Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product IPT van de fabrikant Toshiba
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Telecommunication Systems Division October 2003 DKT/IPT T elephone User Guide Digital Business T elephone Systems.
Publicati on Informati on T oshiba A mer ic a Info rmati o n S yst ems, In c., T elecommu nica ti on Syst ems Divis i on, res er ves the ri ght, without prior not ice, to revi se this i nformat ion pu.
T oshiba America Information Systems, Inc. T elecommunication Systems Division Limite d W arranty T os h iba Am eric a Info rmatio n Syst ems, Inc. , ( “ TA I S ” ) warrants that this telephone eq.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 i Contents Introduction Organizati on .... ........................... .................. ........................... ........................... ............ ... vi i How to Use This Guide.............. ....
Contents Chapte r 3 – Advan ced Operati on ii Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Answering a Call........................ ......... ......... .................. ......... ......... .................. ......... ...... .1 0 Handset ...........
Contents Chapter 3 – Advan ced Opera tion Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 iii Station ............................ .................. ........................... ........................... .................. .. ..... 28 Station Cal l Forward Categ ories.
Contents Chapte r 4 – DKT3 014 LCD F eatures iv Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Paging .... ........................... ........................... .................. ........................... .........................49 Answering a Page .
Contents Chapter 6 – DADM/DSS Console Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 v Chapter 6 – DADM/DSS Console DADM ..................... .................. ........................... ........................... .................. ..............
Contents Appendix C – IPT 1020-SD Settin gs vi Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 vii Introduction This use r guide describes ho w to use these Toshi ba Strata s eries te lelph one product s with Str ata CTX 100-S, CTX100, and CTX670 te le.
Introduction How to Use This Guide viii Strata C T X DKT /I PT T el epho ne 10/03 • Appendix B – But ton Labels lis ts the fe ature but ton desi gnations o f the 3000- series digital telephon e models .
Introduction Related Do cu me nts /M edi a Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 ix Related Documents/Media Note Some document s liste d here may app ear in dif feren t versio ns on the CD-R OM or in p rint .
Introduction Related Documents/Media x Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 1 The Grand T our 1 This chap ter famil iarize s you with DKT300 0-serie s digital s peakerphone s, IPT1020-SD I nternet Protocol Telephones (IPTs), and DKT2000-seri es digital speaker phones (m odel numbers appear on the botto m of your telephone ).
The Grand T our DKT300 0-series T elephones 2 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 T osh iba LCD tele phones provide easy ac cess to fre quently-u sed feat ures.
The Grand T our DKT300 0-s erie s T elephones Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 3 Fixed Butt ons The fixe d buttons o n your di al pad ena ble you to perform stand ard fu nctions qu ickly and easi ly . Thes e buttons are descr ibed in Cha pter 2 – The Basics .
The Grand T our IP T10 20- SD T elephones 4 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 When the Sof t Key prompts appear on the LCD, the LCD Contr ol Button j ust below the prompt off ers access to that f eature. See “ Usin g Y our LCD ” on page 19 for more infor mati on.
The Grand T our DKT200 0-s erie s T elephones Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 5 DKT2020-SD T elephon e Fixed Butt ons The fix ed but tons on y our t elepho ne ena ble yo u to perfor m sta ndard functi ons qu ickly and easi ly . Thes e buttons are descr ibed in Cha pter 2 – The Basics .
The Grand T our DKT200 0-series T elephones 6 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Flexible Buttons All Flex ibl e Buttons must be pr ogr ammed f or your t el epho ne in syst em p rogramming and vary for in dividual telephone s.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 7 The Basics 2 This chap ter s hows you the b asic oper ation of your DKT3000-se ries te lephone, IP T1020-SD, or DKT2000-series telephone . Important! The t ext in th is chap ter appli es to the DKT3000-seri es telep hones, IPT1020-SD, and DKT2000-ser ies tel ephones, unl ess other wise noted .
The Basics Importan t - Read Firs t 8 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Which Outgoing/Inc oming Call Featur es Do I Hav e? Check mark h ere which ou tgoing/i ncoming fea tures you have on your sys tem.
