Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 70 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Training Guide Publicati on N umber E2433- 9 70 34 First Editi on, N ovember 19 97 For Safe ty inform ation, W arranties, and Regulato ry informati on, see the pages behind the Index.
Read y, Set, Run: Easy S t ep s t o Lo gic Analysis with the HP 1660/70 S eries St ar t He re READ Y With the powe r off, conn ect Pod 1 of t he an alyzer to J1 on the Trai n ing Board . For the HP 1660s, Pod 1 is the top cable in the left-mo st position when you are facin g the rear of the logic an alyze r.
RUN Press the Run key, near th e u p per righ t c orner o f the front pa nel . You will see the o utput of a n 8-b it ripple c o u nter like thi s: Outpu t of t he 8-bi t Rippl e Counte r Next Please read the short introduct ion and chapter 1 b efore doing the exercis es.
Logic Analysis mad e e asy: a self-p aced train ing gu ide This train ing kit will quickly teach you how to u se the HP 1660 and HP 1670 S eries Logic Anal yzers to g et your work done.
Usin g a Mouse You can perform al l of the e xer cises i n this train ing ki t usin g a mouse . When an ins truction tells you to highl ight an item an d p ress the Select key , you can simply point to that item wi th the mou se po inter an d press the left mo u s e button .
In This Book This bo ok will teach you how to set up and make meas urement s with t he HP 16 60 Serie s and HP 1670 Se ries Log ic Anal yzers. You can use this boo k in two ways: you can start at the beginni ng and progress chapter by chapter in a building block approach, or you can randomly access the exercises you want t o do with minimum setup.
Cont ents 1 Using t he Analyze r and Understa nding the M easureme nt Process Using t he Analyz er 1–3 Understandi ng the Meas urement P rocess 1–4 2 Introduction t o Timing Analy sis Before Yo u .
Change the Jumper to Acqui re a Diffe rent Stat e Listing 4–8 Run the Anal yzer and F ind the Errors 4–9 5 Mixed Mode - Correlat ion of State and Timing D ata Before Yo u Begin 5–3 Connect t he .
Measure the Clock Peri od Manually 7–8 Measure the Clock Peri od wi th Auto Measure 7–9 Read Voltag e wit h the Mark ers 7–10 8 Triggering t he O scil loscope wit h the Timing A nalyzer Before Y.
10 I ntroduct ion to Inv erse Asse mbly Load the Inverse As semb ler and Sample Listing 10– 3 View the A ddress, Data, and Stat us Labe ls 10–4 View the A ssem b l y Listing 10 –5 Filter t he Ca.
1 Using th e Analyzer and Und erstanding th e Meas urement Process.
Using the Ana lyze r an d Understan ding the Measure me nt Proce s s This chap ter teaches you h ow to use th e HP benchto p analyzer to compl ete the e xer cises i n this trainin g ki t. You will als o le arn the gen eral pr ocess o f mak ing a meas ureme nt.
Using the A n alyzer Front Pa nel To H i ghl ight a Field Use the moveme nt keys (⇐, ⇑, ⇒, ⇓ ) to mo ve the curs or within and b etween fields on the displ ay.
Unde rstanding the M easurement Process Whenever you make a basic measure ment, there is a seq uence of events that you will go thro ugh. Referri ng b ack to thi s me asurement pro cess will help you to better underst and the exercis es as you com plete them.
2 Set up analyze r s Set mod es and clock s Set the state and timing analyz er modes using the Analy zer F ormat me nu. In general , these modes trade channel count for speed or storage. If your state clock is set in correctly, the data gathered by the log ic analyzer might indicate an error where none e xist s.
3 Set up trigger Define terms In the Analyzer Trigger menu, define trig ger variabl es called terms to match specifi c conditio ns in your target syst em.
4 Run Measurem ent Select sin gle or rep etitive Fro m any Analyzer or Scope menu, select the field labele d Run in the upper right corner to start the measureme nt, or press the Run key.
5 View dat a Sear ch for pat terns In b oth the Wave form and Listing menus you can use symbo ls and markers t o search for patterns in your data. In the Analyze r Waveform or Analyzer Listing menu, to ggle the Markers field to turn the pattern markers on and then specify the pattern.
