Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product GoTab 7 (TAB210) van de fabrikant YARVIK
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1 Cont ents 1 Prefac e 2 Safety Notices 3 Getting ready t o use yo ur devic e 3.1 Instruc tions on Keys 3.2 Feat ures Ov erview 3.3 Tec hnical Sp ecificati ons 4 Quick Guides 4.1 Touch Pane l Calibr ation 4.2 On/Of f switc h 4.3 Batte ry man ageme nt and ch arging 4.
2 5.5 Deskto p Syste m 5 (ot her fu nctions) 5.5.1 Cal endar 5.5.2 Calc ulator 5.5.3 Al arm Cloc k 5.5.4 APK Inst aller 5.5.5 Set up Wireless and Netw ork Se ttings V oice and Display S ettin gs Location and Secur ity S ettings 5.
3 Preface Dear Cust omer, Thank yo u for purchasi ng our prod uct! This devic e is a bui lt-in high perf ormanc e Wi-Fi r eceiver module, which uses broad band wir eless networks, breaki ng throu gh the restraint of netw ork cable ; it wi ll bring y ou into th e por table media player w orld an d fulfill yo ur ent ertainmen t ne eds.
4 event of a ny error or oversi ght, w e wou ld be p leased to welco me any advice or c omments on these . If a ny proble m occ urs whilst operating t his pr oduct, please c ontact yo ur loca l sell er). We thank y ou for yo ur s upport; please als o look out for our other products.
5 12 ) Please c omply wi th a ny re late d r estrictions and re gulatio ns, wireless eq uip ment may i nflu ence airpl ane flight; pleas e c onsult the airlin e comp any if yo u intend to use th e device in t he plane. 13 ) Pl ease d o not use t he de v ice in gas st ation, nearby the fue l and chem icals.
6 3.1 Instru ctions on Keys Name Descript ion RESET Press th is button briefly to res et the sy stem when the device has s topped POWER Press th is button briefly to ent er sleeping/w ake u p mode, pr.
7 Supports TX T, L RC, PD F, Html, Ht m, EPUB fi le f or mats, supports auto-browse , zo om, bo okmarks , flip over functi ons Built-in Wi-Fi , y ou c an c onn ect wit h the in ternet and oper ate various s oftwa re i n the ANDRO ID 2.
8 4 Quick G uide s 4.1 Touc h Panel C alibr ation When th ese are of f and i nvalid wh en tappin g on th e touch p anel, please pr ess th e “ESC” k ey for 3 seconds to lo g into the interface of the Touch Pane l Calibr ation.
9 4.2 On/Off Swit ch Switch O n and U nlock : When t he devic e is in th e OFF mode, pr ess and hold “P ow er” key for 3 sec onds to e nter t he Andro id start-up progress b ar. It takes abou t 40 s econds to e nter to t he sy stem desktop, w hen th e LCD is under locked mod e, please press and drag the i con to th e gre en point.
10 battery keeps rolling , wh ich sh ows it is ch arging. P leas e w ait until the battery is fu lly c harged, d o n ot disc onnect t he power when charging. O nce t he battery is fu lly c har ged, th e indic ati on la mp will change to dark b lueand th e Icon o n the desk top wi ll stop rol ling.
11 power status The curr ent sys tem time Reduce the volume ba ck Increase the volu me menu Menu for Function Block. Google search Switch th e interface System clock WIFI on/o ff Music playing t ool bar Update ico n for Music/au dio inventory new mai l 4.
12 b. Set the WIFI a nd co nnect to t he netw ork: Press “ Wi-Fi se tting” to enter int o th e Wi-Fi, the sys tem will fin d the WI FI nam e automatic ally. P lease ref er to the pictur e below , here it illustr ates that it has f ound two WI FI network nam es: c.
13 Press th e right top me nu “ ” o n the sc reen and press “save”. Forthis se tting is co mplete, refer to the illustra tion be low: Press back when saving is co mplete, p ress the WIDI network n ame, For exa mple, dou ble press “KW”, it wil l then enter into an i nterfac e and ask yo u input the co de.
14 Press th e in the top right o f the scre en; to press “save” , se e the illustrati on below: Go back to press the W IFI network nam e whe n savi ng is co mplete. For exa mple: pres s “KW” . It will then have an interfac e, askin g for th e code inp ut , en ter the right code , and t hen press “fin ish”.
15 4.6 USB HOS T F unction a. Turn on The USB- HOST: Press men u icon , enter int o the f unctio n list, press “setting” to enter into se tting interfac e, press “USB M ode s elect” t o select t he “HOST MODE” an d it w ill appear in the re d circle as s how n below: b.
16 4.7 MicroSD ™ Stor age There is a microSD ™ sl ot in this device. It su pports r eading files in a microSD™. Insert t he microSD ™ int o the car d sl ot in the corr ect way.
