Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product BT-LH2550P van de fabrikant Panasonic
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Operating Instructions LCD V ideo Monitor S1108T 0 - P Printed in Jap an VQT2A05 ENGLISH D Model No . BT-LH2550P Model No . BT-LH2550E Befor e operat ing t his pr oduct , pleas e read the i nstruc tions c aref ully a nd save this m anu al for fut ure u se.
2 Read this first ! (for BT-LH2550P) indica te s safety infor ma t io n. ■ THIS EQUIPMENT MUS T BE GROUNDED T o ensure sa f e operation, th e three-p in plug must be inser t ed only into a stan dard thr ee-pin power outlet which is effectively grounded throug h nor mal household w iring .
3 Read this fi rst ! (for BT-LH2550P) (continued ) FCC NO TICE ( USA) IMPOR T AN T SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS 1) Read these ins truc tions. 2) K eep these instr ucti ons. 3) Heed all war nings. 4) F ollo w al l ins tructi ons . 5) Do no t use this apparatus near water .
4 indica te s safety infor ma t io n. ■ THIS E QUIPMEN T MUST B E EARTHED T o ensur e safe operation, the three-p in plug must be in ser ted only into a s tandard t hree-pi n power point whi ch is effectively ear thed through nor mal ho use-hol d wir ing.
5 Read this fi rst ! (for BT-LH2550E) (continued ) indicat e s safety infor ma tio n. Transportation precautions Do not expose th e LCD pa nel to st rong p ressure or press ure from point ed objec ts. T a ke care espec ially d ur ing transpor tation. Exposing the LCD panel t o strong pressu re may result in blurrin g or other damage.
6 Read this first ! EMC NO TICE FOR THE PURCHASE R/USER OF THE APP ARA TUS 1. Applica ble standar ds and operating e n vir onment (BT -LH2550E) The apparatus is compliant with: • standar ds EN551 03-1 and EN5501 03-2 1 996.and • electr omagn etic environmen ts E1, E2 , E3 an d E4 2.
7 • The LCD screen is manufactured to precise speci fication s. Although over 99.99% of the pixels function nor mall y , 0.01% of the pixels are either missing or constantly lit (red , blue or green). This is nor mal and not a cause for concer n. • The liquid cr ystal protecti on panel is a spec iall y manufactured compon ent.
8 The BT - LH2550 LCD monito r is a 25.5 in ch full HD LCD di splay panel des igned especially f or bro adcastin g ser v ice and b usiness use . ■ Compact 25.5 type full HD monito r • The mon itor is equipped with a h igh-res olution (1920 x 1200) IPS LCD pa nel.
9 Video monitor unit A C Adaptor 10-M4,L=10mm Max 46 (1.8) 215 (8.5) 60 (2.4) 100 (3. 9 ) 200 (7. 9 ) 16 9 (6.7) 100 (3. 9 ) 100 (3. 9 ) 116.5 (4.6) 220 (8.7) 1 9 6 (7.7) 12 (0.5) 18 (0.7) 370 (14.6) 346 (13.6) 440 (17.3) 30 (1.2) 410 (16.1) 5 99 (23.
10 T ally lamp ( page 35, 48 ) The colo r of the ta lly lamp Indic ates moni tor stat us. Front panel controls ( page 11 ) POWER sw it ch ( / ) The POWER s witch is locate d at the bottom of th e fron t panel. This switch tur ns th e power On and Of f.
11 INPUT button ( ) Selec ts the s ignal i nput line. Each pres s of the button ch anges the lines in the following order : V IDEO SD I1 SD I2 YP B P R /RGB DV I - D.
12 SDI (HD/SD) terminal (BNC) IN1 : Th is is the S DI inpu t ter mina l (comp atible with HD/S D automa tic switching). IN2 : Th is is the S DI inpu t ter mina l (comp atible with HD/S D automa tic switching). SWITC HED OUT : This is the active through -out ter mina l for the SDI input s ignal b eing dis play ed on the screen.
13 A C IN (A C inlet) This is the AC input ter mina l. POWER sw it ch (O N : , OF F : ) This switch tur ns the AC adapter on and off. PO WER lamp This lam p lig hts green wh en the POWER switch is s et to on. DC OUT This is the DC outpu t ter min al. This ter minal en ables connectio n of a DC cord .
