Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 600F van de fabrikant ADC
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Megabit Modem Megabit Modem Catalog Numb er MMD4090I1 Issu e 1 Megabit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F, and 700F User Manual Versi on 3.2. X.
ii Megabi t Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, a nd 700F User Manual C opyr i g ht Marc h 200 1 ©Copy right 2001 AD C DSL System s, Inc . All Rights Re serv ed. Tradem ark Informa tion ADC is a re gist ered t radema rk of ADC Te leco mmunica tion s, In c. Avidia and M egabi t Mod em are regis tered trad emarks of Pa irGai n Tech nologie s, In c.
About This User Man ual Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual iii A BOUT T HIS U SER M ANUAL Use this manual to install and configure the Megabit Modem ® 400F, 500L, 60 0F, and 700F.
Prod u c t Cer t ific a t ion s iv Megabi t Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, a nd 700F User Manual P RODUCT C ERTIFICATIONS FCC Class B Compliance This equipment h as been tested and foun d to comply with the limit s for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Tabl e of Cont ent s Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual v T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Chapter 1: About The Product ...................... ........... ................. ............ ................. ........... ..... 1 Megabit Modem 40 0F .
Tab le of Cont ents vi Mega bi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual Saving the Configur ation to NVRAM................. ................. ............ ........... ........ 29 Resetting the Modem............... ................. ........
Tabl e of Cont ent s Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual vii Configure Modem Parameters ............................ ........... ...... ........... ...... ..... ......... 58 Saving the Configur ation ....... ............ ......
Tab le of Cont ents viii Megabi t Mo dem 400F , 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Man ual ADSL............................ ........... ................. ........... ............ ................. ........... ........ 85 ATM ............ ................. ..
Tabl e of Cont ent s Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual ix Advance Replacemen t ............... ................. ........... ............ ................. ........... ................. . 103 Billing . ................. .....
Tab le of Cont ents x Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 1 1 A BOUT T HE P RODUCT You h ave p ur cha sed the Megab it Mo dem ® that connects your Ethern et LAN to service providers for instant and high-speed access to the I nternet or to other types of Wide Area Network (WAN) applications.
Megabit Mod em 400F 2 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Man ual M EGABIT M ODEM 400F The Megabit Modem 400F is design ed for LAN applications and offers thes e features: • supports full-rate ADS L and G.lite • offers rate s up to 7 .
Chapter 1: About The Pr odu ct Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 3 400F ADSL Internet Bus i ness Internet Access.
Megabit Mod em 500L 4 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Man ual M EGABIT M ODEM 500L The Megabit Modem 500L is a rate adaptive G.lite modem for single user applications and offers these featu res: • complies with the G.lite standard • offers rate s up to 1 .
Chapter 1: About The Pr odu ct Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 5 M EGABIT M ODEM 600F The Megabit Modem 600F is a high-p erformance ADSL modem des igned for power users. It offers these featu res: • supports full -rate ADS L and G.
Megabit Mod em 700F 6 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Man ual M EGABIT M ODEM 700F The Megabit Modem 700F is design ed as an ADSL router for LAN applications. • supports full-rate ADSL and G.lite. • offers rate s up to 7 .552 Mbp s downstream/ 928 kbp s upst ream for full rate • offers rate s up to 1 .
Chapter 1: About The Pr odu ct Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 7 700F ADSL Internet Large Bus i ness Internet Access.
Megabit Mod em 700F 8 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Man ual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 9 2 W HAT Y OU N EED T O S TART This chapter identifies the preparations and prerequisites f or installing the Megabit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F, and 700F. Before installing the modem, verify that: • The contents of the package are accurate as des cribed on this page.
Requirem en ts For Your System 10 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual R EQUIREM ENTS F OR Y OUR S YSTEM You need the following hardware and software to co mplete the installati on .