2 Introdu ct ion to Timin g Analysis.
Introd uction to Timing Ana lysis Timin g analys is in its simples t form mean s acqu irin g and storing data at eq ual time i ntervals. Wh en doing timing an alys is you mus t put th e log ic analyzer into timin g mode. A n analyzer in timi ng mode is referred to as a ti ming analyze r.
Before You Begin 1 Deci de what to do ne x t. If you have just completed "Ready, Se t, Run", go to "Change a Label Nam e" on page 2-5. If you have not just completed "Ready, Set, Run" go to step 2. 2 Tur n off the a n alyzer by pre ssing the pow er switch.
Put the Analyzer into Tim ing Mode When yo u first turn o n the analyz er, the Confi guration Me nu is display ed with Analyze r 1 set t o Timing mode. This i s the mode t he analyz er needs to be in to do t i ming analysis. Timing analysi s uses the clock inside the analyzer to sample dat a at consiste nt time intervals.
Change a Label Nam e Labels group channels together. You can rename a label to make it more meaningful. For exam ple, you could use the labe l name DATA for all of th e channels that are connected to the data bus of a microproces sor.
Modify Channel Assignments In this e xercise, you will assi gn the act ive bit s of po d A1 to the lab el TCOU NT. 1 Using the arro w keys, h ighlig ht the field s how ing the 16 ch annel s of Pod A1, to the far ri ght of the TC OUNT labe l. Pre ss the Select key .
Define a Term for the T iming Trigger For the analyz er to capture the data you want, you need to tell it what to trigger on by defining a term. Trigger terms are variables that you can use to tell the analyz er when to s tart recording data, what to s tore, and when to stop.
Set Up the Trigger Specif ication Using t he patte rn term F F that you se t in the previous e xercise, you will now set up t he analyz er to re cord the dat a after F F occurs on the eight channel bus. 1 High light th e 1 field in the Timin g S e quence Leve ls b o x of the Trig ger men u , and pre ss the Select key .
Trigger on the Te rm and Exam ine the Wavefo rm When yo u press the Run key, the anal yzer t riggers o n the term yo u se t up in the previo us e x ercise, capture s the dat a, and then s witche s to t he Wavefo rm menu where t he dat a is displ ayed.
2- 10.
3 Introdu ct ion to State An alysis.
Introd uction to Sta te An aly sis State analysi s in its simpl est form means acquiring data a nd storin g it whe n it is valid for a sy stem under test.
Before You Begin 1 Deci de what to do ne x t. If you have just complet ed the exerci ses in chapter 2, go to " Put the Analyzer Into State Mode" on the next page. O therwis e, conti nue to step 2. 2 If you are usin g a n HP 1660 series an alyzer, load the An aly zer w ith the configu ratio n file, CH03_6 0.
Put the Analyzer into State Mo de To make a state measurement , you must set the analyz er to state mode. The state mode uses the clock s upplied by the sys tem under t est t o contro l when data is sampled. 1 Press the Config ME NU key . 2 In the Anal yzer 1 box, highl igh t the field to the righ t of Ty pe , a nd press the Sel ect key .
Set Up the State Clock The state clock is a signal from the syst em under t est that clocks the analyzer, causing the analyz er to sample and s tore dat a. 1 Press the Format MENU key. 2 High light th e Master Cl ock f ie ld in th e up pe r c en te r of the di sp lay .
Change a Label Nam e Labels group channels together. You can rename a label to make it more meaningful. For exam ple, you could use the labe l name DATA for all of th e channels that are connected to the data bus of a microproces sor. In this exercise, you will change Lab 2 to SCOUN T to represent the stat e count dat a.
Modify Channel Assignments In this exercise, you will assign the lower eight channels of pod A1 to the lab el SCOUN T. 1 High light th e field show ing the 16 ch annel s of Pod A1 to the fa r right of the SCOUNT lab el. Press the Sele ct key. 2 Using the knob, mo ve the cursor to chan nel 7 i n the p o p - u p men u .
Define a Term for the St ate Trigger For t he stat e analyze r to capt ure the dat a you want, you need to te ll i t what to trigge r on by defini ng a term. Trigger t erms are use d in the trigg er specificati on to tell the analyze r when t o start recording data, what to store, and when to stop.
