y ou hear a ringba ck tone si gnal, the n an int ernal di al tone for 10 sec o nds.
44 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Direct Stati on Sele ction (DSS) But tons (Ho tline) Features Direct Station Selection (DSS) Buttons (Hotline) This optio nal fea tur e ena bles you to use a DSS button to connect dir ec tly to an oth er st atio n ’ s [PDN].
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 45 Features Door L ock(s) ➤ T o activ ate/deact ivate DND ➤ Press Do Not Disturb . The LED light s steady r ed and DND mode i s activat ed.
46 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Door P hone (s) Features Door Phone(s) Door phones ca n be us ed to cal l di gi ta l/ el ect ro nic teleph ones sel ec ted in sy stem programmi ng. When a door ph one cal ls, y ou h ear a distinc tive ringi ng tone , one o r fiv e time s (se t in system progra mming).
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 47 Features Door Phon e(s) ➤ T o answer a door p hone cal l ➤ T o c all/mo nito r a do or ph o ne ➤ T o call fr om a door ph one 1.
48 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 DTMF T one Di alling wit h * and # Features DTMF T one Dialling with * and # Y ou may have to send * an d # # # # DTMF tones to some device s or services , such as a voice mai l devi ce or compu ter outpu t servic e.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 49 Features Group L isten i ng Group Listening This feat ure enabl es you to se t your tel ephone so t hat you and pe ople near y our telep hone can hear the called pa rt y over t he s peak er , bu t the ca ll ed p arty ca n not hea r you .
50 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Hands free Mo nit orin g Features Handsfree Monitoring Calls pl aced on hol d by an outsi de party may be monitor ed hand sfree.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 51 Features I S DN Ou tgo ing Calling ISDN Outgoing Calli ng This fea ture enables you to make o utgoing call usi ng an Inte grated Servi ces Dig ital Network ( ISDN) trunk, pr ovided tha t you are c onnected t o Strata CT and that you subs cribe to ISDN lines.
52 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Messag e W aitin g Features Message W aiting Light on [PDN] ➤ T o answer a Msg li ght ➤ T o cancel the Msg light 1. Press Msg , the n lift th e handset. If you re ach a s tation t hat is busy or doe s not answe r , go on-hook and press Msg again.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 53 Features M essage W ai ting Message W aiting Light on [PhDN/ MW] ➤ T o r espond to [Ph DN/MW] ➤ T o cancel [PhDN/ MW] Message W aiting Light on Anothe r T elephone ➤ T o set a mes sage waiting l ight o n another te lephone 1.
54 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Microph one Cut-O ff Features ➤ T o cancel a message li ght set on another sta tion ➤ Press [DN] and dial #64 plus the [PDN] or [Ph DN] th at has the m e ssage light set.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 55 Features O ff-hook Cal l Announce (O CA) ♦ Speaker Off- hook Call Announ ce (SP-OCA) – l ets call ers make an announce ment throug h the speaker of an of f-h ook, busy dig ital phon e. The call ed teleph one must be equipped with opti onal hardware.
56 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Off-hook Call Annou nce (OCA) Features HS-OCA ➤ T o a n swer an HS -OCA talkb a ck ca ll ➤ T o disconnect an HS-OCA call t o your stati on ➤ Press Spkr . The HS-OCA call di sconnec ts. SP-OCA ➤ T o answer an SP-OCA cal l ➤ Speak towar d the micr ophone of you r phone.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 57 Features Ov erride Calls Override C alls The avail able over ride fea tures ar e: ♦ Busy Overr ide (BOV) – en ables you to s end a mut ed ring to ne to a busy st ation to ind ic ate th at a call is waiting.
58 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Override Calls Features Busy Override Do Not Disturb Override Executive Override ➤ After re aching a busy statio n, press 2 . A mute d tone is hea rd at th e bus y station, indic ating tha t a call is waiti ng.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 59 Features Ov erride Calls Privacy Override T oll Restrictio n Override ➤ Afte r reach ing a busy statio n, press Li ne . Conne cted part ies may hear an optional tone signa l bef ore you are connected.
