Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Strata DK 2000-series van de fabrikant Toshiba
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Telecommunication Systems Division June 2000 Digital Business Telephone Systems Digital Telephone User Guide (includes LCD, Add-on Module, and Direct Station Selection Console).
Publication Information T oshib a Americ a Informa tion Syst ems, Inc., T eleco mmunicati on Systems Divisi on, reserves th e right, witho ut prior notice, to revise this inf ormati on publica tion fo.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 i Contents Introduction Organiza tion ............. .................. .................. .................. ........................... .................. ... .. viii How to Use This Gui de .............. ......
Contents Chapte r 2 – Fe atures ii Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Quick Reference................ .................. .................. ........................... .................. ............... .1 7 Making an Internal Call .......... .....
Contents Chapter 2 – Feat ur es Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 iii Call Waiting ...................... .................. .................. .................. ........................... ............ .... 44 Conference Ca lls ..............
Contents Chapte r 3 – LCD Operati on iv Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Speakerp hone ........... ........................... .................. .................. .................. ....................... .. 69 Speed Dial .....................
Contents Chapter 4 – Full Dup lex Speak erphone Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 v Silent Messaging (Busy S tation) .............. ........................... .................. .................. ..... 110 Memos...............................
Contents Chapte r 5 – Add -on Mo dule/DSS Console vi Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Appendix B – Centrex Applicat ion Flexible Di rectory Numberi ng ..................... .................. .................. ........................... .....
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 vii Introduction This guide desc ribes how to use t he 2000- series d igital t elephones for S trata DK syst ems. Models covere d in this user guide incl ude digita l telep hones equippe d with a Liquid Cr ystal Dis play ( LCD) and/or s peakerphon e, as wel l as the ful l-duplex digital spea kerphone.
Introduction Orga nization viii Str ata DK Digit al T elep hone 6/00 Orga nizati on ♦ Chapter 1 – The Grand T our provid es an over view of the equ ipment, butt ons, Light Emit ting Diode s (LEDs), and LCDs. ♦ Chapter 2 – Featur es describe s the a vaila ble digit al te lephone f eatur es in alph abetical order .
Introduction How to Use This Guide Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 ix Conventions Lett ers in [b rackets] represe nt but tons which h ave Dir ectory Number s on th em. For example: Conventions Descr iption Note Elab orates s pecif ic item s or refe rence s other i nformat ion.
Introduction Related Documents/Media x Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Action/Response Related Documents/Media Note Some doc uments lis ted here ma y appear i n dif ferent v ersio ns on th e CD-R OM, FY I, or i n pr int.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 1 The Grand T our 1 This chapter f amilia rizes yo u with the c ontrols and indi cators l ocated on your di gital telepho ne.
The Grand T our Digita l T elepho ne Mod els 2 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Digital T ele phone Mod els Feat ure operat ions in t his gu ide use the butt on desi gnations for th e 2000-ser ies models .
The Grand T our Button s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 3 Buttons Figure 1 20-but ton Digital Speakerphone wit h LCD 0539 Dial Pad Handset Red/Green LED Indicators LCD Display LCD Control/Soft.
The Grand T our Buttons 4 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Buttons There are two se ts of buttons, f ixed and f lexibl e. The fix ed buttons (e.g., 0LF , 0VJ , 5 HGLDO , +RO G , &RQI7 U Q , 9R O ▲ , and 9 RO ▼ ) are stan da rd to eve ry Stra ta DK 20 00- seri es tele phone ( see Ta b l e 1 ).
The Grand T our Button s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 5 +ROG (continued) If the h eld party hangs up , the c all is rel eased an d the CO provi des a hol d- release s ignal . If your telephon e is progra mmed for Automa tic Hold, e xisting c alls are autom atically placed on ho ld when you answer a call or mak e anothe r call .
The Grand T our Buttons 6 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Flexible Buttons All fle xible buttons mus t be progr ammed for your tele phone i n system pro gramming and va ry for in dividu al telep hones. I f a butto n does no t appe ar on you r displa y or telepho ne keys trip lab el, see your Sy stem Admini stra tor for b utton assignment s.
The Grand T our Button s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 7 Directory Numbe r [DN] Buttons The [DN] buttons cons ist of: [ PDNs], [SDNs] , and [PhDNs ]. They are use d to ini tiate or an swer a cal l and are k nown as your extens ion or int ercom numb er(s).
The Grand T our Buttons 8 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Figure 2 Multiple Di rectory N umbers Ex ample Feature But tons Preprogr ammed fea ture butt ons can be assign ed to your telep hone and var y for indivi dual t elephones. See T able 18 on Page 139 for a lis t of a ll the po ssibl e featur e butt ons.
The Grand T our LCD Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 9 LCD In its idle s tate, th e 32-ch aracter LCD featu re on your d igit al telep hone giv es you an accur ate desk clock and c alenda r combinat ion. When yo u have a n outside call i n progres s, an el apsed ti me displ ay gives a consta nt reminde r of t he call du ration.
The Grand T our LED I ndi cat o rs 10 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Both s ets of but tons canno t be ac tive at the sa me time. ♦ Soft Keys are acti ve when th e Soft Keys are tur ned on and the t eleph one is a ctive (on a c a ll). ♦ Contr ol butto ns are active when th e Soft Keys a re turn ed of f and /or t he telep hone is idle .
