Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HS-DTGL/R5 van de fabrikant Buffalo Technology
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User Manual TeraStation HS-DTGL/R5 www . buffa lote ch . c o m v2.4.
2 Introduction Congratulations on your new TeraStation! This user manual is intended to assist you in conguring it.
3 Table of Contents TeraStationQuickSetup ................................................... 4 TeraNavigatorSetup .......................................................... 8 Accessing TeraStation Data from a PC .............................
4 Begin setting up your TeraStation by plugging your power cable and Ethernet cable into the back of the TeraStation as shown.
5 Plug the power cord into a wall socket. Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable intoahub,router,orswitchinyour network. TeraStation Quick Setup Connect your cables.
6 Make sure that the power switch on the rear of the TeraStation is in the ON position, with the “I” symbol presseddown. TeraStation Quick Setup Press the power button on the front panel. The LED’swill swirl asyourTeraStationbootsup.
7 TheTeraStation’sEthernetport willautomaticallyadjusttouseeither aCrossoverorPatchcable, so you may connect the TeraStation to your network with either type of Ethernet cable.
8 Insertthe TeraNavigatorCDintoyour PC’sCD-ROMdrive. Setup shouldautomaticallylaunch. If itdoes not,manuallylaunch setup.exeby pressingthe Start menu and selecting the Run...
9 TeraNavigatorisnowrunning.Pleasepressthe Install Client Utility icon,andthen Start . When installationisnished,press Launch .
10 The TeraStation Client Utility allowsyoutoeasilycongureTeraStation’snetworksettings.The tabsshowthenamesofavailableTeraStations.IfyouhavemorethanoneTeraStationonthe network,clickthetaboftheoneyouwanttoselectit.
11 Thisloginpromptwillappear.Enter admin fortheusername.Untilyouchangeit,the passwordfortheadminaccountwillbe password .
12 You are now logged in to the TeraStationManagement Utility . Bookmark this pagein yourbrowser so it can be easily accessed for future conguration changes.
13 Hereonthe Basic page,beginbychangingthe name of your TeraStation in the TeraStation Hostname eld.Afriendly,easy-to-remember name is recommended. The name cannot containanyspacesorspecialcharacters.
14 Congratulations!You’vecompletedbasicsetup.Formoredetailontheothersettingsavailablein yourTeraStation,turnto Advanced Settings ,beginningonpage24. To access TeraStation data: Press the Start menu, select the Run.
15 TeraStation’srootdirectorywillappear.Youwillseealloftheconguredshares, including share , the precongured data folder. All users can read and write to all folders unless otherwise congured.
16 From the TeraStation’s Root Directory screen (see page 15), click the Tools pull down menu and select Map Network Drive ; MapNetwork Drive will run. Select the drive letter you would liketo map from the Drive: pull down menu.
17 IfyourMacdoesnotautomaticallydetectyour TeraStation’sSharefolderandputitonyour desktop,youwillneedtoaddtheTeraStation totheMac’sserverlist.Beginbyclicking Go , and then choose Connect to Server .
18 Select Guest and click on Connect . Accessing TeraStation Data from a Mac Selectthevolumethatyouwanttomount,suchas share or share-mac , from the list of folders on the TeraStation. Thesharewillopen.Alinktothesharedfolderwillappearonyour desktop.
19 Ifyoudon’tknowyourTeraStation’sIPaddress,thereare several ways to get it. OnesimplemethodistousetheTeraStationclientutility (includedonyourCD)tondyourTeraStation(s).
20 TeraStation Expansion TeraStation hasfour USB 2.0 ports,two on the front paneland two on therear. These ports canbe usedfor addingexternal USBHard Drivesor aUSBPrinter.
21 1. Power Button – Press and release the Power Button to turn the TeraStation on. Hold it down for 3 seconds to turn the TeraStation off.
22 11. Diagnostic LED –The DiagnosticLED may ash whenthe TeraStation encountersan error. Inthisevent, pleasecontactour24/7technical support at (866) 752-6210 (USA & Canada only; see page 71 for European tech support information).
23 18. UPS interface –AnUninterruptablePower Supply can use this interface to safely shut down your TeraStation in the event of a power failure. This interface is non-LPS.