60 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Page Annou ncements Features Page Announcemen ts Station users can make page announcem ents to t elephones and extern al speake rs. ➤ T o make a page a nnouncement All Call Page Y ou can make an All Call Page to digital /electroni c telepho nes assign ed to th e “ All Call Page Group.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 61 Features Priv acy On- Line Privacy On-Line W ith this fea ture, you c an block t hose with Pr ivacy Ov erride f rom enteri ng your Exch ange line . The button do es not block Busy or Executive Override.
62 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Releas e and Ans wer Features Release and Answer This feat ure enabl es you to a utomatica lly disc onnect or transfer an act ive call and answer a new cal l using a butto n, ins tea d o f a hooks wit ch.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 63 Features Spe akerphon e Speakerphone All digi tal tel ephone u sers can a nswer inte rnal cal ls han dsfree ( on-hook), bu t only users wit h a speakerp hone can make and rec eive cal ls without lifti ng the hands et.
64 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial Features ➤ T o answer an inco ming call us ing speakerp hone Speed Dial Speed Dial enables y ou to call a teleph one number wit h a brief access c ode.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 65 Features Sp eed Dial ➤ T o stor e/r eplace a telephone number on a Station Speed Dial button ➤ T o clear a te lephone number on a Stat ion Speed Dial button ➤ Repeat th e previous proce dure on Page 65 , s kippin g Step 3 .
66 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial –Adv an ce d Featu res Features ➤ T o make a cal l using a Speed Di al button or access code Speed Dial – Advanced Features Fe.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 67 Features Sp eed Dial – Ad vanced F eatures ➤ T o stor e a fea ture onto a code ➤ Red i al + Speed Di al + Speed Dia l Access Cod e + Featur e Access Code + Re dial . Important! ● Do not lif t the han dset.
68 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial – Advanc ed Feat ures Features Overrides (Busy , DND) 2 Overrides (Ex ecutive) 3 Page Acces s 4 Hold + [PDN] + # XXX #XXX = Page Access code - “ Paging Access Codes ” on Pages 157 and 157 .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 69 Features Sp eed Dial – Ad vanced F eatures Speed Dial Pause an d Flash/Recall St orage Some Speed Dia l numbers may requir e a pause (long or r egular) or hookfla sh be incl uded (e.g., t one delay re quire s a pause at the begi nning of a Speed Dial n umber).
70 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial – Advanc ed Feat ures Features ➤ T o link stat ion/syst em speed dial numbers Linked Speed Di al Example The System Admi nistrat.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 71 Features Sp eed Dial – Ad vanced F eatures where: 990 990 990 990 – Syst em Speed Dial Code that is linke d. 9 9 9 9 – Exchang e line acc ess code. 00 00 00 00 – interna tiona l area code .
72 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Timed Re minder s Features ➤ T o chain dial Speed Dial number s T imed Reminders Y ou can set five separate remind ers at you r stati on. At the t ime (hour an d minute) s et by you, yo ur telephon e beeps .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 73 Features Timed Remi nder s ➤ T o cancel a T imed Reminde r 4. E nter de sired LCD message st atio n number ( 10 ~ 19 ) or syst em number ( 60 ~ 99 ) .
74 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 T one /Pulse Dial ling Features T one/Pulse Di allin g W ith some o lder Exch anges, you may ha ve to make cal ls on Ex change lines t hat ar e progra mmed for rotary d ial pu lses.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 75 Features T wo (T andem) Exchang e Line Connectio n T wo (T ande m) Exchange Line Connection [DN] Button This fea ture enabl es a sta tion user to connect two Exchange lines, t hen dro p out of th e conversa tion.