The Grand T our On-h ook /Off -ho ok Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 11 On-hook/Off-hook Some pr ocedure s in this user g uide inst ruct you to pe rform a st ep whil e “ on-hook ” or “ of f-hoo k. ” These te rms r efe r to th e po siti on of the h and set .
The Grand T our Vo l u m e C o n t r o l s 12 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 V olume Con trols Y our telephon e has a vol ume increase and decr ease button for contro lling speaker and hands et volume l evels. Y ou must hold do wn eith er button ( 9R O ▲ / 9R O ▼ ) for at le ast 1/8 s econd f or any volume change to o ccur .
The Grand T our Vo l u m e C o n t r o l s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 13 T a ble 5 Using V ol ▲ /V o l ▼ with Other Butt ons Feature Phone Status Press Co mments Microph one Sen sitivity On-hook / Off-ho ok Whil e pres sing, hol d 0LF and 9R O ▲ 9 RO ▼ for three secon ds.
The Grand T our Vo l u m e C o n t r o l s 14 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 15 Features 2 This chapte r lists all the digit al te lephone fe ature s in alpha betic al order beginni ng on Page 2 0 . These featur es ca n be perfor med on 2000-s eries di gital telephon es equippe d with or without LCDs.
Feature s Before Y ou Beg in 16 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Automatic Line S election Yo u have Automatic Line Selec tion, if you h ear di al tone an d the [DN], L ine, or Pool ed Line Grp LED light s steady g reen. The LCD dis plays the st atio n number ( 201 ) and th e seiz ed C O line ( sample shown a t right) .
Feature s Quick Referen ce Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 17 Quick Refere nce The fo llowin g is a qui ck refere nce cha rt for us ing you r tel ephone ’ s s tandard f eatures. Making an Inter nal Call Making an Outs ide Call 1. Lift t he hands et or pres s 6SNU .
Feature s Quick Re ferenc e 18 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Making an Outs ide Call to an ISD N T runk press /LQH ...or 3 RROHG /LQH *U S ...or [DN], t hen enter a CO line or line group a ccess code (see “ CO Line Acces s Codes ” on Pa ge 1 33 ).
Feature s Quick Referen ce Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 19 On-Hook Dialing Answering Call s When you r eceive a n incoming c all, the LCD d isplays e ither the CO li ne ( 10 ) ... or the stat ion ’ s [PDN] ( 210 ). 1. Pres s 6SNU (if you have Au tomatic line sele ctio n).
Feature s Account Code Calls 20 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Incoming Call N otification Muted ri nging whi le you ar e on a call i ndicates an in coming cal l. If ano ther call comes in dur ing the fi rst c all, rel ease , tr ansf er , or pla ce th e ca ll o n ho ld, th en a nsw er the seco nd call.
Feature s Account C ode Calls Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 21 V oluntary Account Codes (V erified/Non-V erified) V ol untar y Account Code s are u sually opt ional. They can be entered a fter acc essin g a CO line or durin g a call, t o keep tr ack of the call for clie nt billi ng purp oses.
Feature s Alarm Res et 22 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Alarm R eset Y our St rata DK syst em can be connected to a f acilit y alarm sys tem. All telephone s produ ce a star tlin g tone whenev er thi s alarm i s activat ed. ➤ T o reset t he a lar m ➤ Press $ O DU P5 HVHW .
Feature s Attenda nt Console Cal ling Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 23 Attendant Console Calling Up to four Attend ant Console s can be i nstalle d per sy stem. There can be up to three ways to ca ll t he Attendan t Console, d ependin g upon syst em progra mming.
Feature s Automati c Busy Redial (ABR) 24 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o activate ABR ➤ T o cancel ABR ➤ Pres s $XWR%XV5 HGLDO ...or [ DN] + . 1. When you rea ch a busy n umber , press $XWR%XV5 HGLDO The LED flashes red .
Feature s Automa tic Callba ck (ACB) Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 25 Automatic C allback (ACB) After r eachi ng a busy/ DND station , you c an set ACB to have the s ystem cal l you bac k when t he called station becomes a vailabl e.
Feature s Automati c Hold 26 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o cancel ACB (to bus y or DND stati on) ➤ Pres s $XWR&DOOEDFN or [DN] + . Automatic Hold Automat ic Hold ena bles yo u to auto maticall y place a call o n hold by pressing anothe r outs ide /L QH or a [DN] but ton — the re is no n eed to p res s +ROG .
Feature s BGM Ov er T elepho ne Spea kers Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 27 BGM Over T elephone Speakers BGM over e xternal s peakers i s control led by the System Ad ministrat or . If BGM is enabl ed, you can turn i t ON/OFF for yo ur ind ividual s tation s peaker .
Feature s Call F orward 28 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Call Forward Mo des Y ou can set yo ur tel ephone [PDNs] or [P hDNs] for a v ariet y of Call Forward modes: ♦ Call Forward — Al l Calls fo rwards all call s immedi ately; y our te lephone doe s not ring when calle d.
Feature s Cal l F orw ar d Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 29 ♦ Call Forwar d — Fixed for wards i mmediatel y to a sta tion or voi ce mail device set in sy stem progr amming all i nterna l, privat e or DID CO li ne calls to your station . Y our station do es not ring when ca lled.
