Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product VF-nC1 van de fabrikant Toshiba
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T OSVERT VF-nC1 Instruction Manual Industrial In verter TOSHIB A INTERNA TIONAL CORPORA TION 13131 W est Little Y ork RD ., Houston, TX 77041, U.S .A TEL: +1-713-466-0277 F AX: +1-713-896-5226 TOSHIB A ASIA P ACIFIC PTE., L TD 152 Beach Rd., #16-00 Gatewa y East, Singapore 189721 TEL: +65-6297-0900 F AX: +65-6297-5510 TOSHIB A CHINA CO.
E 6581090 1 I I. Safety precau tions The it ems described in thes e instructions and on the invert er itself are ver y important so that you can use the inver ter safely prevent injury to yourself and ot her people around yo u a s well as prevent damage to prop erty in the area.
E 6581090 2 I ■ Genera l operation Danger S ee item Disas s embly prohibited • Ne ve r disassemble, modify or repair . This can result in electric shock, fire and in jury . F or r epairs, call y our sales agency . 2. Prohibited • Ne ve r re mo ve th e front cover when power is on or open door if enclosed in a cabinet .
E 6581090 3 I ■ Tr an sporta tio n Installatio n Danger S ee item Prohibited • Do no t in st all or operate the inverter if it is damaged or any componen t is missing. This can result in electric sh ock or fire. Please consult y our lo cal sales agency for repairs.
E 6581090 4 I Danger S ee item Man datory • Electri cal c onstruction work must be done by a qualified exper t. Co nnection of input power by someon e who does not have that expert knowledge may result in fire o r elec tric s hock. • Connec t output terminal s (mot or side) corre ctly .
E 6581090 5 I Wa r n i n g S ee item Prohibited • Ob se rv e all permiss ible operating ranges of motors and mechanical equipment . ( Ref er to the mo tor's in struct ion manual.
E 6581090 6 I A ttach warning labels Sho wn here are examples of warning labe ls to prevent, in adva nce, accidents i n relat ion to inverters, motors a nd other eq uipment.
E 6581090 i ― Contents ― I. Safety pr ec auti ons ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1 1.
E 6581090 ii 8.2 Display of trip information ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ H-3 9.
E 6581090 A-1 1 Rat ed out p ut current and ca p acit y Po we r supply Inver ter type A pp licab le mot or l abel War ni ng label Po we r supply Mo to r capacity Pet nam e Applicable mo to r label Inver ter ma in u n it Carto n box VFNC1- 2007 P 3PH - 200V - 0.
E 6581090 A-2 1 1.3 Name and functi on of e ach par t 1.3.1 Op eration keypad panel RUN ke y Pre ssing this k ey while the R UN k ey lamp is li ghted starts operati ons. STOP key Eve ry pr essing of this k ey wh il e th e RUN k ey lamp is lit will ca us e a slow d own sto p .
E 6581090 A-3 1 [Front pane l] Front cover Charge lamp I ndicates that high voltage is still pres ent with in the in ve rter . D o not open the terminal board co v er while this is li t. This l amp is not prov ided fo r si ngle-phase 200V European m odels.
E 6581090 A-4 1 Note 1: When installing the inverter where the am bien t temp eratu re will ris e ab ove 40°C , detach this caut ion lab el. An ex am ple of a cauti on la bel on the top su rface tr a.
E 6581090 A-5 1 Note: The self-up (self-lifting) terminals of VFNC1 are constructed w ith plastic body a n d screws, th er efore plea se take fo llowing preca utions. • Do not unscrew the power terminals to UP posit ion fre quently . (Les s th an 5 ti mes is reco mmend ed) • Do no t p ress th e scr ew wh en u nsc rew th e main te rminal s.
E 6581090 A-6 1 [Main circuit inp u t term inals] [Main circ uit output term inals] [Main circuit inp u t term inals] [Main circ uit output term inals] VF NC1S-1001P ~ 1 004P VF NC1S-2002P ~ 2 007.
E 6581090 A-7 1 [Main circuit inp u t term inals] [Main circ uit output term inals] [Main circuit inp u t term inals] [Main circ uit output term inals] VF NC1S-1007P VF NC1S-2015P ~ 2 022P VFNC1S -2.
E 6581090 A-8 1 Sizes of co nne ctable wires Soli d wire: 0.3 to 1.5 (mm 2 ) Strande d wire : 0.3 to 1.5 ( mm 2 ) (AW G: 22 to 16) Sheat h strip le ngth: 6 mm Driver bit s ize: 3.5 × 0.6 m m Sizes of co nne ctable wires Soli d wire: 0.3 to 1.5 (mm 2 ) Strande d wire : 0.
E 6581090 A-9 1 1.4 Notes o n the appli catio n 1.4.1 Motors Wh en th e VF -nC1 and t h e m otor are used in conj unction, pay attention t o the fo llowing item s. Wa rn i n g Mandator y Use an inverter that conforms to the specificat ions of the thr ee-phase induction motor and power s upply bein g use d.