76 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 T wo (T andem) Excha nge Lin e Connecti on Features Exchange Line Buttons This feat ure allows a station user to co nnect tw o Exchange l ines, the n drop out o f the conversat ion.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 77 Features T wo (T andem) Exchang e Line Connectio n Supervision ➤ T o supervi se a tandem ca ll and r elease it 5. Press Cnf /T rn and hang up. Y ou hear dial ton e. Both Line LEDs continue to fl ash (exc lusiv e-ho ld rate) a nd the two lines ar e connec ted.
78 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 V oice Ma il Inte grat ion Fe atures V oice Mail Integrati on This sect ion expla ins how to p rogram your t elephone for Call Forwa rd and ret rieve message s when using a T oshiba Stratagy V oice Mail Sys tem wit h your Stra ta CT sys tem.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 79 Features V oice Mai l Inte grati on ➤ T o cancel the mailbox number ➤ Press [DN] + #656 + R edi al . Message Retrieval Y ou can progra m a flashi ng MSG o r [ PhDN/ MW] t o a utoma ticall y retr ie ve yo ur Strat agy v oi ce mail mess ages when it is pr e ssed.
80 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 V oice Ma il Inte grat ion Fe atures ➤ T o r etrieve me ssages wit h Msg or [Ph DN/MW] button ➤ Press Msg [PhDN/MW] butto n with fla shing LED. ➤ T o cancel automati c retri eval ➤ Press [DN] + #657 + R edi al .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 81 Features V oice Mai l Inte grati on ➤ T o f orwar d call s to vo ice m ail ➤ T o cancel Call Forward 1. Press th e desi red Call For w a r d b utton The LED flash es. ...or a [PDN] o r [PhDN] + access co de.
82 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 V oice Ma il Inte grat ion Fe atures.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 83 LCD Operation 3 This chapt er cover s the LCD, it s buttons and displa ys. Special featur es availa ble only wi th the LCD are desc ribed in detai l and step -by-step instruct ions on us ing the m are given .
84 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Control Butt ons LCD Op eratio n Control Buttons The Mo de , Pa g e and Scroll buttons are act ive when Sof t Keys are turne d off or your t elephone i s idle. Ta b l e 8 lists button function s.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 85 LCD Op erati o n Soft Keys ➤ T o Exit fr om any Mode Soft Keys The Soft Ke y featur e provides a quick- and-easy wa y to acces s freque ntly-use d feature s duri ng a call . When Soft Keys are on, th ey replac e the Mode, Pag e, and Scrol l functi ons.
86 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Soft Keys L CD Oper atio n ➤ T o turn Soft Keys ON ➤ T o turn Soft Keys OFF Soft Key Display Abbreviat ed So ft Key f eat ure prompts display on the LCD abov e th e Cont rol buttons ( Mode , Page , and Scroll ).
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 87 LCD Op erati o n Soft Keys Example: Using Soft Keys to Make a Conference Call While on an outside c all ( LINE 3 ) you in itia ted, your LCD di.
88 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Soft Keys L CD Oper atio n If you have T one Firs t Signall ing, the phone r ings sta tion [203] and the displ ay chan ges to: 4. (Optional ) If you have voice f irst signall ing, an nounce the c all to statio n 203 .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 89 LCD Op erati o n Soft Keys Soft Key Prompts Ta b l e 9 provides defi nitions of all of the Soft Key prompts t hat could appear on yo ur LCD. T able 9 Soft Key Pro mpts Soft Key Definition ABR Activates Automatic Busy R edial afte r diallin g a busy outsi de telepho ne numbe r .
90 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Busy Lamp Fiel d (BLF) Disp lay LCD Op eratio n Busy Lamp Field (B LF) Display This feat ur e di spl ays when a station i s bu sy or ringi ng on any t ype of [ DN] or Excha nge l i n e.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 91 LCD Op erati o n CLI/DDI Info rmatio n Mode CLI/DDI Information Mode If your s ystem is pr ogrammed to r eceive bo th CLI and DDI i nformati on on incomin g calls, p ress Pa ge w hile th e call is ringin g to al terna te bet ween D DI and C LI LCD displa ys.