Feature s Call F orward 30 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Receive CF Call When a call is forwar ded to your [DN] ( 21 0 ), th e calli ng [DN] ( 205 ) is displ ayed on th e left and t he [DN] cal led is disp layed on th e right [ 203].
Feature s Cal l F orw ar d Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 31 Call Forward – Busy ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – Busy ➤ Pres s &DOO) UZG%XV + 6SNU ...or [ PDN] + + 6SNU . Call Forward – N o Answer 1. Pres s &DOO) UZG %XV .
Feature s Call F orward 32 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward — No Answer ➤ Pres s &DOO) UZG1R$QVZHU + 6SNU ...or [ PDN] + + 6SNU . Call Forward – B usy/No Answer 3. Pres s 6SHH G'LDO .
Feature s Cal l F orw ar d Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 33 ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – Busy/No Answe r ➤ Pres s &DOO) UZG%XV1$QV + 6SNU ...or [ PDN] + + 6SNU . Call Forward – F ixed ➤ Pres s & DOO) UZGWR .
Feature s Call F orward 34 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Call Forward — Exte rna l ➤ T o cancel a Call Forward – Externa l ➤ Pres s &DOO) UZG([WHU QD O .
Feature s Cal l F orw ar d Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 35 Remote Destinat ion Change If Call Forward -External mode is se t at your s tation, you can c hange the f orwarding dest ination f rom a tel ephone ou tside of the sy stem. ➤ T o change the dest ination number 1.
Feature s Call Pa rk Orb its 36 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Call Park Orbits The Cal l Park fe ature enable s you to hol d a cal l tempora rily in a n orbi t (the ar ea wher e the c all is hel d). Anyone can retr iev6e t he call from the or bit us ing the sa me or a dif fer ent stati on.
Feature s Call Park Orbits Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 37 ♦ If your stati on is busy , th e parked ca ll ca mps-on. If you ha ve an LCD t elephone, y ou can let the syste m automat ically s elect an avai lable or bit number whi ch dis plays on yo ur LCD.
Feature s Call Park and Page 38 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o retrie ve a pa rked cal l Call Park and Page Y ou can use th e Park f eature i n conjunct ion with t he Page feature . This op eration c an be progr ammed on a 6SHHG'LDO button f or one -touch act ivat ion (See “ Feat ure Acce ss Cod es ” on Page 7 3 .
Feature s Call Park and Pag e Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 39 3. Ente r a [D N] or a Page Group or Zone acce ss code (s ee T ables 14 and 15 on Page 1 35 , resp ectiv ely). After you enter an Or bit Numbe r , a short burs t of dial tone p rompts you t o enter t he Page a ccess code .
Feature s Call Pi ckup 40 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Call Pickup Y ou can pick up a call th at is ringi ng another station ’ s [PDN] or [PhDN], a c all placed on hol d at anoth er st ation and o ther t ypes of ca lls.
Feature s Call Pickup Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 41 ➤ T o pick up a ringin g CO line in a t enant syst em Group Pickup S tations can be assigned i n system pr ogramming to Pickup Groups .
Feature s Call T ransfer with Camp-on 42 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Page/Internal C all Pickup This f eature p icks up Int ernal (s tati on to stat ion), Group P age, and All Call Page call s.
Feature s Call T ransfer with Camp-on Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 43 ...or if t he station i s busy or does not answer , hang up The Line LED flashes green (on -hold) . If you tra nsf er red th e ca ll fr om a [ DN ], the [D N] ’ s LED turns of f.
Feature s Call W aiting 44 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Call W aiting Y ou can answ er a call that is trans ferred to your st ation, even when your stat ion is busy . When another c all is c amped onto yo ur stati on, you hear two camp- on tone beeps and the [ DN] or Line LED f lashes r ed (on-hol d).
Feature s Confe rence Call s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 45 Conference Ca lls This feature e nable s you to add other parties to an ex isting c all.
Feature s Date/T ime/Day Adju stmen t 46 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Date/Time/Day Adjustment This feature i s perfor med from a des ignat ed stati on.
Feature s Direct Inward System Access (DISA) Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 47 DISA Calls - Ex ternal 1. From outsi de the syst em, call the DISA CO line te lephon e number . Y ou hear a ri ngback tone signal, then an i ntern al dial tone f or 10 seco nds.
Feature s Direct Stat ion Sel ection (DSS) Button s (Hotli ne) 48 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Direct Stati on Selection (DSS) Buttons (Hotl ine) This optional featu re enab les you to use a '66 bu tton to c onnect dir ectly t o anothe r stat ion ’ s [PDN].
Feature s Door Lock(s ) Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 49 ➤ T o activate/de activate DND ➤ Pres s 'R1RW'LVWXUE . The LED lights s teady re d and DND mode i s activa ted.
Feature s Door Ph one(s) 50 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Door Phone(s ) Door ph ones can be used to call dig ital/e lectroni c tel ephones se lected in syste m programmin g. When a doo r phone calls, you hear a di stincti ve ringin g tone, one or five t imes (set in syst em programmin g).