Chapter 2 : What You Need To Start Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 11 Flat-Surf ace Mount Place the modems on a f lat surface, such as on a table or in a rack. Do not stac k the modems w hen inst alling on a flat surfa ce. The mo dems do no t dissi pate heat pr operly whe n stack ed.
Requ ire m en ts F o r The In stal lati on Si te 12 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual Wall Mount Mount the Megabit Modem on a wall u sing the two screws included with the mo dem.
Chapter 2 : What You Need To Start Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 13 Phone Service If you g et phone s ervice with your data s ervice, yo u need the fol lowing: • S1 Net.
What You Will C hoo se 14 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual W HAT Y OU W ILL C HOOSE Before configuring the modem, consider the options in the following “ Configuratio n ” section. Ensure that you have the appropriate power cable for your facility as described belo w in the “ Power Cab le ” section.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 15 3 I NSTAL LING THE M ODEM The Megabit Modem is easy to install by: • attaching the four adhesive-backed feet • setting the MDI/MDI-X .
Attac hing t he Feet 16 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual A TTACHIN G THE F EET Attach each of the fo ur adhesive-b acked rubber f eet to a footprint recess on the bottom of the modem.
Chapter 3: Instal ling t he Modem Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 17 S ETTING THE MDI/MDI-X S WI TCH Using the MDI/MDI-X switch, the Meg abit Modem can communicate with a d evice on the LAN that is either MDI or M DI-X without having to change the cab le (a straight-through cab le is supplied with the installat ion kit).
Installing Ca bling 18 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual I NSTALLIN G C ABLING Install the black cab le for the 10/100BASE-T LAN connection, the grey phone cord for the ADSL port WAN connection, and the power cable to the power connector ( cable specified on page 14 ).
Chapter 3: Instal ling t he Modem Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 19 1 After you have set the MDI/MDI-X switch to the correct position, connect the black cable from the mo dem 10 /10 0B ASE- T por t to you r PC or hub. 2 Connect the grey p hone cord fr om the modem ADSL po rt to the ADSL wall jack.
Sett in g Up AD S L Ser vic e 20 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual S ETTING U P AD SL S ERVI CE The service p rovider sets up the ADSL parameters for your ser vice. The modem must h ave the ADSL SYNC LED lit before you can connect sessions with yo ur service provider .
Chapter 3: Instal ling t he Modem Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 21 C ONNECTIN G P HONE S ERVICE The Megabit Modem 400F, 500 L, 600F, an d 700F modem p rovide fu ll suppo rt for the I TU standard G.
Connect in g Phone Serv ic e 22 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 23 4 S ETTING U P F OR C ONFIGURA TION Set up a PC and a Web browse r to configure t he Megabit Mod em 400F, 50 0L, 600F, and 70 0F. This chapter prov ides the set up procedures, then s hows you how to access and navigate the Megabit Modem W eb pa ges .
Setting Up the PC To Configure the Mod em 24 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual S ETTING U P THE PC T O C ONFIGU RE THE M ODEM Set up your PC to be on the same IP subnet as the modem. Since the modem defau lt uses DHCP, it will automatically configure you r IP settings once you set up that option.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Fo r Configurat io n Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 25 C ONFI GURING A W EB B ROWSER Access the Megabit Modem Web page throu gh a Web bro wser (see page 10 f or Web browser versions suppo rted).
Conf igur in g a We b Bro ws e r 26 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual The following is an example of how to mak e the configuration changes using Internet Ex plorer 5. 5: 1 Open your Web brows er. 2 Click T ools , Internet Options to open the Internet Options dialog.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Fo r Configurat io n Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 27 A CCESSING THE M OD EM W EB P AGES Type http://19 in the Location Bar field of the Web browser (as shown below ), then press . (192.16 8.
Saving th e Co nfigur ati on 28 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual S AVING THE C ONFIGURAT ION Save the major ity of the config uration changes by the clicking Appl y . However, there are other configuration changes that requ ire you to reset the modem in ord er to update NVRAM with these modifications.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Fo r Configurat io n Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 29 Saving the Configuration to NVRAM After clicking Apply at the botto m of a configur ation page , the chang es are automatically saved to NVRAM. Changes may either take effect immediately or after system r eset.
