Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 9033073 van de fabrikant Cabletron Systems
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Title Page RoamAbout 802.1 1 Outdo or Antenna Instal lation Guid e 9033073.
RoamAbout 802.1 1 Outdo or Antenna Instal lation Guid e.
Notice Cabletro n System s reserv es the rig ht to ma ke ch anges in specific ations an d other i nformati on cont ained in this doc ument w ithout prior notice. The reade r should in all case s consul t Cabletr on Systems to determ ine whethe r any s uch chan ges ha ve been ma de.
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e iii Regu lat o ry I nform atio n Canada The products included with t he RoamAbout Outdoor Kit for outdoor ant enna installations comply with GL-36 of Industry and Science Canada. USA - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) The devices included with this outdoor kit comply with Part 15 of FCC R ules.
iv Outdoor An tenna In stallati on Guide Notes, Cauti ons and W arnings This gui de uses t he followi ng conve ntions fo r notes, c autions and warnings: NOTE The NOTE s ymbol c alls the reade r ’s attention to imp ortant informat ion. CAUTION ! The CAUTION sym bol caut ions agai nst acti ons that c ould result in equ ipment damage .
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e v Gettin g Help Before call ing your servic e provi der for a ssista nce, ha ve the followin g inform ation rea dy: • Y our se rvic e co ntr ac t numbe r • A desc ription of the p robl em • A desc ription of any actio n(s) alr eady taken to r esolve the prob lem .
Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide vii • Notice ii • Regulato ry Informat ion iii • Notes, Ca utions an d Warnin gs iv • Gettin g Help v 1 Intro duction 1-1 About Thi s Gu ide 1-1 • Who S.
T able of Contents viii Outdoo r Antenn a Insta llation G uide T able of Contents Overview of the Outdo or Installa tion 2-10 • Antenna P lacemen t 2-11 • Antenna M ast/Wall Bracket 2-13 • Groundin g System 2-15 • RoamAbou t Anten nas 2-15 • Antenna A lignmen t 2-17 • Antenna C able Ro uting 2-18 • Before C limbing the Roof.
T able of Contents Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide ix A The RoamAbout 14-dBi Directional Antenna A-1 General Desc ription A-1 • Contents of the A ntenna Bo x A-1 B The RoamAbout 7-dBi Omni-Dir.
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e 1-1 1 Intr oduction About This Guide 1 This RoamAbout 802.1 1 Out door Ante nna Instal latio n Guide explai ns how to i nstall a nd set up a RoamA bout Outd oor Anten na link.
Introduction About This Guid e 1-2 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Organiz ation of t his Guide 1 In this g uide you will find in formation to prepare for and verify th e antenna i nstallati on.
Introduction About This Guid e Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 1-3 Appendix C - The Ant enna Cabling S ystem 1 Descr ibes the hardware specific ations of the certi fied Ro amAbout Cable As sembl.
Introduction The Roam About Out door Kit 1-4 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide The RoamA bout Outdoor Kit 1 The RoamAb out Ou tdoor Kit is a set of antenna product s that enable y ou to conn ect multi ple bu ildings or LANs v ia a wireles s outdoor point-to-po int li nk.
Introduction The Roam About Out door Ki t Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 1-5 W ARNING 1. The outdoor anten nas supp lied with your Roam About Outdoor Kit are in tended for mounti ng on a roof or the side of a build ing. 2. Antennas shou ld only b e instal led by a q ualified inst aller or antenna i nstal latio n servi ce.
Introduction Finding A dditio nal Infor mation 1-6 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Finding Additi onal Information 1 Install ing a RoamAbout Acc ess Point 1 The insta llation o f a RoamA bout Acc ess Po int is de scrib ed in the RoamAbou t Acces s Point U ser ’s Gui de included with ea ch RoamAbo ut Acce ss Poin t.
Introduction Finding A dditio nal Infor mation Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 1-7 Additional file s on your diskettes 1 All softwa re disk ettes that come with yo ur RoamA bout prod ucts includ e a readme.tx t file whi ch conta ins info rmation a bout the software versi on and/or dri vers on the diskette .
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e 2-1 2 Installation Guidelines Site Pr er equisi tes 2 Pleas e review al l requir ement s outline d within th e sectio ns lis ted below be fore th e installat ion.
Installation Guidelines Pre-In stallati on Chec klist 2-2 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Pre- Installation Checklist 2 Before you insta ll the Roa mAbout antenn a system, y ou must configur e t.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Indo or Instal latio n Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-3 • A low-los s antenna c able (E ) to conne ct the in door instal latio n to the out door a ntenna. All of these com ponents a re incl uded in th e RoamA bout Outd oor Kit.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Indo or Instal latio n 2-4 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Figur e 2-2 RoamAbout PC Card Identificatio n • In countr ies that adher e to FCC regu lations 1 , use th e RoamAbou t PC Card w ith the black-bac kgroun d label .
