Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product f1 gate van de fabrikant Viking Access Systems
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The F-1™ gate operator has the capacity to operate swing gate up to 1500 lbs./12 ft. or 1000 lbs./16 ft. at 100% duty cycle under extreme conditions. This effi cient operator provides a solution for high traffi c commercial and residential applications.
F- 1 V ehicular Gate Operat or • Revision F 1NXMN10 .D • Oc tober 2 014.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 2 P ARTS DIA GR AM : Item Description Part No. 1 Operat or Co v er Bolt (2) V AS WCB 2 Operat or Co v er VNXF1CV 3 Output Shaft Knob DWOUK10 4 Output Shaft Co .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 3 OPER A TOR REFERENC ES: 1 . C O VER BOL TS 2 . OUTPUT SHAFT C O VER (HA T) 3. MAIN C O VER AS SEMBL Y 4. MANUAL RELEASE HANDLE releases the clut ch to allo w f or manual oper ation 5. CLUT CH KEY install if application does not r equir e clutch t o slip; remo ve to manually oper at e the gat e 6.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 4 C ONTROL BO ARD REFERENC ES: 1. POWER HARNES S C ONNECT OR pro vides po w er to the c ontr ol board. pg 18- 19 2. “OPEN LEFT” & “OPEN RIGHT” pro vides po w er to the mot or . pg 20 3. LIMIT SETUP BUTTONS av ailable for futur e de v elopments.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 6 IMPORT A NT SAFET Y INFORMA TION ! W ARN I NG ! Not Foll owing thes e inst ruc tions m ay cause s ev ere inju ry o r death . IMPORT ANT SAFET Y INSTRUCTIONS ! W ARN I NG ! T o red uce the ris k of sev ere inj ur y or de ath.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 7 IMPORT A NT SAFET Y INFORMA TION ! W ARN I NG ! Not Foll owing thes e inst ruc tions m ay cause s ev ere inju ry o r death .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 8 IMPORT A NT SAFET Y INFORMA TION MAINTENANCE Remove the Pow er Ha rnes s from the Co ntrol Board . ( r efer to page 1 8) • Cle anan dlubri catetheturnin gpinsan dgatehinge susingthere comme nde d lubr ican t.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 9 ! C AU TI O N : T o Re duce the R isk of Fire o r Injur y to Pe rson s: IMPORT A NT SAFET Y INFORMA TION In stal l th e gate o perato r only w hen : The op erator is ap propriate for the con struc tion of the gate and th e Usag e Class of the gat e.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 10 IMPORT A NT SAFET Y INFORMA TION NOTE: T his t ype on in sta llation DOES NO T rev erse t he gate all t he way back to its li mits wh en the p hoto bea m is obs truc ted. T his in stall ation is o nly to protec t aga inst e ntrapm ent an d to comply with U L 325 .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 11 NOTE: T his t ype on in sta llation DOES NO T rev erse t he gate all t he way back to its li mits wh en the e dge se nsor i s obstr uc ted. Th is ins tall ation is on ly to protect aga inst e ntrapm ent an d to comply with U L 325 .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 12 Audible Alarm R eset S w itch Installation Manual R eset f or the A udible Al arm • UL 32 5 stan dard requ ires an au dible a larm to soun d af ter two conse cutiv e ev ents detec ted b y the prim ar y entrapm ent protectio n of the gate operator ( o bstruc tion sensor ).
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 13 ! C AU TI O N : T o Re duce the R isk of Fire o r Injur y to Pe rson s: ! W ARNING: For use with g ates at a maxim um 15 00 lbs . in weigh t or 16 f t . in l ength . IMPORT A NT INST ALL A T ION INF ORMA T ION 1000 lb.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 14 Concrete Pad Optio n 1 . Follow the loc al buil ding cod e to det ermin e the requ ired depth of the co n cre te p a d .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 15 Pos t Mountin g Optio n TIP: The o perator ca n be po st mou nted t o be el ev ated above snow and fl ood lin es . 1 . Con sult the loc al bu ilding co des for th e depth an d concrete requirem ents . 2 . Maxim um 3 .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 16 Operat or Positioning ! I M P O R TA N T: Sw ing G ates must not o pen into pub lic access a reas . The gate mus t be ins talle d in a loc ation so that en ough cl eara nce is sup plied b etween th e ga te , while op enin g and clo sing , and a djacent s truc tures to reduce the risk of e ntrapme nt.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 17 G AT E O P E R AT O R I N S TA L L AT I O N STEP 1 Ins tall the Cl utch and cut the Arm A ssem bly to achiev e the desired dimensions for “ D” an d “E ” according to the formu las provided o n page 1 6 .
