Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product NC200 van de fabrikant TP-Link
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NC200 Cloud Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi R EV 1.0. 1 191001 1071.
COPYRIGH T & TR A D EM A RKS S pecifications are s ubject to change without notice. is a registere d tradem ark of TP - LIN K TECHNOLOG IES CO., L TD. Ot her brands and product na mes are trade marks or registered t rademar ks of their respect ive holders.
FCC ST A TEMENT This equi pment has been test ed and found t o comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant t o part 15 of the FC C Rules. The se limits a re designed to pr o - vide reason able protectio n against har mful interferen ce in a residential inst allation.
Canad ian Co mplian ce S t atem ent This device co mplies with Indust ry Canada license - exempt RSS st andard(s) . Operation is subj ect to the follow ing two condit ions: (1) This device may not cause interf erence, and (2)This dev ice must acc ept any interference, inc luding inter ference that may cause und esired operation o f the device.
●清潔本產品之 前請先拔掉電源 線。請勿使用 液體、噴霧清潔 劑或濕布進行 清潔。 ●注意防潮,請 勿將水或其他液 體潑灑到本產 品上。 ●插槽.
TP - LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., L TD DECL A R A TI ON O F CONFORMI TY For the follow ing equip ment: Product Des cription: Cloud Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Model No.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi CONTENTS Chapter 1 A bou t this Guide .................................................................................... 2 1.1 Convent ions .....................................................................
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 1 A bout this Gu ide This User G uide cont ains infor mation for set up and manage ment o f NC20 0 Cloud Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 2 Introduc tion Thanks for c hoosing the NC 200 Cloud Camera, 30 0Mbp s Wi - Fi ! 2.1 Ove rvi ew NC200 is a versatile so lution for ho me & of fice mon itoring to keep an ey e on y our home, kids or workplace; whatever it is that you care for most.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 2.3 Appearance Description 2.3.1 Fr ont Panel Figure 2-1 Fr ont Pane l Microp hone : The camera has a built - i n internal microphon e. This microp hone is hidden in the pinhole lo cated on the front pa nel.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 2.3.2 Rear Panel Figure 2-2 Rear Panel WPS L ED: S ta t u s Indica tion Flash ing Gre en The camera star ts booting up. T he camera is connect ing to a network by W PS f unc ti on. T his process will last in the first 2 m inutes.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Used as R ESET but ton: W ith the camera powe red on, pr ess and hold the WPS / R ESET button ( more than 5 seconds ) unt il both the S yst e m LED and WPS LED turn of f . T hen releas e the button and wait the came ra to re set to its fac tory default se ttings .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. Drill two mounting holes a nd fix the mounting ba se. 4. Put the base cov er and camer a head back. 7.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 3 Manag ing the Cam era T he camera ’ s built - in web manag ement p age is desi gned to allow y ou to easily access a nd configure y our camera. Use the manage ment IP address of the ca mera to log in to the camera.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Note : If the instal led plugin doe sn't work, set y our browser security settings to allow plugins. Here we ta ke the settings for IE brow ser as an exam ple. Go to " T ools → Int ernet O ptions → Security ".