92 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Retriev e and Auto Dial Mi ssed Call s LCD Op eratio n Retrieve and Auto Dial Missed Calls The syste m automati cally s aves th e numbers for all calls t hat ring at your telephon e, but a re unanswered (missed ca lls).
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 93 LCD Op erati o n Messag es, Mem os, an d Name Di splay ➤ T o Auto Dial the lost call Messages, Memos, and Na me Display The LCD on y our tele phone can be us ed to sen d or rec eive mess ages to/ from other LCD t elephone us ers (sampl e shown at r ight).
94 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Messag es, Mem os, an d Name Display L CD Operatio n ➤ T o enter LCD ch aracters 1. A cces s mes sage/ memo /nam e displ ay . A cu rsor ( — ) appears at the first characte r in t he dis play .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 95 LCD Op erati o n Mes sages Messages There are thre e basic LCD mess age funct ions: ♦ Advisory mes saging enables you to store an i nformati ve message f or LCD tel ephones t hat call your p hone.
96 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Messag es LCD Op er atio n ➤ T o enter/st or e a stati on message ➤ T o set an a dvisory mess age for inc oming calls 1. Press L CD Ms g Select ...or [PDN] + #68 . The LCD Msg Selec t/[PDN] LED flash es.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 97 LCD Op erati o n Mes sages ➤ T o cancel an adv isory message that has been set at your st ation ➤ Press L CD Ms g Select ...or [PDN] + #68 + Spkr . The LED goes ou t. If a st atio n message was sent, thi s procedur e does not erase it.
98 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Messag es LCD Op er atio n Message Notifications W ith an LCD teleph one, you can s et short messages ( up to 32 char acters) that di splay to c allers with LCD telephon es. Any statio n can recor d a me ss age; howe ver , onl y stat ions w ith an LCD a re abl e to se e the s tore d messages.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 99 LCD Op erati o n Mes sages ➤ T o r eceive a no tificat ion st ation messag e ➤ Press Msg when your t elephon e Msg LED is fl ashing .
100 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Messag es LCD Op er atio n ➤ T o r eceive a no tificat ion mess age ➤ Press Msg . ➤ T o c a ncel t he m es sage from the te lepho ne th at set t he mes sage ➤ Press [PDN] and dial # 64XXX , where XXX is the [PDN] of the te lephon e that set t he message.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 101 LCD Op erati o n Mes sages Silent Messaging (Bus y Station) An audible t one and a n LCD message ca n be s ent to an LCD s tation t hat is b usy . The busy station can return a message to th e callin g stat ion ’ s LCD.
102 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Memos LCD Operatio n Memos Speed Dial Memos Y ou can store n ames (12 charact ers max.) for each of 40 sta tion spe ed dial n umbers. The me mo pad of names ca n be scrol led to se lect the approp riate pa rty .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 103 LCD Op erati o n Memos ➤ T o displa y the Speed Di al number and memo ➤ Press Mo de + 8X~X , where X~X is the s peed dial number to be displaye d. ➤ T o dial a Speed Dial number ➤ T o check a spee d dial number 1.
104 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Name /Numbe r Disp lay LCD Op eratio n Timed Reminders See “ T i med Reminders ” on Page 72 . Name/Number Display This feat ure enabl es you to e nter a na me/tit le, tele phone numb er , loca tion, etc.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 105 LCD Op erati o n Nam e/Num ber Disp lay ➤ T o clear name/ number disp lay ➤ T o erase n ame/number displ ay 1. Press [DN] + #620 . Y ou hear con firmation t one, then bus y tone. 2. Press Spkr .