24 Advanced Settings Welcome to Advanced Settings ! We’ll discuss themanyadjustmentsyoucanmaketo yourTeraStation.Beginbybringingup the Browser Management screen that you bookmarkedonpage12.Youarenowat Home .
25 You may modify your TeraStation’s hostname anddescriptionunder Hostname Setup . Makesurethatthedateandtimearecorrect in Date and Time Setup . To synchronize time settingswiththoseinyourcomputer,press Use Local Time .
26 Advanced Settings Network (IP Address Properties) Inmostnetworks,TeraStationwillgetitsIP addressautomaticallyfromaDHCPserver. YoumaydisableDHCPhere.IfDHCPis disabledandanIPaddressisnotsetmanually, it will default to address of the form 192.
27 Advanced Settings Network (Workgroup/Domain) TomakeyourTeraStationamemberofaworkgroupordomain,entertheappropriateinformation intotheeldsonthispageandclick Apply .
28 Advanced Settings Disk Management (Drive Properties) Thispageshowsthecurrentpropertiesofyourhard drivesandRAIDArrays.
29 TeraStation uses RAID (“Redundant Array of Independent Disks”) technology to control the four harddrivesinyourTeraStation.
30 Advanced Settings Disk Management (RAID Configuration) This page shows your current RAID arrays. You may delete old arrays or create new ones by clicking on the underlined RAID Array # under RAID Array Conguration .
31 Advanced Settings Disk Management (RAID Configuration) AconguredRAIDarraymaybedeletedbypushing the Delete RAID Array button.
32 Advanced Settings Disk Management (Disk Check) When RAID Conguration isdone,you’llsee thisscreen.Tocongureanewarray,click on RAID Array # andgobacktothebottomof page31.Tosetupsharesturntopage38.
33 Advanced Settings Disk Management (RAID Configuration) You’ll see this screen when your new RAID Arrayiscompletelycongured.Clickon Shared Folders andturntopage38tobegin settingupsharesonyourTeraStation.
34 Advanced Settings Disk Management (USB Settings) Ifyou’vepluggedanexternalUSBhard driveintooneoftheUSBportsonyour TeraStation,youmaysetitupfromthis page.Clickonitsnameunder USB Disk Setup tobegin.
35 Advanced Settings Disk Management (USB hard drive setup) FromhereyoucanseeyourUSBhard drive’ssetupinformation.Iftheharddrive’s informationisn’tdisplayedproperly,try restartingyourUSBharddriveandthen restartingyourTeraStation.
36 Disk Management (Disk Check) Toinitiateacomprehensivediskcheckonaharddriveorarrayofdrives,selecttheharddriveor array that you want to check from the Target Disk dropboxandclickthe Select Target button.
37 Disk Management (Disk Format) Toformataharddriveorarray,selectitfrom the Target Disk dropbox.Choosethele system desired from the File System dropbox (internaldrivescanonlybeformattedwith XFS).
38 Advanced Settings Shared Folders TobeginsettingupsharesonyourTeraStation,select Shared Folders fromtheleftsidemenu, and then click the Add buttonunder Shared Folders Setup .
39 Advanced Settings Add a new Shared Folder Toaddanewsharedfolder,enteranamefor it in the Shared Folder Name boxandchoose which Disk Space it will reside in.
40 Advanced Settings Shared Folders (Access restrictions) To use Access Restrictions forashare,puta dotnextto Enable . Highlightgroupsorusersinthe All Grou.
41 Advanced Settings Shared Folders (Anonymous FTP Setup) ToallowAnonymous FTP,choose Enable for Anonymous FTP Server . Select a folder to share from the Anonymous User Public Shared Fo.
42 Advanced Settings Group Management To Delete a group, put a check next to its name and click Delete . To add a group to your TeraStation, click Add . Add a name and a description to the Add New Group elds.
43 Advanced Settings User Management TeraStation is precongured with two users, admin and guest , out of the box. The guest account allows network users login access so that they can clear the print que.
44 Advanced Settings User Management (changing passwords) To change an account’s password, click on the name of the account under User Settings .
