Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MyXerver MX3600 van de fabrikant Universal-Tech
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1 MyXerver™MX3600 Network Storage User’s Guide UNIVERSAL TEC H PTE. LTD. http:// www.universal-
2 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Table of Contents ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 2 Chapter 1 INTRODUC TION ................
3 Method 2-Mappi ng a Network Driv e using the Flash Map Windows utili ty from the Setup CD ......................... 18 Method 3- Acces sing the NAS st orage via Web Interface ................................................................ .........
4 Chapter 8 ACCESSING MYXERVER™ OVER THE INTERNET ................................................................ ........................... 49 A. Overview ................................ ................................ .........................
5 C H A P T E R 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N A . O V E R V I E W Thank you for selecti ng MyXerv er™ Network Storage! MyXerver™ Network Storage is the ideal multimedi a storage center for your home or small -business network.
6 PC or Mac with in ternet browser and network access Switch, router or cabl e modem wi th one free Ethernet port to connect to MyXerver™ Supported Operatin g Systems: PC Users: Wind ows 2000/XP/Vis ta™ Mac Users: Mac OSX 10.3 or later E .
7 Incorrect hand ling such as dropping the drive can cause data loss and inv alidates the warranty. Do not move or di sconnect the drive whi le it is operati ng to avoid hardware damage and potential data l oss. Do not stack anythi ng on top of the drive; this can overhea t and damage your dri ve.
8 C H A P T E R 2 F A M I L I A R I Z A T I O N W I T H Y O U R N A S A . F R O N T P A N E L System Power LED HDD Activity LED NAS is powered off Off Off Startup Mode (1-3 mins) Blinking On-Off-On No.
9 NAS will beep twi ce. USB Port You can connect 2 different devices here: USB hard drive or fl ash drive. Suppo rted file formats are FA T32 and NTFS (read-onl y). USB Printer USB Eject This button has 2 functions: USB Eject. Press the button.
10 C H A P T E R 3 B A S I C I N S T A L L A T I O N A . I N S T A L L A T I O N S T E P S 1. Connect the netwo rk cable to the Ethernet port at the rear panel of MX3600. Connect the other end to your hub or switch . 2. Connect the power adap ter to a power outl et, and plug the power cord into MX3600’s power inpu t at the rear panel.
11 1. Right cli ck on the Flash Map icon in the system tray. 2. Select Safely Remove USB Devi ce 3. Select the desi red NAS and USB devi ce, and click Eject butto n. 4. Wait for the message to appear, telli ng you it is saf e to remove the device. Note: If the USB device is not r emoved, i t will not be reconnected.
12 3. Click Setup to start the Setup Utili ty. The Utility will begin scanning your network for installed NAS driv es, and a screen li ke the following will be displayed. The default Serv er Name of MX3600 is “MyXerver”. A list of MX3600 netwo rk storage on your n etwork will show on the left side.
13 Obtain an IP address automaticall y (DHCP Client) Select this onl y if your LAN has a DHCP Serv er which can allocat e IP address autom atically. Fixed IP Address You need to enter the following data: IP address: The utility will suggest an unused IP addres s within the address ra nge used on your LAN.
14 7. Click Save to save your configura ti on to the NAS. On the next screen, cli ck E xit to clos e the Setup utility. The NAS is now operati onal. M E T H O D 2 – U S I N G T H E W E B I N T E R F A C E 1. Open up your web brows er, and type in the address bar: h ttp://m yxerver .
15 Obtain an IP address automaticall y (DHCP Client) Select this onl y if your LAN has a DHCP Serv er which can allocat e IP address autom atically. Fixed IP Address You need to ent er the following data : IP address: The utility wil l s uggest an u nused IP address wi thin t he address ra nge used on your LAN.
16 5. The NAS is now operati onal. You can view the Network Storage Stat us on the Welcom e screen. Other Confi guration After the confi guration above, all Windows users can access MX3600 wi th "guest" access rights. However, we recomm end creati ng a "User" for each person on your LAN.