Feature s Door Ph one (s) Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 51 ➤ T o answer a door phone call ➤ T o call/monitor a do or phone 1. Lift t he hands et. If you lift t he handset while t he door pho ne is sti ll ringing, the [DN] LED flashes green ( in-use) and you are c onnected t o the do or phone.
Feature s DTMF T one Dialin g with * an d # 52 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o call fr om a door phone DTMF T one Dialing with * and # Y ou may have to s end and DTMF t ones to some device s or servi ces, such as a voic e mail de vice or compute r out put ser vice.
Feature s Emergenc y Ringdown /Hotline Service Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 53 Emerge ncy Ri ngdo wn/ Hotli ne Serv ic e The Emer gency Ringdown o r Hotline Servic e featur e enables standa rd telep hones t o auto maticall y ring a desig nated ext ension by going of f-hook.
Feature s Hands free Answ erback 54 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Hands free A nsw erbac k Y ou can talk back to inter nal or i ncoming T ie Line cal ls wi thout lif ting the handse t. ➤ T o receiv e a hand sfree i nte rna l ca ll Notes ● A [DN] must be pressed ( or th e handset mus t be take n off -hook) to actua lly answer the call.
Feature s Hand sfr ee M on ito ri ng Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 55 Handsfree Moni toring Call s placed on hold by an outsid e part y may be monito red han dsfree.
Feature s ISDN Ou tgoing Calling 56 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ISDN O utgoing Calli ng This feature e nable s you to make outg oing call using an Integr ated Servi ces Di gital Networ k (ISDN) tr unk, provide d that you are co nnected to a S trata DK42 4i, DK424 with software Rele ase 4.
Feature s Messa ge W aitin g Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 57 Message W aiting If you ca ll a b usy stati on [DN] or its us er does not answer , you c an lea ve a message wait ing indic ation at the st ation .
Feature s Messa ge Wa iting 58 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o cancel th e Msg light The LCD can sh ow up to three st ation s that h ave left messag es for the [PDN ] an d th ree for each of your [PhD Ns ]. 2. Pres s 6FU ROO to disp lay th em.
Feature s Messa ge W aitin g Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 59 Message W aiting Light on [PhDN/MW ] ➤ T o respond to [P hDN /MW ] ➤ T o cancel [PhDN/M W] Message W aiting Light on Another T elephone ➤ T o set a messa ge waiting light on ano ther te lephone 1.
Feature s Mic rophon e Cut- Off 60 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o cancel a messag e light se t on anot her stati on ➤ Press [DN] and dia l plus the [P DN] or [Ph DN] that has the message light set .
Feature s Off-hook Call Annou nce (OC A) Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 61 ♦ Handset Off -hook Call Annou nce (HS-OCA) – le ts cal lers m ake an announ cement thr ough the handset ( or hea dset).
Feature s Off-hook Call Annou nce (OC A) 62 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 HS-OCA ➤ T o answer an HS-OCA ta lkback ca ll ➤ T o disconnect an HS-O CA call to yo ur statio n ➤ Pres s 6SNU . The HS-OCA call disconne cts. SP-OCA ➤ T o answer an SP-OCA call ➤ Speak toward the microphone o f your phone.
Feature s Overri de Calls Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 63 Overr ide Ca lls The avail able overri de featu res are: ♦ Busy Overri de (BOV) – e nables you t o send a mut ed ring to ne to a bus y stat ion to indi cate that a cal l is wait ing.
Feature s Override Ca lls 64 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 cha nge the stat ion ’ s T ol l Re stri ctio n cl as s. Th e st at ion res umes it s no rma l cl ass a t the c onclusio n of the call. Busy Override Do Not Disturb Ov erride Executive Ove rride ➤ Afte r reachin g a busy stati on, press .
Feature s Overri de Calls Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 65 Privacy Overr ide T oll Restriction Override The st at ion in itia ting execut ive overr ide [ 20 4 ] displays until the over ride is disco nnected. Calle d S tati on ➤ Afte r reachin g a busy stati on, press /LQH .
Feature s Page Anno uncemen ts 66 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Page Anno unce ment s S tation users c an make p age announce ments t o telephon es and e xtern al speaker s. ➤ T o make a page announcement All Call Page Y ou can make an Al l Call Page to di gital/e lectron ic telep hones as signed to the “ All Call Page Group.
Feature s Privacy On -Line Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 67 Privacy On-Line W ith this feature , you can block thos e with Pr ivacy Over ride fr om entering your CO line. The butto n does not b lock Bus y or Executi ve Overri de. ➤ T o set/cancel privacy ➤ Pres s 3ULYDFRQ/LQH to set priv acy .
Feature s Relea se and Ans wer 68 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Re lease and Answ er Thi s fe atur e ena bles yo u to a uto ma tica l ly di sco nne ct o r t ran sfer an act ive call an d answer a new cal l using a butt on, inste ad of a ho okswitc h.
Feature s Speakerp hone Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 69 ➤ T o call a saved tel ephone number ➤ Access a [ DN] or CO lin e, then pre ss 6 DY H /D VW1XPE HU .
Feature s Speed Dial 70 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o answer an incoming call u sing speaker phone Spee d Dial Speed Dial enab les y ou to call a t elep hone number with a brie f access code.