14 Power Supply 1. Connect t he power co rd to t he AC inlet of the AC adapter . Use the supplie d screw (for securi ng power cord) and the power c ord hoo k to s ecure the power cord to the A C adapter . 2. Slid e th e s upp li ed DC co r d into the DC OUT terminal on the AC adapter until it is locked in place .
15 How to Use the On Screen Menu The sc reen dis plays eight types of in formati on: inp ut sig nal stat us, picture /volume adju sting menu statu s, shar pne ss di splay , FUNCTION di s play , audi o lev el meter display , menu di sp lay , TIME CODE displ ay and CLOSED CAPTION display .
16 • Use the m enu to open and set up fun ctions. • When “FUNCTION DI SPLA Y ” ( page 32) is set to ON, press any of the "FUNCTI ON1" to "FUNCTIO N5" buttons to di splay the func tion s assign ed to FUNCTION buttons. • This dis play disappear s after 2 second s of i naction.
17 • Use the me nu to displ a y and set t he time code for HD-SDI s ignal inp ut. It al so allows you to switch display mode (VITC, L T C, VUB , LUB). In VITC an d L TC d isplay mode: • Displays the time code in hours: m inutes: seco nds: or frames.
18 1. Press [MEN U] to dis play the MAIN menu. 2. Press [ , ] to s elect a menu an d push [ENT ER ]. 3. Press [ , ] to select a sub menu and p ress [ENTER]. The se ttings in the sub m enu chang e to gree n. 4. Press [ , ] to select a setti ng, then pres s [ENTER].
19 1. Press [ADJU ST] to d isplay the picture /v olume adjusting menu. 2. Press [ , ] to sele ct item t o adjus t. The selec ted ite m changes to white. 3. Press [ , ] to ad just. PHASE 0-60 (30) CHR OMA 0, 10 -6 0 (3 0) BRIGHT 0-60 (30) B.LIGHT [BACKLIGHT] 0-60 (50) V O LUME 0-60 (0) ( ) : F actor y defaults • Setting [ B .
20 Y ou can s av e and load up to five combina tion s of me nu setti ngs and pic tu re /volume adjus tmen ts as user da ta. Y ou can also retur n settings and adjus tme nts to their f actor y def aults.
22 This fu nction is no t availab le in split s creen display of the TWO WIND OW funct ion. ( CROSS HA TCH is n ot aff ected .) Underlined values indic ate factor y de f aults. *1 This setting i s tur ne d “ON” when receiv ing mar ker contro l in REMOTE operation.
23 Main Menu (continued) *5 Remote cont rol via RS -232C ends i n error (error respo nse: ER00 1) when “GPI PRESET1” or “GPI PRE SET2” is selec ted with th e GPI fun ction. *6 Display size for SD signals differ . TYPE1: T he ef f ective hor izontal area me ets the SMPTE 125M for NTSC and IT U-R BT 601 -5 for P A L.
24 ■ 16:9 marker (Display ed f or HD input and SD input in 16 :9 ratio mode.) This ma r ker is only displ ay e d as a ver tical bar. The sect ion become s th e “MA RKER B ACK”. VIST A marker , CNSCO mark er This mar ker is dis play e d as a hori zontal dotted line.
25 ■ “CROSS HA TCH” The “CROSS HA TCH” fu nc tion enables dis play of markers at r egular ver tic al and ho r izonta l in ter vals to facilitate compo sition and oth er tasks. The width of mar ker lines is 1 dot, the mar kers consi st of 1 line, and are space d 120 dot s apar t (fixed value).
26 Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Changes are no t reflec ted to a s till im age in t he main window in the s plit-sc reen di splay of the “TWO WINDOW” functio n. *2 These functi ons are no t av ailable when “RGB-C OMP . ” under “YP B P R /RGB” or “D VI-COMP .
27 *2 These functi ons are no t av ailable when “RGB-C OMP . ” under “YP B P R /RGB” or “D VI-COMP . ” under “D VI-D” is selected i n the “INP UT SELECT ” menu ( page 36). The gamma cur ve is set to S T ANDARD when “RGB- COMP” or “D VI- COMP” i s sele cted.
28 Main Menu (continued) ■ WB adjustment mode Select “V AR1” to “V A R3” for “COLOR TEMP . ” in the “VIDEO C ONFI G” menu to ma ke “WHITE BALANCE V A R1” to “WHITE BALANCE V AR3” (WB) ad justments. Under lined values indicate factor y defaults.