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Indo or Instal latio n Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-5 When y ou order a RoamAbo ut Out door Kit , the kit m arketed in your co untry wi ll in clude the co rrect card type t h at com plies with the reg ulatio ns that app ly in y our coun try .
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Indo or Instal latio n 2-6 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Placemen t of the Roa m About Acces s Point 2 The idea l locat ion to in stall your Roam About.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Indo or Instal latio n Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-7 Prior t o mount ing th e RoamAbou t Acces s Poin t, you ar e advis ed to caref ul ly calculat e: • The dist ance b etween the i ntended locatio n of yo ur RoamAbo ut Acces s Point and the location of the a ntenna mast.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Indo or Instal latio n 2-8 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Placement o f the Light ning Pr otector 2 Lightnin g protec tion is d esign ed to prot ect peopl e, proper ty and equipmen t by prov iding a path to t he ground whenev er lightni ng strikes your an tenna ins tallation .
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Indo or Instal latio n Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-9 The cabl e shoul d not be instal led into tight positio ns, a s bendin g or applyi ng exces sive f orce to th e connec tors may d amage th e antenna c able.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Ou tdoor Installat ion 2-10 Ou tdoor Antenna Ins tallati on Guide Overview of the Outdoor Inst allation 2 V erify t he avail ability of the fo llowing c omponents requir ed for th e outdoor installa tion of the point- to-poin t link: • The RoamAb out Sy stems A ntenna.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Outdoo r Instal lation Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-11 Antenna Place ment 2 T o a chieve maximum perform ance for your wirel ess outd oor connec tio.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Ou tdoor Installat ion 2-12 Ou tdoor Antenna Ins tallati on Guide Figur e 2-3 Potent ial Ob stacle s for a Di rect ional Ante nna T o mi nimize the inf luence .
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Outdoo r Instal lation Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-13 Environ ments with large refl ective surface s include: • Building s with mirrored -glass o.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Ou tdoor Installat ion 2-14 Ou tdoor Antenna Ins tallati on Guide Wall (S ide) Mount 2 A wall (s ide) mou nt allows for mount ing an antenna ( mast) on the side of a buildin g or other struc ture.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Outdoo r Instal lation Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-15 Groundi ng System 2 The grou nding sy stem mus t satisfy the foll owing req uiremen ts: 1.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Ou tdoor Installat ion 2-16 Ou tdoor Antenna Ins tallati on Guide Antenna Polar ization 2 Radio wav es emitti ng from a Y a gi ante nna are l inear , lea ving the antenna i n the same plane as the ant enna el ements.
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Outdoo r Instal lation Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-17 Antenna Alignme nt 2 For opti mal perfo rmance, make su re the ante nnas a re proper ly aligned : 1. Use a pair of binocula rs, a compa ss, and /or a map of the area to point the ante nnas at each othe r .
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Ou tdoor Installat ion 2-18 Ou tdoor Antenna Ins tallati on Guide Y ou ca n optimiz e antenna a lignm ent by mak ing sma ll modific ations i n the antenn a orienta tion wh ile obse rving th e result ant change s dis played o n the AP M anager P oint-to-P oint Diagnost ic s sc reen .
Installation Guidelines Overvie w of the Outdoo r Instal lation Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 2-19 Befor e Climbing the Roof ... 2 Before you star t the ins tallation , check the conten ts of you r RoamAbo ut Outdoor Kit. If th ere are signs o f shippin g dama ge, contac t the ship ping c arrier to file a c laim.
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e 3-1 3 Determining Ran ge & Clearance The Fre s nel Zone 3 As ide ntified i n Chapter 2 - Installa tion Gui delin es , you need a clear li ne-of-si ght to s et up an ou tdoor ante nna ins tallati on that meets y our requi rements in ter ms of range and thr oughput perfor mance .
Determining Range & Clea rance The Fresnel Zon e 3-2 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide As sho wn in Figure 3 -1, the re are tw o major variabl es that determine t he shape o f the Fres nel Zone: • The dista nce be tween the ant ennas (1) • The minim um cl earance required f or optima l perfor mance ( 2).
Determining Range & Clea rance Other Co nsideratio ns Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 3-3 Other Consideration s 3 In mo st liter ature co ncernin g wir eless ou tdoor products , two parame ters are us ually l isted to indicate transmi tted sign al strength: output po wer of the ra dio, and gai n of the anten na system.
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e 4-1 4 Installing the Antenna Planning the Antenna Installation 4 The grou nding sy stem for the antenna mast, RoamAb out Acce ss Point, a nd Roam About L ightning Protecto r should be inst alled befo re the cab le from t he anten na is co nnecte d to the li ghtnin g arrest or .