The Basics Maki ng a Call Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 9 Making a Cal l There ar e three way s to orig inate a c all from yo ur digit al telep hone: Hot Dialing 1. T o make a c all usin g Hot Dialing, di al the nu mber . When you sta rt to di al, the ext ension butt on, Spkr and Mi c LEDs light .
The Basics Answer ing a Ca ll 10 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Answe ri n g a Cal l There ar e several ways to ans wer a ca ll: Handset ➤ If your tel ep hone is pro gra mme d for Ringi ng Line Pref er enc e, pic k up the hands et and the t elephone a utomatica lly answer s the ri nging lin e.
The Basics Messa ge Wai ting Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 11 Mess age W ait ing Use your 0VJ LED/b utto n and L CD to see /r etr ieve m ess a ge( s). An extens ion can re ceive up t o four s imultaneous Mes sage W aiting indica tions and LCD messages.
The Basics Microp hone 12 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 T urning On/Of f MW LED on Anot he r Extension If you ca ll an ext ension and it ’ s bus y or ther e is no ans wer, you may be a ble to light that ex tension ’ s Message Wait ing LED and en able that extensi on to call you back.
The Basics Call T ransfer Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 13 Call T ransfer 1. While on a call, press & QI7U Q . Y our Line LED flashes gr een and you hear inte rnal dial t one. 2. D ial t h e ex te nsio n wher e th e call w ill be tra nsf er red .
The Basics Confere nce Calls 14 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Confer ence Call s Y ou can confe rence toge ther up t o eight par ties (inc luding your own) - wit h up to six partie s being ext ernal ne twork lin es.
The Basics Confe renc e Ca ll s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 15 Adding Vo ice Mail t o a Confer ence The Confer ence Master can add voi ce mail t o a confer ence. This f eature enabl es partic ipants i n a confer ence to li sten to o r leave a voice mail message during one telep hone call .
The Basics Confere nce Calls 16 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Conferen ce Split/Joi n/Drop This feat ure en ables the confe rence mas ter to add (Join) other phone s to a confere nce. The confe rence master and a nother member of the co nference can leave (Split) the confere nce for a private c onversat ion.
The Basics Hold Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 17 Hold 1. T o place a call o n hold, press +ROG . Y our LCD shows the line on hold. The h eld Line ’ s LED fla s hes gree n whil e ap pea r a nce s o f th e lin e at ot her stat io ns f lash r ed.
The Basics Vo l u m e Co n t r ol 18 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Vo l u m e C o n t r o l ➤ T o adjust the hands et volume ➤ Press t he 9RO ▲ to increas e vo lume and 9R O ▼ to decr eas e volu me du ring t he ca ll. When you hang up, the v olume retu rns to the default setting .
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 19 Advanced Operation 3 This chap ter give s you more details abo ut your DKT3000 -series telephone , IP T1020-SD, or DKT2000-seri es telephone ’ s advanced f unctions. Using Y our LCD If your telephone has an LCD, use this section to l earn more a bout its f unctions.
Advanced Operati on Soft Keys 20 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Soft Keys When Sof t Keys are o n, they rep lace the fun ctions on t he 0RGH , 3D J H , 6FU ROO and )HD W X U H buttons below t he LCD. ( )HD WX U H is a fu ture fea ture for DKT3000-series phones an d the IP T10 20-SD.
Advanced Ope rat ion Soft Keys Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 21 Soft Key Example When the Sof t Key prompts appear on the LCD, the LCD Contr ol Button j ust below the prompt off ers access to that f eature. Here ’ s an ex ample of how So ft Keys work.
Advanced Operati on Advi sory Mes sages 22 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Advisory Mess ages Advisory m essag ing enabl es you to st ore an in for mative messag e for LCD tele phones that ca ll your t elephone. Th e messages c an be up to 16 charact ers long.
