Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product LGB616A van de fabrikant Black Box
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B LAC K BO X ® This W eb Smart switch pr ov ides s ix t e e n 10 - /10 0 - /10 0 0 - M b p s p or t s . Supports Gigabit speed on all ports. 16-Port W eb Smart Gigabit Ethernet Switch Or der t oll -fre e in th e U.S . : Ca ll 877- 8 77-B BOX ( ou tsi de U.
Page 3 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A NOM Stat ement Normas O ficiales Mexicanas ( N OM ) Elec tric al Safe t y State ment INS TRUCCION ES DE SEGURID AD 1. T odas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas antes de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado.
Page 4 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A NOM Stat ement 12. Pr ecaución debe ser tomada de tal manera que la tierra fisica y la polarización del equipo no sea eliminada.
Page 5 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A T rademarks Used in this Manual T rademark s Used in this Manual Black Box a nd the Double Diamond logo are registered tr ademarks of BB T e chnologies, Inc. Internet Explorer is a registered tr ademark of Microsoft C orporation.
Page 6 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A T ab le of Contents T able of Content s 1 . Specifications ............................................................................... 8 2 . Over view ..................................................
Page 7 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A T ab le of Contents 3.3.3. 1 L ACP Ag greg atio n O ver vi ew ................................... 33 3.3.3. 2 L ACP Po r t St atus ..................................................... 34 3.3. 4 R S TP Statu s .
Page 8 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew 1 . Specifications Buf fer Mem or y — 340 K B Compliance — FC C C lass B; p ower su pply is UL ® listed Filtering / For ward ing Rate — 1 000 -Mb ps po rt: 1 ,488 , 000 p p s; 1 00 - Mbps por t: 1 4 8,80 0 pps; 1 0 -M bps por t: 1 4,88 0 pps Jumbo Frame s — 9.
Page 9 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew 2. Ove r view 2. 1 Intr oductio n The 1 6 - Port Web Smart Gigabit Ethernet S witch pr ovides 1 6 1 0 - /1 0 0 - /1 0 00 -Mb ps por ts.
Page 10 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew • All por ts provide autonegotiation an d Auto MDI / M DI -X f unctions. • Support s flow contr ol : Backpressur e for half -duplex and I EE E 802 .3x for full- du plex mod e.
Page 11 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chap ter 2 : O ver v iew 1 2, 3 4 4 Figure 2 - 1 . Fron t panel. 5 6 7 Figure 2 -2 . Back panel. T able 2 - 1 . 1 6 - Port Web Smar t Gigabit E thernet S witch componen t s. Number Component Descri ptio n 1 (1) Power L ED Lig hts w hen po wer to th e unit is on .
Page 12 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3. Sof t ware Des cription This sec tion explains how t o set up and manage the switch th rough the Web u ser in ter fac e. 3 .1 L o g i n First, op en the W eb browser , and go to 1 92 .
Page 13 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3. 2 Configur ation 3 . 2 .1 S y s t e m This page shows sy stem con figura tion inform ation, as il lustrat ed in Figure 3- 3. Figure 3-2 . System C onfiguration screen.
Page 14 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • MAC Address: Displays the unique h ardware address assigned by ma nufacturer (d ef ault). • S / W V ersion: Displays the sw itc h’ s firmware version. • H / W Version: Displays the switch ’ s hardware v ersion.
Page 15 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3.2. 2 Por ts Por t Security ensures ac cess to a switch por t based on MAC address, limi t s the total nu mber of devices from usi ng a switch por t, and pro tec ts against MAC floo ding at tack s.
Page 16 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3-3. Figure 3- 4 ..
Page 17 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3. 2.3 V L AN A Vir tual LA N ( VL A N ) is a logical net work gro uping that l imits the broadcast domain, wh ich would allow y ou to isolat e net work traffic, so only the members of the same V L AN will receive tra f fic fr om the member s of the same VL A N.
Page 18 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3- 6. 3. 2.3 .3 V L AN Per Por t Co nfiguration The 8 0 2. 1 Q Per Por t C onfigu ration page allows you to c hange the VL A N paramet ers for individual port s or trunks.
Page 19 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • Por t / T runk: The por t number of the port or the I D of a trun k. • VL AN Aware E nabled: V L AN aware por ts are able to use VL A N tagged frames to determi ne the destination VL AN of a frame .
Page 20 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3. 2. 4 Aggrega tion Por t trunk a llows multiple li nks to be bundled together and act as a single physical link f or increa sed throughput. It pro vides load balancing, and r edundancy of links in a switched int er -net work.
Page 21 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • Key V alue: Confi gures a por t's LAC P administra tion key . The por t administra tive k ey must be set to the same value for port s that belong t o the same link aggregation gr oup ( L AG) .
Page 22 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • For ward Delay: The maximum time (in seconds) the root device will wai t before changing states (i.e ., discarding to learning to for warding) . Number bet ween 4 –30 (d ef ault is 1 5 ).
