Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product GFR-700 van de fabrikant Adcom
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This sym bol is intende d to al er t the us er to the pre sence of unin sulated dang erous voltage within th e prod uct’s enclosure that ma y be of sufficie nt magni tud e to constitute ri sk of fire or elect ric s hock.
3 GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual w w w .adc om. com T ab le o f C on ten ts Ch a p t e r 1 - Welco m e Int roduction ………………………………………………… 5 Key F eatu res ………….
4 GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Impo r tant Sa fe ty Instr uction s • Read all the safety and oper ating instruc tion s before con - nec ting or u sing this unit. • Retain this n otice and the ow ner’ s manual for future refer - ence. • All war nings on t he unit and in its op erating instr uctio ns shou ld be adhere d to.
5 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual In tr oduct ion Int roducing Adcom ’ s new take on the A/V Receive r: the no-nonsense GFR- 700.
6 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual P la cing th e GFR - 7 00 Plac e the GFR - 700 on a s table , v ibrat ion- fr ee surfac e awa y fr om mois ture and out of dir ect sunl ight . Y our Adcom deal er w ill be pleased to show you many dif - f erent typ es of audio /video equipment racks and cab inets.
7 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual F r ont P ane l Ov er v ie w The fol lowing is a n overv iew of the GFR - 70 0 fr ont panel . 1 Standby button P ow ers t he G FR - 7 00 on and o ff ( S ta nd by mo de ). • The rea r panel power sw itc h must be on f or this but ton to functi on.
8 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Re mot e Con tro l O v er v ie w The fol lowing is an over view of the GFR - 70 0 remot e con trol butt ons and their opera tions. Note: The GFR - 700 is a programmab le remote tha t can be “taught ” to cont rol vir tual ly any componen t in your ho me theat er system .
9 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual 1 0 Mem button In T uner mode , s tores the selected sta tion as a preset . 1 1 Bass button Prog rammabl e button.
10 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Re ar P ane l Overv ie w The fol lowing is a n overv iew of the GFR - 70 0 rea r panel. .
1 1 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual 6 Analog audio inputs /outputs • Audio 1 ~4 inputs ( R /L) - Connects to the l ine outputs of up to four anal og audio sourc e components. • Audio 3~ 4 output s ( R /L) - Connect s to the l ine inputs of up to two anal og audio re- cor ding c omponents.
12 C hap ter 1 - W e lc ome GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Disp la y Ove r v iew The fol lowing is a n overv iew of the GFR - 70 0 on-scr een and fron t panel dis plays. 1 Video source Displa ys the selected video so urc e . 2 Audio sourc e Displa ys the selected audio sour ce .
13 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual C onnecti ons Ov er view The GFR- 700 is the heart and soul of your entertai n- ment system . Al l roads lead to it (fr om your input devices ), and al l roa ds le ad from it (to your output devices ).
14 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual A M /F M Ante nna C onnecti ons F ollo w these steps to connect the suppli ed A M/F M ant ennas to the GFR - 700. Connecting the A M Loop A ntenna 1 Ass embl e the antenn a. • Rota te the base until i t snaps in to plac e .
15 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Notes: • T o sel ect the sour ce compo- nent you connec te d, pr ess the cor responding Vi deo 1 ~4 but - ton on t he remo te c ontr ol or f ront panel . • T o confi gure your video sourc e , see page 3 3.
16 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual .
17 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Compo nent/ Pr o gr essiv e Scan C onnections The GFR - 700 fea tures four Componen t v ideo inputs f or c onne ction to DVD pla yers , digi tal Cabl e T V box - es, digita l s at ell ite rec eivers , HDT V recei vers/ tuners , and more .
18 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Digita l Au dio C onne ctions The GFR- 700 fea tur es six digita l audio inputs— three coaxial and thr ee optic al— to rece ive mul ti-cha nnel bi tstrea ms fr om your DVD play er or other digita l au- dio sourc e component.
19 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual HDMI C onnecti ons Using the HDMI Jacks HDMI, or High Definit ion Mult imedia Int er fa ce , is an advanc ed audi o/ vide o connection met hod tha t trans - f ers ful l- bandw idth , uncompressed digi tal audi o and video signals o ver a sing le cabl e .
20 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Ex ter na l Deco der Con nectio ns If you’ re a tr ue audioph ile , you ’ re probabl y fam il - iar with DVD-Audi o and SACD , mult i-channel audio f ormats that requir e their own decoding and unique connection methods.
21 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual CD/T ape Pl a ye r Con nection s F ollo w these steps t o connect a CD or tape pla yer to the GFR - 700. Connecting a CD Pla yer 1 Using RC A cabl es, connect the audi o o utputs on your CD pla yer to the CD inpu t s on the GFR - 700.
22 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual T V/Mo ni tor C onnecti ons There a re f o ur wa y s to connect the G FR- 700 to a T V , moni tor , or other displa y dev ice: • Composi te.
