Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TrangoLINK-45TM van de fabrikant Trango Broadband
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Ffirm TrangoLINK-45™ Point-to-Point Wireless Ethernet Bridge USER MANUAL June, 2007 Revision 1p3.
Preface Trango Broadba nd Wireless Tra ngoLINK-45 page ii Table of Contents Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................iv FCC Inform ation .
Table of Figures Trango Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page iii Chapter 6 Firmware Upgrade Procedure ........................................................................................... ...................39 Firmware File Names .
Preface Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page iv Preface This manual covers the basic configuration and installation of the TrangoLINK-45 Wireless Point to Point Broadband System, and app.
Preface Industry Canada InformationIndustry Canada Inform ationIndustry Canada Information Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page v WARNING: Intentional or unintentional changes or modifications must not be made unless under the express consent of the party responsible for compliance.
Preface Europe InformationEurope InformationEurope Information Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page vi Europe Information We, Trango Systems, Inc.
Preface Europe InformationEurope InformationEurope Information Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page vii Contact Info rmation Corporate Headquar ters Trango Broadband Wireless, a d ivision of Trango Systems, Inc. 15070 Ave nue of Scie nce Suite 200 San Diego, CA 9 2128 USA Web Sites www.
Overview DFS Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 8 Chapter 1 Overv iew The TrangoLI NK-45 is a point-to -point (PtP) wirel ess Ethernet transm ission system which provides net work connectivity at spee ds up to 45 Mb ps depen ding on the t ransmission di stance and noise floor.
Overview ARQ Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 9 ARQ Another key advantage of the Trang oLINK-45 pl atform i s its Automat ic Repeat Request (ARQ) trans mission correct ion scheme. The ARQ al gorithm detects packet loss due to fadin g and interfere nce conditions a nd reques ts the remote r adio to re-transm it specific packets.
Overview Range vs. Throughput Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 10 Range vs. Throughput The followin g table shows a pproxim ate maxim um ranges (at recom mended fade margins) ac hievable wi th the TrangoLINK-45 system using various antenna configurations.
Overview System Contents Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 11 System Contents The TrangoLINK-45 system is available in two versions: TrangoLINK-45-19-xx - Radios with integrated 19 dB.
Overview Location of Serial Number & MAC Ad dress Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 12 Location of Serial Nu mber & MAC Address The serial number and MAC address label can be found on the back of each rad io. The serial num ber and MAC address is also provided within the system information (sysinfo) screen.
Getting Started Connections and Power Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 13 Chapter 2 Getting Started It is always a good idea to first provision and test the radios on the bench b efore deployi ng them in t he field. This is a particularly useful exercise for the novice user.
Getting Started Configuration Tools Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 14 Configuration Tools P5055M radi os can be confi gured using ei ther the Comm and Line Int erface (CLI), or the Web Br owser (HTTP) interface. The CLI m ethod provides slightly m ore functionality.
Getting Started Troubleshooting Ethernet Connections Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 15 Troubleshooting Ethern et Connections If you cannot telnet into th e radio or open an HTTP browser session, ch eck your cable connections to ensure proper use of cross-over v s.
Getting Started System Information (sysinfo) Page Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 16 Sysinfo Exam ple: #> sysinfo ********************************* 0 ****************************.
Getting Started System Information (sysinfo) Page Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 17 ********************************* 5 ********************************* [Tx MIR] 50000 Kbps [ARQ] .
Getting Started System Information (sysinfo) Page Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 18 [ S / N ] S e r i a l N u m b e r o f R a d i o [IP] User defined IP Address of radio [Subnet Ma.
Getting Started System Information (sysinfo) Page Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 19 [Remarks] User entered remarks up to 256 characters. Field accepts alpha num eric’s only. Special characters (!@#$ %^&*()?/) require quotations.
Configuration Key Conc epts Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 20 Chapter 3 Configur ation Key Concepts Prior to configuring the radios it is impor tant to understand several key concep ts: Master Unit (MU) The MU is typically considered th e pr imary radio within t he link.