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 18 High V oltage Suppl y Opti on ! Caution : Alwa ys turn off p ow er brea kers when work ing with high voltage . D O N OT conn ec t the “ Pow er Ha rnes s” to the Control Bo ard until the ele ctric al inst allation is comple t e and r eady f or v eri ficat ion .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 19 Lo w V oltage Supp ly Op tion TIP: The o perator is eq uipp ed with a Modular Pow er Box that ca n be reloc ated to provide power for low v oltag e inst allations . Su pplies 24V A C to t he op erator . ! Caution : Alwa ys turn off p ow er brea kers when work ing with high voltage .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 20 LIMI TS SETUP Tip: Refe rring to Step 2b. The “C a m Hold er ” contai ns four ( 4) Guide Pi n hole s to allow for prop er pos itioning , if required , du e to an alternative operator orie ntation . STEP 2 At the “ Li mit C am & H olde r ” as sem bly: a.
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 21 LIMI TS SETUP ! TECHNICAL TIP: Each Li mit LED will illumin ate solid when th e correspo nding l imit swit ch is ac tuated. Th e LEDs will fl ash sim ultan eous ly while both limit switches a re actuated at the sa me time.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 22 T w o Wir e C ommuni cation ! IMPORT ANT : DO NOT run the Ma ster /Slav e commu nication c abl e in the sa me cond uit or within 12 ” of 1 15 - 23 0v power supp ly cabl es . ! T echnical Tip: D O NOT set the “Ti mer ” an d/ o r “Overlap” fe atures on b oth operators Control B oards .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 23 Wireless Com munic ation O ptions ! T echnical Tip: D O NOT set the “Ti mer ” an d/ o r “Overlap” fe atures on b oth operators Control B oards . Only tu rn these fe atures on at the M aster Co ntrol Board .
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 24 Initial Setting s C ON TROL BO ARD SETUP “Speed” Mot or Speed Inc reases o r decrea ses the sp ee d of gate tr ave l . “Ov er lap” Overlap Delay For Ma ster /Slav e appli cations . Th e control boa rd that has this featu re turned on is the M ASTE R and will de lay from 1- 6 secon ds .
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 25 Initial Setting s NOT E: I nstall ing a shu nt or jump er on th e pins will ac tivate t he featu re. C ON TROL BO ARD SETUP “F ail Safe/Secure ” During c omple te po w er fail ure, incl uding b atter y po w er; det ermines t he f orc e require d to manua lly mov e the gat e.
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 26 Obstruct ion Sensor ( Pr imar y Entrapment Prot ection ) ! IMPORT ANT : The app ropriate “ODS” set ting is de pen dant u pon the g ate installatio n and co nstruc tion . Set this fe ature accordingly.
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 27 C ON TROL BO ARD SETUP HEATER CLS ON LOCK MOD ON Viking Heater The op erator ha s an integrated he at er that is th ermos tatically controlle d. Ac tivat e this feature whe n the op erator is used i n applic ation temp eratures down to - 2 0° F ( - 2 9 °C).
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 29 A C CESSOR Y C ONNE CT IONS ! TECHNICAL TIP: For more inf ormat ion regar ding ac cessory connections to the control board an d individ ual inp ut terminal f unc tions , refer to “ App en dix ( A) ” , pages 42-43 .
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 30 A C CESSOR Y C ONNE CT IONS ! TECHNICAL TIP: For more inf ormat ion regar ding ac cessory connections and term inal f unc tions , refer to “ App en dix ( A) ” on pa ges 42-43 . Se e “ App endix (B)” on pag e 44 fo r connecting common radio rec eiv er models.
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 31 Anti- T ailgate, Open Comman ds & Gu ard Station ! TECHNICAL TIP: For more inf ormat ion regar ding acces sory connections and t ermin al fu nctio ns, refe r to “ Appe ndix (A )” on pag es 42 -4 3.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 32 Viking Loop Rac k TIP: This op erator may be eq uippe d with a pre-wired Loop Rack that plug- in typ e loop detec t ors c an be co nne cted to. This provides a convenient a lternativ e to the box typ e loo p detectors that woul d nee d to be wired to t he control bo ard.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 33 Guidelines for Loop Installation Table C - Recommended Number of Turns Perimeter (ft.) Number of Turns 10 5 20 4 30-40 3 50-100 2 A C CESSOR Y C ONNE CT IONS 1 . Prev ent sha rp corne rs in the g eom etry of the lo op sen sor .