45 Advanced Settings Troubleshooting Multiple Shares Whenadding multipleshares,youmay seethis error message. Thisis causedby havingmultiple sharesto the same resource using different credentials.
46 Advanced Settings Mapping Multiple Shares When mapping any share, select the Connect using a different user name option.A loginand passwordprompt willappear. Use the username and password required by any secure, restricted shares for all shares.
47 Print Server (Settings) A USB printer, plugged into a USB port on either the frontor therear ofyour TeraStation,may be used as a Windows .
48 USB Settings Print Server - Printer Share Installation If TeraStationis setup toshare yourprinter (page45), you caneasily addthe printerto anyWindows PConyournetwork.
49 USB Settings Print Server - Printer Share Installation (continued) The Add Printer Wizard will launch. Select the proper driver for your printer.
50 Advanced Settings Print Server (Delete Print Queue) Ifacorruptprintjobissenttoaprinter, printingmaysuddenlyfail.Ifyourprintjobs seemtobelockedup,clearingtheprintqueue may resolve the issue.
51 Advanced Settings Disk Backup To create a backup job, click on an underlined Job Number . The Edit Backup Job dialog will appear. If the Disk Sleep function is enabled, disable it (page61)beforecreatingabackupjob.
52 Advanced Settings Disk Backup (Edit Backup Job) A Backup Job can run regularly on a daily or weeklyschedule, orimmediately byappropriate choices in the Backup Job Schedule eld. Date and Time for the backup may be entered, and Encryption and Compression enabled or disabled.
53 Advanced Settings Disk Backup (TeraStation List) Press Refresh to get a list of TeraStations on your network. Note:DiskBackupsbetweentwoTeraStationsuseport8873forencryptedbackupsandport873 forbackupswithnoencryption.
54 Advanced Settings Disk Backup (Add TeraStation) ToaddaTeraStationtoyournetwork,enteritsnumericalIPaddressinthe Remote TeraStation IP Address eldandclickthe Add to List button.
55 ToaccessPCastandDLNAsettings,click PCast in the left-side menu. PCastandDLNAarespecialservicesthatcan runwithinTeraStation,allowingittobea media server for LinkTheater or other digital multimediaplayers.
56 PCast and DLNA Settings Media Ser vers: The Media Server Function will need tobeenabledforthisfunctiontowork.Ifyoudo notownaLinkTheaterorDLNAmediaplayerthan disablingthisfeatureisrecommended.
57 PCast Settings - Choose Devices Gettothispagebyclicking Choose Devices on the previouspage. Search for DLNA Client: This will show a list of all clients that can connect to the TeraStation mediaserver.
58 Advanced Settings Maintenance (Notification) IfyourTeraStationisremotelymanaged,you maychoosetoreceivenightlystatusreports andbenotiedofanydiskeventsbyemail.
59 Advanced Settings Maintenance (UPS Settings) Youmayenable Synchronize with UPS and UPS Automatic Shutdown fromthispage. ConsultyourUninterruptablePowerSupply’s documentationforfurtherinformationabout settingupyourUPSsystem.
60 UPS/Maintenance port See below for connector pin assignment. Pin Signal Description 1 NC NC 2 RXD APC_Line_Fail 3 T XD APC_UPS_Shutdown 4 NC OMR_UPS_Shutdown 5 GND GND 6 NC NC 7 NC +12V 8 NC OMR_Li.
61 Advanced Settings Maintenance (Disk Sleep Function) If there are regular periods when your TeraStation is not in use, you may want to schedule disk sleeping.
62 Advanced Settings Maintenance (Shutdown) Fromthe Shutdown page,press Apply to shutdown TeraStation. This has the same function as holdingdownthepowerbuttononthefrontofTeraStation,butmaybedoneremotely.
63 Advanced Settings Maintenance (Initialization) Pressing Apply for Restore Defaults from Maintenance/Initialization resets Admin Password,Hostname,TeraStationDescription, NTPSettin.
64 Advanced Settings System Status (System Information) ThispageshowsyoutheSystemInformationforyourTeraStation..
65 Advanced Settings System Status (USB Details) ThispageshowsyoudetailsonUSBharddrivesandprinterspluggedintoyourTeraStation.
