Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DMS-AV TPS2000 van de fabrikant Universal Remote Control
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DMS-A V TSP2000 Home Theater Amplifier Owner's Manual.
D M S - A V O w n e r ’ s M a n u a l © 2 0 1 2 U n i v e r s a l R e m o t e C o n t r o l , I n c . T he in fo r ma ti o n i n t h is ma n ua l i s c o p yr ig h t p ro te c te d.
IM P OR T ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 C a uti o ns on Ins t allatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 S a fet y P recaution s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER H DM I A ud i o O u tp u t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 C EC C on t ro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 A u to A/ V Sy n c .
P age 6 Ni g ht Mo d e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 S ur ro u nd m od e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P age 7 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Cautions on Installation F or prop er heat dis persal, do not instal l this unit in a confined space, suc h as a bo ok ca se or si mi la r e ncl os ur e. Mo re th an 3” cl ea ra nc e i s r ec om me nde d f or th e t op , wh ile 0.
P age 8 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Safety Precautions T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this unit to rain or moisture. Care should be taken to prevent objects or liquid from entering the enclosure. Never handle the power cord with wet hands.
P age 9 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER • T o prevent the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover . No user - serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. • T hese servicing instructions are for use by qualified service personnel only .
P age 10 • It is recommended that the system speaker impedance seen by the amplifier channels of the receiv er not fall below 4 ohms. Best amplifier thermal stability is achieved when it operates into a 4 ohms or greater speaker load. T he nominal impedance of most home speakers range between 6 and 8 ohms.
P age 11 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER F C C I N F O R M A T I O N T hi s equip ment has bee n teste d and fou nd to com ply wit h the lim its for a Cla ss B digi tal dev ice, pur suan t to P art 15 of th e FCC Rul es.
P age 12 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER DMS-A V Fr ont P anel 1. Right-Hand Knob - The right selector knob’ s primary purpose is audio volume adjustment. 2. Po wer LED – T his LED illuminates Blue when the DMS-A V is ON and Red when the DMS-A V is in Standby mode.
DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER DMS-A V Rear P anel 1. V oltage T riggers, Reset Switch and Ethernet - T he two 12 volt triggers present at this section of the back panel supply a maximum current of 100 mA, and can be used to trigger an external amplifier , or can also be used to trigger the use of an anamorphic lens on a projector .
P age 14 3. Remote Infr ar ed Input - Th e Infr ared Input port allow s for easy integr ation with an RF(ra dio frequenc y) to IR (infr ared) style base stati on, such as the URC MRF-350 or MRF-260 .
P age 15 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER 8. Component Video Inputs/Output - T he DMS-A V has three component video connections. T wo of these connections are inputs, while the third connection acts as a video output (in case HDMI is not used). T he co m po ne nt v id eo i np ut s ac ce p t a ma xi m um in p ut re s ol ut i on of 1 08 0i /6 0 Hz .
P age 16 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Q u ic k S ta rt C o n si de r at i o n s Y o ur U RC re ce i v er i s p re - pr og r am m ed fo r ea se o f o pe r at io n , r ig h t o ut o f t he b ox . I n g e ne r al , t h er e i s mi ni m al se t up re qu i re d t o st ar t us in g yo u r n ew D MS -A V N et w or k Ho me T h ea te r Pr oc e ss or .
P age 17 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER T he rest of this manual will give further insight into the many aspects of your new receiver . Some additional installation considerations should be noted as follows: • It is important that your electronic equipment be located where there is proper ventilation.
P age 18 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER • Determine the type of cable that is needed for each connection. Keep in mind that the quality of the cabling that is used may make a difference in the over all audio and video quality . T ry to keep interconnecting cable runs as short as possible.
P age 19 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER C o n n ec t i o n O v e r v i e w Audio Connections Video Connections Cable Jack Description Cable Jack Description HDMI is an audio and video interface that carries an uncompressed digital bitstream. It can also carry HD video and up to 8 channels of uncompressed audio.