Saving th e Co nfigur ati on 30 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual Resetting the Mode m After you make changes to the m odem configuratio n and write the changes to NVRAM or return modem confi guration to factory def aults, you must rese t the modem.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Fo r Configurat io n Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 31 Resetting the Modem to Factory Defaults You can return the Megabit Modem parameters to the factory defau lt values. This p rovides a known starting p oint if you are troubleshoo ting the system or s imply need to reco nfigure parameters.
Saving th e Co nfigur ati on 32 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual Listed in the table b elow are the default valu es for the Megabit Modem in PPP over ATM mode. Reference this table to learn the values as signed to the modem after reset ting it to fact ory default.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Fo r Configurat io n Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 33 Listed in the table below are the default values for the Megabit Modem in Bridge/Router mode. Reference this table to learn the values as signed to the modem after reset ting it to factory default.
Saving th e Co nfigur ati on 34 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual.
Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 35 5 C ONFIGURI NG S YST EM S ETTINGS Before configuring sessi ons with a service provider, set up system parameters for the Megabit Modem. The following sections show the Web pages you use to configure s ystem parameters.
Defining TFTP Parameters 36 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual D EFINING TFTP P ARAMET ERS A TF TP s erv er is a devic e on the LA N fr om w hich you can do wnloa d s oftwa re updat es t o yo ur modem. See page 93 for more information on a TFTP server .
Chapter 5: Confi guri ng System Settin gs Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 37 1 From the syste m menu, click gener al to open the Genera l Syst em window . 2 Enter the TFTP S erv er IP addre ss for the device that will be the TFTP server.
Defini ng SNMP Paramete rs 38 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual D EFINING SNMP P ARAMET ERS The modem has an SNMP agent that allows it to be man a ged remotely by a Network Management System ( NMS). See page 91 for more infor mati on abou t managin g the modem through SNMP.
Chapter 5: Confi guri ng System Settin gs Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 39 5 Enter the Trap Co mmunit y Stri ng. 6 Enter the Read -Only Communi ty St rin g . 7 Enter the Read-Write Community String . 8 Click Apply to activate the changes.
Defini ng St atic NA T Entr ies 40 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual D EFINING S TATIC NAT E NT RIES Static NAT entries are used in PPP Over ATM mo de. They are required only for app lications that use TCP/UDP connections initiated from th e remo te end (WAN).
Chapter 5: Confi guri ng System Settin gs Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 41 2 Enter the Priva te IP A ddress of the device on the LAN side of the mo dem. 3 Enter the Priva te Por t numb er of the device on the LA N side of t he modem.
Config uring Stati c MAC Entr ies 42 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual C ONFI GURING S TA TIC MAC E NTRIES When the m odem 's mo de of oper atio n is Br idge /Ro uter R FC 14 83 a nd th e mod em is c onfi gure d as a bridge, the modem forwar ds Ethernet frames b ased on MAC add resses.
Chapter 5: Confi guri ng System Settin gs Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 43 3 Configure t he MAC Addres s parameter s as defined above. 4 Click OK to change the existing data to the list. Delete a Stat ic MAC Entry 1 From the syste m m e nu, c lick s tat ic M AC table to open the Static MAC Table window.
Conf igurin g Stati c R ou tes 44 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual C ONFI GURING S TA TIC R OUTES Display S tatic Rout es 1 From the sy stem menu, click static route table to open the Static Route Table window. 2 Observe the list of static ro utes.
Chapter 5: Confi guri ng System Settin gs Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 45 Delete a Stat ic Route 1 From the syste m m e nu, c lick static rou te table to open the Static Route Table wind ow. 2 Click Select of the static route to be deleted.