17 Internal M emory means bu ilt-in f lash. After ent ering, s elect the APK for mat se tting pr ogra m on the rig ht hand sid e, tap to insta ll, go back to the ma in inter face wh en this operation is co mplete. I t w ill the n finish t he instal lation, a nd there will be a n accord ingly r elevant sof tware men u.
18 - Cancel: canc el the ope ration. • Back : back to t he mai n interf ace. 5 Operation detail s 5.1 Deskt op Sy stem 1 ( Multim edia Music/Vi deo/Pi cture/R ecording) 5.
19 Instructio ns on the buttons in th e Music player. Button Instruction button Instruction Artist Album song Playing M usic lis t Random P lay Loop playb ack Play the l ast song Play the n ext song P.
20 In the music p layi ng interf ace, tap to en ter t he a udio playing l ist. Drag the playb ack progr ess bar to adjust audio playback pr ogress.
21 The devic e sup port s a u dio file for mat: MK V , AVI, R M, R MVB, MP4, MO V , VOB, D A T , F LV , 3G P . Wh en ther e are n o vi deo fi les i n the v ide o player p laylist, t h e sys tem w ill auto matically l oad th e v ideo files from th e card t o t h e video play er play list aft er turnin g on vid eo playe r .
22 Exit menu increase vo lume decrease v olume Click this button to s et up delet e bookmark , play mode, TV -Out, HD MI etc. Se e the illustr atio n belo w. a. T ap play mode to s elect one of p lay mo des: si ngle, r epea t o ne, repeat a ll, or ta p back t o return to A m enu.
23 Picture Br owser b utton desc riptio n: button descripti on button descripti on Previous i mage Zoom in Next im age Zoom o ut Brightness adjustme nt Enter the Image Slide mod e Rotate th e image 90 deg.
24 5.1.4 Re cording functi on In the mai n men u or des ktop, t ap the r ecord ico n to enter t he record inte rfac e, tap reco rd butt on to start record ing, tap t his button to stop recor ding. T he sy stem will r emind yo u to use this recording or give up, pl ease sel ect manu ally.
25 5.2 Syst em deskt op 2 ( E-Book) Supports E -B ook f ormats : TXT, LRC, PDF, Ht ml, Ht m, EPUB etc., Supports a utomatic brows ing, z ooming, b ookma rks, pa ge etc . 5.2.1 E-Boo k Rea der In the m ain menu or d eskto p, tap E-Book app lication icon to re ad the e-book .
26 the Bookm arks. O utline: tap the ou tline ico n to v iew th e outli ne of book. Book inf o: tap book info ic on to view the book n ame and informatio n abou t the auth or. 5.3 Deskt op Sy stem (We b appl ications) 5.3.1 IE Br ows er When th e WIFI c onnectio n is in normal mo de (for d etails r efer to chapter 4.
27 Note: The I E Exp lorer us es the p opular thir d-party I E Explor er software. Pl ease fo llow the IE Ex plorer's s tandar d operat ing mode to operate. 5.3.2 E-m ail When th e WIFI c onnectio n is in normal mo de ( for details r efer t o chapter 4.
28 Tap , p op up interface as below; Tap E -mail A ddress , Code Editor Se parately, pop up fingerb oard, e nter matc hing infor mati on; Tap to agree to Goo gle mail agreem ent. Enter yo ur mail pass word, and Re- enter th is to con firm, ta p to answer the sys tem qu estions.
29 Inbox Auto ent er inbox i nterfac e: This int erface d isplay s rec eived E -mai ls. Do uble cl ick each E-mai l, to check , reply to se nde r, reply t o all, etc.
30 T a p add addr ess Add Cc /Bcc icon to add E-m ail Cc/Bcc header ; or tap it again t o dele te. T a p Att ach ic on t o ad d E-mail a ttac hment. T a p Ed it Su bject ico n to enter s ubject li ne .
31 Signatur e: Appe nd text to mess ages you send; Confir m delete: S how a d ialog w henever you d elet e a conv ersatio n ; Batch O peratio ns: All ow la bel o perati ons on m ore tha n o ne convers.
32 Tap on the d eskto p to ent er Goo gle Talk. • Mobile Q Q Tap to enter mobile QQ, ent er your account and pass word t o chat online. 5.4 Deskt op Sy stem 4 (G ame F unctio n) This deskto p shows g ame icons, R ed Hea rt 21 Po int, Tr actor, QQ Farm Assis tant, F at Mous e, S piderman, etc.