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Sy mbols Meani ng No te Cli ck to capture a st ill image sh ot by the ca mera . The image file will be saved in JP G or BMP format in your loca l compu ter . Th e f ile is nam ed as im age - yyy y - mm - dd - hh - mm -ss.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Drag the slider to adjust the size of the c urrent image. T he maxim um zoom rat io is 4 times. Mute of f . Y ou can hear t he current soun d by the camera. Clic k and it will become . Mute on. The curr ent sound by the camera is turned of f .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi cam era ’ s settings suc h as wireless con nection sett ings here. A ll the infor mation is read - only . 12.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.3.2 Basi c → Ne tw o r k On this pa ge, you can co nfigure your c amera ’ s IP address whic h is used to access and config ure the camera. Dynamic IP: Sel ec t thi s option when a DHCP server is installed on the net work to iss ue IP address as signment .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Clic k Save to save and en able the setting s. 3.3.3 Basi c → W ir eless Connecti on T he camera ’ s wi rel ess fu ncti on is en abl ed by d efa ult. Thi s func tion help s to co nnect your ca mera to a wireless net work wir elessly .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Y ou can select Show passwo rd to dis pla y what y ou ’ ve entered. 4. A pop - up scree n will prompt you for the netw ork modificat ion. Click Cha nge t o continue. 5. Clic k OK on the p op – up screen t o finish wirele ss connection pr ocedure.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 6. T o start using camera w irelessly , unplug its Ethernet cable. 3.3.4 Basi c → Cloud Settings NC200 is a Cl oud Camera w hich can be viewe d anytime and any where ov er the Internet w ith TP - LINK Cloud se rvice.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi an easy - re member one. C a mera name can cont ain up to 30 characters. I t can only c ontain digits, letters, sp ace and . - _@' . After your camera is re gistered suc cessful ly , you can go to ww w .tplinkcloud.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Con necti on , Wirel ess Extend er , Cloud S etting , DDNS , Vid eo , Motion Detection , N otification Sendin g , and LED . 3.4.1 Adva nced → S ta tu s Refer to 3 .3.1 Basic → Sta tus . 3.4.2 Adva nced → Ne twork On this pa ge, you can co nfigure y our networ k settings.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi IP Address On this pa ge, you can co nfigure your c amera ’ s IP address whic h is used to access and configure the camera. Dynamic IP: Sel ec t thi s option when a DHCP serv er is i nst alled on the net work to issue IP address as signment .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi St atic IP: Select this option when a st atic or fixed IP address is obta ined for the camer a. A stat ic IP ad dress will e ase your acces s to the camer a in the future. A dd your camera ’ s s ta tic IP information to y our router t o avoid IP conflicts.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi PPPoE: To enabl e or disable the PPPoE serv ice here. S ta t u s: Displays the PP PoE connect ion stat us. Usernam e: Enter the u sername for PPPoE servic e provided by y our ISP . Pa sswo rd: Enter the pas sword for PP PoE service provided by y our ISP .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Bon jour Bonjour , also known as z ero - configurat ion networ king, enables a utomatic dis covery of computers, devices, a nd services o n IP networ ks.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 1. S ele ct Enable to e nable your camera ’ s wireless function . 2. Clic k Manually , and you will see the fol lowing scre en. 3. In the W irele ss Networ k Name fie ld, enter the name of the w ireless netw ork to wh ich your camera is read y to conne ct.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi wireless netw ork . 5. Clic k Conne ct and a screen wil l pop up. Click Chang e on the pop - up sc reen. 6. Clic k OK on the p op – up screen t o finish wirele ss connecti on procedur e. 7. T o start using camera w irelessly , unplug its Ethernet cable .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Max Cli ents: Set the max imum numb er of clients t hat are al lowed to connec t to the extend ed networ k. Clic k Save to save and en able the setting s. 3.4.5 Advanced → Cloud Setti ngs Refer to 3 .3.4 Basic → Cloud Set tings .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi ( www ), DynDNS ( www ), and Co mexe ( www ). Note : If you hav e not registered for any of the listed DDNS servers, please select one and click Go to register … and follow the instruct ions provided on t he of ficial webs ite to regist er .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Time St amp: If enab led, the current time of your c amera, whic h can be set on S ystem → Date/T ime page, w ill be displayed on the top r ight corner of the live view screen. W ith this feature ena bled, you can f ind out the exact t ime of the snap shot or r ecord easily .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Motion De tection: To enabl e or disable the motion detec tion functio n here. Sensitivit y: S pecify the lev el of dif ference bet ween two sequent ial images that w ould indicate motion. Sel ec t on e of the t hree levels of s ensitivity from the dro p- down list: High, Mediu m, and Low .