Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ATR-120 van de fabrikant Acroprint
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$7 5 $7 5 $7 5 $7 5 $& 5 2 3 5 , 1 7 $& 5 2 3 5 , 1 7 $& 5 2 3 5 , 1 7 $& 5 2 3 5 .
7 $%/(2)&217(17 6 7 $%/(2)&217(17 6 7 $%/(2)&217(17 6 7 $%/(2)&217(17 6 1. DISASSEMBL Y AND REPLACEMENT (#1~ #22) 2. P AR TS LIST 3. P .C.B. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4. C.P .U BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PIN ASSI GNMENT 5.
DISASSEMBL Y AND REPLACEMNET 1 1. Remov e front case. 2. Replace quartzose clock. 3. Replace Ribbo n. 4. Remov e Print Head. 5. Replace F use. 6. Remov e back case. 7. Remove operation Panel block. 8. Remov e the LCD. 9. Remov e the Ribbon Driv e Shaft.
1 ǃ Rem ove front cas e 1-1 1 -2 1-3 1.Remove two screws M3 h 8 2.T wo press place an d push out direct ion 3. R em ove f r ont ca se.
2. Replace quartzose Clock 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6.
2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 1.Remm ove one screw ST3 h 7 (2-1) 2.Remove acti ve cover(2-2 ǃ 2- 3 ǃ 2- 4) 3.Remove t ime face Acry l ˄ 2-5 ˅ 4.Remove second hand ˄ 2-6 ˅ 5.Remove minute hand ˄ 2-7 ˅ 6.Remove hour hand ˄ 2- 8 ˅ 7.Remove one screw ˄ 2- 9 ˅ 8.
3. Replace Rib bon 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 1. Remove and dis card two pin cl ip. ˄ 3-1 ǃ 3-2 ˅ 2. Pull th e ribbo n cass ette b y hand. ˄ 3-3 ǃ 3- 4 ˅ 3.
4. Remove Print Head 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4 - 6.
1.Remove the FPC guide us ing a standard ty pe screwdriver .(4-2) 2.Disco nnect the FPC cable from the connecto r (PCN8).(4-3 ǃ 4-4) 3.Pull the head toward the front by hand.
5. Re pl ace F use 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 1.Remove one screw M3 h 6(5-1) 2.Open the sm all back cover(5-2) 3.Rem o ve the dam age fuse(5-3) 4.Replace a new fus e into right p lace 5.
6. Remove back ca se 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 1.Remove four screws M4 h 1 0(6- 2) 2.Rem ove the back case by hand ˈ and dis conn ect op er ation pa n el block c ab le fro m the connector on operation panel block.
7. Re m ove operation Panel block ˄ 7-1 ˅ 7-1 7-2 7-3 1.Remove three scr ews ST3 h 7 DŽ˄ 7- 2 ˅ 2.Remove the opera tion panel b lo ck DŽ˄ 7-3 ˅.
8. Remove the LCD 8-1 8-2 8-3 1.Disco nnect the LCD cable fr om the connect or (LCN10) on the 2000UL PCB ass e m bly .(8-1) 2.Disco nnect the LC D cable from the connec t or on the 2003A PCB assem b ly .(8-1) 3.Remove two screws.(8- 2) 4.Remove the LCD.
9. Remove the Ribbon Drive Shaft 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 1.Remove the screw f i xing the Ribbo n Clutch Holding Pla te. ˄ 9-2 ˅ 2.R emove th e Rib bon Driv e shaft b y h an d.
10. Rem oving to LF reduction gears , mid gear and roller gear 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 1.Remove three sn ap r ings wit h a standard ty p e screwdrive r .(10-3) 2.P ullth e two LF red uctio n ge ars ou t of th e sha ft (Ins et a s tand ard t y pe scr ewd river into the ga p between the LF gear a nd frame, a nd lift the gear ) .
1 1 . Removing the paper fee d shaft and beari ngs 1 1-1 1 1-2 11 - 3 11 - 4 11 - 5 11 - 6.