Set Up Level 1 of the St ate Trigger Specificatio n In the nex t two ex ercises, you will set up t he sequence o f events that you want the logic analyzer to follo w when trigg ering and storing data. In this exercis e you will set Level 1 to store all data occurring befo re the trigge r pattern i s found.
Set Up Level 2 of the St ate Trigger Specificatio n In sequence level 1 the analyze r stores data b efore the trig ger point. Fo r sequence level 2, you will tell the analyz er to store any data once the trigger pattern i s fo und. This will fill the rest o f the acq uisit ion memory.
Run the State Analyzer and View and Change the Stat e Listin g 1 Press the Run key. 2 Obser ve the State Listing . The trigger pattern 00 is centere d around the zero line number, which corresponds to the t rigger point y ou specifie d in the Trigger m enu.
Create Symbols to Display State Dat a Symbo ls are used t o display state data in easily understandabl e terms, which you define . This can mak e the s tate li s ting much easier to interpret . In the followi ng exerci ses, yo u will define and display s ome sym b ols.
Creat e Addit ional Symb ols You can create as many symb ols as you want. In this exercise, y ou will create symbo ls TWO and THREE for the hex values 02 and 03. 1 If the Symb ol Tabl e p op-up menu is now displa yed, go to step 2. If th is is not the c ase, high light the Sy mbols fiel d in the Forma t Menu, an d press t he Selec t ke y.
Select and View Symbo ls in the State Listing Symbo ls are helpful when viewing more com plex state listing s. Fo r exampl e, you might monit or a microprocesso r’s s t atus lines which have specific patterns for re ad and write cy cles. Yo u can define sy mbols for these patterns.
4 Compari ng State Traces.
Compari ng State Trace s The S tate Compare featur e allows you to co m pare two state li stin gs. You can check if your syste m is executin g co rrect states by acquir ing a s tate listin g from the system under test and compari ng it to a listin g that is kn o wn to be good.
Before You Begin 1 Deci de what to do ne x t. If you have just completed the exerci ses in chapters 2 and 3, go to "Check the Configurati on" on the next page. If you have not just co mpleted the exercises in chapters 2 and 3, go t o step 2.
Check the Configu ration Either y ou have just co mpleted chapt er 3, " Introductio n to St ate Analy sis", o r you have l oaded the configuratio n file CH_0 4.
Set Up the State T rigger Specification When comparing two state list ings, it is b est t o only sample the data you are interest ed in comparing. This will ensure that the errors you find are errors in the data you are interested in, rather than in the pretri gger data.
Run the Analyzer and View the State Listing 1 Press the Run key. 2 Obser ve the listing. The State List ing is now displaying the output of the ripple counte r in hexadecim al wit h FF (hex ) at the top of the listing under the SCOUNT label. FF is at the begi nning of t he listi ng and to the right of a field in which 0 is displayed.
Copy the State Listing to the Compare Refer en ce Listin g In this exercise, you will copy the state list ing you acquired in the previo us exercis e to the reference list ing so you can compare it with other list ings . This feature can be used in a te st environm ent to check that your syste m is execut ing correct ly.
Change the Jump er to A cqu ire a Different State Listing Changing the glitch jumper changes channel 7 of the counter so that some of the acquired stat es will not match the original list ing. After you change the jumper, you will acquire the data again in the next exercise, then compare it to the dat a you copied t o the Re ference List ing.
Run the Analyzer and Find the Errors Now that you have changed the jumper, you are ready to acqui re a different state list ing and compare it to the previous listing .
4- 10.
5 Mixed Mode - Co rrel at ion of State and Timin g Dat a.
Mi xed Mode - Correla tion of Sta te and Timing Data Mixed mod e allows you to an alyze a sy stem in b oth state and timin g modes simul taneously. A comm on exampl e is using the state analyzer to cap ture a p roblem th at occurs in f requ ently an d then usin g the timing an alyzer to an alyze the p roblem i n detail .
Before You Begin Not e If your logic analy zer is an HP 1663 or HP 1664 you cannot perfo rm thes e exe rcises . The HP 1663 a nd HP 166 4 have 32 data acq uisit ion channels on two pods. All 32 channels may be ass igned to either sta te or timing analy s is , but they cannot be separa ted to perform mixed-m ode meas urements .