E 6581090 A-10 1 Loads t hat generate nega tive torq ue Wh en c o mb i n ed wi th loads that gene rate n ega tive torqu e the prot ection for ov ervolta ge and overcurr ent on t he inverter w ill go into operatio n and may ca use a trip. Fo r this k ind of situat ion, you must inst all a dy nami c brakin g resist or , etc.
E6581090 A-1 1 1 Circu it inte rrupting when two or more inv erters a re used on the sa me powe r line. MCCB1 MCCBn + 1 MCCB3 MCCB2 INV1 INV2 INVn (circu it interru ptin g fus e) Bre akin g of s ele cted i nvert er There is no fuse in the inver ter's m ain circuit.
E 6581090 A-12 1 Remedies: 1. Reduce PWM carr ier freque ncy . The setti ng of PW M carri er freque ncy is done with th e para meter H . 2. Us e high freque n cy remed ial produc ts for eart h l eakag e breakers . If you use equipm ent like this , ther e is n o need to redu ce the PWM car rier frequen cy .
E 6581090 A-13 1 1.4.4 Installation ■ Insta llat i on environment Th e VF -n C1 Inverter is an e lectronic control instrument. T ake full consideration to inst alling it in the pr oper ope rating enviro nment. Da nger Prohib ited • Do no t place any in flammabl e subs tan c es near the VF-nC1 Inv erte r.
E 6581090 A-14 1 • Operate in areas w here ambient t emperature r anges from -10 ° C t o 50 ° C. Ho weve r, whe n installing the inverter wh ere th e ambient tem perature w ill rise abo ve 40°C, detac h the ca ution lab el o n th e top surface.
E 6581090 A-15 1 ■ How to inst all Da nger Prohib ited • Do not ins t all and o per ate the invert er i f it i s damaged or an y c ompon ent is mi ssin g. This c an resu lt in elec tric shock or f ire. Please consult you r lo ca l agency for repair s.
E 6581090 A-16 1 ■ Calor ific val ues of the inverter and the required ventil ation The energy loss when the invert er co nverts power from AC to DC an d then back to A C is about 5-10 perce nt.
E 6581090 A-17 1 ■ Insta l ling mo re than on e unit in a cabinet If yo u ar e installing two or m ore inverters in one cabinet, pay attention to the fo llowing. • Inverter s may be i nstalled side by side w ith each ot her with no s pace left b etween them .
E 6581090 B-1 2 2. Connection Danger Disas s embly prohibited • Never disassemble, modify or repair . This can result in elect ric shock, fire and injury . For repairs, call your s ales agency. Prohib ited • Don’t stick your fingers into openings such as cab l e wiring hole and coo ling fan covers.
E 6581090 B-2 2 Wa r ni n g Prohib ited • Do not attach devices w ith built-in capacitors (suc h as noise filters or surg e absorber) t o the outp ut (motor side) term inal.
E 6581090 B-3 2 Mai n ci rcui t R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 P0 P A P C DC r eactor (DCL: option) U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 IM VF-nC1 FLC FLB FLA P5 V I/S3 * 2 * 3 CC F R S1 S2 CC FM/OUT * 2 CC + - Meter P15 Ry C.
E 6581090 B-4 2 Mai n ci rcui t R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 P0 P A P C DC r eactor (DCL: option) U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 IM VF-nC1 FLC FLB FLA F R S1 S 2 CC FM/OUT * 2 CC + - Meter C onnector fo r optional d evices F.
E 6581090 B-5 2 Mai n ci rcui t R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 P0 P A P C DC r eactor (DCL: option) U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 IM VF-nC1 FLC FLB FLA P5 V I/S3 * 2 * 3 CC F R S1 S2 P15 FM/OUT * 2 CC + - Meter C onnec.
E 6581090 B-6 2 Mai n circ uit R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 P0 P A P C DC r eactor (DCL: option) U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 IM VF-nC1 FLC FLB FLA F R S1 S2 P15 FM/OUT * 2 CC + - Meter Ry C onnector for optional d evices .
E 6581090 B-7 2 2.3 Descri ptio n of ter minal s 2.3.1 Main c ircuit terminals This diagram s hows an ex am ple of wiri ng of the m ain circuit . Use optio ns if necessa ry . ■ Po we r supply and moto r connections or or VF-nC1 Pow er supply E R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 Motor Po we rl ines are connected to R, S and T .
E 6581090 B-8 2 FLA FLB FLC CC CC CC S2 R S1 F P5 FM/OUT VI/S3 P15 2.3.2 Control circuit terminals ( sink logi c (c ommon: CC )) The control circui t termina l board is t h e same for all models.
E 6581090 B-9 2 Te r m i n a l sym bol Input/ out put Func tion S pecificati ons Inverter inter nal circuit FM/ OUT Output Mul tifun ction pr ogra mmabl e out put. Stand ard defau lt setting: out put freque ncy . Meter s connectable to FM /OUT : 1m Adc full-scale ammeter or 7.
E 6581090 B-10 2 Output term inals cannot b e switched between sink logic and so urce lo gic . S ee the f igures bel ow for conne ction to sink logic an d source logic terminals.
E 6581090 C-1 3 3. Simple operation Dange r Prohib ited • Do not touch inverter terminals when electrical power is connected to the inverter even if the m otor is stop ped. To u c h i ng t he inve rt er t erminal s whil e power is connect ed to it ma y result in e lectric shock.