Configuration Remote Unit Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 21 2. Set the Peer ID with t he MAC address of the RU. O nly use the l ast 8 dig its of the MAC address. #> peerid de1B7850 Success. #> 3. Set channel and polarizat ion.
Configuration Establishing a Wireless Link Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 22 Establishing a Wireless Link If the MU and RU are properly configured an d in opm ode “ON”, the two radios will automatically begin the authentication process and be come connect ed.
Configuration RF Link Loopbac k Test (linktest command) Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 23 Yellow LED 1 : Begins bl inking w hen RSSI is greater or eq ual to –90 dB m. On conti nuously at –85 dBm. This is the Leftm ost LED Yellow LED 2 : Begins bl inking w hen RSSI i s greater or e qual to –80 dBm.
Configuration RF Link Loopbac k Test (linktest command) Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 24 Success. #> In this example the linktest was run at 24 Mbps at each end of the link. The results indicated 10 cycles of 1000 packets were transmitted a nd received from each en d of the link without error.
Configuration Link Speed & Power S ettings Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 25 Link Speed & Power Settings Users may change the radi o’s over-the -air data rate and cond ucted output power usin g the speed and power commands.
Configuration MU Autoscan Feature Description Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 26 In this example the user sets the power to 19dBm and the speed to 24 Mbps: #> power 19 Execution in progress... . 19 dBm (-4..19) Success. #> speed 24 24 Mbps Success.
Configuration Automatic Rate Shifting Feature Description Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 27 Automatic Rate Shifting Feature Description With autorateshift feature ena bled, the radios will au tom atically renegotiate the modulation m ethod and speed speed to maximize wireless link integrity.
Configuration Encryption Feature Description Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 28 Encryption Feature Description The TrangoL INK-45 syst em offers 12 8 bit propriet ary encry ption which may be turne d on or off by the user. The HEX encry ption key m ust be set in bot h the MU and RU.
Configuration Command Refere nce Listing Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 29 Command Reference Listing The complete comman d set reference is prov ided below. Yo u can also view a c omplete lis ting of all C LI commands by typing help .
Configuration Command Refere nce Listing Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 30 defaultopm ode [on|off] Set or displa y default o pmode. Ra dio m ust be set to opm ode ON to establish wireless link. Default setting=OFF encrypt [on|off] Enable or disable propr ietary 128 bit tx encryption .
Configuration Command Refere nce Listing Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 31 sysinfo [[<par t #> [<part #> [..]]]] Display system infor mation and status <part #> = 0.
Deployment & Installation Site Selection Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 32 Chapter 4 Deployment & Installation Once you are familiar with the basic operation of the radios you are ready for deployment in the field.
Deployment & Installation Channel Planning Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 33 Ch 5 v : -98 / -98 n/a / n/a Ch 6 h 5520 : -98 / -98 n/a / n/a Ch 6 v : -98 / -98 n/a / n/a Ch 7 h .
Deployment & Installation RSSI Command and Antenna Alignment Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 34 RSSI Command and Antenna Alignment Once the site survey is completed , you are ready to install your radios. Typically it is best to install the MU first.
Deployment & Installation Mounting Hardware Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 35 Port Plug and Port Plate (Hardware) Prior to deployment, insert the silicone port plug around the Ca t-5 Cable and insert in to the radio’s port opening.
Deployment & Installation Connecting External Antenna on EXT Model Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 36 Mounting Hardware Asse mbly for P5055M-EXT-xx Connecting External Antenna on EXT Model The P5055-EX T-xx is equipped wit h two reverse-pol arity SM A connectors on the top for a ttachment to an external antenna.
Deployment & Installation Grounding Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 37 Grounding Wire Grounding Proper mounting of the radio includes consider ation for grounding. Please note that i f the radio is attached to a metal pole that i s earth-grounded, no other grounding is necessary.
SNMP SNMP Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 38 Chapter 5 SNMP SNMP The TrangoL INK-45 sup ports SNMP (S imple Network M anage me nt Protocol ). Network managem ent consists of the following 3 categories: configu ration, Link and Association monitor ing and Alarms.