Connect t he Timin g Analyzer Not e If you have a terminat ion adapter, HP part num ber 01650-6 3203, connect the adapter betw een Pod 3 of the logic analy z er and J2 of the traini ng board, then go to the next page to put the ana ly z er into state and ti ming modes.
Put the Analyzer into State and Tim ing Mod es In this exercise you will use bo th the timi ng analyzer mode and the stat e analyzer mode to co rrelate the st ate and timing measurements. Pod 1 will be capturing t he state meas urement and P od 3 will be capturi ng the t iming measurement .
Change a Label Nam e and Modif y Chann el As signment s 1 Press the Format MENU key twice . 2 High light F ormat MACH INE 2 in the p op- u p menu, and press the Select ke y. 3 High light th e top field und er Label s , then type T C OUNT using the ke ypad.
Clear the Tim ing Analyzer Trigger Clearing t he timing analyz er trigger s e ts the speci fication t o "don’ t care". By doing t his, the timing anal yzer wil l trigger as s o on as i t is arme d by t he st ate analyzer. 1 Press the Trigge r MENU key.
Enable Tim e Correlation between the Timing and State Analyzers Setting the Count to Tim e causes the st ate analyz er to store a time val ue, called a time stamp, for each data point that is st ored in memory.
Arm t he Timin g Analyzer with th e State Analyzer Arming contro l sets up the order of triggering for complicate d measurement s that involve more than one mode, such as state and timing. Altho ugh stat e and timing modes involve a single analyz er, they are ofte n referred to as the timing analyz er and the stat e analyz er.
View t he Mixed-M ode Display w ith Time-Correlated Markers When yo u press the Run key, the stat e analyzer triggers on the pattern FF (when all eight lines are high) and arms the timing trigg er.
6 Advanced State Triggering.
Adv anc e d Sta te Trigg ering The power of the state analyzer is in its wide rang e of trigge r capab ilities . T hese e xercise s step you th rough the pro cess of u s i ng the multi-level trigg ering capabi lities of the state analy zer.
Before You Begin 1 Deci de what to do ne x t. If you have just completed all of the exercise s in Chapters 2 through 5, go to "Put the Analyz er into State Mode" on the next page. If you have not just co mpleted all o f the exercis es in Chapters 2 through 5, g o to ste p 2 .
Put the Analyzer into State Mo de 1 Press the Config ME NU key . 2 In the Anal yzer 2 box, highl ight the field to the righ t of Ty pe , and press the Select key. High lig ht Of f in the p op-up menu, and press the Select ke y. 3 In the Anal yzer 1 box, highl ight the field to the righ t of Ty pe , and press the Select key.
Define State T rigger Terms "a" through "d" In the following exercises , you will set up the analyzer to check for and s tore a co mplex s equence o f st ates befo re it t riggers. While t he analyz er checks for these state s, it will s tore only select ed stat es that you define.
Define State T rigger Term " e" and Range1 The trigge r te rm "e" store s one value . The Range1 term, ho wever, can st ore a range of values. Storing a range of values is useful when you are looking to store the data of a subro utine or procedure.
Add Stat e Trigger Sequence L evels You tell the analyze r what data to capture b y setting the seque nce specificati on. In this e x ercise, your seq uence speci ficati on will have five sequence levels. 1 High light th e 1 field in the State Sequ ence Levels bo x of the Trigger men u .
Set Up Level 1 of the St ate Trigger Specificatio n The first term you will look for and st ore befo re t riggering is term "a", which stores the value 011. Because you are only interest ed in 0 1 1, you will set the "While Storing" field to "no state " so that no other data is store d.
Set Up Level 2 of the St ate Trigger Specificatio n The second term you will look for is the range of values 050 throug h 058, which you de fined as "In range1" . Whil e you are st o ring thes e values, y ou also want to find and store term "e" with the value 059.
Set Up Level 3 of the St ate Trigger Specificatio n The third t erm y ou want to fi nd and store is term " b" wi th t he value 0 22. Because yo u only want to store this value, yo u set the " While St oring" fi eld t o "no st ate".