E 6581090 C-2 3 3.1 Simple oper atio n of the VF-nC1 The procedu res for setti ng o per ation frequen cy an d the method s of operat ion can be se lected from the follow ing.
E 6581090 C-3 3 3.1.1 H ow to start and stop (1) Start and stop us ing the o peration pan el keys ( EOQF : ) Use the RUN an d STOP keys on the opera tion panel to start a n d stop the motor. : Motor st arts. : Motor st ops (slo wdown st op).
E 6581090 C-4 3 (2) Setti ng the fre quency us ing the op erat ion panel ( HO QF : ) Set the frequ ency fr om th e o peration pa nel. ً : Moves the frequency up ٕ : Moves the fr equenc y down ■ Ex am ple of operat ing a run f rom the pa nel Key o perated LED display Operatio n Dis pla ys the operation frequency .
E 6581090 C-5 3 2) Setti ng the fr equency usi ng input voltage (0 -10V) ★ Vo lta g e signal Se ttin g frequency using voltage signals (0-10V). For more detai led informat ion on adjustments, see 6.
E 6581090 D-1 4 4. Basic V F-nC1 oper ations The VF-nC1 has the foll owin g three monit or mod es. St andard mo nitor mode :T he standar d inverter mo de. This mo de is enable d when inverter pow er goes o n. Se tting m onitor mode : The mo de f or setting invert er parameter s.
E 6581090 D-2 4 4.1 How to se t parameters The standa rd defau lt pa rameters a re programm ed before t he unit is s hipped from t he factory . Paramet e rs can be divide d into th ree ma jor cate gori es . Select the par ameter to be c hanged or to be sea rch ed a n d retrie ved.
E 6581090 D-3 4 4.1.1 H ow to set a setup parameter Set the se tup p aramet er accor ding t o the lo gic for con t rol input s ign als u sed an d t he base f requency of the motor c onnected.
E 6581090 D-4 4 4.1.2 H ow to set t he basic parameters All of th e basi c para met ers can be se t by th e same step pr ocedures . [Steps i n key entr y for basic parameters ] Steps i n s e tt ing are as f ollows (the example shown is one of c han ging the ma xi m um frequenc y from 80Hz to 60Hz ).
E 6581090 D-5 4 4.1.3 H ow to set ext ended parameters The VF-nC1 has ex t en ded par amet ers to al lo w you to make fu ll us e of its fu nction s. All ex tended parameter s are ex press ed with H and thr ee digi ts.
E 6581090 D-6 4 ■ Ex am ple of param eter setting The step s in set ti ng are a s fo llow s. (E xam ple o f changing the start ing frequency selection H fro m to .) Key ope r ated LED display Operatio n Displays th e op eration frequency (op eration stopped) .
E 6581090 D-7 4 ■ How to use the wizard fu ncti on Here are t he steps to f ollow to set param eters, using t h e wizard fu nc t ion . ( When th e basi c set ti ng wizard ( CWH ) is se t to 1) Key o perated LE D display Operat ion Di sp la ys the operation freq uency (operation stopped) .
E 6581090 D-8 4 (2) Searc hing for a history of c hanges, using the h istory fu nction ( CWJ ) ■ How to use the histor y f u nctio n Key ope r ated LED disp lay Operation Displays the operat ion frequency (operat ion stopped). (W hen sta ndard monitor disp lay selection H = is set to 0 [operation freq uency]).
E 6581090 D-9 4 (3) Sear ching for a nd chang ing p arame te rs , using the user parame ter gr oup f unction ITW ■ How to search for an d change para meters Follow t he steps be low to search f or and change pa rameter s. Key o perated LED displa y Operation Displays the op eratio n f requenc y (operation stopp ed).
E 6581090 D-10 4 4.1.5 Parameters that cannot be c hanged while running For reaso ns of safe ty , the foll owing par amete rs hav e b een s et u p so that they cannot be reprogram med while t he inverter is r unning.
E 6581090 D-1 1 4 4.1.6 Returning a ll parameters to s tandard default setting Se tting the standard defa ult setting parameter V[R to 3, all parameter s can be returned to the those fact ory def ault s e ttin gs. Note : For more de tails on the standard defaul t setting paramet er V[R , s ee 5.
E 6581090 E-1 5 5. Basic par ameter s Basi c par ameter s refer to parameters you have to set first before using the invert er . 5.1 Select ing an oper ation mod e E OQF : C omm an d mod e se lecti on.
E 6581090 E-2 5 ☆ The foll owing control inp ut terminals are always operat ive, no matter how the EOQF para meter (co mman d mod e selec tion) an d the HOQF paramete r (frequenc y setting mode selection) are set . • Reset terminal (e nabled only whe n a trip occur s.
E 6581090 E-3 5 ■ Adj u st me nt scale wi th met er adju stment HO pa ramet er C onnect meter s as shown be low . FM/OUT CC Meter: frequency me te r (default setti ng) VF-nC1 The readin g of the frequ ency me ter wi ll f luctua t e du ring scal e adj ust men t.