Advanced Ope rat ion Account Co de Call s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 23 Account Co de Calls Account Cod es (Forced or V oluntar y) can be u sed for a variety o f reasons includin g billi ng, tracking, a nd line r estrictio n appli cations.
Advanced Operati on Account Code Cal ls 24 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 V olunt ary Acc ount C odes (V eri fied/ Non-V erified) V oluntar y Account Codes are opti onal. They ca n be enter ed during a call and are used for tra cki n g sele cted calls using Station Messa ge De tail R epor t (SM DR) c al l de ta il recordi ng option.
Advanced Ope rat ion Automat ic Bus y Redia l Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 25 Automati c Bu sy Red ial After re aching a busy outsid e number , you can activ ate Automati c Busy Redial s o that the syst em auto maticall y redials the nu mber at reg ular i nterval s.
Advanced Operati on Automati c Callbac k 26 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Automati c Cal lback When you rea ch a busy st ation, you can set Aut omatic Callba ck to have the syste m monitor t he busy ext ension an d notify yo u when it becomes id le.
Advanced Ope rat ion Backgrou nd Mu sic Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 27 Background Mu sic Y ou can se t b ack ground mus ic ove r y our te lep hone speaker o r over ext er nal sp eakers .
Advanced Operati on Call F orward 28 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Call Forward There ar e two types of Call Fo rwarding that you can se t. One is Sys tem Call For ward (set in sys te m Pr ogr am min g) wh ich au tom atic ally d ire ct s cal ls to a pred e fin ed locati on, such as V oice Ma il.
Advanced Ope rat ion Call For wa rd Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 29 Station Ca ll F orward Ca tegorie s Y o u can s et Cal l Fo rw ar d f or th e foll owin g ca te go ri es o f c alls . W ithin thes e categor ies, you ca n use five dif ferent t ypes of Call Forward Sett ings.
Advanced Operati on Call F orward 30 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 • Call Forwar d Busy/Do Not Distur b/No Answer – Forward s all c alls to you r stati on whenever y ou are busy , in the DND mo de, or after ringing a nd you do not answer t he call withi n a design ated time (set by you when you enab le the fe ature).
Advanced Ope rat ion Call For wa rd Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 31 Call Forwa rd Examp les ➤ To set your telephone to CF Busy-No Answer to an inte rnal exten sion number ➤ Press you.
Advanced Operati on Call F orward 32 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Busy No Ans wer to an ext. Press ext. but ton + + dial th e dest. ex t. no. (tone ) + timer ( ~ ) (tone) Busy No Ans wer to outside tel eph one no. Press ext. button + + outside l ine acce ss code + dest .
Advanced Ope rat ion Call For wa rd Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 33 Busy to outside telephon e no. Press ext. but ton + (tone) + dia l the other telephone ’ s ext. no. + enter oth er telepho ne ’ s CF pass cod e + + o ut sid e line acce ss co de + dest.
Advanced Operati on Call F orward 34 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Call Forward - Incoming Line Call - Set for Anothe r Stat ion: Enables y ou to se t forwardi ng of i ncoming line cal ls for ano ther teleph one with in your te lephone syste m All Calls to an ext.
Advanced Ope rat ion Call History Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 35 Call History Incom ing calls w ith C all er ID or A NI in for m ati on can b e opti ona ll y re corde d into a rollin g li st for t he sta tio n whe re the call is ring ing .
Advanced Operati on Call Pi ckup 36 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 ➤ To p a r k a c a l l 1. While on a call, press 3 DUNLQ2 UELW .
Advanced Ope rat ion Call Pickup Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 37 Ringing, Pag e or Held Call Pi ck up This fea ture pic ks up ringi ng or held calls, incl uding Group Page and All Call Page calls.
Advanced Operati on Call W ait ing 38 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Notes • The Primar y extens ion number is the director y number by which the telephon e set is defi ned. Oth er , non-p rimary ext ension numbe rs may al so appear on the telepho ne.
Advanced Ope rat ion Direct Inward System Access (DISA) Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 39 Direct Inwa rd System Access ( DISA) Outs ide ca ller s with tou c h to ne tele phon es c a n ca l.