Feature s Spee d Dial Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 71 ➤ T o store/ repl ace a tel ephone number on a Statio n Speed Dial bu tton ➤ T o clear a telephone number on a S tation Spee d Dial butto n ➤ Repeat the prev ious proce dure on Page 71 , skipping Ste p 3 .
Feature s Speed Dial – Adva nced F eatures 72 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o make a call usin g a Speed Dial button or ac cess code Spee d Dial – Advanced Fe atures Feature Acces s Co.
Feature s Speed Dia l – Advanc ed Feature s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 73 ➤ T o store a featu r e onto a code ➤ 5 HGL DO + 6SHH G'LDO + Speed Di al Acce ss Code + Feat ure Acc ess Code + 5 HGL DO . Important! ● Do not lift th e handse t.
Feature s Speed Dial – Adva nced F eatures 74 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Outgoin g Calls [PDN] + CO line access code (See T able 13 on Pag e 134 .) Overrides (Busy , DND) Ove rrides ( Exec utive ) Page Access 4 +ROG + [PD N ] + #X XX #XXX = Page Acce ss co de - “ Paging Ac cess Codes ” on Pag es 135 and 135 .
Feature s Speed Dia l – Advanc ed Feature s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 75 Speed Dial Pau se and Flash Sto rage Some Spee d Dial number s may re quire a pa use (l ong or regu lar) or hookfl ash be include d (e.g., tone delay requi res a paus e at t he beginni ng of a Spee d Dial n umber).
Feature s Speed Dial – Adva nced F eatures 76 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o link statio n/system sp eed dial number s Linked Speed Di al Example The Sys tem Admini strator can stor e a CO line a ccess c ode plu s intern ational l ong distanc e dial ing codes in Syst em Speed Dial locatio ns (See T a ble 17 on Pag e 136 ).
Feature s Speed Dia l – Advanc ed Feature s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 77 Note Whe n you p ress [PD N], the le tter “ I ” (Inter com) is d isplayed on your LCD.
Feature s Time d Re mind er s 78 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o chain dial Speed Dia l numbers Ti m e d R em i n d er s Y ou can set f ive separ ate remin ders at yo ur sta tion. At t he time (ho ur and minut e) set by you, your tele phone be eps.
Feature s Ti med Rem inder s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 79 ➤ T o cancel a T imed Reminde r 4. Ente r des ir ed L CD messag e stati on number ( ~ ) or system numbe r ( ~ ) .
Feature s T one/Puls e Diali ng 80 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 T one/Pulse Dialing W ith some old er Centra l Off ices, you may have t o make call s on CO li nes that are programmed f or ro tary dial pulse s.
Feature s T w o (T andem) C O Line Connec tion Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 81 CO Buttons This feature a llows a st atio n user to c onnect two CO li nes, then dr op out of the conversa tion.
Feature s T wo (T andem) CO Line Co nnection 82 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o connect two out side l ines (usi ng a /LQH button) 1. Press CO /L QH ...or 3 RRO HG/L QH *U S and di al a telepho ne number . Y ou hear dial tone. 2. Afte r the part y answer s, press &Q I 7U Q .
Feature s T w o (T andem) C O Line Connec tion Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 83 Supervision ➤ T o supervise a t andem call and r elease it 5. Pres s &QI7 U Q and hang u p. Y ou hear dial tone. Both Li ne LEDs continu e to f lash (ex clu siv e-h old rate ) a nd t he two li nes are co nnecte d.
Feature s V oice Mail Integrat ion 84 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 V oice Mail Integration This section e xplains ho w to pro gram your tele phone for Ca ll For ward and ret riev e mess age s w he n u sin g a T osh iba V oice Ma il S yst em wi th you r Stra ta D K s yst em .
Feature s V oice Mail In tegratio n Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 85 ➤ T o cancel the mai lbox number ➤ Press [ DN] + + 5H G L D O . Message Retrie val Y ou can progr am a flashi ng 06* or [PhDN/MW] t o automat ically retr ieve your voi ce ma il m ess age s wh en it is p res sed .
Feature s V oice Mail Integrat ion 86 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o retrie ve m essa ge s wi th 0VJ or [PhDN/MW] bu tton ➤ Pres s 0VJ [ PhDN/MW] butt on with fl ashing LED. ➤ T o cancel automati c r etrie val ➤ Press [ DN] + + 5H G L D O .
Feature s V oice Mail In tegratio n Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 87 Call Forward to V oice Systems By se tt ing C all F orw ar d to t he T os hib a V oic e M ail S yst em on y our tele ph one , ca ller s are automatica lly conne cted t o your v oice mailb ox.
Feature s V oice Mail Integrat ion 88 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o cancel Call Fo rward ➤ Press Cal l Forwa rd butt on The Call Forward LED t urns of f. Note Call Forwar d butt ons apply o nly to [PDNs] and not to [PhDNs]. ...or pres s a [PDN] or [PhDN] + , th en hang up.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 89 LCD Operation 3 This chapter c overs t he LCD, its button s and displ ays. Speci al featu res av ailable only with the LCD are de scribed i n deta il and st ep-by-st ep instr uction s on using t hem are give n.
LCD Operation Control Buttons 90 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Control Buttons The 0R GH , 3D JH and 6FU ROO buttons are ac tive when So ft Keys are turn ed of f o r your telephone is idl e.