E 6581090 E-4 5 5.3 Standar d de fau lt sett ing V[R : St a ndard se tting mode selection Tit le F unct i o nA d j u s t m e n t r a n g e D efault sett ing V[R Stan da rd se tting m ode select ion 0 .
E 6581090 E-5 5 5.4 Select ing for ward and rever se runs (operati on pane l only) HT : For wa rd/ re verse se lectio n (Operatio n panel ) [Parameter sett ing] Title Functio n Adjustment range.
E 6581090 E-6 5 5.6 Maxi mum freq uency HJ : M ax imu m fr equen cy (Hz) Outpu t frequency (Hz ) Whe n HJ = 80Hz When HJ = 60Hz 80Hz 60Hz 0 100% Fr equency sett ing signa l (% ) • Thi s fu nction d ete rmines the max imum val ue in li ne w i th th e ratings o f the motor and load.
E 6581090 E-7 5 5.8 Base fr eque ncy XN : Bas e fre quency 1 ( Hz) Note: This is an i mportant pa ra mete r th at d eter min es t he co nstant torq ue control are a.
E 6581090 E-8 5 1) C onstant torque cha racteristic Setting of V/ F c ontrol mode selection RV to (V/F constant) This settin g is appli ed to loa ds, such as c onvey er s an d cr anes th at re quir e th e same to rque as the rated to rque ev en a t lo w speeds.
E 6581090 E-9 5 5.10 Set ting t he elect ronic therm al QNO : Ele ct r onic th ermal protect ion character istics VJT : M otor therm al pr otect ion l evel 1 (%) ■ Para meter s etting Ti.
E 6581090 E-10 5 Note : The motor overload protection start level is fi xed at 30Hz. VJT × 0.55 VJT × 1.0 Output frequency (Hz) Output current reduction factor [%] 0 30Hz [Using a V F motor (mo tor .
E 6581090 E-1 1 5 ■ Motor 150%-o verload time limit : H Using the H paramete r (motor 150% -overload w ithstanding t ime), you can set the t ime (betwee n 10 and 800 seco nds) elapsed before an overl oad tri p occu rs ( QN ) wh en the mo tor is operated under a load of 150%.
E 6581090 E-12 5 ☆ SS3 (p reset speed 3) a nd SS4 (pres et speed 4) a re not assigned to any terminals at t he factory . Before us e, ther efore , assign SS3 an d SS4 to res erved termi nals, usin g th e inpu t termin al fun ction sel ection para m eter.
E 6581090 F-1 6 6. Extended p arameters Ex ten d ed parameter s are used f or sophist icated operat ion, fine adj ustment and o ther spec ial pur poses. Chan ge par ameter se ttin gs as r equired . See T abl e of ext ende d para meters in S ecti on 1 1.
E 6581090 F-2 6 Out put frequency [Hz] Time [sec ] H Low sp eed signal output: 4 FM/O UT ter minal ( H ) FL te rm in al ( H ) ON OFF ON OFF 0 Set fr e que ncy Low sp eed rev.
E 6581090 F-3 6 • Function This parameter is used to switc h the function of the VI/S3 terminal between analog signal input and contact si gnal inpu t. • Function This parameter allows you to select a f uncti on yo u want to keep always active (ON).
E 6581090 F-4 6 ■ Setting of co ntact inp ut terminal f unction Te r m i n a l symbol Tit le F un ction Adj u stment range Default setting – H An alo g in p u t/logic in put functi on sel.
E 6581090 F-5 6 • Function This parameter is used to s wi tch between sink logic (negative common) and source logic (positive common). 3) Sink l ogi c/sou rce logi c inpu t Switchin g betw een sink lo gic and sourc e logi c (in put t ermin al l ogi c) is possi ble.
E 6581090 F-6 6 6.2.6 Changing the function of an output terminal H : Ou tp ut te rm in al se lection 1 ( OUT/FM) H : Ou tp ut te rm in al sel ection 3 (F LA , FLB , FLC) ■ How to u se Function of FM/OUT : Use the H para meter t o set it.
E 6581090 F-7 6 • Function Th ese parame ters are used to sw itch between tw o differe nt types of motors conne c t ed to the in verter or to cha nge the charac teristic of t he motor ac cording to the use con diti ons or oper ation m ode. Note: The RV parameter (V/F control m ode select ion) is effective only for motor 1 .
E 6581090 F-8 6 6.4 Analog signal s for fr equency setti ng 6.4.1 Sett ing fr eque ncy c ommand char acterist ics H : Analog inp ut/logic i nput functi on selecti on H : VI/S3 refere.
E 6581090 F-9 6 1) Adjustme nt of 0~ 10Vdc vo ltage input VI term inal • The out put f re quency wi th respect to the vo lt ag e inp ut is adj us ted ac co rdi ng to the se lected referenc e point.
E 6581090 F-10 6 6.5 Operatio n freque ncy 6.5.1 Starting frequency H : St art in g fr eq ue n cy sett ing (Hz) • Function The frequency set w ith the H param eter is put out immediately after the completion of fre qu e nc y se tt ing.