Set Up Level 4 of the St ate Trigger Specificatio n an d Defin e a Combination Trigger Term In Seq uence Leve l 4 yo u will st ore a combinatio n o f values while look ing for the trigger term "e". A combinatio n t erm, is a logical comb ination of othe r terms, using bool ean logic operat ors like AND and OR.
7 Press the Done key once to cl ose the Comb inati o n Term po p-up menu. 8 High light th e field to the right of th e TRIGGER o n field, a nd press the Sel ect key. Highligh t e in the pop-up menu , a n d p ress t he Sel ect k ey. 9 Press the Done key to clo se the Seque nce Leve l 4 p o p- u p men u .
Check the Trigger Specification Now you can check the trigger specificat ion by scrolling through the five sequence levels. You did not have to set up Level 5 because you want t he analyzer to trigger and st ore "anystate ". The last level of a trigg er specificati on has this as the default.
Run the State Analyzer and View t h e Data 1 Press the Run key. 2 High light the ba se field belo w the SCOUNT lab el, and pre ss the Selec t ke y. Highli ght Deci mal i n the pop-up menu, and press the Select k ey. 3 High light the lin e n u mber field on the lef t side of the di splay.
Ripple Co unter O u tput and Stored St a tes The figure above shows you the output of the ripple counter (the circle) an d the sequence of qualificat ion and storage that the state analyzer perform ed. The asterisks indicat e when the state analyz er found and stored valid terms in this e xample.
6- 16.
7 Using th e Os cillo scope.
Using the Oscil loscope These exercis es show you how to use the osci llos cope insi de the anal yzer. If you are u s ing an HP 1660CS , HP 1661CS , HP 1662C S, or an HP 1663CS an alyzer, you have a b uilt in oscill oscope. You will start by using the Au toscale feature to set up the oscillo scop e.
Before You Begin 1 Deci de what to do ne x t. If you have just completed the exerci ses in chapters 2 through 6, go to "Connect the Channel 1 Oscillos cope Prob e" on the next page. If you have not just co mplet ed the e xercises in chapt ers 2 throug h 6, go t o step 2 .
Connect t he Chan nel 1 Oscilloscope Probe 1 Conn ect the osc illoscop e prob e to chann el 1 o n the fron t p anel of the analyzer . 2 Conn ect the probe tip to the test point lab ele d "CL K 1" on the Logic Analy zer Train ing Board .
Get the Waveform on the Display The Autoscale feature auto matically scales the vertical sensitivit y and the horizo ntal time b ase of the oscilloscope to provide a display of the waveform. This simplifies the set up of the oscilloscope and is very helpful when the amplitude and period o f a signal are unkno wn.
Delete Channel 2 fro m the Display You can delete the unused channels to get more display space. 1 High light the ba r o n the left side of the wavefo rm area. 2 Using the knob , place th e cursor on the chann el 2 design ator (C2), then press the Select key.
Zoom and Scroll Through the Clock Wavefor m You can use the s /Div field to set the time scale on the horiz ontal axis of the display from 1 ns/div to 5 s/div, and you can use the Delay field to scroll through t he waveform. 1 High light th e s / Di v field.
Measure the C lock Period Manually Time and voltage measurement s can b e made manually by turning the T Markers fie ld on. 1 Press the Marker MENU key. Marker is pr i nt ed i n wh it e on t h e M EN U ke y. 2 High light th e T Marke rs Off fiel d and pres s the Se lect ke y.
Measure the C lock Period with A u to Measure The Auto Measure function allows you to automat ically measure many signal parameters. 1 Press the Meas ME NU key . Meas is p r i nt ed i n wh it e on t h e M EN U k e y. 2 Re ad the cloc k perio d in the bo x be low the top r ow of fields.
Read Volt age with t he M arkers You can use the time and voltage markers to make time and voltage measurement s at specific po ints on the waveform. 1 Press the Marker MENU key. 2 High light th e V Marker s Of f field, and press t he Sel ect key. 3 High light th e Va Volts field.
8 Trigger ing the Oscillo scope with t he Timin g Analyzer.
Trig g e ring the Osci lloscope with the Timing Analy zer You can use the osci lloscop e and the timi ng analyze rs together so that the data and trigger points can be time-correlated . To perform thes e exercis e s , you need an anal yzer with an o s cillosco pe.