Firmware Upgrade Procedure Firmware File Names Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 39 Chapter 6 Firmware Upgr ade Procedure Trango Broadband Wireless will from time to time release firm ware upgrades for the TrangoLINK-45 series radios.
Firmware Upgrade Procedure Example 1 Upgrade main image firmware to 1.0a6 Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 40 Success. #> FROM COMPUTER COMMAND PROMPT SESSION C:TrangoLINK-45>dir Volume in drive C is Local Disk Volume Serial Number is 7802-AAF7 Directory of C:TrangoLINK-45 06/16/2007 08:29a <DIR> .
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 41 Appendix A Using the HTTP Interface Open a browse r session and t ype in the IP a ddress of one o f the radios . Default IP a ddress is 192. 168.100.100. Leave the User nam e field blank and enter re ad write or read only Passw ord.
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 42 Navigation li nks are show n on the left si de of the br owser screen. Na vigable li nks include: System Inform ation Configuration Site Survey Link Contr ol Help The lower left portion of t he screen shows the unit’s cu rrent opm ode, connection, c hannel, and ant enna status.
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 43 Model: Model number. Unit Type: P5055M unit type either MU (master) o r RU (remote). Hardware Version: Hardware version is factory-set and can not be chang ed by user. Firmware Version: Current firmware version loaded in the radio.
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 44 RF Out: Counter for Ethernet packets whi ch exit ed over-the-air out the radio. Configuration Page IP Address: The IP address of this radio; used to manage the radio's application layer.
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 45 Reboot: Reboot the unit. Close All Telnet Sessions: Close all the active telnet sessions. Configuration Screen All user con figurable param eters can be e ntered from the Co nfiguration Screen and this is the only screen used to provision a wireless link between th e two radios.
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 46 IP Configurat ion: Each radio sh ould be set u p with a uniq ue IP address to enable rem ote m anagement. Cli ck on “Change IP Confi g” to save the set ting. Default Opmode: Should be “On”.
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 47 Site Survey Page The site survey function measures overall noise floor as well as in-band noise containing data p ackets. Noise is reported in terms of a verage and pea k dBm for t he period t ested.
Appendix A Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 48 Link Control The Link Cont rol page feat ures the RF Link Loopback / Sp eed Te st. In this test, the user specifies the t ransmission rate (in Mbps) i n both t he local radi o and the p eer radi o as well as the duration time (in minutes) for the test.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 49 Appendix B Specifications RF Parameters RF Conducted Power and Receiver sensitivity for 1x10 -3 Frame error rate with ARQ active: - US / IC MODELS* Speed Setting (over-the-air rate) (Mbps) Modulation Scheme Receiver Sensitivity (dB) Max Power 5.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 50 RF Data Rate: 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 MBPS User selectable Error Correction: FEC & ARQ Modulation: 6 MBPS DBP SK O.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 51 Channel 13: 5. 660 GHz Channel 14: 5. 680 GHz Channel 15: 5.700 GHz Channel 16: 5.735 GHz Channel 17: 5.755 GHz Channel 18: 5. 775 GHz Channel 19: 5. 795 GHz Channel 20: 5.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 52 Channel 18: 5. 680 GHz Channel 19: 5. 700 GHz Channel 20: Disabl ed Channel 21: Disabl ed Channel 22: Disabled Channel 23: Disabled Channel 24: Di sabled (-OE Models ) Channel 1: 5.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 53 EN 50385 Canada Standa rds RSS-210 RSS-102 ICES-003 Mechanical Material: Powdercoated Aluminum case/ back with UV Stabilized ABS radome (P5055-19,-23 ) Size: 8.5" x 7.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngoLINK-45 page 54 Antennas Integrated 19 dBi Antenna (for P5055 M-19-xx) Frequency ra nge: 4950-5850 MHz Gain: 19 dBi +/- 1 dB Front/Back .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Trango Broadband TrangoLINK-45TM . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.