Advanced Operati on Distinctive Ringing 40 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Distinctive Ringing ➤ T o set distinc tive rin ging (CTX soft ware R1. 2 or lowe r) 1. Press to enter Use r Programming Mo de. 2. Press a /L QH bu tton.
Advanced Ope rat ion Do Not Disturb Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 41 Do Not Disturb If your station is in Do Not Disturb (DND) mode, internal , externa l and tra nsferred calls do not ring your stat ion and Of f-hoo k Call Announc e calls are denie d.
Advanced Operati on Door Lo ck(s) 42 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Setting DN D for An other Ex tension ➤ T o activate DND for another ext ension ➤ Ente r (hear Ent ry T one) + the Primary ex tensi on of the remote ex ten sion + the pass code + (hear Succ ess T one).
Advanced Ope rat ion Door P hone (s) Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 43 Door Pho ne(s) Door phones ca n be used to call phon es selected in system pro gramming. When a door phone cal ls, you hea r a disti nctive r inging to ne, one or f ive times (s et in syst em programmin g).
Advanced Operati on Echo C ancellat ion 44 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 ➤ T o call/monitor a do or phone 1. W it h the hands et of f-hook, pr ess an ext ension but ton.
Advanced Ope rat ion Emergen cy Ringdo wn Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 45 Emergency Rin gdown If a st ation re mains of f-hook f or a progr ammable peri od, it ca n be aut omatically treat ed as an Emer gency Call and di rected t o an emer gency des tinati on.
Advanced Operati on Off-hook Call Annou nce 46 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Off-hook Call Anno unce Off -hook Call Announce (OCA) e nables you to complet e a call t o a busy digi tal telepho ne. Y o ur telephone must be programmed t o either anno unce automatical ly or to announce a fter you pres s a but ton on your di al pad .
Advanced Ope rat ion Overri de Call s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 47 3. Press 0LF or 0 LFU RSKQ &XWRI I agai n t o r ec onne ct to th e s econ d call er .
Advanced Operati on Override Calls 48 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Execut ive Ov er ride Executi ve Override enables y ou to ente r an esta blished co nversati on. Y our telep hone can als o be progra mmed to blo ck Executi ve Overrid e from other t elephones .
Advanced Ope rat ion Paging Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 49 Class of Se rvice Ove rr ide By diali ng a Class of Servi ce (COS) Over ride cod e, a user can change a stati on ’ s set of privi leg es to o ne ass o ciat ed wi th the ove rr ide code.
Advanced Operati on Paging 50 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 ➤ Press *URXS3D JH and enter t he Group numbe r (01~16) ...or p ress exte nsion + and en ter the z one number .
Advanced Ope rat ion Privacy Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 51 Privacy Privacy controls the ab ility of more than o ne person t o use the s ame extensi on or CO line at the same ti me. Privac y ap pli es to mul ti pl e ap pearances of exte nsi ons , Phan tom extensi ons, outsi de Lines a nd outside Line Gro up buttons .
Advanced Operati on Speed Dia l 52 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Speed Di al Speed Dia l (SD) en ables you to dial a seque nce of up to 32 di gits wit h a shor ter code . Dial seq uences can include t elephone n umbers, auth orization c odes, pa sswords featur e activa tion codes and pauses .
Advanced Ope rat ion Storing a Sy stem/Stati on Spee d Dial Numb er Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 53 Access ing Sy stem SD and Pers onal SD Di rector ies Names can be assigned to System an d S tation (per sonal) Spe ed Dial numbe rs. These direct ories app ear on lar ge screen (DKT3014-SDL) telephon es only .
Advanced Operati on Storing a System/Sta tion Speed Dial Numbe r 54 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 DKT3014-SDL Name Stor age If you ha ve a DKT3014-SDL ph one, you c an store names for Pers onal SD numb ers (see “ S toring Pe rsonal Sp eed Dial Names ” on page 66 ).