Before You Begin 1 Deci de what to do ne x t. If you have just completed all of the exercise s in Chapters 2 through 7, go to the "Set the J umpers" ex ercise, on the ne xt page . If you have not just co mpleted all o f the exercis es in Chapters 2 through 7, g o to ste p 2 .
Set th e Jump ers You will create the glitch on bit 7 of the counte r on the traini ng board by setting the glitch jumper to ON. • Set the jump ers as show n below . For more inform ation about setting the jumpers, refer to chapter 11, "To Set the J umpers.
Connect t he Oscilloscop e P robe 1 Conn ect the osc illoscop e prob e to chann el 1 o n t he fron t pan e l. 2 Connect the p robe tip to the test point lab eled "Glitch " on the Logi c Analy zer Train ing Board . Note that this is a different test point than the "CLK 1" test point that was used in Chapter 7.
Get the Waveform on the Display The first step when using an oscil l oscope is to get the waveform on the display. Autoscale is an algorit hm that autom atically o ptimiz es the display of one or more waveforms. The oscillosco pe trigg ers at an arbit rary po int until you set up the t rigger conditi ons.
Change the Oscilloscope Trigger You will be using the t iming analyz er to find the glitch and then the oscillo scope to display it. This correlatio n of timing and scope is done by arming the scope with the timing analyzer.
Turn On the Timing Analyzer Now you will beg in to set up the timing analyz er to capture the glitch. 1 High light th e Scope field and press t he Sel ect key. Highligh t A nal yze r in the pop-up menu, and press th e Select key. 2 Press the Config MENU key.
Set Up the Timing Format Menu Because you will be making a timing measure ment, you will use the TCOUNT label that repres ents t iming count . You will also set the tim ing acquis i tion mode t o capt ure the g li tch. 1 Press the Format MENU key. 2 High light th e SCOUNT lab el, and press the Select key.
Define t h e Timing Trigger Term "Edge 1" The timing analyzer can be configured to trigger on edges, or a glitch. In this exercis e, you will set the trig ger term to glitch on bit 7. 1 1 Press the Trigge r MENU key. 2 High light th e Modify Trigger field, and p r ess the Se lect ke y.
Set Up the Timing Trigger Specification You will now tell the analyzer to trigger on the glit ch the first time it occurs. 1 High light th e 1 fi eld in the Timin g Sequence Leve l s bo x, and pre ss the Sel ect k ey. 2 High light th e " > " field, and pre ss the Se lec t key.
Arm t he Oscilloscop e with t he Timin g Analyzer The timing analyzer and the oscillo scope can b e config ured so t hat the t imin g analyzer’ s glitch trigge ring capabil ity will capture the glitch, and then arm the oscillo scope so that it, too, captures the glitch.
Add Oscilloscope Wavefor m to the Timing Waveforms To see t he correlatio n betwe en t he timing analyzer and the os cillosco pe, you must insert the scope display into the timing waveform display . 1 Press the Wform MENU key to disp lay the W aveform Mach i ne1 men u .
Capture the Glitch with the Tim ing Analyzer and Oscilloscope The timing analyzer runs, trigg ers, and then arms the oscilloscope . No tice the slight delay be tween the glitch displaye d by the timing analyzer and the oscillo scope. This is caused b y the intermo dule b us when one instrume nt arms another.
Align the Glitch Displayed b y t h e Oscilloscope and Analyzer You can alig n the g litch di splayed b y the analy z er and sco pe by measuri ng the distance bet ween the falling edge on the timing display with the falling edge of the scope display.
4 Press the Trigge r MENU key. 5 High light th e Arming Cont rol field and pre ss the Sel ect key . 6 Wi th th e Skew fiel d highl ighte d , pre ss the Select key . 7 Wi th th e Anal yzer field hig hlighted , press the Select key. 8 Use the knob to change the units to ns, and type in the time delay you measu red w ith the Trig to O marker.
9 Using the Pattern Gener at or.
Using the Pa ttern Gene rator The p attern gen erator p rovides programmabl e digital outpu t that can be us ed to s timulate an d contro l a sys tem unde r tes t. The se exercis es will s how y ou how to progr am the pattern gene rator so that it provid es a pattern of "walking ones .