E 6581090 F-1 1 6 6.6 DC braking 6.6.1 DC braking H : D C br ak ing st artin g freque ncy (Hz) H : D C br ak ing curre nt ( %) H : D C br aking time (s) • Function Large braking torque can be obtained by apply ing a direct current to the motor.
E 6581090 F-12 6 6.7 Jump fr equency – Jumpi ng r esonant frequencies H : Ju mp fre q ue ncy ( Hz) H : Ju mp wid th (H z) • Function Reson a nc e du e to t h e natural frequency of the m echanical system operated can be avoi ded by ju mpi ng th e r eson a nt fr eque nc y dur ing op erat io n.
E 6581090 F-13 6 Reduction in ra ted load current Wh en th e P WM c a rrier frequ ency i s s et abov e 4kHz , the rated c urrent needs to be decr eased. Carrie r freque ncy VFNC1S- VF NC1- Ambien t temperature 4k Hz or les s 8kHz 12kHz 16kHz 2001P 50°C or le ss 0.
E 6581090 F-14 6 Tit le Fu nct io n Ad jus tme n t rang e Defau lt setti ng H Auto- res tart contro l sel ect ion 0: Disabled 1: At auto-restart after mom entary sto p 2: W hen S T-CC is turn.
E 6581090 F-15 6 6.10.2 R ege nerative power ri de -thr ough c ontr ol/ slowd own s top c ontr ol H : Re ge nerative power ride-th rough control • Function Regen erative power ride -throu gh c ont ro l : Function of let ting the m o tor continue to run using its regenerative energy in the event of a mo men tary power fa ilu re.
E 6581090 F-16 6 Here are ty pi cal caus es of t rip pi ng and the c orrespo nding retr y processe s. C ause of tripping Retry process Canceling conditions Momentary power fa ilure Overcu rren t Overvoltage Over loa d Up to 10 times of retr y in su ccession 1st retry: A bout 1 sec.
E 6581090 F-17 6 6.11 Perfor ming P I contro l H : PI co ntr ol H : Pr oportional (P) gain H : In te gra l (I) gain • Function These parameters are used to perform .
E 6581090 F-18 6 4) Adjusti ng the PI cont r ol ga in level Adjus t the PI contr o l gain level according to t he proce ss quantity, the f eedback sig nal and the obj ect to be contro lled. The follo w ing paramete rs are provid ed f or gain adj ustment.
E 6581090 F-19 6 6.12 Impr oving torque and spe ed char acteri stics 6.12.1 Se tting motor consta nts RV : V/ F c ontrol mode selection XN : Ba se freque ncy 1 (Hz) H : S lip f.
E 6581090 F-20 6 ★ Ena bled if the RV parameter (V/F control mode sele ction) is set to 3 (slip cor rection) H : Used to set the rated current (A) of the motor. Enter the r ated current pr inted on t he moto r’s rating plat e. H : Used to set the no- load current in percentage w ith respect to the rate d current of the moto r.
E 6581090 F-21 6 2) Changi ng the accel eration/dece leration tim e by adjusti ng the co ntact input si gnal – Changing t h e acceler ation/decel eration time, usi ng external term inals – ③ Dec.
E 6581090 F-22 6 6.14.2 In v ert er tr ip retention H : Inv erter tri p ret entio n se lect ion • Function This parameter is used to prevent the trippe d inverter from being restored to working order wh en the power is turned back on. The inverter can be r estored by resetting it from the operation panel (terminal).
E 6581090 F-23 6 (An examp le of termi nal assignment) Assigning the tr ip stop fu nc tion to the R ter minal Tit le F unct i o nA d j u s t m e n t range Default setti ng H Input term inal s.
E 6581090 F-24 6 • Function An o ve r-torque alarm sign al is put ou t if a to rqu e curr e nt exc eeding the level set with H (over-torque alarm level) f lows for a period of time longer than that set with H (over- torque detection time).
E 6581090 F-25 6 <E xam ple of operation> 1) If funct ion 12 (OT : over-t orque detect io n) is as sign ed to th e FM /OUT te rmin al, usi ng the out put t ermi nal se lect ion par amet er H .
E 6581090 F-26 6 6.14.9 A nalog input dis connection detection H : Ana lo g input di s conne ction de tection • Function This parameter is used to detect a break in an analog signal to the VI/S3 terminal. If an analog signal is below the level set with H for 0.
E 6581090 F-27 6 * Us in g H , the following param eters can be converted. • A dis play D isp lay of the monito red current • V dis play D isp lay of the monitored voltage • Free unit Display of the monitored f requen cy 6.
E 6581090 F-28 6 6.15.3 Changing the stand ard mo nito r in g it em H : Select ion of monitor di splay selection • Function This parameter is used to change t he item displayed when the power is turned on.
E 6581090 F-29 6 ■ Commun i cations par a met ers (Commo n serial op tions) The data tran sfer ra te, parity type, inverter ID number an d commu nica tion erro r trip time c an be changed fr om t h e oper ation pane l or the comp u ter o n the network.
E 6581090 F-30 6 <Select ive communicat ions> Wh en an operat ion freque ncy command is se nt from the ho st computer to No. 3 inverte r Ho st com pu ter INV No. 29 INV No. 30 : Cable ro ute : Data (hos t to INV ) : Answer -ba ck da ta ( INV to hos t) Th r own away INV No.