Conf igurin g System Se c urity 46 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual C ONFI GURING S YSTEM S ECURITY System security includes the us e of the Admin IP Addr ess and configu ring console access throug h the RS-23 2 MGMT port. Admin IP Address This address determines which devices on the LAN can manage the Meg abit Modem.
Chapter 5: Confi guri ng System Settin gs Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 47 RS-2 32 MGMT Port The RS-232 MGMT Port allows access to several parameters such as the LAN IP settings, Admin IP Add ress, and modem rese t. These parameters can be vital to the oper ation of the modem.
Selectin g th e System Mod e of Opera ti on 48 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual S ELECTING THE S YSTEM M OD E OF O PERATION System mode ind icates the mode of operation between the mo dem and th e service provider for WAN sessions.
Chapter 5: Confi guri ng System Settin gs Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 49 Use the following procedure to set the s ystem mode: 1 From the syste m menu, click gener al to open the Genera l System window. 2 Select the PPP O ver ATM or Bridge/ Router RFC148 3 from the dr op-down menu as indicated by your service provider.
Selectin g th e System Mod e of Opera ti on 50 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual.
Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 51 6 C ONFI GURING PPP S ESSIONS You can set up PPP session s between one of thes e Megabit Modem products and a service provi der : • 500L.
Selectin g Con fi gura tion Parame t ers 52 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual S ELECTING C ONFIGURAT ION P ARAMET ERS There are many con figuration options for the mod em from which you can select. The followin g options are recommended fo r enhanced perf ormance.
Chapter 6: Configuring PP P Sessio ns Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 53 C ONFI GURING TH E WAN PPP S ESSIONS From the WAN Co nnect ions page, you configure parameters that set up communication between the modem and the service prov ider through P PP over ATM sessions.
Config ur ing the WAN PPP Sessions 54 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual Add a PPP over ATM WA N Sess i on You add a PPP WAN session in the PPP Over ATM WAN Config uration win dow. Use the followin g reference table and procedu re to set up a session.
Chapter 6: Configuring PP P Sessio ns Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 55 Informatio n Description Conne ction N ame A uniqu e descripti ve identi fier of the sess ion that also dis plays in the connecti on field.
Config ur ing the WAN PPP Sessions 56 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual 1 To add a se ssion, click Add to display the PPP O ver ATM W AN Confi guration page. 2 Configure the PPP over ATM parameters shown and defined in the figure and table page 54 .
Chapter 6: Configuring PP P Sessio ns Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 57 Modify a PP P over ATM WA N Session 1 Click Ed it next to any Port 1-32 to display the PPP Over ATM WA N Configuratio n page for that port . 2 Change para meters as needed using th e table on page 55 for a descrip tion of par ameters.
Config uring th e L AN 58 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual C ONFI GURING TH E LAN Devices on your local LAN attach to the modem through its LAN port. Config ure parameter s for commun icating between the loca l LAN and the mod em.
Chapter 6: Configuring PP P Sessio ns Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 59 2 Enter the IP addr ess and the Net M ask . 3 Click on the b ox adjacent to the letters DHCP. A check mark in the box indicates the modem's DHCP server is enabled.
Assigning LAN Us e rs to PPP Sessi ons 60 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual A SSIGNING LAN U SERS TO PPP S ESSIONS Map the IP addresses f or the LAN-side users to each PPP over ATM session. Enter the IP address or address es for each user on the LAN that will b e assigned to this s ession.
Chapter 6: Configuring PP P Sessio ns Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 61 Delete a User As si gnment: 1 From the wan menu, click user ass ignm ent to open the WAN User Assignment window. 2 Select the user assignment to be deleted, then click the Se lect but ton of tha t ass ignm ent .
Activat ing and D e ac tivating Se ssions 62 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual A CTIVAT ING AND D EACTIVATING S ESSIO NS Activate sessions as you wan t to use them. Also, yo u may want to de-activate s ome sessions, while leaving other s essions active.
Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 63 7 C ONFIGU RING B RIDGING /R OUTING S ESSIONS You can set up RFC 148 3 Bridging/Rou ting sessi ons b etween one of these Megabit Modem pro.
Setting Up the Bri dgi ng /Routi ng Mo de (700F Onl y) 64 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual S ETTING U P THE B RIDGING /R OUTING M ODE (700F O NLY ) For the Megab it Modem 700 F only, you can select either PPP o ver ATM or RFC 1483 bridge/router encapsulatio n fo r all sessions you set up.
Chapter 7: Configuri ng B r idg in g/Rou ting Sessions Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 65 C ONFI GURING TH E WAN B RIDGING /R OUTING S ESSIONS From the WAN Co nnect ions page, you configure parameters that set up communication between the modem and the service provider thro ugh Brid ging/Routing sessio n s.
Configu ring the W AN Bri dging/Rout ing Se ssions 66 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual Add a Bridging/Routing WAN Session You add a bridging/rout ing WAN session in the WAN Port Co nfigurati on window. Use the following referen ce table and procedu re to set up a session.
Chapter 7: Configuri ng B r idg in g/Rou ting Sessions Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 67 1 To add a se ssion, click Add to display the WAN Por t Configura tion page. 2 Configure t he bri dging/rou ting paramet ers shown and defined in the figu re and table page 65 .
Configu ring the W AN Bri dging/Rout ing Se ssions 68 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual Modify a Bridging/Routing WAN Session 1 Click Edit next t o an y Port 1-32 to disp lay the Bridg ing/R outer WAN C onfigur ati on page for that port .
Chapter 7: Configuri ng B r idg in g/Rou ting Sessions Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 69 C ONFI GURING TH E LAN Devices on your local LAN attach t o the modem t hrough it s LAN port. Configure p arameters for commun icating between the loca l LAN and the modem.
Config uring th e L AN 70 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual 2 Enter the IP addr ess and the Net M ask . 3 Click on the b ox adjacent to the letters DHCP. A check mark in the box indicates the modem's DHCP server is enabled.
Chapter 7: Configuri ng B r idg in g/Rou ting Sessions Megabit Mod em 40 0F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 71 A CTIVAT ING AND D EACTIVATING S ESSIO NS Activate sessions as you wan t to use them. Also, yo u may want to de-activate some sessions, while leaving other sessio ns active.
Activat ing and D e ac tivating Se ssions 72 Mega bit Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, and 70 0F Use r Man ual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 73 8 V IEWING S TATISTICS You can view status f or the ADSL link ( “ Viewing ADSL Status ” ) and for WAN and LAN statistics ( “ Vi ewing Network Statist ics ” on pa ge 7 5 ).
Viewi ng A D SL St atu s 74 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual Reference the fo llowing table for a desc ription of the Syst em Status parameters. 1 From the ad sl menu, click stat us to open the ADSL Status windo w. 2 Monitor the ADSL Status.
Chapt er 8: Vi ew ing Stati s tics Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 75 V IEWI NG N ETWORK S TA TISTICS The Megabit Modem 40 0F, 500 L, 600F, and 700F displ ay statu s for the LAN and WAN link s. From the Main Menu , select Statistics to display the S tatistics M enu .
Viewi ng Ne tw ork Statistics 76 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual WAN St atisti cs The Megabit Modem 400F, 500 L, 600F, an d 700F dis plays stat us for t he WAN. View the following WAN inf orm atio n: 1 From the statistics menu, click WAN to open the WAN Stati stics window.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 77 9 M AINTENANCE A ND T ROUBLES HOOTING M AINTENA NCE You can update software by specifying a device on your LAN where you will place new software for the upd ate (see “ Defining TFTP Par ameters ” on page 36 ).
Maintenanc e 78 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual Access the Gener al Sys tem p age to configure the TFTP parameters. Reference the following table for a descr ip tion o f the TFTP p a rameter s. 1 From the syste m m e nu, c lick general to open the General System wind ow.