66 Advanced Settings System Status (Drive Properties) This page showsyou theproperties ofall harddrives and RAID arrays in and attached to your TeraStation.
67 Advanced Settings System Status (Network Information) ThispageshowsyoutheSystemInformationforyournetworkconnection..
68 System Status User Access Status Thispageshowsyouthecurrentstatusofallusersonthesystem..
69 TeraStation Client Utility This is the TeraStation Client Utility . Installed on yourPC, itallows youto accesseach ofthe TeraStations on your network. Click Refresh List to get tabs for each of your TeraStations.
70 TeraStation Client Utility IP Address Setup Here,youmayenteryour IP address and Subnet Mask manually,orenableyourTeraStationto acquirethemautomaticallyfromaDHCPserver.You’llneedtheadministratorpasswordtouse this screen.
71 If TeraStation encounters adisk error, itwill bereported in the TeraStation status on the topof any of the Web-Based conguration screens. Run a ‘Normal’ Disk Scan in the event of this error.
72 Troubleshooting Should a Hard Drive Fail: When using RAID1 or RAID5 - The failed drive will have a red light blinking in the STATUS/FULL positionofthefrontdisplay.
73 Replacing a Hard Drive Ifa STATUS/FULLLED isblinking, notethe drivenumber beforecontinuing.Use aclean, padded work area to dissassemble your TeraStation. You’ll need a #2 phillips screwdriver.
74 Replacing a Hard Drive 3 Removethe3screwsfromtherearpanelasshown. M3Screw4mm 4 RemovethecoverbyslidingittowardstherearoftheTeraStation.
75 Replacing a Hard Drive 6 UnpluganddetachtheLEDcableatthepointindicated. 7 Removethethreescrewsfromthesidepanel. M3Screw4mm 8 Removetheindicatedscrewfromthebasepanel.
76 Replacing a Hard Drive 9 ThesidepanelcanbeopenedtowardsthefrontoftheTeraStation. 10 Unplugthepowerandharddrivecablesfromthemotherboard. 11 Remove the three screws as indicated from the hard drive chassis.
77 Replacing a Hard Drive 12 Place the TeraStation on its base and slide out the hard drive chassis. 13 Removethepowerplugsfromallfourharddrives.
78 Replacing a Hard Drive 14 Remove the 4 screws from the sides of the failed hard drive. Note that theharddrive chassisismarkedwith numberscorrespondingtothe drivenumbersonthefrontdisplay.
79 Replacing a Hard Drive 17 Reassemblyisthereverseofdissassembly. 18 ReconnectcablesandpowertoyourTeraStation. 19 LogintotheTeraStation’sWeb-basedcongurationtool. 20 Clicktheerrorlinkontherstpageofthemanagementinterface.
80 Technical Specifications LANStandards: IEEE802.3u100BASE-TX;IEEE802.310BASE-T TransmissionTypes: 1000Mbps/100Mbps/10Mbps;100BASE-TX 4B/5B,MLT-3;10BASE-TManchesterCoding AccessMedia: CSMA/CD MediaInterface: RJ-45 USBStandard: USB2.
81 Contact Information (North America) BuffaloTechnologyUSAInc. 4030WestBrakerLane,Suite120 Austin,TX78759-5319 GENERAL INQUIRIES MondaythroughFriday 8:30am-5:30pmCST Direct: 512-794-8533| Toll-free: 800-456-9799| Fax: 512-794-8520| Email: sales@ buffalotech.
82 BuffaloTechnologyUKLtd. 176BuckinghamAvenue, Slough,Berkshire,SL14RD UnitedKingdom GENERAL INQUIRIES Email: TECHNICAL SUPPORT Phone(UKonly):08712501260* Phone:+35361708050 Email: helpdesk@buffalo-technology.
83 ThankyouforyourinterestinBuffaloproducts.OurGPLsoftwaredeliverypolicyisoutlinedbelow. Foreachindividualproductandrevision,pleasesen.
84 ThankyouforyourinterestinBuffaloproducts.OurGPLsoftwaredeliverypolicyisoutlinedbelow. Foreachindividualproductandrevision,pleasesen.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Buffalo Technology HS-DTGL/R5 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.