29 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 When the mo nitor is shipped , settings for “USER1” - “US ER5” are i dentic al to “F ACT OR Y . ” *2 “H POSITION”, “V POSITION”, “PHASE” a nd “CLOCK” ( page 37) canno t be saved or loaded.
30 ■ CALIBRA TION The CALIBR A TION functi on in this unit measur es LCD pa nel character istic s from low to hig h brightn ess values and inter nal moni tor proces sing han dles CAL IBR A T ION. CALIBR A T ION does no t rely on ima ge quality setting s since inter na l signals are used for a calibration.
31 ■ CALIBRA TION Select CA LIBRA T ION in the “SYSTE M CONFIG” menu to o pen the following menus. *1 “E XECUTING ” is di splayed during “A UTO CALIBRA TION” and “ COMPLE TE” a ppears when c alibration ends. “INCOM PLETE” a ppears if calib ration coul d not b e comple ted.
32 Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Ch anges in setti ngs chan ge menu s ettings. FUNCTION Sub menu Settings Description FUNCTION 1 - FUNCTION 5 HV DELA Y AU TO S E T U P BLUE ONL Y GAMMA SELECT COLOR SP ACE SD ASPE CT SCAN TWO WINDO W SUB INPUT SEL .
33 ■ FUNCTION setting restrictions Settin gs are n ot av ailable under the following cond itions. Setting Conditions that disable operation HV DELA Y In TWO WINDOW and WFM mode, “INV A LID FUNC TION” app ears to i ndicate t hat operation is disa bled.
34 Main Menu (continued) ■ Functions display e d during FUNCTION button operation Pressing any of the [FUNCTION1] to [FUNCTION5] buttons displ a ys the ope rations as signed to eac h button as shown below . •H V D E L A Y DELA Y OFF , H DELA Y , V DELA Y , HV DE LA Y • A UT OSETUP COMP .
35 Main Menu (continued) “GPI CONTROL ” is used to en able and disa ble GPI functio ns and assign functions to each o f the GPI ter min al pins ( page 48) .
36 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 A ll five input lines ( VIDEO, SDI1, SDI2, YP B P R /RGB, D VI- D) canno t be tur ned off. An attempt to tu r n off al l inputs ends w hen the f our th input l ine is tu r ned off s ince i t will not be possi ble to tur n off t he 5th i nput line also.
37 ■ COMP . Set “RG B-COMP ” under “YP B P R /R GB” in the “ INPUT S ELECT” menu a nd se lect the “RGB -COMP ” inp ut line to enable the “COMP ” menu. Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Ru n “A UTOSETUP” w hen video is displa yed across the e ntire screen area.
38 Use the following su bmenus t o set headp hone ou tput an d audio lev el meters. Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 W hen ANAL OG is sel ected in the “INP UT SELE CT” menu, the L EVEL ME TER does not in dicate the audio l ev el meter ev en when set to ON.
39 Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Av ailable dur ing HD-SD I input s ignals. *2 Av ailable during VIDE O (NTS C) input. Cl ose d cap tio ns appea r as br ight lines on li ne 21 when closed capti on is set to O N and u nderscan i s also on.
40 Main Menu (continued) ■ “WFM/VEC T OR” The “WFM /VECTOR” function enables di splay of the wav e f orm and vector display . Use “D ISPLA Y SE TUP” in the main menu to selec t “WFM” and “VE CT O R” dis pla y .
41 Main Menu (continued) ■ TWO WINDO W function The “TWO WINDOW” function di splays two inputs se lected fr om VIDEO, SDI1/2, Y P B P R /RGB or D VI-D i n two windows. Each press of the button ([FUNCTION1] to [FU NCTION5]) (p age 32) to which the "TWO WINDO W" function has been assign ed ch ange s the dis pl ay mode.
42 Main Menu (continued) ■ TWO WINDO W size The “TWO WINDOW SIZE” setting in the “DIS PL A Y SETUP ” menu dete r m ines the si ze of the ma in window and sub-w indow .
43 Main Menu (continued) • Main window (HD) and sub-wi ndow (SD) • Main window (SD) and sub -window (HD) • When the m ain wi ndow and su b-window dis pla y video from th e same in put li ne, TWO WINDO W SIZE i s M/M.