Chapte r 9: Maintenance and Troublesh ooting Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 79 6 Click Apply to activate the changes. 7 Click upgrad e softwar e to begi n the fi le tr ansfe r. 8 Click Proceed to confirm the file transfer process.
Maintenanc e 80 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual Using the RS-232 Management P ort Use the RS-232 management port only when you mus t manually change the IP address and subnet mask. Also, use the port if you do not remember the adm i nistrative IP add ress you entered o n your modem.
Chapte r 9: Maintenance and Troublesh ooting Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 81 2 Configure these communication settings (if using terminal emul ation, select AN SI): • 9.
Maintenanc e 82 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual 4 Enter any of these parameters a t the prompt: • Type then enter t he LAN IP address for the modem ( LAN port which is the 10/100 BASE po rt). • Type then enter t he LAN IP network m ask for the mo dem.
Chapte r 9: Maintenance and Troublesh ooting Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 83 S ETTING U P THE PC TO R EQUEST AN IP A DD RESS The modem, as a Dynamic Host C onfiguration Protocol (DHCP) server, pr ovides an IP address dynamically to dev ices on the LAN.
Troubleshooti ng 84 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual T ROUBL ESHOOTING If this occurs: Try this: PC or hub no t communi cating with the modem • Check t he LINK LED. If i t is o ff, check the cab ling t o the 10/ 100BA SE port an d to the hub or the NIC card in the PC to ensure i t is secure.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 85 10 T ECHNIC AL R EFERENCE This chapter provides technical inform ation ab out how y our mod e m transm its data between users on yo ur LAN and a service provider ov er the WAN.
Transmission on the Wi de Are a Network 86 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mo de (ATM) is a techno logy that can s imultaneously tran smit voice, data, and video over ADSL. ATM uses fixed -size cells that transmit over a preestablished connection called a Permanent Virtual Circu it (PVC).
Chapter 10 : Te ch nical Re fe ren ce Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 87 S YSTEM M ODE E NCAPSULA TION Point- to-Poi nt Prot ocol (PPP) ov er ATM or RFC 148 3 Br idging /Rout ing are the t wo prot ocols you can us e to encapsulate data for transport across the ADSL WAN.
System M ode E ncapsulatio n 88 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual NAPT does not have the limitation of using only the IP address in the translation . It also uses TCP/UDP ports. It is a m ethod that allows multip le IP addresses and their TCP/UDP ports to be translated into o ne IP address and its po rts.
Chapter 10 : Te ch nical Re fe ren ce Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 89 LAN LAN Bri dge 3 Bri dge 2 Bri dge 1 Bri dge 4 Bri dge 5 ENET 1 ENET 3 E N E T 2 Example LAN Ph ys.
System M ode E ncapsulatio n 90 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual Routing You can configure the Megabit Modem 400F and 700F router to route Ethernet-encapsulated IP datagram s based on IP addresses.
Chapter 10 : Te ch nical Re fe ren ce Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 91 M ANAGEMENT P RO TOCOL S SNMP is used to configure sy stem and bri dge parameters, to monitor statis tics, and to pe rform advanced manag ement tasks.
Manag ement P rotocol s 92 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual MIB and Trap Support Each managed d evice has configuration , status, and statistical information that defines its functionality and operatio nal capabilities. These elements make up t he MIB for the device being mana g ed.
Chapter 10 : Te ch nical Re fe ren ce Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 93 DNS R ESOLUTION If you want Do main Name System (D NS) resolution, you need to specify the IP address for a device to be the DNS resolver. You can also specify another IP address to designate a second device for a secondary DNS resolver.
TFTP Server 94 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 95 A S PECI FICATIO NS AND D ATA WAN I NTERF ACE S PECIFIC ATIONS ADSL (As ymmetric Dig ital Sub scriber Lin e) Maximum transmi ssion rate: Downstream Upstream 7.