E 6581090 G-1 7 7. V ariety of opera tion 7.1 Setti ng the operatio n freq uency Appli e d opera tion can be pe rformed b y selecting t he inverter f requency s etting, using t he basic parameter HOQF (frequenc y s ett ing mode selection).
E 6581090 G-2 7 (5) Input curre nt setting (4 to 20mAd c) ( 6) Preset- speed setti n g F R S1 S2 VI/S3 P15 P5 CC RUN STOP F R( SS4) S1 S2 VI/S3 P15 P5 CC RUN STOP Cu rrent signal HOQF H (Input curre nt si gnal) Use th e parameters H to H for this se tting.
E 6581090 G-3 7 7.2 Setti ng the operatio n mod e Appli e d opera tion can be pe rformed b y selecting t he operat ion mode. T o set the oper ation mode, use the ba sic parameter EOQF (co mmand mode sel ecti on) and th e input terminal se lec tio n parameter.
E 6581090 H-1 8 8. Monitoring the opera tion status 8.1 Statu s monitor mod e In this m ode, you can m onitor the ope ration stat us of the inverte r . To d i s p l a y the oper ation sta tus du ring norma l operation: Pr ess the key twice. Se tting proce dure (eg.
E 6581090 H-2 8 (Continued) Item displa yed Key operated LED display Comm unica tion No. De sc rip tion CPU1 version X FE08 The version of th e CP U1 is displayed . CPU2 version XY FE73 The version of th e CP U2 is displayed . Memo ry version XG FE09 The version of the memory mounted is displayed.
E 6581090 H-3 8 8.2 Display of trip informat ion If t he inve rt er trips , an err or cod e is displ ayed to su gges t the cause. In the stat us monitor mode , all trip reco rds are retained. ■ Display of trip information E rror code Com munication N o.
E 6581090 H-4 8 ■ Ex am ple of cal l-up of trip information Item displa yed Key operated LED display Comm unica tion No. De sc rip tion QR St at us mo ni to r m ode (The code blinks if a trip occurs.) The motor coasts and comes to a stop (coast stop).
E 6581090 H-5 8 (Continued) Item displa yed Key operated LED display Comm unica tion No. De sc rip tion CPU1 version X FE08 The version of th e CP U1 is displayed . CPU2 version XY FE73 The version of th e CP U2 is displayed . Memo ry version XG FE09 The version of the memory mounted is displayed.
E 6581090 I-1 9 9. T ak ing me asures to sat isfy the C E / UL / CSA 9.1 Compli ance wit h CE M arking 9.1.1 Ab st ract In Europe, EMC directi ve is e n forc ed st artin g 1 st Ja n.
E 6581090 I-2 9 9.1.3 Compliance w i th EMC directive T he model, nois e filter ins ide (1) Singl e-phas e 200V class : VF NC1S -200 2PL to 20 22P L The above men tioned models inst all E MI noi se fil ter ins ide . So th e condu cte d and r adia ted noise can be reduced, op tional EM I noise filter s are not needed.
E 6581090 I-3 9 T he models witho ut EMI filter s (1) S hingle-phase 100V class : VFNC1-1001P to 1007P Th ree-phase 200V c lass : VFNC1-2001P to 2022P Sh in gl e-phase 200V class : VFNC1S-2002P to 2022P This su bsecti on explai ns wha t meas ures must be taken t o s atis f y the E MC dir ective .
E 6581090 I-4 9 (6) Insta llation of the zero-p hase and/or t he ferr ite cor e can also eff ectiv ely red u ce the radiated noise further. (Input or/and o utput of inverter) 【 Ex. Count ermeasu r e - ma in circuit wiring 】 Fig. 2 Note 1) Process as sho w n b elo w.
E 6581090 I-5 9 【 A ccessories for counter measure 】 - Shie lded c a ble : Sho wa el ect ric Wi re & Cable Co. L TD. Ty pe f o rm/ CV-S, 60 0V or less - Shie lded c a ble : SUMI TOMO 3 M Co.
E 6581090 I-6 9 9.1.5 C ompliance with Low voltage directive Pleas e ca rry out the belo w men t ion e d co un term easures for t he Low Voltage D irective in c ase of using VF- NC1 a s co mponen ts of you r produ cts. (1) Invert er should be installed in a panel.
E 6581090 I-7 9 Ta b l e 4. A I C and fus e Vol ta ge clas s C apacity of applicabl e motor (kW) Inverter mode l AIC (In terrupti ng capacity ) Fus e cl ass and cu rrents ( A ) 0.1 V FNC1S-1001P AIC 1000A CC/J 6 m ax 0.2 V FNC1S-1002P AIC 1000A CC/J 8 m ax 0.
E 6581090 J-1 10 10. Peripher al devices Da nger Man dator y • Wh en u s in g wi ri ng mate rials an d thei r opti onal devi ce s for the inve rter , t h ey m us t be instal led in a ca binet . Fa ilure to do so ca n lead to risk of electric shock and can result in death or serious injury .