P age 20 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER V i d e o I np ut s - H a r d w a r e Co n nec t i o ns Video I npu t C onnec t ion – H D M I T he URC surround processor provides 5 HDMI A/V inputs. While HDMI carries both audio and video, URC allows options to process audio and video separately (please see the menu setup for further options).
P age 21 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Video Outputs - Har dwar e Connections Video Output C onnection - HDMI T he H DM I outp ut co nn ec tion on t he rece i v er carrie s high-definition video to yo ur tele vision or mo ni to r .
P age 22 Audio Inputs - Hardw are Connections Audio Input C onnection – HDMI A lth o ug h an H DM I conn ecti on ca r ries bo th au dio a nd vi deo , t he DMS -A V ca n pro ce ss a ud io and vide o s ep ar at ely (p le a se se e t he me nu stru c tu re fo r fu rt h er inf o rm ati on ).
P age 23 Audio Output - Har dwar e Connections Y our DMS-A V receiver has both unbalanced line level RC A surround output (for use with other external amplifiers) and speaker binding posts (for use with the 125 watt internal amplifiers). T hese will connect directly to a speaker or an amplifier .
Audio Output C onnection – Subwoofer(s) T he DMS-A V supplies two subwoofer (.2) outputs. Connect the subwoofer output(s) to the input on the subwoofer(s).
DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER P age 25 Configur ation and Control - Hardw are Connections Ethernet C ommunication - C onnection Instructions 1. Make sure that all devices are powered Off, including the DMS-AV , PCs, routers, switches, etc. 2. Connect one end of an Ethernet network cable to one of the numbered ports on the back of the router .
P age 26 C ontrol Output T riggers / Amp Enable T he C ont r ol Out / A mp Ena ble ou tp ut s are s tan d ard 3.5 mm (m ono m ini) jack conn e ction s us ed fo r tr i gg er i ng suc h pie ces as a mplifier s, s cree ns, re lay s, etc . T he out put is a 1 00 mA 12 VDC sig na l.
P age 27 Edge Enhancement Edge Enhancement brings out the fine detail in the edges of objects, and is important for SD and HD material. When combined with Noise Reduction and Adv anced Scaling, DMS-A V Edge Enhancement can make regular D VDs approach the quality of high definition DVDs.
P age 28 Video PReP® Progr essiv e Re-Process ing (PReP®) is the industry’ s first tec hnology desig ned s pe ci f ic al ly t o i mp r ov e p ro gr e ss i v e v id e o s ig na l s b y r em o vi ng t he a rt if ac t s c au s ed b y in fer io r int erl ac ed- to- pro gre ssi ve co nv er sio n.
P age 29 When the brightness and contrast are adjusted correctly , you should be able to see the 1 IRE and 2 IRE above black bars on the black background and the 1 IRE and 2 IRE below white bars should be visible on the white background.
P age 30 Color 8 Bars 75 In this SMPTE color bar image, the display ed pattern contains eight vertical bars of 75% intensity . Color 8 Bars 100 In this SMPTE color bar image, the display ed pattern contains eight vertical bars of 100% intensity . OSD T ransparency T he on-screen display transparency can be set to Low , Medium or High.
P age 31 On Screen Displa y (OSD) F ormat T he DMS-A V on-screen Display allows for the complete system setup of the DMS-A V , when using in an application that does not include a URC DMS Multi Zone Audio System.
P age 32 F ront Speakers T here must be at least 2 front speakers in order to use the DMS-A V . Set the crossover frequency of the front speakers in the on-screen display or the URC Accelerator Application, based on the guidelines described above. C enter Speaker It is not necessary to have a center speaker .
P age 33 F ront Height Speake rs It is not necessary to ha ve front height speak ers. Set the Fro nt Heigh t Optio n in the on-screen displa y to Y es or No, or set this in the URC Accel erator , based on the surround chan nels av ailab ility .