106 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Name /Numbe r Disp lay LCD Op eratio n.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 107 The Single Digital T elephone Grand T our 4 This cha pter fa miliar ises you with th e control s and i ndicator s locate d on your Strata DKT2001 Digit al SL T .
108 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Buttons T he Single Digita l T elephone Grand T our Buttons Strata DKT2 001 telephones come with si x fixed bu ttons ( see Figur e 4 ). The f unctions of each of the buttons a re descr ibed in Ta b l e 1 1 .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 109 The Single Di gital T elephone Grand T our LED Indica tors LED Indicators The Lin e butt on h as a n LED t hat fl as hes at var yi ng r at es t o i ndi cate l in e or ca ll st atus (se e T able 12 ).
11 0 Strata CT Digital T elep hone User Guide November 2001 V olu m e Cont rols The Single Digital T elephone Grand T our V olume Controls Y our telephone ha s Vo l ▲ / Vo l ▼ buttons to increa se and decrea se ri ng tone and hand set volume levels.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 111 Single Line Digital T elephone Features 5 This chapt er expla ins how to u se the fea tures on y our DKT2001 te lephone. Ther e is a Qui ck Referenc e section for ba sic telepho ne use, f ollowed by the feat ures in al phabetic al order .
11 2 Strata CT Digital T elep hone User Guide November 2001 Before Y ou Begin Single Line Digital T elephone Features Incoming Call Ringing Patterns Y our telephone r inging pat tern is set in sy stem progra mming. Some systems may use t he inter nal call ring patt ern — one seco nd ON, three s econds OFF — for incomi ng outside call s.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 11 3 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Quic k Refer ence Quick Reference Making an Internal Cal l Making an Outside Cal l 1. Lift th e handset ...or lif t the hand set and pr ess Line . Y ou hear interna l dial t one.
11 4 Strata CT Digital T elep hone User Guide November 2001 Quick Ref erence Single Line Digital T elephone Features Making an Outside Ca ll Using ISDN If your St rata CT t elephone s ystem has In tegra ted Servi ces Digital Networki ng (ISDN) feat ures, y ou can make cal ls using this advanced se rvice.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 11 5 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Account Code Calls Account Code Calls Account Code s are used for a variety o f reasons , includi ng billi ng, call t racking, and l ine rest rictio n applica tions.
11 6 Strata CT Digital T elep hone User Guide November 2001 Account Code Calls Single Line Digital T e lephone Features V erified Acc ount Codes Some Strat a CT systems ve rify th e numbers ent ered when yo u enter Forced or V olunta ry Account Codes.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 11 7 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Automatic Bu sy Redial (ABR) Automatic Busy Redial (ABR) After re aching a b usy outs ide numbe r , yo u can acti vate ABR so t hat the St rata CT system automati cally redials the number a t regula r interv als.
11 8 Strata CT Digital T elep hone User Guide November 2001 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Single Line Digita l T elephone Feature s Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Y our DKT2001 telephon e must be pr ogrammed f or ACD in order for ACD featur es to wo rk.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 11 9 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Automatic Callback (ACB) Automatic Callback (ACB ) After re aching a b usy or the Do Not Distur b (DND) mode, you c an set ACB to have th e system cal l you back whe n the ca lled sta tion is no l onger bu sy or in the DND mode .
120 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Attendant Co ns ole Callin g Single L ine Digital T elephone Features Attendant Console Call ing Up to four attendant consoles can be ins talled p er syste m. There can be up to thr ee ways to c all the attenda nt console , depend ing upon sys tem programmi ng.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 121 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Backgro und Musi c (BGM) O ver T elephone Sp eakers Background Music (BGM) Over T elephone Speakers BGM over e xtern al spe a kers is cont rolled by th e S yste m Adm inist rator .
122 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Forward (CF) Single Line Digital T elephone Features #604 -Busy/No Ans wer Forward s calls im mediately to anot her stat ion wheneve r you are busy on anot her call . Calls al so forw ard if yo u do not answe r within a c ertain t ime (that you design ate).