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi FTP Sel ec t F TP , you can conf igure your camera t o send snap shots to a specifie d FTP sever on the followin g screen: FTP Server/ Port: Enter the IP or t he domain (IP/d omain without p re fix ftp://) and the port of the FTP ser ver that you will be connect ing to .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 1. Enter an IP address or domain o f your FTP s erver , e.g. 68 2. Remain th e FTP por t number as the de fault value: 21. 3. Enter y our username t o log in to the FT P serv er , e.g. test. 4. E nter y our passw ord to l og in to the FTP server .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi E- mail Sel ec t E- mail , you can co nfigure your camera to se nd snaps hots to a speci fied E - mai l ad dres s on the followin g screen. Recipient E - m ail Addres s: Enter the rece iver ’ s E - mail address that t he notificat ion E - mail will be s ent t o.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Note : If TLS is se lected as th e SSL Encryption, set the Sender E - m ail Port as 4 65; if ST AR TTLS is selected, set the Port as 25 or 587. Sendin g Interv al: Set the limit for how frequent ly E- mail notifi cations will be s ent.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi If the s ettings are teste d in correct, you w ill see the follow ing screen. Click OK . Please c heck your networ k and E - mail settings and try again later . 3.4.10 Advance d → LED Refer to 3 .3.5 Basic → LED .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi are allowed to ac cess to your camera. Usernam e: Displays the name of user a ccount. Us er Grou p: Displays the group t he user account i s in. Dif f erent user group has dif ferent limits o f authority .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. Enter a pa ssword for y our new accou nt. The passwor d should cont ain 5~ 2 0 characters. 4. Enter the p assword a gain to conf irm it. 5. Clic k Save to save and en able the setting s. Change Pass word Y ou can change the p assw ord of all the accou nts h ere.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Y ou can delete a user acc ount except ad min here. Select o ne in the list and cl ick Delet e . 3.5.2 Date/Time O n this pa ge, you can configure t he settings o f the internal syst em clocks for your camera. Current Time: Dis plays the current dat e and time of t he camera .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi NTP Server: Y ou can either ent er a doma in name o f the NTP server or select one w hich will be filled in aut omatical ly from the drop - d own li st. S et NTP Server from Dynamic IP: Y ou can use t he NTP ser ver applied i n the DHCP server on t he network.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Reboot : Click Rebo ot and then c lick Reboot on th e pop - up scre en to confir m. Rebootin g will not change t he camera ’ s sett ing.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi 2. Clic k Bro wse to lo cate the latest downloade d softw are. 3. Clic k Upgra de to updat e the camera ’ s software t o the latest v ersion. 4. Wai t fo r the uploading pro cess to com ple te , and the camera will re boot automat ically .
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi Tim e: Disp lays t he time when t he log event occ urs. The log can get t he correc t time after y ou configure on t he Date/ T ime pag e. (go to Advance d → Date/ T ime ) Modu le: Displays t he module to w hich the log infor mation be longs.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi A ppendix A : S pecifi cation s SYSTEM Image Sen sor 1/4 ’’ Progres sive scan CM OS sensor Resolu tion 0.3 Megapix el (640* 4 80) Lens F: 2.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi TCP, UDP Security Multiple passw ord - prot ected user l evels Wireless Wireless Data Rate IEEE 802. 1 1b/g/n, Up to 300 Mbps Freque ncy 2.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi A ppendix B : Tr oubleshoot ing Question Ans wer or Resoluti on Features Th e ma ximum num be r of users access ing the cam era sim ulta neo usly. The maxim um number o f users is limited to 1 3 . H oweve r, it al so depends o n the total ban dwidth access ed to this ca mera from clien ts.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi router check user’ s manual of ro uter and turn on UPnP function. Maybe U PnP funct ion of NA T router is not comp atible to t he IP camera. P lease contact your dealer t o get the appr oval routers lis t.
N C200 Cloud Ca mera, 300 Mbp s Wi - Fi account t hat is authoriz ed to install applicat ions. Networ k congestion ma y prevent the Image sc reen from appearing quickly. You may choose lower resol ution to reduc e the required ba ndwidth. The camera w ork locally but not exter nally.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat TP-Link NC200 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen TP-Link NC200 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens TP-Link NC200 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding TP-Link NC200 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over TP-Link NC200 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van TP-Link NC200 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de TP-Link NC200 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met TP-Link NC200 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.