P age 34 Chann el Le ve l Chann el lev el calib ration will allo w the equal ization of the volum e leve ls of eac h speak er to make up for difference s in speaker ch aracte ristics and dista nces from the listener to the speakers .
P age 35 Heig ht Gain T he Height Gain appli es to the F ront Height speake rs. T his optio n is a vai lable when the DMS-A V is set to use F ront Height speake rs. T hree optio ns are a vail able for this setting: Low , Mid and High. T he default val ue for this par ameter within the DMS-A V is “Mid”.
P age 36 Surround modes DTS Surround DTS Surround (also called simply DTS) supports up to 5.1 discrete channels and uses less compression for high fidelity reproduction. Use it with D VDs and CDs bearing the DTS logo. DTS-ES TM Discrete 6.1 T his is a 6.
P age 37 Dolby Digital Dolby Digital is the multi-channel digital signal format developed by Dolby Laboratories. Discs bearing the Dolby Digital logo include the recording of up to 5.1 channels of digital signals. T his will put you right in the middle of the action, just like being in a movie theater or concert hall.
P age 38 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Dolby Pro Logic II If you are not using any surround back speakers, Dolby Pro Logic II surround will be used instead of Dolby Pro Logic IIx surround. It includes Dolby Pro Logic II Movie, Dolby Pro Logic II Music and Dolby Pro Logic II Game like Dolby Pro Logic IIx surround.
P age 39 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER A.L.C (Auto V olume Level Control) T hi s mode auto matically equal i zes pl a yba ck sound le v el if ea ch sound lev el v a ries with t he m usic sou r ce recorded in a portable audio pl a yer .
P age 40 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Selecting the Surround mode Before surround playback, first perform the speaker setup procedure, etc. on the OSD settings for optimum performance. Select the desired surround mode by pressing the SURROUND UP(•) / DO WN(•) buttons.
P age 41 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Automated Speaker Setup All of the m an u al room correc tion des cri b ed in the pre vious section can be accom plished th r ou gh an automated pr o ce ss, wit h in the on-scre en displa y , or the URC Ac ce le rator Applic ation.
P age 42 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Analog Audio Assign (A v ailable for HDMI inputs only) - Analog audio assign options may also be us ed to reassi gn HDMI aud io to any of the line le v el analog au di o i nputs ( IN 1 thro ug h IN 6 ) . Video Scaling T his allows setting of a desired output resolution per input selected by the DMS-A V .
P age 43 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Ac ce ss in g St r ea mi ng A u di o So ur ces wi th th e D MS -A V T he DMS-A V has the ability to receiv e multicast audio stream s from URC DMS multi zone ampli fiers and SNP units in a T otal Contr ol project.
P age 44 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER DSP Processing Processor: TI D A 788 D/A Converter: 192KHz / 24Bit for All channels Auto Speaker Setup: Y es Room EQ: TI Decoding/Surround DTS-HD MA / HRA: Y.
P age 45 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER Gener al Audio Featur es Pr ea mp li fi er Out pu ts : F ron t / Ce nt er / Su rr ou nd / Su rr ou nd Bac k / F ron t He ig ht Subw oof er (2) Spe aker Out p.
P age 46 DMS-A V H OME T HEATER A MPLIFIER USA Limited W arr anty Statement Y o u r U n i v e rs al R e mo te C o nt ro l, w h e n d e l i v er ed t o y o u i n n e w c o n d i t i o n , i s w a rr an t e d ag ai n st de f e ct s i n m a te r i a ls o r w o r km a n s hi p a s f ol l o w s : U NI VE R S AL R E M O T E C ON T R O L, I N C .
P age 48 N OTE.
P age 49 N OTE.
P age 50 N OTE.
500 Mamaroneck A venue, Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: (914) 835-4484 F ax: (914) 835-4532 www OCE-0119A Rev 02.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Universal Remote Control DMS-AV TPS2000 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.