23 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Spea k er P lac eme nt Placing y our Sp eakers T o en joy the ful l effect of your home thea ter system, it is recommended that you connect a compl ete s et of 7 .
24 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Spea k er C onnect ions F ollo w these steps to connect your fron t ( LF / RF), cen ter (C ), and surround (L S / R S) speak ers. Fo r sub - woof er or surround back connections , see page 25 .
25 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Ex tern al Amp li fier C onnectio ns The GFR - 700’ s buil t -i n 5 x 1 25 wat t s per c hannel am- pl ifier has more than eno ugh power for most home appl ica tions. Nevertheless , 7 .
26 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Vi deo Rec or der Con nectio ns It ’ s not al ways about playback . S ometimes you want to recor d, and these days tha t means DVD r ecorders , HDD recor ders, and PVR s (such as TiV o®), in additi on to the ol d standby , the VCR.
27 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual T ape Out/A ux Con nectio ns The GFR- 700 inc ludes two addi tional sets o f R CA out - puts for connection to a tape recor der and/ or audio system . Fol low these steps to connect your audio output device t o the GFR- 700.
28 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Room 2 C onnectio ns Wa nt to lis ten to a CD in the den whi le the kids are wat chi ng a mov ie in the f amil y room ? Fol low thes e steps to c onnect the GFR- 70 0 to a sound sy stem in a second room.
29 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual C ont ro l Conn ection s Sensors, tr iggers , and PCs, oh my . If you’ ve gott en thi s far , you’ re rea ll y fine-t uning your h ome thea ter .
30 C ha tpe r 2 - Co nne ctio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual P ow er Con necti ons When al l connections are comple te , you’ re re ady to check the vol tage switch , plug in the power cable , and power on the GFR - 700.
31 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Ch a p t e r 3 - S e tu p Set up Ov er v ie w The fo llo w ing is an over view of the GFR - 700 Setup menu, i nclud ing: • Setup na vigat ion .................................. 3 2 • Input c onfigurat ion .
32 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Set up Na v iga tio n Use the f ollo w ing remot e contr ol buttons to na v iga te the Setup menu . • Main - Pr ess the M a in b utt on to select the GFR - 700. Y o u must first select the GRF - 70 0 befor e you can ac cess the Setup menu.
33 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Inp ut Co nfigur at ion What opt ions are a vai lable when you select an input sourc e ? The foll owing is an overv iew of the configu- rat ion settings a vai lable f or each inpu t.
34 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Spea k er C onfigu ra tio n What spe aker types and siz es are you usi ng? T he f ol - lo w ing is an ove r v iew of the Speaker Con figurati on menu. T o acc ess the Speake r Configura tion menu: 1 Pr ess the M ai n button on the remo te con trol .
35 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual De la y Con figura tion How fa r is each sp eak er fr om your pr imary l isten- ing ar ea? The GFR- 70 0 uses this in forma tion .
36 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Ch ann el Ba lanc e How can you ach ieve opt imal ba lance in vol ume lev - els f rom al l speakers? The GFR - 700 supplies individ- ual sl iders and a “pi nk noise ” test tone to aid you in bala ncing your speake r lev els.
37 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual P ro L ogic IIx /Neo:6 C onfigur ati on The GFR - 700 makes the most of your inc oming ste- reo signa ls.
38 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Roo m 2 Basic C onfigur ati on What input s ourc e do you want to pla y in Room 2? Once that is sp ecified, you have the option of fine tuni ng audio le vels dep ending on the requiremen ts of your R oom 2 audio system.
39 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Roo m 2 Adv anc ed C onfigu ra tio n The Room 2 Advanced Config uration menu conta ins powerful tools t o cust omize and opti mize the output of the GFR - 70 0 to your seconda r y audio system .
40 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual S yste m Con figur at ion The S ystem C onfigurat ion menu pr ovides ini tia l pow- er , on-sc reen displa y time out s, and system tools to put the fini shing touches on your syst em setup .
41 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Ana log Inpu t Le ve l The GFR - 700 al lows you to ad just the vol tage ref - erenc e leve ls independentl y for eac h of the unit ’ s seven analog audio inputs.
42 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Re mot e Con tro l Setup The GFR- 70 0 is a le arning remo te contr ol that is ca- pabl e of storing and ex ecuting commands for al l re- mote cont rols in your home thea ter system . In thi s way , you can el imi nat e the conf usion of using mul - tipl e remot es.
43 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Main Commands But ton Funct ion Code main Selec ts GF R- 70 0 code s - vid 1 S elec ts VI DEO 1 codes 1 31 vid 2 S elec ts VI DEO .
44 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Video 4 (G DV -850) Commands But ton Funct ion Code main Selec ts GF R- 70 0 code s - vid 1 S elec ts VI DEO 1 codes 1 31 vid 2 S elec ts VI DEO 2 co.
45 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual T uner Commands But ton Funct ion Code main Selec ts GF R- 70 0 code s - vid 1 S elec ts VI DEO 1 codes 1 31 vid 2 S elec ts VI DE.