Page 23 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3- 1 1 . R STP por t configur ation screen..
Page 24 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3- 1 2. RSTP s ystem config uration screen. Figure 3- 1 3. RST P sys tem c onfigur ation screen.
Page 25 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3.2.7 IGMP Snooping IGMP Sno oping is the p rocess of listeni ng to IGMP net work traffic.
Page 26 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3.2. 8 Mirr oring Por t Mirrori ng is used on a net work switch t o send a copy of network packets seen on one s witch port ( or an en tire VL A N ) to a network monitoring c onnec tion on another switch port.
Page 27 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figur e 3- 1 6. Mirroring c onfigu ration screen . 3. 2.9 Qualit y of Ser vice ( QoS ) In QoS Mod e , selec t QoS Disabled, 802 . 1 p , or DSC P to con figure the r elated parameters .
Page 28 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3- 1 7 . QoS configuration screen. 3. 2.9.2 Q oS Mode : Q oS Disable d When the QoS Mod e is set to Qo S Disabled, the following table is di splayed. Figure 3- 1 8 .
Page 29 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3- 1 9. QoS con figura tion custom selec ted. Figure 3-2 0..
Page 30 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3. 2.9.4 QoS Mo de : DSCP DSC P: Pack ets are prioritiz ed using the DSC P ( Dif fere ntiat ed Ser vices C ode Point) value . The Dif f erentia ted Ser vices C ode Point ( DSC P ) is a six-bit field tha t is contained withi n an IP ( TC P or U DP) header .
Page 31 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3 -22 . 3. 2. 10 St orm Control Broadcast storms may occu r when a device on your network is malfunctioning, or if application progr ams are not wel l designed or properly configu red.
Page 32 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • Rate (number of fr ames per se cond) : The Rate field is set by a s ingle drop- down list. The same threshold is applied to e ver y por t on the switch. When the threshold is ex ceeded, pack ets are dropped, irrespec tive of the flow-control set tings .
Page 33 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3. 3.3 L ACP Status 3. 3.3. 1 L ACP Aggreg ation Over view Figure 3-2 6. • Por t: The por t number . • Por t Active: Show s if the port is a member of an ac tive L AC P group.
Page 34 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description 3.3. 3.2 L ACP P or t S tatus Figure 3- 2 7 . L AC P por t status screen. 3. 3.4 R STP Statu s 3. 3.4. 1 R ST P VL AN Brid ge Over view Figure 3- 2 8. R STP V L AN bridg e overview .
Page 35 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • Fwd Delay: The max imu m time (in seconds) the root device will wait befor e changing states (i.
Page 36 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • P2P Port: Shows if this por t is functioning as a Poin t- to- Point connection to exac tly one other bridge . The s witc h can automatical ly determine if the in terface is attached to a point -to- point li nk or to sh ared media.
Page 37 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • Cable S tatus: Shows the cable length, operati ng conditions a nd isolates a variety of common f aults that can occu r on Cat egor y 5 t wisted pair cabling . Figure 3-3 1 .
Page 38 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3-3 3. Figure 3-34. 3.3.7 P ing This comma nd sends ICMP echo request packe t s to a nother node on the network. 3.3.7 . 1 Ping Pa rameters • T arget IP Address : IP address of the host.
Page 39 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description • C ount: Number of pack ets to send. ( Range: 1–2 0 ) • Time Out: s etting the time period the host will Ping. Use the ping comm and to see if another si te on the network c an be reached.
Page 40 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chapter 3 : Sof tware Description Figure 3-36. Figure 3-3 7 ..
Page 41 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chap ter 4 : Mainte nance 4. M aintenan ce 4. 1 Warm R es tar t Press the “Y es ” button to restar t the switch. The reset will be complete when the power ligh t s stop blin king. Figure 4- 1 . W arm Reset screen.
Page 42 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chap ter 4 : Mainte nance Figure 4 - 3. 4. 4 Configuration File T rans fer C onfigu ration file tr ansfer allows you t o save the switch ’ s curren t configu ration or restore a previou sly saved configu ration back t o the device.
Page 43 724-746-5500 | LG B 616 A Chap ter 4 : Mainte nance 4.6 Re set But ton for the Fac tor y Default Set ting Follow these steps to reset the Web Sma r t Swit ch back to the orig inal.
B LAC K BO X ® Black Box T ech Support: FREE! Live. 24/7. T ech support the way it should be. Great tech support is just 60 seconds away at 724-746-5500 or 724-746-5500 | LGB 61 6A , ve rsi on 2 Abo ut Black Box Black Box provides an ex tensive r ange of net working and infr astruc ture product s.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Black Box LGB616A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Black Box LGB616A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Black Box LGB616A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Black Box LGB616A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Black Box LGB616A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Black Box LGB616A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Black Box LGB616A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Black Box LGB616A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.