33 5.5 Deskt op Sy stem 5 (o ther fun ction s) 5.5.1 Cal endar Tap Cale ndar ic on , enter calen dar inter face: In c alen dar mode, pr ess and p ull up/d own t he scre en to go backwar ds/forwar ds with t he Mo nths ; or to turn t he p ages. Auto adjusts Years w hen the month goes be y ond D ece mber or Januar y.
34 5.5.3 Alar m Cloc k Tap Alar m Clock icon to enter settin g interf ace. You ca n select the √ be hind the cl ock time to s et three clocks simultan eously, details as below: tap any of above clock t imes to set up: ti me, alarm bell, vibr ation, repeat a nd lab el.
35 Wireless and N etwor k Settings For deta ils please r efer t o WIFI s etting in Ch apter4.5. V oi ce an d Display Settin gs Tap [so und&disp lay] en ter to s ettings i nterface . a Media volume settings: tap [me dia volu me] to ent er setti ng i nterface, t hen to se t up music and vide o volu me.
36 highlight i s displa y ed . Displa y setting s: a [Orie ntati on] The displ ay sc reen will c hange t he direct ion automatical ly when it rotat es . b [Ani mation] Displays all anim ation i n all win dows. c [ Bri ghtne ss ] Drag t o adjust brightness , ta p “OK” a nd “bac k”.
37 Location and S ecurity Set tin gs Tap ‘Loca tion an d Secur ity” to enter th e setti ng interface: Set unloc k patter n Tap “set unlock pattern”, then ta p .
38 Draw the u nlock pattern, to con nect at l east 4 points, ta p “next” , then finis h. A pplicatio n Settin gs Tap Appl ication t o enter se tting i nterfac e: Manage applicat ions settings: Tap [Ma nage a pplications ] to m anage or delet e install ed applicati ons.
39 Developm ent setting: it is advised to use factor y defaults., An y cha nge ma y m ake so me fun ctions un availa ble . mi croSD c ard & de vice st orage setting s Tap microSD car d &device stor age to enter the fol lowing in order to check tot al spac e, availa ble sp ace, for mat MICROSD car d, etc.
40 Langu age Settin g: The devic e sup ports multip le lan guages. Y ou can s elect o peratio n interface for diff erent lang uag es accor ding to y our n eeds.
41 Google I nput m ethod settin g: D ate & Time Setti ng Select S etting Menu > D ate an d Time in s etting int erface, se lect th e √ behin d the Au tomatic o ption t o modi fy the D ate, Ti me Zone & Time. Date Setting : Tap to select Day, Month & Year, and tap icon to confirm OK .
42 Tap to sel ect ho urs & m inutes, e.g.: 1 0:50, an d tap icon to confir m OK. Date For mat Settin g: Touch Pa nel Cal ibratio n For deta ils refer to 4.1 To uch Pan el Ca libration S ection A bout th e Devi ce • Check p ower c onsumpt ion, le gal informat ion, devic e sta te & software ve rsio n, etc.
43 Shortcut Icon: T a p ico n into desk top widg et inter face as f ollows: Select shortc ut i c on to add to main interf ace, tap the matc hing option to add.
44 5.6.2 Wa llpaper S etting T a p icon , to c hange the w allpa per and s elect the d esired pictur e. T ap , wallpaper se tting to finalize . 5.6.3 Tap icon short cut to search e ngine 5.
45 5.6.5 Short cut Se tting Tap into set ting in terface, d etails as in chap ter 5.10 . 5.6.6 Add, Move or Delet e D esktop I con Tap icon at the main inter face, i nto funct ion menu list, d isplay a ll the app lication icons by p ages. Pr ess a nd dr ag the ap plicati on icon to copy t o curren t deskto p i.
46 6. Firmw are Upd ate Please tur n off the powe r or shut off the b uilt-in batte ry, o pen the upgrade to ol “RKA ndroidT ool.ex e”, select th e √ in fron t of the “Loader” & “Back .
47 Press th e RESET butt on on the top o f the d evice an d check if the rest art is nor mal or n ot. Check if the ch arger is pr operly connect ed. 2 . The sta nd-by t ime of t he tablet is too s hort. The dura tion of the lit hium b attery vari es with a mbient tempera ture ch anges an d the s ervice c onditions .
48 Get the most out of your Yarvik Tablet We’ve inc luded so me useful Ap ps on t he Yarvik Ta blet: - Alarm cl ock - APK insta ller - Audio Pl ayer - Browser - Calculat or - Email - Explorer - Photo Brows er - Shelves - Sound reco rd er - Video Pl ayer But you ca n find many more An droid Ap ps on t he inter net.
49 Please not e: Du e to lice nsing r egulations on An droid b ased mobile devices, th e Yarvik T ablet is able to acces s the official A ndroi d Market P lace, but you wil l not be able to do wnlo ad apps.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met YARVIK GoTab 7 (TAB210) . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.