E 6581090 J-2 10 ■ Selection of wir ing devi ces Non-f us e circ uit breaker (MCCB) Earth leak age b reak er (ELC B) Magne tic cont actor (MC ) Ove rlo ad r elay (THR) Wit hou t r eactor With DC rea.
E 6581090 J-3 10 10.2 Inst allation of a magnetic co ntactor If us ing the inv erter without i nstallin g a magnetic contactor (MC) in the primary circui t, use an MCCB (wit h a powe r cutoff dev ic e) to open the pri m ary circuit when the inv erter protecti ve circu it is acti vated.
E 6581090 K-1 11 11 . Ta b l e of param eters and data 11 . 1 U ser paramet ers Tit le F unction Unit Minim u m se tting unit Panel/ Comm unica tion Adjustment ra ng e Defaul t setting User setting Refere nce HE Operatio n frequency of operat ion panel Hz 0.
E 6581090 K-2 11 Tit le Communi c ation No. Functi on Unit Minim u m se tting unit Panel/ Comm unica tion Adjustment ra ng e Defau lt setting User setting Refere nce V[R 0007 Standar d setting mode sel ect ion -- 0 : - 1:Set at 5 0Hz 2:Set at 6 0Hz 3:Def ault setting 4:Trip clear 5:Cum ulative operat ion time clear 05 .
E 6581090 K-3 11 11 . 3 E x t e n d e d param ete rs • Inp ut/ output pa rameters Tit le Communi c ation No. Functi on Unit Minim u m se tting unit Panel/ Comm unica tion Adjustment ra ng e Default setting User setting Refere nce H 0100 Low speed sig nal out put fre quency Hz 0.
E 6581090 K-4 11 • Frequency param eters Tit le Communi c ation No. Functi on Unit Minim u m se tting unit Panel/ Comm unica tion Adjustment ra ng e Defau lt setting User setting Refere nce H 0201 VI/S3 re fer enc e point 1 setting %1 / 1 0 - 100 0 6.
E 6581090 K-5 11 • Operation mo de para meters Tit le Comm unic ation No. Function Unit Minimum setti ng unit Panel/ Comm unic ation Adjust ment r ange Defaul t se tting User se tting Reference .
E 6581090 K-6 11 • Acceleration/dec eleration tim e parameter s Tit le Communi c ation No. Functi on Unit Minim u m se tting unit Panel/ Comm unica tion Adjustment ra ng e Defa ult setting User setting Refere nce H 0500 Accele ration time 2 s 0.
E 6581090 K-7 11 • Operation panel par ameters Tit le Communi c ation No. Functi on Unit Minim u m se tting unit Panel/ Comm unica tion Adjustment ra ng e Defau lt setting User setting Refere nce H 0700 Prohib it ion of chang e paramete r settings -- 0 : P e r m i tted ( EOQF , HOQF cannot be chan ged during oper atio n.
E 6581090 K-8 11 ■ Defa ul t settin gs b y inverter rating To r q u e b o o s t M otor rated cu rrent No-l oad cu rrent Inverter mode l XD / H H H VFNC1S- 1001P 8 .5 0.6A 70% VFNC1S- 1002P 8 .3 1.2A 70% VFNC1S- 1004P 6 .2 2.
E 6581090 K-9 11 ■ Tab le o f input terminal fun ctions 1 Fun ction No. Code Fun cti on Acti on 0- N o f u n c tion is as signe d N o acti on 1S T S t a n d b y termina l ON : S tandby , OFF : Free .
E 6581090 K-10 11 ■ Tab le o f input terminal fun ctions 2 Fun ction No. Code Fun ction Action 29 R+ SS4 Combination of reve rse run an d pr ese t spe e d co mmand 4 ON : Simulta n eous input of R a.
E 6581090 K-1 1 11 ■ Tab le o f out put terminal func tions 1 Fun ction No. C ode Functi on Acti on 0L L F r e q u e n c y lower limit ON : Output f requency higher than NN set ti ng OFF : Output fr.
E 6581090 K-12 11 ■ Order of pr ece d enc e of combin ed fu nctions XX: Impossi ble c ombination, X: Inval id, +: V alid under some con dition s, O: Valid, @ : Pri ority Function No.
E 6581090 L-1 12 12. Specifi cations 12.1 Model s and t heir sta ndard specifi cations ■ Standard sp ecific ation s Item Spe ci fi cation I nput volt age 3-phas e 200V A pplic able mot or (kW ) 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 Ty pe V F NC 1 Fo rm 2 0 01P 2002P 2004P 2007P 20 15P 2022P Capa cit y (kV A) Note 1) 0.
E 6581090 L-2 12 Item Spe ci fi cation I nput volt age 1-phase 1 00V A pplic able mot or (kW ) 0.1 0.2 0. 4 0 .75 1.5 2.2 Ty pe VFNC1S Fo rm 1001P 1002P 1004P 10 07P - - Capa cit y (kV A) Note 1) 0. 3 0.6 1.0 1.6 - - Rat ed output curr ent (A) Note 2) 0.
E 6581090 L-3 12 Item Spe cifi catio n Contro l system Sinusoid al PW M contro l Related output vo lta g eA d j ust able of outp ut vol tage in base fre quency set ting by the corre ct in g supply voltg e (Una djus tabl e to any vol tage high er than th e input voltage) .