17 C H A P T E R 4 C L I E N T P C S E T U P A . F I N D I N G M Y X E R V E R ™ M X 3 6 0 0 O N Y O U R N E T W O R K F O R W I N D O W S V I S T A ™ / X P / 2 0 0 0 O R N T 4 . 0 U S E R S 1. Open Network Nei ghborhood or My Network Places. 2. Locate the MX3600.
18 B . U S I N G T H E N A S S T O R A G E M E T H O D 1 - M A P P I N G A N E T W O R K D R I V E T H R O U G H W I N D O W S O S 1. Open Network / Network Neighborhood / My Network Places . 2. Locate the NAS. 3. If it is not lis ted, double- click Enti re Network.
19 2. The Flash Map icon wi ll be installed on the sy stem tray. Righ t click on the Flash Map icon and select "Shared Fold er Mapping". 3. The followi ng will be displa yed. A list of all the NAS’s on your network will show on the left sid e.
20 M E T H O D 3 - A C C E S S I N G T H E N A S S T O R A G E V I A W E B I N T E R F A C E 1. In your Browser's Addres s or Location bar, ente r "http://" a nd the MX3600 Server’s IP Address . Alternatively , enter http: //myxerver , as thi s is the default hostname of MX3600, if you have not changed the name.
21 3. Enter the required data: User Name – your login nam e on the NAS, created by th e NAS ad minis trator Existing Passw ord – your current password New Password – the password you now wish to change to Confirm New Pass word – re-e nter the new passw ord to ensure it is correct 4.
22 C H A P T E R 5 A D M I N I S T R A T I O N S E T U P A . W E B A D M I N I S T R A T I O N S E T U P 1. Click on Administrat ion l ink on the Home page. 2. You will be prompted fo r a passw ord as shown below: 3. Enter user name as admin an d leave passwo rd blank.
23 The "admin" and "gues t" users are pre -defi ned, and cannot be deleted. Users can be members of many user Group s. Existing Users User List This list shows all existing users. As you scrol l through t he list of users, detail s of the selected user are di splayed in the "Properti es" area.
24 Create Private Folder (Share) If creating a new user: Checking this option will create a Group and a Private Folde r (Share) with the sam e name as the user. Read/Write access wi ll be granted to the Share. If changing an exis ting user: The checkbox has no effect - i t will neith er create nor delete.
25 To Revoke Memb ership of a Group. Select the Group or Groups in the left -hand column, then click the ">>" Button. Mul tiple Groups can be selected by holdi ng down the CTRL Key whil e selecting. When finis hed, click the Close b utton.
26 the Server is not avai lable, the message wi ll say why the NAS i s not availabl e (e.g. Scandisk in Progress) Printer The NAS supports printer server functi on, and you can shar e the USB printer wi thin your network . Current Status The different states ar e: Offline Online Out of Paper No.
27 IP Address Obtain IP Address automaticall y (DHCP Client) Do NOT select thi s unles s you have a DHCP Server on your LAN. A DHCP Server can provi de an IP Address to PCs and other devi ces when they boot. Fixed IP Address Select this if your LAN does not have a DHCP Server, and enter the following data.
28 E . S Y S T E M S C R E E N.
29 Identification Name You can change the nam e of the NAS here. Comment Enter a comment (e.g. the locati on of th e NAS). Workgroup Name This should match the "Workgrou p Name" o n your PCs.
30 NTP (Network Time Protocol) Synchronize with Time Server If enabled, the NAS wi ll synchroni ze its clock with a NTP (Net work Time Pro to col) Server. NTP Server Enter th e domain name or IP address of the NTP server y ou wish to use. The NTP server can be a public server (on the Internet) or a local server (on your own network).
31 E-Mail Alert Send E-Mai l... Check this to enable the sending of e -ma il alerts by the NAS. Alerts wi ll be sent when there is som e problem requi ring the Administ rator's attention. E-Mail Address Enter from 1 to 3 E- Mail Addresses. The messages generated by the NAS will be sent to these d estinations.