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 123 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Call Forward (CF) ➤ T o cancel Call Forward Call Forward — External This fea ture enables you to for ward new , incoming cal ls to a n umber outsi de of the s ystem.
124 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Forward (CF) Single Line Digital T elephone Features ➤ T o cancel Call Forward- External Remote Call Forward — Exter nal Destination .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 125 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Call Forward (CF) ➤ T o change the de stinatio n number 1. C all in to the S trata C T syste m over an Exchange l ine progr ammed for the DI SA featu re.
126 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Park Orbi ts Sing le Line Digital T e lephone Features Call Park Orbits The Call Pa rk featur e enables you to hold a cal l temporaril y in an orbit (t he area whe re the ca ll is held). Anyo ne can r etrieve th e call from the o rbit usi ng the same o r a dif feren t stati on.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 127 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Call Pi cku p ➤ T o r etrieve a parked ca ll fr om any s tation ➤ T o park a cal l and page an oth.
128 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Call Pickup Single Line Digital T elephone Fe atures Pick up Calls to a Gr oup Stations may be assi gned in sys tem pro gramming to Pi ckup Groups.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 129 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Confe rence Ca lls ➤ T o pick up a call that is ringing i n another gr oup Conference C alls Strata .
130 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Conf eren c e Call s Single Line Digita l T elephone Feature s Step 2: (Optional) Add Mo re Callers to a Conferenc e or T an dem Call 4.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 131 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Excha nge Li ne Queu ing Exchan ge Line Queuin g If all out going Ex change lin es are bus y , the Exchan ge Line Queuing f eature wi ll ring your tele phone when one is availabl e.
132 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Direct Inward Sy stem Access (DISA) Single Line Digital T elephone Features Direct Inward Sy stem Acce ss (DISA) Outside c allers wi th telep .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 133 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Direct Inward System Ac cess (DI SA) ➤ T o make an outg oing call with DISA 1. From outsi de the sys tem, call the DISA Excha nge line t elephone number:___ -_____.
134 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Door Phone s Single Line Digita l T elephone Feature s Door Phones Y ou can call a door phone and monitor the immed iate are a surround ing the doo r phone. ➤ T o call/monit or a door phone ➤ T o pick up a d oor phone cal l that is ringing anot her stati on 1.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 135 Single Line Digital T elephone Features DTMF T one D ialling wi th * and # DTMF T one Dialling with * and # Y ou may have to send * and # DTMF to nes to some d evices or services , such as a voice mail device or compute r output s ervice.
136 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Messag e W aitin g Single Line Digital T elephone Features Retrieve a Call on Ex clusive Hold Message W aiting If your st ation is idle or busy on a call while anoth er stati on tries t o contact y ou, the call ing stati on can turn on the message wa iting LED on you r tele phone.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 137 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Message W ait ing ➤ T o cancel the Message W aiting light Set Message Waiting on Other T elephones A.
138 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Override Calls Single Line Digital T elephone Features Override C alls Busy Overri de enab les you to send a tone to a bu sy station t o indicat e that a call is waiting. Any statio n can in itiate Busy Overri de.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 139 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Paging An nouncem ents T oll Restrictio n Override Station s can be in dividuall y restr icted fr om making tol l calls.
140 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Repeat Last Numb er Diall ed Single Line Digital T elephone Features Repe at La st Number Dia lled This feat ure enabl es you to e asily redial the last number call ed. See y our Sys tem Ad minis trator if this fe ature doesn ’ t work .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 141 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Time d R emind ers ➤ T o speed dial call T imed Reminders Y ou can set five separat e reminders at you r station. At the time ( hour and min ute) s et by you, yo ur telephon e beeps .