Installing the Antenna Plannin g the An tenna In stall ation 4-2 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide T o v erify the eq uipme nt prior to installa tion, y ou may n eed to procee d with the g uideline s descr ibed in the Roam About A ccess Poin t User ’s Guid e before p erforming t he pro cedures i n this chapter .
Installing the Antenna Plannin g the An tenna I nstall ation Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 4-3 ELECTRICAL HAZARD W ARNINGS (Continued) 6. The low-los s anten na cable that conne cts th e anten na to the lightn ing prot ector mu st be a t least 1m (3 ft) a way from any high vol tage o r high cur rent cab le.
Installing the Antenna Plannin g the An tenna In stall ation 4-4 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Insta llation Ove rview 4 The i n stallati on pr oces s is summar iz ed in the f ollow ing step s: 1. Make sure the AP’s are c onfigu red as sp ecifie d in th e Pre- Install ation Ch ecklis t on pag e 2-2.
Installing the Antenna Mounting the Ante nna Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 4-5 1 1 . After v erifying tha t the com municati ons link is fully ope rational , secure a ll cabl es and us e weathe rproofing tape to s eal all outdo or co nnect ors.
Installing the Antenna Mounting t he Ante nna 4-6 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide • Four flatw ashers and four nuts ( included wi th antenna) • A sock et wrenc h to tighten the nu ts 2. Note the arrows on the pla stic an tenna mo unting bas e.
Installing the Antenna Mounting the Ante nna Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 4-7 Mounting on a Flat S urface 4 When mo unting the antenna on a fl at vertica l surface, you mu st provide a smoo th surface f or the bac king pl ate.
Installing the Antenna Mounting t he Ante nna 4-8 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Figur e 4-2 Mounti ng the 14-dB i Ant enna to a W all Mounting the Omni -dir ectional Antenna 4 It is reco mmende d that you mount th e RoamAbo ut 7-d Bi Omni- Direction al ante nna to a mast.
Installing the Antenna Mounting the Ante nna Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 4-9 Figure 4-3 M o unting the Omni-Directional Antenna to a M ast 2. Referring to Fi gure 4-3, m ake sur e the gas ket (B) is instal led on the an tenna mo unting base (A) .
Installing the Antenna Connectin g the A ntenna Cabl e 4-10 Ou tdoor Antenna Ins tallati on Guide 6. Secure the meta l mounting bracket (with a ntenna) to t he mast using two hose -clamps . 7. Connect the outdo or porti on of the an tenna c able (E) to the threaded portion of the anten na moun ting ba se.
Installing the Antenna Connectin g the A ntenna Cabl e Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide 4-11 5. Prior to secu ring the cable along its comple te length, ru n the Point-to- Point diagnos tics of t.
Installing the Antenna Connectin g the A ntenna Cabl e 4-12 Ou tdoor Antenna Ins tallati on Guide Sealing t he Cable C onnector s 4 Most pr oblems a ssociated with wir eless outd oor ins tallat ions are related to de grading pe rforman ce du e to the effects o f corros ion of the antenn a cabl e and cab le connec tors.
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e A-1 A The RoamAbout 14-dBi Directional Antenna General Descripti on 1 The RoamAb out 14- dBi Direct ional Antenna is a high-g ain ant enna for the 2.4 GHz fr equency band. The antenn a is a tota lly enclose d 16-elem ent Y agi des igned for point -to-po int commun icatio ns .
The RoamAbout 14-dBi Directional A ntenna General De script ion A-2 Outdoo r Antenn a Insta llation Gui de T able A-1 Specifications 14-dBi Direct ional Antenna Mechan ical • Size 45.7 cm (1 8 in) • Mounting Me thod • Ver tical mast with an o uts id e di amet er between 35 mm (1 .
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e B-1 B The RoamAbout 7-dBi Omni- Directional Antenna General Descripti on 2 The RoamA bout 7-dB i Omni- Direct ional An tenna i s a broad band anten na for the 2.4 GH z fre quency b and feat uring an omni- directio nal pa ttern with a nominal gain o f 7 dBi.
The RoamAbout 7-dBi Omni-Directional Antenna General De script ion B-2 Outdoo r Antenn a Insta llation Gui de T able B-1 Specifications of the 7-dB i Omni-Directional Antenna Mechan ical • Size 45,7 cm (18 in .) • Mo un tin g met h od Clam ps to vert ical mast w ith outsi de diamete r up to 51mm (2 i n.
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e C-1 C The Antenna Cabling System The Outdoor Cabling Components 3 T o c onnect y our RoamA bout Acc ess Po int to an outdoor antenn a install ation you will need the followi ng cabli ng compon ents as p ictured on the right si de of thi s page: A.
The Antenna Cabling System The Outdoo r Cablin g Compon ents C-2 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide When or dering sep arate co mponent s, ens ure that you orde r produc ts with the correc t N-T yp.