LCD Operation Soft Keys Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 91 ➤ T o Exit from any Mode Soft Keys The Sof t Key feat ure provi des a qu ick-and- easy way to access frequent ly-us ed featur es dur ing a call . When Sof t Keys a re on, they repla ce the Mo de, Page, and Scr oll functi ons.
LCD Operation Soft Keys 92 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o turn Soft Keys ON ➤ T o turn Soft Keys OFF Soft Key Displa y Abbrev iated Sof t Key feat ure pr ompts displ ay on th e LCD above the Cont rol b uttons ( 0RGH , 3D J H , and 6FU ROO ).
LCD Operation Soft Keys Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 93 Example: Using Soft Keys to Make a Conference Call While on an outsi de call ( LINE 3 ) you i nitiate d, your LCD dis pla ys the prom pt s ABR , CON F , and PGE d uring th e firs t 30 seco nds (if ABR doe s not appea r , then this f eature wa s not assigne d in sys tem pro gramming).
LCD Operation Soft Keys 94 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 If you have V oice Fi rst Signal ing, th e displa y chang es to: If you have T one First Signal ing, the ph one ri ngs stat ion [203] and the displ ay change s to: 4. (Opti onal) If you have voice fi rst s ign ali ng, announ ce the cal l to stati on 203 .
LCD Operation Soft Keys Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 95 Soft Key Prompt s Ta b l e 9 provid es defini tions of all of the Soft Key prompt s that co uld app ear on your LCD. T ab le 9 Soft Key Prompts Soft Key Definition ABR Activ ates Autom atic Busy Redial after d ialing a busy outs ide te lephone n umber .
LCD Operation Busy Lamp Fie ld (BLF) Displa y 96 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Display This f eature di splay s when a stat ion is busy or rin ging on a ny type of [ DN] or CO lin e.
LCD Operation Caller ID/ANI/ DNIS Inf ormation Mod e Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 97 Caller ID/ANI/DNIS Informatio n Mode Automatic Number Id entific ation (ANI) informat ion ca nnot co-ex ist on the same tele ph one L CD with D ia led N umb er I den tifi ca tio n Serv i ce (DN IS ) in form at ion .
LCD Operation Caller ID/ANI/DNIS Informa tion Mod e 98 Strat a DK Digita l T elephone 6/00 T able 10 DNIS/ANI Samples Function ANI/ Caller ID Number 1 1. Call er ID numb ers do no t displa y CN: before the numbe r, whereas ANI does. DNIS/Caller ID Name Incomin g Call Incoming ACD Call Answere d incomi ng or tra nsferred c all.
LCD Operation Call Park O rbit Li st Displa y Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 99 Call Park Orbi t List Display This feature e nable s you to monitor (view) t he call s that a re par ked at your stat ion.
LCD Operation Retrieve and Auto Dial Lost Calls 100 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Note CN: Ide ntif ies A N I cal ls as opp os ed to Ca ller ID c alls wh ich do n ot d ispl ay CN: . ➤ T o de lete lost c all ➤ T o Auto Dial the l ost call ...
LCD Operation Messag es, Mem os, an d Name Displa y Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 101 Messages, Memos, and Name Displa y The LCD on your tele phone ca n be used to send or receive messag es to/fr om other LCD te lephon e users ( sample shown at rig ht).
LCD Operation Messa ges, Mem os, an d Name Displa y 102 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 ➤ T o enter LCD charact ers 1. Acce ss mess a ge/ memo/name dis play .
LCD Operation Mess ages Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 103 Messages There are thre e basi c LCD message f uncti ons: ♦ Adviso ry messaging en abl es y ou t o sto re a n info rmat iv e mes s age for LC D telepho nes th at cal l your phon e. ♦ Silent me ssaging ena bles you t o write a mes sage that you ca n send to bus y LCD telepho nes.
LCD Operation Messa ges 104 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 System Messa ges 60~64 Syste m message s 60~64 are standard message s. Y ou can “ fill in th e bl ank s ” of messag es 62~64 ( see bel ow). Example: Message 64 can be edited t o read RETURN ON JAN.
LCD Operation Mess ages Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 105 ➤ T o set an advisor y message fo r incomi ng calls 3. E nte r the me ssa ge. (See “ T o en ter L CD char acters ” on Page 102 .) The LCD Msg Sel ect/[PDN] LED li ghts s teadily , and the LCD di splays t he message.
LCD Operation Messa ges 106 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 ➤ T o cancel an advis ory mess age that has been set at your st ation ➤ Pres s /&' 0VJ6H OHFW ...or [ PDN] + + 6SNU . The LED go es out. If a stati on messag e was sent, t his proc edure d oes not er ase it.
LCD Operation Mess ages Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 107 Message Notific ations W ith an LCD t elephone, you ca n set sh ort messa ges (u p to 32 c haract ers) t hat disp lay to ca llers wi th LCD telep hones. Any st ation can recor d a mess age; however , only stati ons wit h an LCD are a ble to see the sto red mess ages.
LCD Operation Messa ges 108 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 ➤ T o recei ve a noti ficati on stat ion messa ge ➤ Pres s 0VJ whe n your t elephone Msg LED is flas hing.