142 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 V oice Ma il Inte grat ion Single Line Digital T elephone Features ➤ T o cancel a T imed Reminder V oice Mail Integrati on This sect ion exp.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 143 Single Line Digital T elephone Features Setting Ca ll Forward V oice Mail Id entification Code T o direc t forward ed calls to your mail box .
144 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 V oice Mail Mes sage R etrieval Single Line Digital T elephone Features Call Forward T o T oshib a V oice System s By setti ng Call Forwa rd t.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 145 Single Line Digital T elephone Features V oice M ail Mes sage Re trieval ➤ T o r etrieve messages 1. When the Msg Lamp flash es, lift the hands et. 2. Press Msg ...or pres s Line , then Msg .
146 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 V oice Mail Mes sage R etrieval Single Line Digital T elephone Features.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 147 Add-on Module/DSS Console 6 This chapt er provi des an equi pment overv iew of t he follo wing two opti onal u nits and d escribes the featur es buttons and th eir assoc iated LEDs.
148 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 DADM Add-on Modul e/DSS Console ♦ An Exchange l ine LED is gre en when the Exc hange line is in use by the DADM console u ser .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 149 Add-on Modul e/DSS Console DSS Consol e DSS Consol e The DSS conso le operates al ongside of a digital telephone t o provide the telephone with 60 addi tional featur e buttons.
150 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 [DSS] Button Add-on Modul e/DSS Console [DSS] Button The Direct Station Select [ DSS] button c an appear o n both the DADM and DSS Console. Ea ch DSS button i s associa ted with a particular statio n in your t elephone s ystem.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 151 Add-on Modul e/DSS Console Feat ures T ransfer to an Idle Station Y ou can trans fer inte rnal or o utsid e calls t o an idle station from ei ther a DSS co nsole or a DADM.
152 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Featur es Add-on Module/DSS Co nsole ➤ T o t rans f e r call to a bu sy st ation Call Answering (Exch ange Line) If your DADM or DSS console i s equipped with a Line bu tton, you c an answer Exc hange line calls from the DADM or DSS c onso le as you woul d f rom a digit al t el eph one.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 153 Add-on Modul e/DSS Console Feat ures Paging Y ou can make an an nouncement p age to a gr oup of sta tion telepho ne spea kers select ed in syst em programming with All Ca ll P age on the DSS consol e.
154 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Featur es Add-on Module/DSS Co nsole.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 155 Digital T elephone Access Codes A This appen dix conta ins acces s codes for outside Speed Dial n umbers, Excha nge lines, Paging Gr oup and Paging Zone Codes. Exchange L ine Access Codes Exchange l ines are used when you d ial an out side number .
156 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Featur e Access Codes Digital T elephone Access Codes Notes ♦ 9 accesses LCR or a general li ne group . ♦ 801~8 16 acces ses line groups 1 ~16, respe ctively . ♦ #7001~#7200 access es indivi dual li nes 1~200, r espect ively .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 157 Digital T elephone Access Co des Paging Access Codes T able 15 Paging Grou ps Paging G roup Acces s Code Pa ging Group A ccess C ode Station G.
158 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial Access Code s Digital T elephone Access Codes Speed Dial Access Codes The number of statio n and sys tem speed di al numbers availabl e to you de pends on the size of your company ’ s telephone sys tem.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 159 Single Line Digital T elephone Access Codes B This appen dix conta ins acces s codes for outside Speed Dial n umbers, Excha nge lines, Paging Gr oup and Paging Zone Codes.
160 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Paging Ac cess Code s Single Line Di gital T elephone Access Code s Paging Access Co des Y our telephone c an be assi gned to page group(s) . T elephone s can be a me mber of more t han one group and e ach group c an have as many as 120 stations .
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 161 Single Line Digital T elephone Access Code s Speed Di al Acces s Codes Speed Dial Acce ss Code s The number of statio n and sys tem speed di al numbers availabl e to you de pends on the size of your company ’ s telephone sy stem.