46 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual P rogr amm ing Re mot e Com man ds Once you ’ re fam il iar with the preprogra mmed com- mands , you ma y wish to prog ram specific buttons on the GFR - 700 remot e to cont rol your source c ompo - nents.
47 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual De le ting R emo te Co mma nds Deleting a Command 1 On the GFR - 700 r emote , press the appl icabl e Source a nd Select buttons si multa neo usl y . • The or ange stat us LED and the So urc e button gl ow and rema in li t.
48 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual P rogr amm ing Mac r o Butto ns If you find yoursel f repeat edly press ing the s ame se- quence of buttons whil e using your GFR- 700, then consi der taking advantag e of the buil t -in Macro fe a- tur e .
49 C hap ter 3 - Se t up w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Disc re te Re mot e Con tr ol C omma nds The GFR - 70 0 can be con trol led via its serial R S- 232 port.
50 C hap ter 3 - Se t up GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Disc re te Re mot e Con tr ol C omma nds F unc tio n De scr ipt ion Data A SCI I Surro und Right Chann el T r im - 0x4 4 D Surro und Back L eft Chann.
51 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Ch a p t e r 4 - O p e r at io n s Oper ati ons Ov er view Now tha t you’ ve connected and configured your GFR - 700, it ’ s time f or the fun par t — en joying the ful l power and p erformanc e of your Adcom system.
52 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Basi c Au dio/ Video P la ybac k F ollo w these steps to play an audio/ v ideo source component connected t o the Video 1 , V ideo 2 , Vi de o 3 , Video 4, or C D inputs. Pla ying an A V Source Component 1 Befor e you begin: • Pow er on the GFR- 700.
53 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Se lecti ng Su rr ound Mode s If sourc e components are the main course in your home entertai nment cen ter , then Surround modes pro v ide the sp ecial sauce .
54 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Othe r Surr ound Mo des 7 . 1 m 2 Uses an Adcom-pr opr ietary digi tal pro- cessi ng technology t o e xpand inc oming ster eo signa ls to 7 . 1 - channe l surround sound. Use if : • Y our sourc e component is c o nnected to the an a- log or di gital a udio inputs.
55 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Basi c Rec or ding F ollo w these steps make a rec ordi ng using the pla y- back and recor ding components connected to the GFR - 700. Y ou w il l first need to identi fy your S ourc e and T arget c omponents.
56 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual T uner Oper at ions F ollo w these steps to u se the GFR- 700’ s buil t - in A M/ FM tuner . Befor e you begin , make sure the A M/F M ant ennas are pr operly connected; see page 1 4. Selecting T uner Mod e T o select T un er mode: • Pr ess the T uner button on the r emote c ontrol .
57 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual S yste m Opera tions The GFR - 700 includes additi onal fea tures tha t en- hanc e the user exper ienc e , includ ing a buil t - in sleep timer and f ront panel d ispla y dimmer .
58 C hap ter 4 - Ope ra tio ns GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Roo m 2 Opera tio ns The Room 2 f eatu re ma kes the GFR - 70 0 a true mul ti- tasking dev ic e. F or exampl e , you can watch a movie in one room and play a CD in another at the touch of a butt on.
59 C hap ter 5 - He lp w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual C usto mer S upport Use the T roubleshooting cha r t o n page 6 0 to resol ve common sit uati ons tha t don ’ t requi re prof essional at - ten tion.
60 C hap ter 5 - He lp GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual T r oub les hooti ng The table below shows possi ble causes a nd solutions to common GFR- 70 0 issues. If you do no t se e the answers you need here , please c ontact your Adc om deal er or customer ser vice department ; se e page 5 9 .
61 C hap ter 5 - He lp w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual PRE A MPLIFIER ANA LOG SECTION Input Impe dance ........................................ 47k Output Imp edance (M ain-R C A) ................< 6 0 0 Ohm Rated Input ...............
62 C hap ter 5 - He lp GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Inde x A Analog Input Level 41 Audio Cables 13 C Channel Balance 36 Connections Amplifier 25 Antenna 14 Audio/Video 15 CD Player 21 Component Video 17.
63 w w w .adc om. com GFR-700 Owner ’s Manual Adcom shall not be liable f or any erro rs contained h erein or for any damages ari sing out of or related to this docu ment or the informa- tion contained herein, even if Adcom has bee n advi sed of the po ssibili t y of such damages.
854 1 East Anderson Dr ive , Suit e 10 1 Scot tsdale , Ar izona 85 255 V oic e: 48 0 .607 .2277 F a x: 48 0 .348. 987 6 w w w .adc om. com GFR- 70 0 _ manu al _v2 .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Adcom GFR-700 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Adcom GFR-700 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Adcom GFR-700 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Adcom GFR-700 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Adcom GFR-700 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Adcom GFR-700 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Adcom GFR-700 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Adcom GFR-700 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.