1.Removing the LF Red uction gear .(1 1-1) 2.Removing the Roll er gear . (1 1-2) 3.T urn the bear ing wi th small plie rs to mat ch up th e proj ectio ns on th e bea ring wit h the n otch es in th e frame. (11-3) 4.Remove th e bearin g s from the pa per feed shaf t to outs ide of the fram e (There are two bear ings, on the rig ht and left) .
12. Rem ove the cam gear , reduction gear , change gear and gear guide 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 1.Remove the motor gear .(12-1) 2.Remove one screw to rem o ve the Lever Holding Spring(12-2) 3.Pull the cam gear out of the shaft , Inset a sta ndard ty pe screwdriver into the ga p bet ween th e ca m g ear and fra me, and le ft the c am gear .
13. Rem ove the ribbon cam 13-1 13-2 13-3 1.Remove the snap ring wi th a standard ty pe screwdriver . (13- 2) 2.Pull the ribbon cam out of shaft (Inset a standard ty pe screwdri ver into the gap between the r ibbon cam a n d fram e, and lift the cam .
14. Rem o ve the lead screw a ssem b le, platen bear ings an d lead screw to p 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6.
14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-1 1 14- 1 2.
14-13 1.Remove one screws.(14-3) 2. Rem ove platen bearing w hirl stop screw f rom the r ig ht.( 14-4 ǃ 14-5) 3.Remove the LF gear a nd the m otor gear and two scr ews to pull out the m o tor A.(14 -6 ǃ 14-7 ǃ 14-8 ǃ 14- 9) 3.Remove the lead sc rew assemble by hand.
15. Rem oving the card inlet and s pacer and E-0305 the sensor 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6.
20-7 Remove four screws fixing the card inlet.(20-1) 1. Re m ove the card inlet b y hand.(20-2 ǃ 20-3) 2. Press the hooks of the right and left sen sors slightly outwards and pull out the E-0305 sensor s. Be careful not to brea k the hooks.(20-4 ǃ 20-5 ) 3.
16. Rem oving the E-37 sensor 21-1 21-2 21-3 2 1-4 1.Remove two screw s to take out of the sensor holding plate.( 21-1 ǃ 21-2 ) 2.Remove another two screws to take o ut the sensor .
17. Rem oving the E-30 sensor 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5.
1.Disco nnect th e sensor h arness a s semb l y fr om the con n ector( LCN3)o n the 2 000UL PCB assembly .(15-1) 2.Rem ove two screws to take out the screw holding pla te.
18. Rem oving the E-38 Sensor 16-1 1 6-2 2 2 16-3 1 6-4 1.Dissc onnect the sen sor harness assem bl y fr om the connect or(LCN9)on the 2 000UL PCB assembly .
19. Rem oving the switch lever and switch lever 18-1 18-2 1.Remove two screws (a) fi xing Switch Lever 2.Pu ll t he switc h lever out o f the sna p of s witch le ver posit ion accurate l y .
20. Rem o ve the f riction spri ng, fric tion shaft a nd friction r oller 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5.
1. Re m ove two screws f ixing the r ight an d left fric tion sprin gs to rem ove the friction sprin gs. The friction sh aft and f rictio n roller are als o remove d.
21. Remove 2 000UL PCB asse m b l y 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6.
17-7 1.Disco nnect all the sensor harness asse mbly , and LCD cable , and operatio n black cable, and m otor block, and FPC cab le from the connector s on the 2000UL PCB assem bly ˄ 17-1 ǃ 17-2 ˅ 2.Remove two screws ˄ 17- 3 ˅ 3.Pull out the 2000UL PCB assem bl y b y hand DŽ˄ 17-4 ˅ 4.
22. Load NiCd battery 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6.
22-7 22-8 1. Place blac k sticker on th e m ain body shelf . 2. Place white b oth side d sticker on the rech ar geable ba ttery . 3. Place rechar geable battery on the m ain bod y shelf.