Advanced Ope rat ion T one/ Puls e Di aling Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 55 T one/Pulse Dialing W it h some older Central Of fices, you may have t o make call s on outsi de lines programmed f or rotar y dial pu lses.
Advanced Operati on V oice Ma il - Direct T rans fer 56 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 V oic e Mail - Di rect T ransfer The Strat a CTX enabl es you to transfe r a cal l di re ct ly t o a voice mail box witho ut fi rst ringi ng t hat pers o n ’ s telephone .
Advanced Ope rat ion V oice Mail Soft Key s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 57 T able 9 Soft Keys for CTX Digital T elephon es DKT 30 14 S D L D KT 3010 SD DKT 3020 SD IPT1020 SD DKT 20 10 .
Advanced Operati on V oice Ma il Soft Keys 58 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 DES TINA TIO N Enter auto matic co py desti nation DIRECTOR Y DIR DIR Directory plus name DND DND DND Change Do.
Advanced Ope rat ion V oice Mail Soft Key s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 59 NEXT NAME NEXT NEXT Play next name P AUSE P AUS P AUS Pause recording P AUSE PLA Y Pause pl ayback PER DST LST.
Advanced Operati on V oice Ma il Soft Keys 60 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 SECURITY COD CODE CODE Change Security Code SELECT NAME PICK PICK Select name SEND MSG SEND SEND Send and Retur.
Advanced Ope rat ion Call Recording Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 61 Call Recording Whil e on a n act i v e ca ll, a s tati on us er ca n reco rd t h e co nv ers ati on and s tore it in a S tratagy voi ce mailbox . Recordings can also b e paused or restart ed.
Advanced Operati on Call Re cordin g 62 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Notes The foll owing notes apply to telephone systems tha t are net worked.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 63 DKT3014 LCD Features 4 This chap ter s hows how to use the DKT3014-SDL ( shown below) lar ge scree n direct ory displ ay and indi vidual na me searches . DKT3014-SDL T elepho ne 5908 Msg Mic Redial Spdial Spkr Cnf/Trn Hold Vol Feature Scroll Mode Page FEB 19 MONDAY 12:00 FRED S NO.
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Spe ed Dial Li stings 64 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Directory and Spe ed Dial Listings The dire ctory me nu (idle sta te) is s hown below . Direct Station Se lection This opt ion dis plays all na med stati ons in alp habetical order .
DKT3014 LCD Feature s Direct ory and Speed Dial Li stings Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 65 System S peed Dial and Pe rsonal Sp eed Dial Using Syst em Speed Dial and Person al Speed Dia l is very si milar to u sing Direc t S tation Sel ection, de scribed a bove.
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Spe ed Dial Li stings 66 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Storing Per sonal Spee d Dial Names Y ou can stor e names wi th Persona l Speed Dial numbers . These names will disp lay as Soft Keys , that can be used for dialing with the Pe rsonal SD di rectory on the DKT3014-S DL telephone .
DKT3014 LCD Feature s Direct ory and Speed Dial Li stings Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 67 4. E n ter th e tele p hone number to be stor ed. If you normal ly a dial line access c ode (s uch as ) and/or a nd area c ode, enter the co des b efore the telepho ne number .
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Spe ed Dial Li stings 68 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 69 User Programming 5 User prog ramming e nables you to c hange your t elephone ’ s layout/r egi st ra tion and other s ettings. W ith user programming you can re- define Fl exible Button s to perf orm other f unctions.
User Programming Flexibl e Button Cod es 70 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 • Call Forward – Use rs can se t the Call For ward (CF) de stinati on and CF-No Answer timer for the CF butt ons. • One T ouch – Users can set s peed dial and custom f eature ac cess code sequence s for On e T ouch buttons.
User Programming Flexible Button Co des Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 71 Setting/Ch anging a Flex ible Butt on ’ s Functi on 1. Press to enter Use r Programming Mo de. 2. Press +ROG . 3. P ress th e F le xib le Butto n to s et or chan ge.