162 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial Access Code s Sing le Line Di gital T elephone Acc ess Codes.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 163 Button Labels C All fle xible but tons must be programme d for your telephone in sys tem programmi ng and vary f or individ ual tele phones. I f a button do es not a ppear on yo ur dis play or te lephone ke ystrip l abel, see your Sy stem Administ rato r for but ton ass ignments.
164 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial Access Code s Button Label s Auto Callbac k Automatic Callback Button Press to recall a busy station or station in the Do Not Disturb (DND) mode as soon as that station becomes idle or deactivates DND.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 165 Button Labels Speed Di al Acces s Codes Group Pickup Group Pic kup Butto n Press to pick up a call that is rin ging a statio n that belongs to a Pickup Group that your statio n is a me mber of .
166 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial Access Code s Button Label s Park and Page Park/Page Bu tton Press to p ark intern al or ou tside ca ll in o rbit and a nnounc e to other teleph ones or pa ging speakers to retr ieve the p arked ca lls.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 167 Button Labels Speed Di al Acces s Codes Sub Subaddres s Button Press to e nter a subadd ress on a n ISDN trunk o utgoing call . Te l S e t M u s i c Backgrou nd Music Button Press to t urn Backgro und Mus ic on or off o ver your s tation speaker .
168 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Speed Dial Access Code s Button Label s.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 169 Notes to Users Step 1: Safety Approval T os h iba In format ion S ystem ( U.K. ) Ltd d e clare t hat th e Stra ta CT co mpl ie s with the E E C ’ s L VD direct ive, (Dire ctive No. 73 /23/EEC).
170 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Safety App roval Notes to Users Any periphe ral appar atus conn ected to the abov e ports mus t have the same EN60950 classif ication. ie. ♦ SEL V por ts must onl y be connect ed to S EL V type ports.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 171 Notes to Users EMC Compliance The S trata CT is de sign ed to wo rk wi th in the follo wing en viro nment al con ditio ns: ♦ Operatin g temperat ure 0oC to 40 oC ♦ Hum i dity 2 0% to 8 0% 1-5.
172 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 T ype Approval Notes to Users Step 3: T ype Approval T os h iba In form at ion S ystem s (UK ), Ltd, (T IU), h ereby decl ares th at the Strat.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 173 Notes to Users Network Planning Informa tion Step 4: Network Planning Information 4-1. Strat a CT T one Plan. T able A3 b elow list s the char acteris tics of the tones and signal s used in Strat a CT .
174 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Network P lanning In formation Notes to Users T able A4 be low list s the v arious “ t ypical ” transmis sion g ains /loss es when inter -conn e cting the various port types . -V alues i ndicate a transmi ssion los s.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 175 Index A about thi s book conventi ons xi how to use th is gui de x organisa tion x relate d documents xii ABR 21 , 117 ACB 22 , 119 access c o.
176 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Index page 85 Redial 5 Scro ll 85 Spkr 6 volume cont rol 4 , 6 , 109 C call hold 10 9 , 126 , 135 park orbi ts 126 pickup 127 call fo rward 25.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 177 Index overrid e of fo rced accou nt code 18 , 115 emergency r ingdown 48 , 51 exchange l ine access c odes 155 , 159 queuing 131 exclusi ve ho.
178 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Index advis ory 96 called s tation 98 group cal led stat ion 99 notifi cations 98 remote calling stat ion 97 silent (busy sta tion) 101 statio.
Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 179 Index scroll button 85 secondar y dire ctory number 7 silent messaging ( busy stat ion) 101 single l ine digi tal tel ephone a ccess code s 15.
180 Strata CT Digital T elephone User Guide November 2001 Index.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba DKT2510-FSD (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba DKT2510-FSD heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba DKT2510-FSD vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba DKT2510-FSD leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba DKT2510-FSD krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba DKT2510-FSD bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba DKT2510-FSD kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba DKT2510-FSD . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.