Before You Begin 1 Load the configu ration file for chapter 3, CH03_60. _A . If you nee d inst ructions to load the configurati on files, refer to chapter 11, " To Load a Co nfigurat ion File. " 2 Connect Pod 1. Connect Pod 1 of the anal y z er to J1 on the Training Board.
Connect t he Pattern Generator • Conn ect the pat t ern ge nerator o utpu t Pod 4 to the TTL Data Pod . Th en conn ect the TTL Da t a Pod to J4 (label ed PATTER N GE NERATOR ) on the train ing boa r d. For more inform ation about setting the jumpers, refer to chapter 11, "To Set the J umpers.
Turn On the Timing Analyzer 1 Press the Config MENU key. If the Configuration menu is already displayed when you press the Config ke y, then a po p-up menu will appear. Choose Configu rat ion from the pop- up menu. 2 High light the field to t he rig ht of Type in the Anal yzer 1 b o x and press t he Selec t ke y.
Change a Label Nam e In this exercise, you will change a label name to PATG E N to represent the pattern g enerator dat a captured by t he timi ng analyzer. 1 Press the Format MENU key. 2 High light th e label L ab2 an d type P ATGEN. Press t he D one key.
Modify Channel Assignments In this exercise you will assig n channels 8 through 11 to Pod A1, which is attached t o J1 o f the trai ning bo ard. The analyz er will then us e these channels to capture the output of the pattern generato r. 1 High light th e field show ing the 16 ch annel s of Pod A1 to the fa r right of the PA TGEN label.
Set Up the Timing Analyzer Trigger Term The trigge r term ’a’ is set t o 1 so that the analy zer will trigger on the " walkin g ones" pro vided b y the pattern generat or. 1 Press the Trigge r MENU key. 2 High light the field to t he rig ht of term "a ", and type a 1 into the field.
Add a Pattern Gener ator Label to the Timing Waveform Display The new lab el PATG EN must be added to the W aveform dis play for t he captured data to be dis played. 1 Press the Waveform men u key. 2 High light the field under Lab els on the left side of the screen, a n d press t he Selec t key tw ice.
Set Up the Pat tern Generator F ormat Menu For t he patte rn generato r to output the "walk ing ones" t o the logi c analyzer, the lower four bits of P od 4, which is connected to the training board throug h the T T L Data P od, mus t be assig ned to PATG EN.
7 Using the knob, mo ve the cursor to chan nel 3 i n the p o p - u p men u . The n , press the ⇑ (up-arr ow) key to put asterisks in chann els position s 0 th r ough 3. 8 Press the Done key. 8 High light the field showin g t he Pod B3 to the l eft of the field you jus t mod ified, and p ress the Sel ect k ey.
Program the Pat tern Generator Ou tput The Sequence window is used to program the pattern generat or output. In this exerci se, you will change the base field to binary and program the first "walking one. " 1 High light th e Pat Ge n Format field , and press the Sel ect k ey.
Add Program Lines You will need four lines fo r the "walking ones" program. In t his exercise , yo u will insert two lines after 0001 and comple te the walking ones program. 1 High light th e Inse rt fiel d, and pre s s the Select key two times to add two ad ditiona l progra m line s to the l isting.
Start the Pat tern Generator an d View the Walking Ones Patt ern When yo u select Run and Repetiti v e , the Patt ern Generat or begins to run in repetit ive mode. The output is the repeating "walking ones" patt ern. You will not see this output until you switch to the timing analyz er waveform display .
Stop the Patt ern Generator 1 High light th e Analyze r f ield, and press th e Select k ey. Hi ghligh t Pat t Gen in th e po p-u p me n u, an d pr e ss th e Se lec t key. 2 High light th e Stop f ield , and press the Sele ct key. The pattern generator re quires CPU time when it is run ning indepe ndently in the repetit ive mode.
9- 16.
10 Introdu ct ion to Inverse Assembly.
Introd uction to Inverse Asse mbly An in vers e asse mbler translate s the cap tured data into microp rocessor i nstructi on s . To per form invers e assemb ly, you must probe a micropro cessor and load the correct configu ratio n and inve rse assembl er.
Load t he Inverse Assembler and Samp le Listing In this exercise you will load a configurati on file and the inverse assemb ler t o translate the binary data. You will not be making the measurem ent because the trai ning board doe s not have a micropro cessor.