User Programming One T ouc h But tons 72 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 One T ouch Buttons One T ouch bu ttons can be used for storing fr equently us ed feature s or dialed numbe rs, such as Spee d D ial num ber s (us e S pee d Di al C ode s to stor e a ddi tion al nu mbe rs) .
User Programming One T ouch Button s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 73 T o Use a One T o uch Butt on ➤ Press t he One T ouch b utton. Setting/Ch an ging a Pers onal Speed Dial Co de See “ S tori ng a Syste m/Sta tion Speed Dial Number ” o n page 53 .
User Programming Featur e Codes 74 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Feature Codes Feature Access Codes are en tered as a sequence on your tel ephone to use a pa rticula r featur e. For an exa mple of Call Forward, s ee “ Call Forward Exa mples ” on pa ge 31 .
User Programming Feat ure Code s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 75 All Call P age , Group Pag e and/or Externa l Page Pickup of page Ext. butt on + + P age Zone No . (01~08) + Ext. No. of another phone being pag ed. Call Picku p for ca lls on Hold Local Pic ku p (call held on this phon e) Ext.
User Programming Featur e Codes 76 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Retriev e a rece iv ed MW Ext. butt on + Activate M W at anoth er Station without Ri nging + Ext. no . (where you want to light the MW LED) Cancel MW at ano ther Station without Ri nging + Ext.
User Programming Feat ure Code s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 77 Speed Dial (Storing a n SD num be r) Stat ion 2 + + Phone No. 3 + nnn = 100~ 199 SD bin num bers Syst em 2 + + Phone N o.
User Programming LED Indic ator Details 78 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 LED Indicator Det ails Each line and featu re b utton has a LED ne xt to it whi ch ind ica tes the sta tus of th e li ne or featu re associate d with the but ton.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 79 DADM/DSS Console 6 This chap ter pr ovides an overview of th e followi ng two opti onal unit s and descr ibes the fea tures, but tons and a ssociate d LEDs. It des cribes t he variou s models for the followi ng two types of units.
DADM/DSS Console DADM 80 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 DADM Digital add-on Modul es (DADM) ca n be connect ed to 3000- , IP T , and 20 00-serie s telepho nes to pro vide ad ditional buttons. Cert ain models are not i nterchang eable. The DADM3120 wor ks with th e DKT3000-serie s telepho nes and the IPT1020-SD.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Consol e Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 81 DSS Console The Direc t St ation Sel ection (DSS) console operate s alongsi de of a di gital te lephon e to provide 60 additi onal butt ons. The 3000- series teleph one requi res a 3000- se ries DSS; the 2000- series t elephone requir es a 2000- series DSS.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Cons ole 82 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Calling a Station ➤ T o cal l a stati on ’ s extensi on from either a DSS console or a DADM, press th e DSS associa ted with t he stati on. A station cal l with a DSS button can be made on-h ook or of f-h ook, and with V oice First o r T one si gnaling.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Consol e Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 83 Call T ran sfer wi th Camp -o n Y ou can tran sfer a ca ll to a busy stat ion from ei ther a DSS console or an DADM. Use the DSS to t ransf er th e call , even t hough th e DSS LED a ssoci ated wit h the s tati on you are “ tran sferrin g to ” is red.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Cons ole 84 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Paging Y ou can make an a nnounceme nt page to a group of t elephone speakers sel ected in system pr ogramming wit h $OO&DOO3DJH on the DSS con sole. 6' (if pr ogrammed) on eithe r the DSS con sole or the DADM can be used for page annou ncements.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 85 Centrex Application A Y our system may be equipped with the Centr ex Applica tion, which enhances its featur e capabilit y when instal led behind a Centrex o r PBX system.
Centrex Applicat ion Delayed Rin gi n g 86 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Delayed Ringing Outside line or Cen trex lin e(s) can be programmed for a 12-s econd and/o r 24-seco nd ring del ay at st ations t o permit al ternate answering condition s.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 87 Button Labels B All Flex ibl e Buttons must be pr ogr ammed f or your t el epho ne in syst em p rogramming and vary for in dividual telephone s. If a but ton does no t appear o n your d isplay or telepho ne keystr ip label, see you r CTX System Admini strator for butt on assign ments.