44 Main Menu (continued) ■ TWO WINDO W scree n sync In sing le sc reen disp lay , the T WO WIND OW screen i s s ync hr oni zed to the frame rate freq uency of the in put si gna l format.
45 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Th e menu can be displayed when the lo ck is engage d. Only “C ONTROL/LOCA L ENABL E” menu ite ms are available when the lo ck is engage d. The pi cture/volume adjustin g menu doe s not a ccept c hanges whe n the l ock is engaged.
46 Main Menu (continued) ■ List of setting restrictions ( : availab l e, × : not av a ilable) *1 Th is functi on is no t av ailable in the spl it-scree n display of the “TWO WINDO W” fun ction. *2 Th is function can be set in th e split- screen di splay of the “TWO WINDOW” function.
47 Main Menu (continued) *2 Th is function can be set in th e split- screen di splay of the “TWO WINDOW” function. *5 Th e VECTOR display appears only dur ing SDI inp ut. Input CH VID EO SDI 1/2 YP B P R RGB-VIDEO RGB-COMP . DV I - V I D E O DV I - C O M P .
48 REMOTE Specifications This monitor per mits remote operation v ia GPI/RS -232C ter m inal. GPI screen items correspond to the foll owing ter m inals. Us e the GPI menu to assign fun ctions to each ter minal ( page 35). Funct ions assi gned to ter minal s are ex ecuted wh en GND (pin 5) is shor t-circui ted (ON) or open (OFF).
49 REMOTE Specification s (continued) ■ Priority of assigne d functions • Whe n both “MA RKER1” an d “MAR KER2” are ac tivated at the sam e time, “MAR KER1” ha s pri ori ty .
50 REMOTE Specification s (continued) ■ Setting command *1 Th is com mand is enabled in sing le scre en display in “TWO WIND O W” mode an d in the ma in wind ow in split- screen disp la y . *2 Th is c ommand is enabled in singl e scre en di splay in “T WO WINDOW” mode an d in the ma in win dow and sub- window in split- screen disp lay .
51 REMOTE Specification s (continued) ■ Query comm and This co mmand retur ns the sub- window set ting. *1 W he n both 16:9 and 4:3 mar kers are displ ayed, the 16:9 marker sta te is retur ned . No Command D escription Data Re sponse 1 QIS Input selection 0: SDI1 1: SDI2 2: YP B P R 3: RGB-VIDEO 4: VIDEO 6: RGB-COMP .
52 Maintenance inspecions Main tenance in spect ions th rough perio dic and approp ria te mainte nance are essen tial to keep the mo nitor in optimum c ondi ti on a nd ens ure s afe operatio n. Be s ur e t o c ond uct the following m ain ten ance i ns pec tions to ena ble long-t er m, full use of al l its fun ction s.
53 Specifications ■ General indicat e s safety infor ma tio n. Dimensions (W × H × D): 599 mm × 4 40 mm × 220 m m (23 - 5/ 8 inch es × 17 - 5/16 inche s × 8 - 11/16 incehs) (Includ ing stand ) 599 mm × 4 10 mm × 100 m m (23 - 5/8 i nches × 16 - 1 /8 inc hes × 3 - 15/16 incehs) (Not inc luding s tand) Mass: app rox.
54 Specifictions (continued) ■ List of compatible signal formats ( : Compatible, : Limited compatibility) *1 W hen 1035/5 9.94i s ignal i s input, di splay ed as 10 80/59.94 i. Other var ious mar ker displ a ys will u se the 108 0/ 59.9 4i ma r ke r .
55 MEMO.
E P Panasonic Broadcast & Television S ystems Company Unit Company of Panasonic Corporation of North America Executive Off ice: One Panasonic Way 4E-7, Se caucus, NJ 07094 Tel: 201-348-7000 Easte rn Zone: One Panasonic Way 4E-7, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Tel: 201-348- 7196 Southe ast Regio n: Tel: 2 01-392- 6151 Western Zone: 3330 Cahuenga Blvd W.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Panasonic BT-LH2550P (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Panasonic BT-LH2550P heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Panasonic BT-LH2550P vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Panasonic BT-LH2550P leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Panasonic BT-LH2550P krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Panasonic BT-LH2550P bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Panasonic BT-LH2550P kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Panasonic BT-LH2550P . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.