PA R T S L I S T Acr oprint A TR120 Time re corde r BOM THE ELEC TRON COMPON ENT Ĉ Name Mode Place In A TR120 P/N Remar ks Mu ltilayer Cera mic Capac itor 0.1uF/50V PC21 PC22 PC14 Mu ltilayer Cera mic Capac itor 0.
Name Mode Place In A TR120 P/N Remar ks &DUERQ)LOP)L[HG 5HVLVWRU&5 270K 1/ 4W 5% L R18 &DUERQ)LOP)L[HG 5HVLVWRU.
Ĉ Name Mode Place In A TR120 P/N Remar ks Aluminum El ectroly tic Capac itor 8)9 PC13 Aluminum El ectroly tic Capac itor .
R adiat ing-f lake Mod el E Flame Assembly P/N NB D-980101 Plat e Soleplat e P/N NB D-980118 .
Motor G ear P/N NB -035 Motor G ear P/N NB -011 Cam Gear P/N NB -033 Lead.
Cu shion (#5) 8 .5×4 .05×0. 30 P/N DP-113 Red Cus hion 1.0mm P/N DP-114 Red Cus hion 1.
Secon d Hand whit e A TR120 P/N NB-058 Clock face A luminum Board P/N NB-059 Cell 1.
C.P .U BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PIN ASSI GNMENT <POR T LIST> 74HD404 889 port Name F unction Description Logic 2 R70/ A N0 IN NiCd battery change control signal 3 R71 IN Mechanical switches L 4 R72 IN .
<ELECTRONIC TIME RECORDER CONTROL P ANE > Electronic T ime Recorder Control Pane CPU HD40489B33 H 74HC244 Q5~13 Printer PCN7 LC D (LC N 1 0) KEY 1 ~ 6 ULN2003 LED 1 ~ 6 SW301 SW30 T A7291P MOTO R (PCN8) Aa n d B SW30 Q4 Buzze r1 BQ2 Buzzer2 DC12V OCS2 (32.
MEASUREMENT 1 ǃ V oltage check Measuring point V oltage Description 11V ļ GND 11 . 0 V f 5% AC plug should be connected 5V ļ GND 5.0V f 5% AC plug sh ould be conne cted Note: Measurement with no load is possible.
ķ(ǃVHQVRU (LCN5.1~8) Descr iption Measuring point (Pin NO.) Signal name St and by Inserted time card and print ing 1 E-03- E 0 0 ė 4.0V or more ė 0 2 E-03-C 5V 5V 3 E- 03-A 10.2V or more 10.0V or more 4 E-03-K 9 .5V or more 8 .
ǃ&38RSHUDWLRQ The f ollow ing t able sh ows th e oper ation m odes and f unct ion s: Mode A B C D Operat ion Norm al operatio n.. All functions are vali d. Power fail ure mo de wher e printin g is po ssib le DŽ Same opera tion as in A mode.
(4)LCN9 Pin No. Signal name 1 ($ 2 (& 3 (. 4 (( (5)LCN0 Pin N o. Signal name 1+ 5 V 2G N D 3 Car d insert ion 4P a n e l o p e n / c l o s e (6)LCN5 Pin No. Signal name P in No. Signal name 1 E-0 3 -E 5 E-0 5 -E 2 E-03-C 6 E -05-C 3 E-03-A 7 E-05-C 4 E-03-K 8 E-05- K (7)LCN12 Pin No.
(9)PCN8 Pin N o. Signal name 1 R00 (A motor) 2 R01 (A motor) 3 R02 (B motor) 4 R03 (B motor) (10).P CN7 Pin No Si gnal nam e. Pi n No Si gnal nam e 1 GND 7 1 1V 2P I N 4 8 1 1 V 3P I N 6 9 P I N 3 4 P.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Acroprint ATR-120 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Acroprint ATR-120 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Acroprint ATR-120 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Acroprint ATR-120 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Acroprint ATR-120 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Acroprint ATR-120 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Acroprint ATR-120 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Acroprint ATR-120 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.