Button Labels Delayed Rin gi n g 88 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Call Forward-No Answer – Press to forward c alls to a nother st atio n or voice ma il devic e when you r st ation is not answere d af ter 8~60 se conds (s et at your st ation).
Button Labels Del aye d Ring ing Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 89 Privacy R elease – Press to re lease pri vacy on co mmon out side l ine butto ns, enabl ing other st ation users to enter yo ur conve rsations on thos e buttons . Privacy re lease do es not appl y to com mon exte nsion but tons wh ich are al ways priv ate.
Button Labels Delayed Rin gi n g 90 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 91 IPT1020-SD Settings C This chap ter e xplains ho w to enter data for your IP T1020-SD t elephone if it was not previou sly e nte re d by t he te le phone i ns tal l er or if you need to cha nge this inf ormat i on.
IPT1020-SD Settings FB Butto ns 92 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 FB Buttons When you pre ss + + + +RO G (simulta neously) t o ente r teleph one progra mming mode, you may ne ed to pres s Feature Buttons ( )% ) .
IPT1020-S D Settings FB Buttons Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 93 5442 FB01 FB02 FB03 FB04 FB05 FB06 FB07 FB08 FB09 FB10 FB11 FB12 FB13 FB14 FB buttons for 14-button phones DKT3014-SDL Msg.
IPT1020-SD Settings Initiali zi ng the IP T1 02 0-SD 94 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Initializi ng the IPT102 0-SD CAUTION! If you in itializ e the IP telephone, all sett ings r etur n to default . 1. Press + + + +ROG (simu ltan eousl y).
IPT1020-S D Settings IP T -to-IP Net work Conn ection In structions Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 95 6. If the IP T is connec ted to a router or o ther gat eway device , press )% . Enter the router address, t hen press +ROG . Only used if S tep 3, abov e, is set for manual setti ng.
IPT1020-SD Settings IP T -to-IP Netwo rk Conn ection Instru ctions 96 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 IP T elepho ne Start Up Sequ ence After t he IP tel ephone networ k setti ng has been programmed , the foll owing disp lays occur af ter the IP teleph one is hung- up: Action LCD Indication Remarks 1.
IPT1020-S D Settings IP T1020-SD Fun ction Setting s Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 97 IPT1020-SD Funct ion Set tings These st eps enabl e you to turn On/ Of f button beeps, r oom noise c ancellat ion, hands et Busy Overri de, and heads et volu me cont rol.
IPT1020-SD Settings Setting th e IP T1020-SD Head set T ransm it V olume 98 Stra t a CT X DKT /I PT T elepho n e 10/03 Settin g th e IPT 1 02 0- SD He ads et T ransmit Vo l u m e 1.
Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 99 Index A aban done d ca ll num b ers (see C all History ), 35 about th is book conventi ons, viii how to use this guid e, viii organiz ation, vi i relate d.
Index D ~ G 100 S tr a ta C T X D K T /IPT T elepho ne 10/03 held cal ls, 75 call r ecording, 61 call tr ans f e r, 13 call w ait in g, 38 , 48 centr ex applica tion, 85 featur e buttons , 85 CO line .
Ind ex H ~ P Strat a CT X DK T /IPT T elep ho n e 10/03 101 H handset calling, 9 handsfr ee answerba ck, 10 hold, 17 line hold, 13 , 36 hot d ialing, 8 , 9 I indicat ors LED, 78 inter nal di rect ory,.
Index R ~ V 102 S tr a ta C T X D K T /IPT T elepho ne 10/03 personal speed dial, 53 , 65 pickup, 36 pick up gr oup call s, 37 pooled l ine group, 7 priva cy, 51 overri de, 49 privat e network a ccess.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba IPT (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba IPT heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba IPT vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba IPT leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba IPT krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba IPT bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba IPT kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba IPT . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.