Enca psulation 96 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual E NCAPSULATIO N Selection of an encapsulation pr otocol from the modem to the service provider occur s on a per virtual circuit (s ession) b asis.
Append ix A: Specifica tions an d Data Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 97 LAN I NT ERFAC E P HYSICAL S PECIFICATION S P OWER S UPPLY E NVIRON MENTAL Conne ctor RJ-45 E thern et wi th auto -detec ting1 0/100B ASE-T (IEEE 802.
Compli ance 98 Mega bit Modem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 700F U ser Manual C OMPLIANCE RFC S MIB S Emiss ions an d Immuni ty Complian ce • FCC Pa rt 15, Su bpart B, Class A • CENELE C/ETS I (IEC 555 a.
Append ix A: Specifica tions an d Data Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 99 R ATE VS . R EACH Pa yload Rate vs Reach on 24 A WG (0.4 mm) with 4dB Margin in Low Noise En vironment 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 0. 0 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4.
Hardware 100 Megabi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual H ARDW ARE The follo wing provi des addi tional in formation ab out Megabi t Modem 40 0F, 500L, 600F, and 700F such as the ins tallation kit and modem co nnectors pinouts.
Append ix A: Specifica tions an d Data Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 101 Connector Pinouts You m ay ch oos e to m a ke yo ur ow n cab les f or th e ADS L RJ-1 1 con ne ct or a nd th e 10/100BASE-T Eth ernet connector o n the rear of the modem .
Hardware 102 Megabi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 103 B T ECHN ICAL A SSISTANCE AND R ETURNS This chapter describe s how to contact ADC for technical support.
Billin g 104 Megabi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual If produ cts returned to ADC for advance rep lacement are not received b y ADC within 30 calendar days of shipment of the replacement product or if no trouble is found (NTF) as determined by ADC, the Buyer will be responsible for payment of the cost of the replacement product .
Append ix B: Technical Assist anc e an d Returns Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 105 R ETURNS To return equipmen t to ADC Wireline Systems Division: 1 Locate the number of the purchase order unde r which the equipment was p urchased.
Retu rns 106 Megabi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual 5 Write the ADC Wireline Systems Division address and the Return Material Authorization Number you received from C ustomer Service clearly on the outside of the carton and return to: ADC Wireline Systems Divis ion 14352 F ranklin Ave.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F and 700F User Ma nual 10 7 C C ONFI GURATI ON W ORKS HEETS This appendix provid es worksheets where you can record your sys tem settings and system sessions configuration inf ormation prior to executing the procedures in Chapter 4 through Chapte r 8 .
Conf igurat ion Inf ormatio n 108 Megab it Modem 40 0F , 500 L, 600F and 700F U ser Manual System Mode Worksheet Cont act Se rvice Prov ider: Config uration Ty pe Choose o ne for syst em mode: • Bri.
Append ix C: Configuratio n Wo rksheets Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F and 700F User Ma nual 10 9 CHAP Host Name Worksheet From Se rvice Provid er Configura tion Information If PPP ov er ATM an d u.
Conf igurat ion Inf ormatio n 110 Megab it Modem 40 0F , 500 L, 600F and 700F U ser Manual WAN Configuration Worksheet From Se rvice Provid er Configura tion Information ATM Con figuration (VPI/VCI fo.
Append ix C: Configuratio n Wo rksheets Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F and 700F User Ma nual 11 1 WAN Configuration Worksheet - continued From Se rvice P rovid er Configu ration In formatio n ATM C.
Conf igurat ion Inf ormatio n 112 Megab it Modem 40 0F , 500 L, 600F and 700F U ser Manual Login Name / Login Password Worksheet From Se rvice P rovid er Logi n Infor mation Login N ame and Lo gin Pas.