LCD Operation Mess ages Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 109 ➤ T o recei ve a noti ficati on message ➤ Pres s 0VJ . 3. Pres s 3D J H . 4. Dial the origi nating [PDN]. This can be your nu mber or anothe r stati on number . 5. Pres s 3D J H . 6.
LCD Operation Messa ges 11 0 Strata DK Digital T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o cancel the mess age fr om the t elepho ne that set the mess age ➤ Press [ PDN] and di al ;;; , where XXX is the [ PDN] of the t elephone t hat set th e m es sag e.
LCD Operation Memo s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 111 ➤ T o return t o a busy sta tion mes sage after rec eiving a busy stat ion messa ge Memos Speed Dial Mem os Y ou can stor e names ( 12 charact ers max .) for eac h of 40 s tation s peed di al numbers.
LCD Operation Memos 11 2 Strata DK Digital T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o display the Speed Di al number and memo ➤ Pres s 0RGH + ;a; , where X~X i s the spee d dial numbe r to be di splaye d. ➤ T o dial a Speed Dia l number 4. E nte r the name or memo (12 characte rs maximum).
LCD Operation Name /Number D ispla y Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 11 3 ➤ T o check a speed di al number T imed Reminde rs See “ T imed Reminder s ” on P age 7 8 . Name/Number Displa y This fe atur e en abl es y ou t o en ter a nam e/ title , te lep hon e nu mb er , lo cati on, e tc .
LCD Operation Name/ Number Di splay 11 4 Strata DK Digital T elephone 6/00 ➤ T o en ter na me /nu mbe r in for mati on ➤ T o clear name/number display 1. Press [ DN] + . 2. E nte r the new info rmation ( up to 16 charact ers, e.g., u ser name an d statio n number ).
LCD Operation Name /Number D ispla y Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 11 5 ➤ T o erase name/number d isplay Afte r c le ar: A n am e is displace d by message and call forwar d setti ngs if the y are set. Note This p rocedure does not er ase the na me/ number .
LCD Operation Name/ Number Di splay 11 6 Strata DK Digital T elephone 6/00.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 11 7 Full-duplex Speakerphone 4 This chapte r explain s how to u se the Full-dupl ex Digi tal Speak erphone (DKT2020-FDSP) . The DKT20 20-FDSP is design ed to al low bo th parti es of a spea kerphone c all to speak simu lt ane ous ly .
Full-duplex Speakerphone Dip Switches 11 8 Strata DK Digital T elephone 6/00 Important! The DKT202 0-FDSP ’ s full-dupl ex ope ration dep ends on the speake r volume set ting. Raisi ng or lower ing spe aker vo lume dir ectly a ffects t he perf ormance of the fu ll-dup lex opera tion.
Full-duplex Sp eakerphone Dip S wi tches Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 11 9 Figure 4 Location o f DIP Switch es T able 12 sho ws the s witch p ositions for t he three d if ferent sett ings.
Full-duplex Speakerphone Dip Switches 120 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Note The f irs t fo ur D IP s wit che s ar e u sed to s elec t th e c oun try , sa me as al l o the r DK2000-s eries t elephones . The defaul t DIP swi tch s ettings (1~4) are pr eset to On for th e USA and Cana da.
Full-duplex Sp eakerphone Dip S wi tches Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 121 Figure 7 External Microphone On /Off Fig ure 5 RFD M Pl ug o n DKT 202 0- FDS P F igu re 6 RF DM Un it 5218 EXT MIC .
Full-duplex Speakerphone Dip Switches 122 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Figure 8 External Mi crophone V oice P ick-up Path Speech T raining Mode When the DKT2020-FDSP is used in speakerph one mode, it a djusts t o both the tele ph one li ne ’ s and ro om ’ s acoust ic pr operties.
Full-duplex Sp eakerphone Dip S wi tches Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 123 ➤ T o force t he tel ephone into Speech T raining mode ➤ Duri ng a ca ll, mom ent aril y pr ess 9R O ▲ , 9R O ▼ , +R OG or 0,& . During Spe ech T raining mode, t he spe akerphone o perates i n half-d uplex mod e.
Full-duplex Speakerphone Dip Switches 124 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 ➤ T o toggle full /half -duplex mo de Notes ● Butt on 1 0 fu nct ion s the sam e fo r In tern al a nd/ or E xte rna l Mic rop hone .
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 125 Add-on Module/DSS Console 5 This chapter p rovide s an equ ipment over view of th e foll owing two opt ional units an d desc ribes the feat ures butt ons and their as sociated LEDs. ♦ Digital Add-on Module ( DADM) – add 20 fea ture b uttons to 2000-s eries di gital telepho nes.
Add-on Module/DSS Console DADM 126 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 ♦ A Line (CO) LED is g reen when t he CO line is in use by the DADM cons ole user .
Add-on Module/DSS Console DSS Consol e Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 127 DSS Console The DSS c onsole oper ates alongside of a digi tal t elephone t o provide the te lephone with 60 additi onal feat ure but tons.