32 'Recycle Bin' again . Clear Recycle Bin Set up a schedul e to clear files that exist in the Recycle Bin on a timely basis Port Number This port number is used for H TTP (Web Brow ser) connections to this Server. The default is 80, as used by Web Servers.
33 iTunes Server Enable iTunes Server If enab led, then the user can l isten m usic th at stored in the NAS v ia i Tunes cl ient. This i Tunes Server suppo rts files with extensio ns . mp3, .m4a, and .m4p. The iTunes Server uses port number 3689. Server Name Specify the name of the iTune s Server.
34 C H A P T E R 6 A D V A N C E D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N S E T U P A . O V E R V I E W This section describes the advanced confi guration that can be found under the Groups, Sh ares, Backup, Disk and Upgrade screens. To vi ew the advanced menu tabs, cli ck on Advanced tab as sho wn below: B .
35 Create Button Use this Button to create a new Group. Enter the desired name for the new Group in the "Name" field, and then click this button. Access Button Clicking this will display the shares which members of the current Group are able to access.
36 To add acce ss rights : S elect t he Share or Share i n the ri ght -han d column, then click the "<< Read Access" to provide Read -Onl y access, or the "<< R/W Acce ss" Button to provid e Read -Writ e access . Mu ltipl e Shares can b e s elected by hol ding down th e CTRL Key whil e selecting.
37 C . S H A R E S S C R E E N This screen allo ws you to manage the Shares that exist on the NAS. A "Share" is a folder (directory) on the NAS that a User Group can acces s.
38 Specified: If this is selected, you can define the folder where you want the share. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. Note that special characters (e.
39 To Add Access Rights : Select the Group or Groups in th e righ t -hand colu mn, and then cl ick the "<< R ead A ccess" to provid e Read - Only access, or th e "< < R/W Access" Button to provi de Read -Write access.
40 Source & Destin ation - The na me of the source and d estination devices are shown in the form Sourc e => Desti nation. Date/Time - Th e date and time of the last backup are shown. Th e name of the Share being mod ified is shown above the 2 li sts of Groups.
41 Full - All files will be backed up. Incremental - On ly changed files will be backed up. Synchroni ze - All files are backed up, and any fil es on the destin ation that do not exist on the sourc e are deleted.
42 Job Name Displays the name of jobs. Schedule Shows if there is a schedule for the job. Status The status can be "Running", "Waiting" or "Idle". Admin Click this to "Stop" or "Start" the job. Refresh Button Refresh the status window Close Button Close the window E .
43 Format This allows you to format both the internal disk and the USB disk . Internal Disk Not Installed - No disk is inserted, or connection or disk has failed. Not Formatted - Disk has been detected, but it is not ready for use. Use the "Format" button to prepare the disk for use.
44 access to data o n the di sk. ( To see the resu lts of the Scandisk operation, use the "View Dis k Log" button.) Completed - Th e last Scandis k operation has been completed. You can use the "View Dis k Log" button to view the result s.
45 F . U P G R A D E S C R E E N The Upgrade facili ty allows you to upgrade the NAS's firm ware. Note that the NAS is unavail able during the upgrade process, and all connections will be lost.. The NAS will reboot once the upgrade in stallation is completed.
46 C H A P T E R 7 D O W N L O A D M A N A G E R A . O V E R V I E W Downlo ad manager allows y ou to download fil es via FTP, HTTP or Bit Torrent wit hout the need to turn on the PC continu ously. Once the download conf iguration is defi ned on the NAS, the fil es will be downl oaded au tomatically.
47 B . D O W N L O A D M A N A G E R S C R E E N This screen allo ws you to manage your dow nload tas ks. Manager Status The status can ei ther be 'Enabled' or 'Disab led'. Owner Name of the user that logins the Downl oad Manager. File Name Name of the saved fi le in the NAS for th e task.
48 Task Details View the detailed information of the task. Run Task Start to run the selected task. Stop Task Stop the selected task. Delete Task Delete the selected task. If the task is done, its saved files are kept, or all files are deleted. Move Up Increase the priority of the task.