Append ix C: Configuratio n Wo rksheets Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F and 700F User Ma nual 11 3 Login Name / Login Password Worksheet - continued From Se rvice P rovid er Login I nform ation Logi.
Conf igurat ion Inf ormatio n 114 Megab it Modem 40 0F , 500 L, 600F and 700F U ser Manual Fixed IP Addres ses Work sheet From Se rvice P rovid er Fixed I P Address es Fixed I P Address es (for each se ssion) Not app licab le if servi ce provi der dyna mically assigns IP addres ses.
Append ix C: Configuratio n Wo rksheets Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F and 700F User Ma nual 11 5 Fixed IP Addres ses Work sheet - continued Contac t Service Provide r Fixed I P Address es Fixed I P Address es (for each se ssion) Not app licab le if servi ce provi der dyna mically assigns IP addres ses.
Conf igurat ion Inf ormatio n 116 Megab it Modem 40 0F , 500 L, 600F and 700F U ser Manual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 117 D G LOSS ARY 10/100 BASE- T The Insti tute of El ectrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 802.
118 Megabi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual commun ity string A tex t string required for an SNMP trap to b e received by a tr ap receiver(s). Also, a text st ring that identi fies an SNMP co mmunity an d is assoc iated with specific access rights (read-only or read/write).
Appendix D: Glossary Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 119 MIB Manag ement Info rmation Ba se is a set of variables that define the config uration and status param eters for ne twork manage ment. Net work manageme nt stat ions can retrieve i nformatio n from and writ e informat ion to an MI B.
120 Megabi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual RIP Rout ing Informat ion Protoc ol allo ws route rs to update the r outing tables automati cally (for exam ple with i nformation su ch as how many ho ps between destin ations ). The version of RIP you select for the sessi on must match the version support ed by th e service provider.
Appendix D: Glossary Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F Use r Man ual 121 UDP User Datagr am Pro toco l is a tra nsport protoc ol used t o map inbo und tra ffi c (from a remote IP add ress) to an internal (LAN) IP addres s. Uses a protocol port number fo r the destinat ion at the remote l ocation.
122 Megabi t Mo dem 400F, 500L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual.
Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual 123 I NDEX Numerics 10/1 00BAS E-T connect or pinout s 101 desc riptio n 117 A adaptatio n layer 95 ADSL connect or pinout s 101 descri ption.
Index 124 Megabi t Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, a nd 700F User Manual connect or pinout s 101 D def ining SNMP parameters 38 TFTP param eters 36 user assi gn ment par ameters 60 dele ting PPP Over ATM WAN.
Index Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual 125 L LAN config uring PPP Over ATM 58, 69 configur in g us ers to sessions 60 interface spe cific ati ons 97 viewing sta tistics 75 la.
Index 126 Megabi t Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, a nd 700F User Manual authen tication security 87 desc riptio n 87 parameters SNMP 38 TFTP 36 user a ssignment 60 PC config uring 24 phone ser vi ce conn ec.
Index Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual 127 defini ng 3 8 prot ocol 91 software upgrading 77 specificatio ns 95 ADSL 95 ATM 95 bridg i ng 9 6 envir onme ntal 97 LAN interface .
Index 128 Megabi t Modem 400F , 500L, 600F, a nd 700F User Manual network statistic s 75 WAN statistics 76 VPI configu r ation worksh eet 110 W wall mountin g 12 WAN interface spe ci ficat ion s 95 vi.
Index Megabit Mod em 400F , 50 0L, 600F , and 70 0F User Man ual 129.
ADC D SL Syst ems, In c. 14402 Franklin Avenue Tustin, CA 92780 Tel: 714.832.9922 Fax: 714.832.9924 For Technical Assi stance: 800.638.0031 714.730.3222 ´+Q5¶5]¨ 1149215 Rev A.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat ADC 600F (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen ADC 600F heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens ADC 600F vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding ADC 600F leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over ADC 600F krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van ADC 600F bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de ADC 600F kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met ADC 600F . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.