Add-on Module/DSS Console [DSS] Butt on 128 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 [DSS] Button The Dir ect S tation Select [DSS ] butt on can appea r on both t he DADM and DSS Consol e. Each DSS but ton is associat ed with a p arti cular st ation in y our te lephone system.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 129 ➤ T o transfer a ca ll to an idle st ation Call T ransfer with Camp -on Y ou can tran sfer a ca ll t o a busy st ation from eith er a DSS console or an DADM. Use the [D SS] to tr ansfer t he call, e ven though t he [DSS] LED associat ed with t he stati on you ar e “ tra nsf erri ng t o ” is red.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Featu res 130 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Call Answering (CO Line) If your DADM or DSS console i s equippe d with a /LQ H button, you can answer CO line c alls fr om the DADM or DSS conso le as you would from a digital teleph one.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 131 Paging Y ou can make an a nnounce ment page to a grou p of st ation telepho ne sp eakers s elected in syst em progr amming with $OO &DOO3 D J H on the DSS consol e. 6' (if programmed) on eit her the DSS console or the DADM can be used for page announ cements.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Featu res 132 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 133 Access Codes A This appendix co ntains access c odes fo r outside Speed Di al numbers, CO lines, Pagin g Group and Pa ging Zone Codes. CO Line Ac cess Codes CO lines are used when you dial an out side number .
Add-on Module/DSS Console Featu re Access Codes 134 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Notes ♦ acces ses LCR or a ge neral li ne gro up. ♦ a accesse s line gr oups 1~16, r espect ively . ♦ a accesses individ ual lines 1~200, r especti vely .
Add-on Module/DSS Console Paging Acc ess Code s Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 135 T ab le 14 Paging Groups Paging Gr oup Access Co de Paging Group Access Co de Stati on Group A S.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Speed Dia l Access Cod es 136 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Speed Dial Acces s Codes The number of stati on and syste m speed dia l numbers availabl e to you de pends on the size of your comp any ’ s telep hone syste m.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 137 Centrex Application B Y our system may be equipped with the Ce ntrex Appli cation, wh ich enh ances its featur e capab ility when i nstalled behind a Centrex o r PBX system.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Ringi ng Repeat 138 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Ringing Repeat The di stincti ve ring pa tter ns availa ble i n your Cen trex syst em are aut omaticall y repeat ed with your digit al tele phone, e nabling you to ans wer appropr iate ly for ei ther outs ide, in side or c allba ck calls.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 139 Button Labels C All fle xible buttons mus t be progr ammed for your tele phone i n system pro gramming and va ry for in dividu al telep hones. I f a butto n does no t appe ar on you r displa y or telepho ne keys trip lab el, see your Sy stem Admini stra tor for b utton assignment s.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Delayed Rin ging 140 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 $XWR&DOOE DFN Automati c Callb ack Button Press to recall a busy station or statio n in the Do Not Disturb (DND) mode as soon as that stat ion become s idle or de activates DND.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Del ay ed R ing ing Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 141 '66 Direct Station Sel ection Butt on(s) Press to ring a p resel ected sta tion. Th e LED as soci ated with each D SS butto n provide s the s tatus (idl e/bus y) of the s tation assigne d to the button.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Delayed Rin ging 142 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 1LJKW 7 U DQVI HU Night T ransfer Button Pres s to cont ro l the sy ste m ’ s CO l ine ringin g pattern fo r after-h ours inco ming ca lls.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Del ay ed R ing ing Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 143 5 HOHDVH& DOO Release Butto n Press to disconne ct or c omplete the transfe r of the current CO or [DN] ca ll and t o place y our st ation i n the i dle cond ition.
Add-on Module/DSS Console Delayed Rin ging 144 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 145 International Settings D The DKT2000 V .4 series telep hones have DI P switches that enable use for t he int ernation al marke t. The DIP sw itches ar e loca ted undern eath t he flexibl e butt on key strip on the DKT20 00 V .
Add-on Module/DSS Console Delayed Rin ging 146 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 T able 1 9 DKT International DIP Switch Settings USA Canada (Def ault Setting) ON ON ON ON Me xico ON ON ON OFF T aiw.
Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 147 Index A about this book conve ntions, ix how to use this g uide, viii orga nization, viii rela ted doc ume nts , x ABR, 23 ACB, 25 acce ss code usin g, 29 ac.
Index C ~ F 148 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 Scroll, 91 Spkr, 6 volume control, 4 , 6 C call f orward, 27 all c alls , 30 busy ⁄ no answe r, 32 exte rnal, 34 fixe d, 33 modes, 28 no ans wer, .
Ind ex G ~ O Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 149 paging, 131 spee d dial, 130 tran sfe r to an id le s ta tion , 128 flas h, 75 flex ible but tons, 6 flex ible dir ector y number ing, 137 forc .
Index P ~ V 150 Strata DK Digi tal T elep hone 6/00 off-hoo k, 11 off-hoo k call announc e, 60 on-ho ok, 11 outgo ing DISA cal ls, 47 over ride busy, 64 do not disturb, 64 execu tive, 64 priva cy , 65.
Ind ex V ~ V Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 151 messag e mailbox, 84 mess age retr iev al, 85 mult iple me ssa ge re tri eva l, 86 volume, 4 , 6 volume controls , 12 volun tary acco unt cod es.
Ind ex V ~ V Strat a DK Digi tal T elep ho ne 6/0 0 152.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba Strata DK 2000-series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.