View t he Address, Data, and Stat us Labels The labels, pods and bit as signments were configured when you loaded the sample listi ng. Often, you will load a configurati on file you buil t or one supplied wit h the prepro cessor.
View t he Assembly Listing You can view the captured data in the mnemonic form just as you can view data in the Hex , Deci mal, or Binary forms. 1 Press the Li st ME NU key. If you are using a 1670 series analyz er, your listing will be different than th e one in t he g raphic below.
Filter the Captured Data Not e This exerci se can only be done wi th the HP 1660C , HP 1660 CS, HP 1661C , or the HP 1661 CS analyz er. If the pro gram you are running is large o r you are not int erested i n lo o king at all of the code, you can suppres s the types of instructio ns you are not interest ed in.
11 Settin g t he Jumper s and Loadi ng the Con figurations.
Se tting the Jum per s The jumper s on J5 of the trainin g board are used to control the source of th e state clo ck an d to tur n the g litch on or of f . Before you star t each chapter, you s hould che ck the ju mpers to make sure th ey ar e prope rly set.
To S et the Jumpers 1 Pul l the ap propriate jumper of f of the pin s of J5. 2 Push the jump er onto the c orrect pin s of J5. You o nly nee d to chang e jumper s that differ fr om the settings in table 1. Set the jumpers at the ir defaul t sett ings for all chapters.
Loading the Confi gurations I f you are not perfo rming the exercis es in order, you may need to load con f i guration files to set u p your s ystem so that yo u can complete the exercis e s . The "To Load a Config urati on File" e xercise on the next two p ages gi ves you the info rmation you need to load configurati on files .
To L oad a Conf iguration File There are two configurat ion files you will be loading. One fo r the analy z er CH0X. _A, and one for the oscilloscope CH0X. _B. For ex ercises that only use the analyzer, you will onl y load the CH 0X._A file. F or e x ercises usi ng t he scope, y ou will load b oth the CH 0X.
7 High light th e Execut e field, then pr ess the Se lect ke y. Not e If you are using a logic analyz er model ot her than an HP 1661, a message may appear, telling you that some pod informat ion has been changed or truncated, or needs to be connected in a particular way.
12 Al l Abou t the Logic A nalyzer Train ing Bo ard.
All About the Log ic Analyzer Trai ning Boa rd The trai ning b oard h elp s you learn th e b asics of HP Logic A nalyzers . The foll owin g refe rence in formation is provid ed for th ose wh o want to know more abo ut how th e traini ng boar d works .
The glitch is g enerated using the delay between the falling edge of D4 and rising edge o f D5 of t he ripple co unter, and the del ay using R2 wit h the input capacitance o f the 74 F02N. The ri pple counte r is a 74HC39 3. A 74F0 2 is used to generate the pulse (glit ch) and combi ne it with D7 of t he ripple counter.
Sch ematic Logi c Analy zer Tra i n i ng Boar d Schemati c All Ab out the Logic A nalyzer Training B oard Schemati c 12 -4.
Index A a thr u j f iel ds, 2-7, 3 -8 acti vity indicators, 3-4 adding sequence levels, 6-7 adding symbols, 3- 1 3 ADDR, DATA, STAT la bels, 10-4 anal ysi s st ate , 3-2 timing, 2-2 anal y z er mo de .
M marker placement time -corre la t ed, 5-10 marker s, 2-9, 5-10 voltage, 7-10 measuri n g t h e cl ock period Auto Measur e , 7-9 manu ally, 7-8 mixed display , 5-10 mixed mod e, 5-2 mix ed mode e xe.
© Copyright Hewl ett- Packar d C ompany 1 9 92- 1997 All Rig h ts Rese rv e d. Reprod u ction, a d aptat ion, or translation without prior writt en permission i s prohib ited, exce p t as all owed under the copyrig ht laws. Document Wa rranty The informati on co ntained in this document is subject to change wi thou t no tice.
Produc t W arranty Th is He w lett-Packard product has a warranty agai nst defect s i n mate rial and workmansh ip for a peri od of o ne year from date of shipment . During the warranty perio d , Hewlett-Packard C ompan y w i ll , a t it s o p t i on , ei th er re pa i r or repl ace prod ucts that prove to be defective .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 70 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.