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 34 A C CESSOR Y C ONNE CT IONS ( + ) ( + ) ( + ) ( + ) Magnetic Lock Lock Solenoid Magnetic Lock , Lock Soleno id NOT E: Vi king Access Syst ems d oes not p ro vide externa l gate lock devices . The se items ca n be purch ased f rom your deal er or di stributor .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 35 Barrier Arm ( B - 12) S ynchronization Option NOT E: Th e Control Bo ard provides a conv enie nt solution fo r appli cations that re quire synch roniz ed op eration with the Vik ing Ba rrier A rm Op erator mod el B-12 .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 36 LED Referenc es In ad dition to the L CD Disp lay , the co ntr ol bo ard LEDs mo nitor the variou s circuits of the control boa rd. Use the t able b elow to identif y the corresp ond ing “ TS Ref# ” a nd refer to page 38- 4 1 for further tr oubleshoot ing.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 37 LED Referenc es Use the ta ble b elow to identif y the corresp ondi ng “ TS Ref# ” an d refer to page 3 8 -41 for fur ther t roubles hooti ng. TROUBL ESHOO T ING # LED Status Meaning Pg 41 TS R ef#(s ) 9 “C Loop” OFF Normal Condition.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 38 TROUBL ESHOO T ING LCD MSG Meaning Page 41 TS Ref #s VIKING ACCESS Welcome Message MODEL F1 Indicates the Model of the unit S yst em Status Messages GATE IS.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 39 TROUBL ESHOO T ING L CD Displa y Referenc es LCD MSG Meaning Page 41 TS Ref #s Multi Met er Displa ys MOT AMP __._ A This is the motor current amperage during operation MOT VOLT __._ VDC This is the actual motor voltage during operation AC VOLT __.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 40 TROUBL ESHOO T ING L CD Displa y Referenc es LCD MSG Meaning Page 37 TS Ref #s Err or Messages ERR AC LOW Indicates that the 24VAC supply to the VFlex Board is too low from the 115/230 power supply.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 41 TROUBL ESHOO T ING Soluti ons Be gin the troubl esho oting process by referring to the er ror mess ages o n the L CD Displ ay and/ o r the Status LEDs o n the control boa rd. Use pa ges 3 6- 40 to ide ntify the T roubl esho oting Referen ce # (TS Ref #) then referen ce the tab le bel ow .
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 42 A c c ess C ontrol Connections Appe nd ix ( A ) Pow er C onnections The control bo ard provides a 24 VDC outp ut t o power external d evices and controls .
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 43 APPE NDIX ( A ) In General In rega rds to the Viking control bo ard, all externa l safet y devices and a ccess controls contain , an d are, sim ple relays that provide an inp ut to the Viking control boa rd when the device is ac tivat ed .
VIKI NG TEC HNIC AL S UPPO RT 1. 800.908 .088 4 44 Common Radio R ec eiv ers - Connections Appe nd ix ( B ) Common Radio R ec eiv ers - Connections Appe nd ix ( B ).
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 45 Solar Applications NOT E: Vi king recom men ds Sol ar Packa ge ( pa rt # V A-SOCH P ) for most g ene ral sola r app lications . Altern ativ ely , individu al and th ird par ty so lar com pone nts c an be us ed.
VIKING TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1.800. 908.0884 46 VIKING EXP ANSION PRODUCTS VIKING SOL AR KIT The comp one nts in clude d in this pa ckage are intend ed to pro vide suf f icient power for g ene ral app lication s.
OUR C ONTI NUOU S C OMM ITMENT T O E X CELLENC E Viking Access Systems is continuously working hard to identify and design products that will appeal to the industry and its needs. As technology continues to advance, we have developed a completely effi cient and intelligent line of gate operators to meet the changing demands.
VIKI NG A CCESS SYSTEMS 63 1 W ald Irvine , CA 926 18 Phone 8 0 0.9 0 8. 08 8 4 F ax 949.7 53 .16 40 ww w . vikingacc ST AN D ARD FE A TURE S AND OPER A T OR SPE CIFICA TIONS • U L Liste d; .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Viking Access Systems f1 gate (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Viking Access Systems f1 gate heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Viking Access Systems f1 gate vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Viking Access Systems f1 gate leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Viking Access Systems f1 gate krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Viking Access Systems f1 gate bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Viking Access Systems f1 gate kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Viking Access Systems f1 gate . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.