E 6581090 L-4 12 12.2 Ext ernal dime nsions/w eights ■ External dime nsio ns/w eigh ts Dim ensio ns ( mm) I nput volt age A pplicabl e mo tor (kW) Ty p e WH D W 1 H 1 D 1 Drawi ng Approx. wei ght (kg) 0.2 VFN C1S-20 02P 100 1.0 0.4 VFN C1S-20 04P 124 1.
E 6581090 M-1 13 13. Before mak ing a ser vice call – T r i p info rmation and remedies 13.1 Trip cause s/warn ings and r emedies Wh en a pr obl em arises, d iagnose it in accordance with the follo w in g ta ble.
E 6581090 M-2 13 (Continued) Error code Al arm code Problem Po ssib l e caus es Remedies QR 000B O verv olt age during dec elera tion • The dec elera tion ti me FGE is too sho rt. (Regenerati ve energy i s too l arge.) • H (overvol tage li m it oper ation) is off .
E 6581090 M-3 13 (Continued) Error code Al arm c ode Problem Po ssibl e causes Re medies * GRJ 0008 Inp u t phase failure • A phas e failure occ u rred in the input line of the main cir cuit.
E 6581090 M-4 13 (Continued) Error code Al arm code Problem Po ssib l e caus es Remedies G 003 3 CPU comm unicat ions error • A comm uni cat ions e rror occurs betw een co ntrol C PUs. • Mak e a se rvice call. G 003 4 Exce ssive to rque b oosted • The torqu e b oost paramet er XD is set too high .
E 6581090 M-5 13 (Continued) Error code Problem Po ssibl e causes Remedi es UVQR Mom enta r y powe r fa ilure slow down stop proh ibition fun ction activ ated • The sl owdown s t op pr ohibition fun ction s et with H (mom entar y power fa ilure ride- throu gh oper ation) i s activa ted.
E 6581090 M-6 13 13.2 Rest oring t he inve rter fro m a trip Do not rese t the inverter when tr ipped beca use of a fai lure or error b efore elim inating the ca use. Resetting the tripped inverter before eliminating the problem caus es i t to trip again.
E 6581090 M-7 13 13.3 If t he motor does not r un whil e no trip message is displ ayed .. . If t he mo tor does not r un while no tr ip message is disp layed, follow t h ese steps to track d own the caus e. YES : NO : The motor does not run. Is the 7-se gment LE D extinguished? Check the pow er supply and the MCCB.
E 6581090 M-8 13 13.4 How to determi ne the causes of other problem s The followin g table provi des a lis ting o f othe r probl ems, t heir possi ble caus es and r emedi es. Proble ms C auses and r emedies The motor run s in the wro n g dir ection . • Invert the phases of the ou tput te rmin als U, V an d W.
E 6581090 N-1 14 14. Inspection and maint enance Danger Mandator y • The equipmen t must be inspecte d every day . If t he eq ui pment is not inspected and m aintained, er rors and m alfunctions ma y not be discovered w hich could lead to acc idents.
E 6581090 N-2 14 14.2 Peri odical i nspectio n Make a peri odical i nspection at i ntervals of 3 o r 6 months d epending o n the o perating co nditions. Danger Mandator y • Before in s pectio n, perform t he following steps. ① Shu t off all input po wer to t h e inverter .
E 6581090 N-3 14 ■ Repla cement of expen dabl e part s The inve rt er is com posed of a large number of electroni c parts including semic onductor device s. The foll owing part s deteriorate w ith the pas sage of time be cause of t heir compos ition or physic al propert ies.
E 6581090 N-4 14 14.3 Maki ng a call for ser vicing For the T os hiba service network , re fe r to th e ba ck cove r of th is in struc ti on manual . If defective conditions are encountered, please contact the T oshiba service section in charge via your T o shiba dealer.
E 6581090 O-1 15 15. W arr anty Any par t of th e inverter t hat proves def ective wi ll be repaired and adjust ed free of c harge under t he foll ow ing conditions: 1.
E 6581090 P-1 16 16. Dispo sal of the in verter Wa r n i n g Mandator y • If yo u thro w away the i nvert er , hav e it done by a s p ec ia list in industry was te dispos al*. If you thro w away th e inverter by yourself, thi s can result in explosion of c apacitor or prod uce noxious gases, result ing in injury .
T OSVERT VF-nC1 Instruction Manual Industrial In verter TOSHIB A INTERNA TIONAL CORPORA TION 13131 W est Little Y ork RD ., Houston, TX 77041, U.S .A TEL: +1-713-466-0277 F AX: +1-713-896-5226 TOSHIB A ASIA P ACIFIC PTE., L TD 152 Beach Rd., #16-00 Gatewa y East, Singapore 189721 TEL: +65-6297-0900 F AX: +65-6297-5510 TOSHIB A CHINA CO.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba VF-nC1 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba VF-nC1 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba VF-nC1 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba VF-nC1 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba VF-nC1 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba VF-nC1 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba VF-nC1 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba VF-nC1 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.