The Antenna Cabling System The Outdoo r Cablin g Compon ents Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide C-3 ELECTRICAL HAZARD W ARNINGS 1. Outdoor ant ennas and antenna cables are electr ical condu ctors. T ran sients o r ele ctrostatic disc harges that may occur at the antenna ( e.
The Antenna Cabling System RoamAbout Cable A ssembl y C-4 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide RoamAbout Cable Assembly 3 The RoamAb out Cabl e Assem bly is a pr opriet ary cable used to connect the Roam About PC C ard to a RoamAbo ut outdo or antenna s ystem.
The Antenna Cabling System RoamAbout Lightn ing Prot ector Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide C-5 RoamAbout Ligh tning Protector 3 The RoamA bout Li ghtning P rotector i s a surg e arrestor that protec ts your se nsiti ve RoamA bout equip ment fr om high- voltage currents caused by discha rge a nd transi ents at th e anten nas.
The Antenna Cabling System RoamAbout Lightn ing Prot ector C-6 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Insta llati on 3 T o i nstall th e RoamA bout Light ning P rotector: 1. Det ermin e a suita ble lo catio n for t he Lightni ng Prote ctor as descr ibed in Ch apter 2 - Ins talla tion Gui delines .
The Antenna Cabling System RoamAbout Lightn ing Prot ector Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide C-7 6. In sert the Lightn ing Pr otect or into th e openi ng in bracke t (A). 7. Tighten hexn ut (G) to s ecure t he Roam About Ligh tning Protector in its position , and en sure tha t the Pro tector is properly connec ted to th e ground ing sys tem.
The Antenna Cabling System Low-Los s Antenna Cable C-8 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Low-Loss Antenna Cable 3 A 15m ( 50 ft) Low-l oss a ntenna cab le is in cluded i n the RoamAbou t Outdoor Kit (seeT able C-5).
The Antenna Cabling System Low-Los s Antenna Cable Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide C-9 T able C-5 Cable Specifications for t h e 15m (50 ft ) Antenna T able C-6 Cable Specifications for t h e 22m (7 5 ft) Antenna Mechanic al Speci fications Length 15 meter (5 0 ft) Diam ete r 10 mm (0 .
Outdoor A ntenna I nstallat ion Guid e D-1 D Calculating Range & Clearance Intr oduction 4 This app endix pr esents r eference i nformati on to he lp you: • Calcul ate the t ypical and /or maxi mum comm unica tions r ange you ca n achiev e using c omponent s ava ilable in th e RoamAbo ut Outdoor K it.
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget D-2 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide The Dynamic Range Budget 4 The Dynami c Range B udget i s the sum of the following factors as de.
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide D-3 T able D-1 Dynamic Range (FCC) The diam eter of th e 1 5m (50 f t) an d 22 m (75 f t) cables is larg er th an the d ia meter o f the 6m (20 ft) c abl e.
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget D-4 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide T able D-2 Dynamic Range (ETSI. France & Japan) The diam eter of the 15m (5 0 ft) and 22m (75 f t) cables is lar ger than the diam eter of the 6m (20 ft) cable.
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide D-5 Link speed ve rsus Range 4 Communi cation s at lower data sp eeds m ay travel longer distanc es.
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget D-6 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide T o r ead T able D-3 cor rectly: • Use the Dy namic Ra nge Bu dget valu e that y ou read f rom either T able D- 1 or T able D-2 .
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide D-7 The valu es list ed in T able D -3 are bas ed upon calcul ations th at assum e optimal radio conditions . There is no gu arantee th at the same ma ximu m distanc e can be achie ved at your lo catio n.
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget D-8 Outdoor Ant enna Ins tallati on Guide Dete rm ine T y p ical R ange 4 After look ing at the minim um clear ance re quireme nts in T ab.
Calculating Range & Clea rance The Dynami c Rang e Budget Outdoo r Antenna Installa tion G uide D-9 T able D-4 Actual Clearance and T ypical Range Dynami c Range Optimal Clearan ce Line-of-Sight Cle arance th at is Actually A vailable 5 m (16.5 ft) 10 m (33 ft) 15 m (50 ft) 20 m (66 ft) meters (ft) k m (mi) km (mi) km (m i) km (mi) 106.
Calculating Range & Clea rance Which A ntenna do Y ou Ne ed D-10 Outdoor Antenn a Install ation Guide Which Ant enna do Y o u Need 4 If you hav e not yet purchas ed a RoamA bout Outd oor Kit, you c an read the tables i n this app endix in reverse order to deter mine the type of an tenna you will n eed.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cabletron Systems 9033073 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cabletron Systems 9033073 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cabletron Systems 9033073 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cabletron Systems 9033073 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cabletron Systems 9033073 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cabletron Systems 9033073 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cabletron Systems 9033073 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cabletron Systems 9033073 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.