49 Destination Share Folder Select name of the share where downloaded file will be saved. Subdirectory Select the subdirectory under the selected share where downloaded file will be saved. Save Button Save the new task. Cancel Button Cancel the modifications on the web page.
50 2 To con nect to the NAS, Internet users need to know and use the Internet IP address (publi c IP address) of your Router/Gateway. There are a num ber of ways to find out wha t is the Internet IP address of your Router/Gateway. One way is to connect to a website such as h ttp://wha tismyip.
51 Note: Your Router/Gateway must be able to support Dynami c DNS f eature. Please check the rout er manual for more information. The followi ng section gives a general descri ption on how to confi gure and use Dynami c DNS feature. 1 Fi rst of all you need to fi nd a Dynamic DNS prov ider to register and get your domain name.
52 C H A P T E R 9 F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S A . I C A N N O T F I N D M Y X E R V E R ™ O N T H E N E T W O R K U S I N G T H E N A S U T I L I T Y Check that the NAS is installed, LAN conn ections are OK, and it is powered ON and startu p is complete.
53 be from the same address range (e.g. 192.1 68.0.1 to 192.16 8.0.254) and usi ng the same Subn et Mask (e.g. . If you DO have a router, check that your Gate way IP Addres s is set correctly . Ask your LAN adm inistrator for the correct val ue.
54 Check on the box to enable iTunes Server as shown abov e. Specify a Server Name for exampl e “MyXerver_iTunes”. Click on Browse button to find or create th e folder where iTune s music will be stored. Click on Save butt on at the bottom of the Media screen.
55 2. Log on to MyXerver™’s web man agement interface as Adm inistrator. On the NAS hom e page, cli ck on Administration . Then select the Advanced m enu, and cli ck on Media . ( You can also refer t o Chapter 5 – Media section .) 3. You will see the Me dia screen as shown below.
56 F . H O W T O D O A D I R E C T U S B C O P Y Scenario: Someti mes you may want to qui ckly transfer contents from a USB flas h drive t o y our NAS withou t using the computer. 1. Plug in the USB devi ce into the USB port of MyXerver™. Yo u will hear a beep sound as the device is being recognized.
57 4. After the data is bein g copied, be sure to dis connect the USB devi ce safely. You may ref er to Chapt er 3: Basic Installation, Section B: USB Dev ices – How to disconnect safel y.
58 L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y S T A T E M E N T MyXerver™ MX3600 Network Storage Warranty Duration Hardware: 3 years Limi ted Warranty Hardware Limit ed Warranty Universal Tech Pte Ltd warran ts .
59 F C C S T A T E M E N T Federal Communicati ons Commissi on Notice This equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursu ant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limi ts are designed to provi de reasonable protectio n against harmf ul interference in a residential in stallation.
60 S O F T W A R E L I C E N S E A . O V E R V I E W Many softw are components are covered by the GNU GPL (General Public Licens e). Some are covere d by the BSD License. The followi ng table provides detai ls of the various compon ents. The text of both Licenses is below .
61 xfsprogs GPL xinetd Distributable B . B S D L I C E N S E BSD License Info rmation Copyright ( c) 2002. All rights reserved. Redistribu tion and use in source and bi nary fo rms , with or without m.
62 When w e speak of free software, w e are ref erring t o freedom, not pri ce. Ou r General Public Licenses are designed to ma ke sure that yo u have the freedom to di stribute copies of f ree softw .
63 2. You may modify y our copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a wo rk bas ed on the Program, and copy and di stribute such modificatio ns or work under t he terms of Sect.
64 The source code f or a work m eans the preferred f orm of the w ork for making modificat ions to it. For an executable work, compl ete source code means all the source code for all modules it con tains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to con trol compil ation and i nstallation of the ex ecutable.
65 It is not the pu rpose of this section t o induce you to infringe an y patents or other property ri ght claims or to contest vali dity of any such clai ms; this secti on has th e sole purpose of protecting the integri ty of the f ree software distribution s ystem, which is implem ented by public li cense practices.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Universal-Tech MyXerver MX3600 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.